Chapter 291

At this moment, Xiangjiang is already in panic.

In the eyes of more people, Soros, this guy directly defeated the existence of the British pound. How could the Hong Kong dollar hold on?

I’m afraid, I also made a lot of money, but I don’t know.

How much money did Jiang Cheng make this time?

Moreover, this time he harvested Xiangjiang himself, how would he react, confront him, or continue to charge for himself.

But, in any case, it doesn’t matter anymore.

Soros lightly sipped a sip of red wine, and a bloodthirsty light radiated from his eyes. He wanted the whole world to see his own means.

In this world, no one or country can stop his sickle.

As long as the conditions are right, even a beautiful country may not be impossible.

The price of the Hong Kong property market suddenly began to collapse, and the expensive prices suddenly began to plummet. However, at this time, the people of Hong Kong obviously did not have much confidence in the property market. Converted into U.S. dollars, and the exchange rate between the Hong Kong dollar and the U.S. dollar also plummeted.

House prices plummeted, stock markets fluctuated

Terrible.(Read more @

Jiang Cheng saw all this too, and he couldn’t help sighing.

If this is now, just buy a few houses, even if you don’t do anything, after more than ten or two decades, the house price will be so cool.

It is impossible for the property market in Hong Kong to collapse.

All fools know that the future real estate prices in Hong Kong will be astronomical figures.

However, Jiang Cheng is not in a hurry, but waits patiently. Sooner or later, these houses will belong to him.

“Now, how many shares do we hold in HSBC?” Jiang Cheng’s eyes fell on Qi Qingsi.

Qi Qingsi quickly said: “At present, we have taken over 47% of HSBC’s shares!”

Jiang Cheng laughed, and said slowly: “This is really a golden opportunity!”

Without this financial crisis, Jiang Cheng was really not good at handling HSBC. Not long ago, shareholders of HSBC also lost their confidence. This allowed Jiang Cheng to take the opportunity to acquire HSBC. If there is no such relationship, It’s really hard to deal with. HSBC is also a listed company. It really has a lot of capital, but it’s still not as good as Jiang Cheng.

These financial capitalists in the beautiful country really want to reap the benefits, whether you are yours or not?

Let’s talk about the harvest directly.

This is now, and in another 30 years, even if it’s out of the theater, it will cost at least more than 100 billion U.S. dollars to fully acquire HSBC.

However, even so, in order to obtain this 47% of the shares, Jiang Cheng spent nearly 20 billion U.S. dollars. Since 1993, he has been thinking about buying HSBC quietly whenever he has the opportunity. If you have the opportunity to talk to the minority shareholders.

The current financial crisis has naturally severely affected HSBC.

Taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Jiang Cheng immediately shot.

“After we get 51% of the equity in our hands, we are ready to start!” Jiang Cheng smiled.

“Boss, you can rest assured that there are still 4%. They are currently in the hands of the Shi Huaiya family. At present, they are also preparing to withdraw from Xiangjiang. Only the final contract is left!” Qi Qingsi said slowly: ” Within three days, it will definitely be done!”

“That’s good!” Jiang Cheng smiled and was about to speak, but Chen Mandong on one side walked in and quickly said: “Boss, Li Zeju’s phone number for you!”

“Li Zeju?” Jiang Cheng was taken aback for a moment, but a strange smile appeared on his face: “It’s interesting, take it!”

“Hello, Shao Jiang, I am Li Zeju!”

On the other side of the phone, Li Zeju is naturally polite. Now it is not an exaggeration to say that Jiang Cheng is at the same level as Li Jiacheng. He Li Zeju is a junior……..

Although Jiang Cheng is many years younger than himself, he should be polite when he is polite.

“Young Master Li, you are welcome!”

Jiang Cheng smiled slightly, and then slowly said, “What’s the matter?”

Li Zeju took a deep breath: “The Li family wants to invite Shao Jiang to dinner. I don’t know, Shao Jiang, are you interested?”

“I’m interested, I still have it!” Jiang Cheng smiled and slowly said, “When?”

“When will Mr. Yang have time?” Li Zeju asked.

“Three days later, how about the evening?” Jiang Cheng smiled and slowly said: “I don’t have time now!”

“Okay, we are waiting for good news!”

Jiang Cheng hung up the phone, and then moved slightly. With all his muscles and bones, he came to the next room, called Liu Jinwu, and slowly said, “Awu, here is a task for you!”

There was a bit of excitement in Liu Jinwu’s eyes: “What task?”

“Three days later, at eight o’clock in the evening, Li Jiacheng wanted to invite me to dinner. I wondered for a while, and I didn’t mean to be indecent. Since he asked Zhang Ziqiang to kidnap me, then, can I burn his wife? The building?” At this point, Jiang Cheng’s face showed a cruel smile: “I think it’s okay. Three days later, you make arrangements to hire the Zhuang Mingyue Building, even if it’s the one I gave him. It’s a gift!”

A smile appeared on Liu Jinwu’s face: “I know what to do!”

Jiang Cheng picked up the coffee, took a sip, and then slowly said, “Be quicker, don’t let people find it!”

“Understood!” Liu Jinwu said quickly. .

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