After listening carefully for a while, Jiang Cheng finally understood the rules of this event.

Each jadeite raw stone on the booth was numbered, and no matter the size or weight, it was 3,000 yuan per piece. After buying it, Master Wang would open the stone for free, and the president of the Jade Association would also identify the quality on the spot.

However, the original price of 3,000 yuan per piece was not cheap for ordinary people who just wanted to watch the fun.

So, although the host shouted at the top of his lungs to liven up the atmosphere, the crowd watching below did not move at all, and no one was willing to pay money to gamble on this luck.

Seeing such a cold scene, Zhao Chuan, the president of the Jade Association, the organizer, frowned.

He glanced at the audience and planned to wait a little longer.

If it really didn't work, he would prepare to use the pre-arranged agent.

At this time, Jiang Cheng was busy walking around the booth, carefully distinguishing the investment value of each raw stone.

He only had 3,000 yuan, enough to buy one piece.

So, if he wanted to make a move, he would choose the one with the highest return rate.

However, Jiang Cheng had already explored almost all the rough stones, and basically, they were all waste.

No one had a positive return on investment.

But this situation was normal - after all, this was just an opening event for hype, and the organizer probably spent a little money to buy a batch of waste materials to fill the door.

"Well... it seems that I have come for nothing."

Jiang Cheng scratched his head, feeling a little disappointed.

After walking around the front row of the crowd, before leaving, he glanced again and looked at the last row of rough stones.

[An investment opportunity was detected, No. 72 jade rough stone, expected return +100,000%]

Originally planned to leave after reading it, but unexpectedly - a glance over, this exciting message popped up on the system interface.

Jiang Cheng wiped his eyes, and his first feeling was that he had seen it wrong.

+100000% return rate, isn't this a piece of material worth 3 million? !

Damn it!

I didn't have much hope!

—— I didn't expect that there would be a big fish that was missed by the experts!

Pupils constricted, hands trembled.

3 million!

This broken stone is worth 3 million!

—— I am! The Tathagata Buddha, the Jade Emperor, the Guanyin Bodhisattva, the special envoy designated by the Buddha to obtain the scriptures from the West, the Monkey King, the Monkey King of the Water Curtain Cave in the Flower and Fruit Mountain, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong!

Handsome! To! Drop! Trash!

Without any hesitation, Jiang Cheng waved to the host on the stage.

"I want to open a piece!"

"Oh~ this handsome guy~"

Seeing the first buyer finally stand up, how could the host who was desperately trying to keep the atmosphere hot let go of this great opportunity?

He immediately led the applause and shouted with a pig-killing voice: "This is our first brave challenger today!"

"Dear audience, let's give warm applause to this handsome guy who dares to challenge! Wish him good luck!"

The crowd who had been planning to watch the excitement were naturally very happy to see that someone finally dared to be the first to try it.

For a while, applause and whistles came one after another, and the atmosphere suddenly became high.

Under the guidance of the etiquette lady in cheongsam, Jiang Cheng first swiped his card to pay under the stage, and then walked onto the booth.

"Little brother, wait a minute."

Just when Jiang Cheng was about to specify the rough stone No. 72, Zhao Chuan, who was sitting in the guest seat on the side, suddenly spoke.

"You are not very old, so you must have never played gambling on stones?"

"That's right." Jiang Cheng nodded and said, "I just want to try my luck and have fun."

"Haha, if that's the case~"

Zhao Chuan pushed the frame on his nose and laughed softly, "I do have some experience. How about letting me choose a rough stone for you?"

--His original intention was to worry that the young man would choose a piece of waste, thus affecting the atmosphere that had been heated up with great difficulty.

After all, Zhao Chuan certainly knew that this batch of rough stones was just a pile of leftovers, but he still wanted to do it himself, at least to pick out a piece with jade in it for the other party.

Regardless of the value of the appearance, at least it can be opened with jadeite. For most of the laymen at the scene, it is a good start, and the atmosphere will definitely be more lively.

"No need."

Unexpectedly, this handsome young man refused without even thinking about it.

"I've already chosen this one."

Jiang Cheng ignored the embarrassed middle-aged man and walked directly to the rough stone numbered 72 and patted it gently.

"This one?"

Zhao Chuan smiled helplessly.

That stone has moss on the surface, how can it be shipped?

Oh, what a fool.

Not only him, but even some of the audience who know a little bit about it, shook their heads when they saw Jiang Cheng chose such a rough stone.

"It's over~ This guy is definitely a layman."

"What do you mean? It hasn't been opened yet?"

"Look - materials like this with moss on the surface are almost 100% waste. Anyone who knows a little bit can see it!"

"Hey~ He even refused to listen to the opinions of Mr. Zhao, the president of the Jade Association. What a fool."

"It's a pity that 3,000 yuan was thrown away~"

Hearing the discussion of the crowd, Zhao Chuan smiled and asked again: "Young man, are you really not going to change it?"

"No need." Jiang Cheng replied affirmatively: "Ask the master to help me cut the stone."

Hearing this, Master Wang, who was responsible for cutting the stone on the spot, looked at Zhao Chuan and finally nodded.

The organizers attached great importance to this event. The cutters needed for stone cutting had been prepared on the stage, and there were several cameras aimed at the side, which were broadcast live on the large screen in the center.

Master Wang lifted the No. 72 rough stone and patted it.

Then he frowned helplessly.

Having been engaged in stone cutting for half a lifetime, what kind of materials has this master not cut?

This kind of moss-covered material has a rough texture, is opaque, has many cracks and a gray base, which is what the industry calls "shit land".

In the past, he would not even bother to look at this kind of chaff, let alone do it himself.

However, this time he was invited by the organizer at a high price, so even if it was just a formality, he had to perform the whole show, right?

Thinking so in his heart, Master Wang was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and immediately found the right position and cut it with one cut.


The high-speed rotating diamond saw made a sharp noise the moment it touched the surface of the raw stone.

Not long after, the first cut was finished, and everyone stretched their necks to look at the big screen.

The cross section was gray, and even mosses like spider webs could be seen.

Well, it's like this, this piece of material is really useless~

Master Wang raised his head and looked at President Zhao Chuan in the guest seat.

There was helplessness in his eyes.

Jiang Cheng naturally saw the other party's expression.

He smiled calmly and said slowly.

"Master Wang, please continue."


The old master didn't plan to say anything else, and cut it directly at the right position.

There was another sharp noise, and a smooth gap was cut off the outer skin of the raw stone again.


The crowd that had been watching the live broadcast on the big screen suddenly cried out in surprise.

"——It's green!!"

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