
After walking out of the last luxury store, Jiang Cheng suddenly heard a crisp system prompt in his mind.

[The consumption level has reached the system upgrade experience conditions, and the system is automatically upgrading! Please wait!]

After hearing the voice broadcast, Jiang Cheng hurriedly called Lu Xin behind him and sat on a leisure chair at the door of a coffee shop.

He called up the system interface as if no one was around and checked it with great expectation.

[System upgrade completed!]

After another crisp prompt, the system interface in front of Jiang Cheng quickly showed detailed information after the upgrade.

[Host: Jiang Cheng]

[System Level: Lv4: (Lv4: 34587/50000000)]

[Talent: Pleasant Life Lv4]

[Pleasant Life Lv4: Gives the host a permanent passive ability - as the only selected perfect life experiencer, any pleasant experience gained by the host in daily life has a 4% chance of triggering this passive ability, and directly obtains the corresponding random reward after triggering. ]

[Talent: Focus LvMax]

[Possessing Ability: God-like Posture (41 days)]

[Possessing Card: King of Destruction]

[Basic Attributes: Strength 54 Stamina 62/Agility 66/Intelligence 75/Appearance 90]

[System Mall has been updated! ]

[Latest product: Debtor Card! ]

[After use, all cash debts under the host's name will be cleared! 】

【Price: 40000000】

"What the hell?!"

Seeing the latest products in the system mall, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

——What the hell is a deadbeat card, it's too ugly!

And now the cash flow is stable and strong, there is no possibility of any debt, okay?

So, spending 4000W to buy this useless thing, isn't it a bit boring?

In comparison, the upgrade experience from 200W to 5000W is not worth complaining about~

Jiang Cheng thought so in his heart, and suddenly heard a burst of noise in his ears, so he decisively exited the system interface.

Looking up, it turned out that Lu Xin, who was sitting next to him, had become the focus of the passers-by.

No wonder, compared with before, Lu Xin's image and temperament at this time can be said to be completely turned upside down.

——The right hairstyle and exquisite clothing are huge for any girl's appearance.

For Lu Xin, who is naturally beautiful, the overall improvement is even more dramatic.

Most of the men who come and go want to keep their eyes on Lu Xin.

And the girls who stop to watch, one is to envy her beauty, the other is to envy her luxury brand outfit.

"Jiang... Jiang Cheng..."

Lu Xin, who was stared at by countless eyes and was very shy, lowered her head and whispered: "Is this weird?"

"Not at all~" Jiang Cheng smiled: "Be more confident, Lu Xin, you are very beautiful now."

"Well... I just think... these are too expensive..."

"You deserve these."

Looking at each other, Jiang Cheng said seriously: "And not only that, you will be worthy of better in the future."

——The reason why he bought luxury brand clothes for Lu Xin was to satisfy his hobby of cultivating beautiful girls. The more important point was to make this introverted and inferior girl quickly confident through these material things.

After all, as the old saying goes, girls must be raised in wealth.

Lu Xin is good in everything, but she is too honest and introverted, and has a serious inferiority complex.

That's why Jiang Cheng wants to give her better material conditions as much as possible, hoping that she will be more confident and calm in the future.

Then in the long life ahead, she can face the temptations everywhere in the world of flowers and stick to her original intention.

"Well... thank you... thank you..."

Hearing Jiang Cheng's words, Lu Xin blushed and lowered her head in embarrassment.

But she felt sweet in her heart.

Lu Xin didn't know what her feelings for Jiang Cheng were now.

She only knew that after her father passed away, there was only one person in her heart.

That was Jiang Cheng.

For him, Lu Xin, who was alone, was willing to continue to live alone in this cruel world.

——As long as it was what he expected her to do, she would do it even if she risked her life!

Of course, Lu Xin, who was introverted by nature, would never dare to say these words to Jiang Cheng in person.

She just silently remembered them in the deepest part of her heart.

Click! Click!

Suddenly, several shutter sounds were heard not far away.

Following the sound, I saw that the person taking the photo was a man wearing a plaid shirt and glasses, who looked about 30 years old.

"Haha~ Hello~"

Seeing that Jiang Cheng and the others noticed him, the man with glasses put down his camera and walked over with a smile.

"Who are you?"

Looking at the other person carefully, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but frowned.

I always felt that this guy looked familiar, as if I had seen him somewhere.

"Haha, let me introduce myself. I am Han Bingzhuo, the current Chief Marketing Officer of Huayang Media."

The man with glasses said, glanced at Jiang Cheng, then retracted his gaze, then smiled and took out his business card from his pocket and handed it to Lu Xin.

"My lady, do you want to be a star?"

Lu Xin was stunned for a moment, and wanted to refuse, but she was too embarrassed to refuse.

She had to politely take the business card and handed it to Jiang Cheng.


Looking up, Jiang Cheng was immediately amused.

"So the so-called chief operating officer is actually a talent scout?"

Hearing this, Han Bingzhuo looked at Jiang Cheng and said in a neutral tone: "Sir, I can tell you responsibly that I am different from ordinary talent scouts. Many amateurs have become household names through my discovery."

"For example?"

"Haha, you must have heard of Sister Mudan, right?"

"Ah, this..."

Hearing this, not only Jiang Cheng, but also the people who were watching the show were confused.

It is true that she is a household name, but isn't the title of a big star a bit exaggerated?

"Hey, buddy."

Jiang Cheng held back his laughter and casually said, "Why don't you say that you also discovered Sister Feng?"

Han Bingzhuo was stunned when he heard this: "How did you know?"

Everyone: "..."

After a short silence, there was a chuckle at the scene.

On the contrary, Jiang Cheng, who exposed the other party, suddenly became serious.

Because he suddenly remembered who this middle-aged man was!

Han Bingzhuo!

Stage name: Weizhuo!

In the near future, he will have a more resounding title!

——China's No. 1 Dog!

Ahem! Wrong! Come again!

——China's No. 1 Paparazzi! !

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