Chapter 284

Li Jiacheng?

Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, but there was a smile on his face: “Is it him?”

I used to cheat Zhang Ziqiang a little bit. Although Zhang Ziqiang might have come to make money, first, although he has a great reputation here in Xiangjiang, he still focuses more on the upper class. It is basically impossible for Zhang Ziqiang to be a bad boy. Knowing his own strength and status, secondly, how does this guy know that he is in Xiangjiang? Wherever you go, newspapers may not be registered! ”

After thinking about it a little bit, Jiang Cheng felt that behind this, someone must have quietly notified Zhang Ziqiang.

So, is it Li Ka-shing?

Zhang Ziqiang nodded fiercely: “It’s him, it’s him, it’s him!”

“I see, kill him!” Jiang Cheng turned around directly.

“Mr. Jiang!” Zhang Ziqiang just uttered a voice, and then, as soon as Liu Jinwu raised his hand, a bullet shot directly through Zhang Ziqiang’s head.

Subsequently, Zhang Ziqiang’s body fell in a pool of blood.

“Notify the police and tell them that the century gangster Zhang Ziqiang tried to kidnap me and was killed on the spot by my bodyguard!” Jiang Cheng got into the car and said lightly.

Liu Jinwu immediately arranged for his subordinates.

After the order was over, Liu Jinwu looked at Jiang Cheng: “Boss, look, do you want to tell Brother Sihai about this matter?”

This is euphemistic. In fact, Liu Jinwu’s subtext is, do you want to destroy Li Jiacheng’s family?

Last time, Liu Jinwu worked like this, this time…

“My Uncle Sihai is still not experienced enough. I said that the Xiangjiang water is too deep and he can’t hold it at all. He also said that he can hold it, saying that he is the world. Look, it’s overturned, right?” Jiang Cheng sighed , And then slowly said: “Let’s inform, but don’t let him come, shit, if you slaughter Li Jiacheng’s family, but it’s not easy to deal with the aftermath, this time, we have to kill others. !”

“Li Jiacheng, you really have you!”


The thief king of the century, Zhang Ziqiang, failed to kidnap Jiang Cheng and was killed on the spot.

Suddenly, it also shocked the entire Xiangjiang.

Who is Zhang Ziqiang?

Century King of Thieves, the first gangster in Hong Kong.

On July 12, 1991, the robbed of an armored money carrier at Kai Tak Airport was 160 million Hong Kong dollars. Zhang Ziqiang was later arrested, but the court acquitted him on the grounds of insufficient evidence. It even forced the government to pay Zhang Ziqiang a large sum of money at the time, making Zhang Ziqiang even more mad.

Kidnapping, robbery, and murder are as simple as eating and drinking for Zhang Ziqiang.

Of course, the biggest one was the kidnapping of Li Zeju last year, which directly extorted HK$1.038 billion. Zhang Ziqiang received 438 million.(Read more @

But Jiang Cheng on the other side is also a dragon across the river.

Only one thing was done, and the Xiang family and Li family were destroyed directly.

What kind of shit family is a scum in Jiang Cheng’s eyes. After the incident, this guy also learned to pretend to be wronged, saying that the water in the Xiangjiang River is too deep. He even blackmailed their group of high-ranking tycoons. As a result, how many people now talk about Jiang Cheng with hatred.

But by the way, Jiang Cheng couldn’t help it.

They don’t like Jiang Cheng, because Jiang Cheng, this guy, can’t be suppressed at all, and they don’t like Wang Sihai either. This is a stinky rascal, and he doesn’t deserve to be integrated into their upper class.

But unfortunately, sometimes I was very helpless and was forced by Wang Sihai to buy warships and yachts.

After the Century Thief King Zhang Ziqiang was directly killed by Jiang Cheng.

As soon as the news came out, it exploded directly in Xiangjiang.

This, what happened?

Suddenly, these rich men in Xiangjiang were also a little dumbfounded. They didn’t even know what happened. Zhang Ziqiang went to trouble Jiang Cheng. Doesn’t this guy know how terrifying Jiang Cheng is?

For the government of Xiangjiang, it feels clapping and cheering. .

Zhang Ziqiang, this dog, originally made their government lose money to him, but now it’s fine, it provokes Jiang Cheng, and he is directly taken care of by Jiang Cheng. What level of strength does this have?

Killing Zhang Ziqiang is like disposing of a trivial rubbish.

Jiang Cheng once again refreshed this group of Hong Kong billionaires’ understanding of Jiang Cheng.

Once again, a reason is clear.

Jiang Cheng is not a ruthless person, this is the wolf death.

Than Ruthless people are more than one point, two points, but also horizontal.

Zhang Ziqiang’s team was destroyed by the group, which also made these big families once again recall the horror brought by Jiang Cheng.

The two big families, hundreds of people, were just as slaughtered by Jiang Cheng.

What about the King of Thieves of the Century?

Isn’t it also honestly that Jiang Cheng killed the whole family?

Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng.

Zhang Ziqiang, you also don’t open your eyes. It’s not good to provoke you, but you provoke Jiang Cheng.

At the beginning, Jiang Cheng killing the door was like eating and drinking water, but today Jiang Cheng killing you is like killing a dog.

And Jiang Cheng’s methods have once again made everyone feel ashamed.

What is professional? This is professional.

While you are kidnapping, you will be directly beaten to death. It can be said that doing things is unusually professional and will never be procrastinated.

Kill one person in ten steps and never stay for a thousand miles.

There is still a world of difference between professional special forces and such brutal bandits.

However, some people clapped and applauded the death of Zhang Ziqiang, the rich man who was kidnapped before, the Xiangjiang police.

As for Li Jiacheng?

He felt worried. Although the news said that Jiang Cheng defeated Zhang Ziqiang neatly, but did Zhang Ziqiang say anything to Jiang Cheng?

Did you expose yourself?

Although Li Jiacheng wanted Jiang Cheng to die, he never wanted to expose himself.

However, Jiang Cheng was calm and relaxed, and people couldn’t tell at all. What did Zhang Ziqiang say before he died, although the police in Xiangjiang also came to Jiang Cheng to talk to Jiang Cheng, hoping to get more details, but Jiang Cheng also let the bodyguard arrange it casually, saying that the bodyguard killed him on the spot.

It is not Li Jiacheng’s family that he is looking at, but the wealth Li Jiacheng has accumulated over the years.

The Southeast Asian financial crisis is imminent, and he wants to take advantage of this opportunity to leave Li Jiacheng with nothing.

Li Jiacheng still couldn’t sit still. He really couldn’t tell whether Jiang Cheng knew or didn’t know, so he decided to come to inquire, and the reason was found. His son was kidnapped. Now Jiang Cheng has killed Zhang Ziqiang. I am here to thank Jiang Cheng specially, for a very good reason.

Of course, this is also a manifestation of a guilty conscience.

Knowing that Li Jiacheng was coming to set himself up, Jiang Cheng laughed: “Let him come!”.

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