Chapter 233

Jiang Cheng! Hongmeng!

This has become the most discussed name and company among these entrepreneurs.

There is panic, there is worry, there is depreciation, and there is… admiration.

After all, Jiang Cheng is really putting out the leading technology now, otherwise, they won’t all be sitting here.

Discuss how to face the impact of Hongmeng and how to contain Hongmeng.

Of course, they dare not speak too directly.

There are some face-conscious things that everyone should do.

Ren Zhengfei took a hard breath.

To be honest, he really feels that Jiang Cheng, this guy, can really toss, of course, Jiang Cheng also attracted a lot of firepower to Chrysanthemum Factory.

Last year, Hongmeng was sanctioned for a whole year. At the beginning, Jiang Cheng forcibly built a complete industrial chain for himself. He said that he was not afraid of you, and he was not afraid of you. The beautiful country lifted the blockade. However, there is no doubt that Jiang Cheng must be on the blacklist. If you go to the beautiful country, there will definitely be no return. You can always find Yuzi to take care of you.

But Jiang Cheng wouldn’t go to death.

After the break, Jiang Cheng finally showed up the next day.

Although a group of people came directly to the fab in Shanghai.

Jiang Cheng is also unambiguous, directly showing his own nm copper process chip.

This move gave IBM a slight sigh of relief. Although Jiang Cheng’s chip was produced, although it has already reached the lead in terms of production, Hongmeng is still relatively backward in terms of design technology. After coming down, Gerstner felt threatened.

Designing chips and manufacturing chips are completely two different fields.

Chip design companies and manufacturing companies are separate, and there are only a few companies in the world that both design and manufacture.

Ninety-nine percent of the design companies do not manufacture, and they entrust professional chip manufacturing companies to produce. In fact, there are only a dozen manufacturing companies in the world, and they have almost eaten more than 80% of the share in history. Still Samsung and TSMC.(Read more @

However, chip manufacturing is indeed a very delicate task. The equipment is purchased for billions of dollars, but for factory production, that is the operation.

Using these equipment to complete chip manufacturing, the technical content is not so high.

However, even if this is the case, OEM factories have standards. Take Apple as an example. They don’t make chips themselves, but take “design drawings” and “paper” to OEM TSMC or Samsung to do it. Naturally, they are not worried that the foundry can’t do it.

First of all, foundries have very complex and strict design rules. Apple must meet these rules when designing chips. These rules can ensure that the chips can be manufactured. However, the performance and yield of the chip are mainly guaranteed by the designer, such as retaining sufficient design margin, adding redundancy, etc., and Jiang Cheng still has not kept up with the ability to design the chip.

But soon everyone fell silent.

Because, at this moment, Jiang Cheng took out a lithography machine.

Immersion lithography machine!

This is Jiang Cheng’s Wang Zhan, and the nm copper process is not a big deal in comparison.

The immersion lithography machine, this is definitely the lithography machine ahead of the world, something that can only be produced after at least two thousand years, but now it has been made by Jiang Cheng forcibly.

This immersion lithography machine can engrave a line width of 50nm.

In addition, there is the EDA system. Jiang Cheng completely rejected the architecture designed by ARM. Hongmeng wants to design the chip architecture and form a standard. Instead of using the ARM standard, it wants to design its own standard.

Panda EDA design system, immersion lithography machine, nm copper process, and computers assembled by ourselves.

Regardless of the fact that Jiang Cheng may not be able to design top-level chips, but with these devices and these things, as long as Jiang Cheng is willing to spend money, he can constantly try and make mistakes, and constantly introduce new ones. He can always design them slowly. Yes, as long as these foundations are still there, he can always move forward. Of course, without these, Jiang Cheng can design top-notch chips. If Chrysanthemum Factory can do it, Jiang Cheng can do it naturally.

However, the beautiful country is really shameless.

Not to mention the ban on Chrysanthemum Factory many years later, even the ban on himself last year has made Jiang Cheng more certain of the idea of ​​fixing an entire industrial chain.

But as long as you want a face in a beautiful country, I don’t think so.

Special code, Hongmeng Group has not made any money yet.

What makes them feel the most difficult is.

Jiang Cheng did not use their standards, but the standards set by himself.

Everyone felt bad.

This is to challenge their status from the bottom.

It doesn’t work if you don’t pay attention to it.

And Ren Zhengfei was listening to the professionals around him as much as possible to introduce them in an easy-to-understand manner, with a smile on his face.

If you can use Hongmeng, it seems unnecessary to use foreign products.

“`” Mr. Jiang Cheng is not welcome, and he has directly created an entire industrial chain! Gerstner took a sigh of relief: “Actually, your losses like this are still great, but I have heard that the annual expenditure of Hongmeng Group is not a small amount!” ”

“I can’t help it!” Jiang Cheng spread his hands and said faintly: “As long as I can, I don’t want to bother to get an entire industry chain out!”

Gerstner coughed, and slowly said: “I think you can still focus on one area. Your operating system is still very good, and software engineering is still OK. The ultimate goal of business is not to make money? This lithography machine has only been developed, I’m afraid it cost a lot of money, right?”

“Also (Wang Nuozhao) is okay, there are a lot of wrong directions, but we still adjusted it in time!” Jiang Cheng shrugged, smiled and said: “However, there is a word, you really said By the way, over the past four years, I only invested 20 billion U.S. dollars. In addition, the entire year of last year’s income was also invested in continued production!”

“You have already made very good computers. I think you can concentrate on one area and quickly occupy the market!” Gerstner said if nothing happened.

“Actually, I want to do this too, but I can’t help it, but I don’t want to be like that if you want a face in a beautiful country!” Jiang Cheng spread his hands together: “Don’t I want to make money? Don’t forget, the beautiful country last year. But I have been blocked for a whole year. I dare say that if there is one of these industrial chains, I can’t handle it myself. The beautiful country can completely block these. If I don’t provide me with various technologies, what can I do? “.

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