Chapter 293

Li Zeju really wants to continue discussing with Jiang Cheng, but Jiang Cheng doesn’t want to continue discussing this topic. Jiang Cheng really thinks this guy, how to say it, is a bit silly.

If you think about it, it doesn’t seem to be any business.

After two thousand years, he still lost a fortune.

If there is no Lao Li Doudi, this kid, this kid has no future at all.

After all, this product still has a good father.

You ask him about the principles of economics, you ask him about finance, and then ask him about other things.

I almost don’t know if I ask three questions.

It can be seen how unlearned and skillless to what extent.

In fact, Lao Li’s level is also average. It is nothing more than relying on the Ying people to enjoy food and eating, and then take the dealer so that he has the capital to start and grow. This is not relying on his knowledge and skills, but by relying on his knowledge and skills. monopoly.

The Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce is actually a little bit unable to keep up with the modern business model.

Even Tony Ma didn’t want to play with the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce, but was thinking about building a brand new club by himself.

Old and decayed

Jiang Cheng looked at Li Zeju’s eyes with a little more playfulness.

Before, I could take a higher look, now?

Seeing that Jiang Cheng was unwilling to continue talking with him, Li Zeju didn’t ask himself to be bored.

After getting off the car, Jiang Cheng saw Lao Li and smiled: “Lao Li, it’s been a long time!”

Li Jiacheng smiled politely, and continued: “Mr. Jiang can come here, it’s so brilliant, I am old, and you will be the world of young people in the future!”

In theory, Jiang Cheng is now even richer than Lao Li.

Lao Li also knows this.

However, Jiang Cheng never said it to the outside world.

In addition, last time, Jiang Cheng came to annihilate the door, and Lao Li still had a three-point fear of Jiang Cheng.

Li’s dinner is naturally extremely luxurious.

In addition to Li Jiacheng, there are also Li Zeju and his wife, and Hutchison’s boss Ma Shimin, in addition to Hutchison Huo Jianning, and Li Zekai.

Old Li introduced one by one.(Read more @

The dishes on the table are very simple. They are all Cantonese dishes. Everything seems quite casual. However, this dish is not very general and is a treasure.

A few people also talked about some homework, some interesting things about the mainland and Xiangjiang.

Li Jiacheng’s view of Jiang Cheng has changed a lot. It’s not that he didn’t pay attention to Jiang Cheng, but he never knew that Jiang Cheng really had something in his stomach.

He didn’t look like a young man in his early twenties, but a businessman who had experienced the wind and frost and was shrewd and capable.

Hong Kong’s stock market, mainland policies, economy, and differences.

Jiang Cheng can analyze the headlines, and even with Li Jiacheng’s scheming, he has a feeling of heartbeat.

Jiang Cheng knows all about real estate, steel, industry, telecommunications, and computers.

Lao Li even specifically asked Jiang Cheng about his views on real estate in the mainland, especially Shencheng and Magic City, which are all cities he plans to invest in.

In fact, Lao Li also took advantage of the fast track of economic development in the Mainland.

The market value of Cheung Kong Group has directly exceeded one trillion.

He relied on the mainland to earn at least 300 billion in asset dividends.

However, Lao Li finally ran away.

Run if you make money.

The shameless face of the capitalist was also shown vividly by Lao Li.

As a result, the domestic newspaper published a headline “Don’t let Li Jiacheng run away”, and the popularity has been high.

“It’s hard to say in the Mainland, everything depends on the situation 〃 “!”

“If you don’t talk about anything else, you don’t know the mainland at all!”

“The situation will be easy at any time, once it changes, it may be worthless!”

Jiang Cheng’s words naturally hit Li Jiacheng’s biggest worry.

Domestic and Hong Kong are completely different situations. It is okay to let oneself invest a part of it to earn personal affection. If this is to allow oneself to invest on a large scale, it will not be good.

Sure enough, Li Jiacheng fell into contemplation.

With Lao Li’s cautious character, naturally he would not rush to the mainland.

However, at this stage, for Lao Li, he doesn’t really care whether he wants to invest in the mainland, but another key issue.

Xiangjiang, can it withstand it?

Li Jiacheng slowly said, “Mr. Jiang, I think you are shorting the Hang Seng Index. Are you not very optimistic about the future of Xiangjiang?”

“Mr. Li, I think you don’t know Soros very well. Let’s just put it this way. In 1992, I short the British pound with Soros!” Jiang Cheng casually said: “`” How powerful is the Ross Group? Do you know how powerful the Quantum Fund is? Eagle Nation is not his opponent, let alone Xiangjiang? ”

Li Jiacheng came out of curiosity and couldn’t help but said: “92, Mr. Jiang Cheng has also joined forces with Mr. Soros?”

Of course Song!

Jiang Cheng shrugged and spoke indifferently: “At the time, I was still in a beautiful country, and I just transferred my capital to the Eagle Country. At that time, when the British pound wanted to pour into the European currency system, I participated in it, and then… ”

“The pound was a terrible defeat, do you know why? Because behind Soros is a beautiful country, the world’s largest power, the pound is not an opponent of the US dollar at all, and the eagle country’s currency has been slaughtered severely!” As he said, Jiang Cheng He gestured with his fingers, and said faintly: “Six billion, I followed Soros behind and made six billion directly!”

Li Jiacheng was dull.

And Jiang Cheng opened (Zhao Haozhao) lightly: “So, I don’t think Xiangjiang can hold the Soros Group right now!”

Li Jiacheng took a deep breath, and Jiang Cheng spoke a lot of details unhurriedly. It was wonderful. On the one hand, Ma Shimin was also caught in thorough thinking. He is a native of Eagle and the British pound crisis. He naturally knew it all too well, followed by Li Zekai flattering on the other side, full of praise.

For a while, Li Jiacheng also fell into contemplation. After a while, he slowly said, “Thank you, Mr. Jiang Cheng, for answering me!”

It was at this moment that suddenly a servant ran over and said in a panic, “Master, no, the Zhuang Mingyue Building was burned by fire!”


Li Jiacheng stood up violently, only feeling dizzy, then his throat became sweet, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out. .

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