Chapter 297

“Jiang Cheng, you smash the street boy, you shameless boy, fuck your mother!”

Li Jiacheng was angry, he felt a deep deception.

Before, Jiang Chen was still telling them that they must stay steady, stay steady, just stay steady and wait until Soros comes back to kill a carbine. Now it’s fine. Jiang Cheng directly announced that from now on, Laozi will start to be optimistic about Xiangjiang infinitely. Optimistic about the Hang Seng Index, the Hang Seng Index, it will definitely rise next.

This is to let himself charge into battle, and then Jiang Cheng suddenly started to stabbing the knife from behind, stabbing it up with a single knife, this is not for money, it is fatal!

Cao f*ck!

Even if Li Jiacheng is well cultivated, at this moment, he can’t help but start yelling.

Angrily, he never thought that Jiang Cheng would play like a monkey.

And with it, Jiang Cheng’s announcement.

In an instant, Hong Kong citizens regained their confidence in the Hong Kong dollar. Southeast Asian capital and domestic capital also joined the Hong Kong market. In an instant, the Hang Seng Index was raised to a higher level.

Although Soros is strong, it is still difficult to beat so many capitals in one go.

Xiangjiang is already at the final stage.

Seven trillion U.S. dollars has begun to flow back to the beautiful country, and what is left is leftovers. Without the capital of the beautiful country, Soros just reaped it, relying on his prestigious name to make Xiangjiang surrender.


To Soros’s surprise, the little brother before him started to work against him.

Make it clear that the chariot is to fight oneself to the end.


Soros gritted his teeth and began to increase his strength.

Continue to sell the Hong Kong dollar, and at the same time, continue to short the Hang Seng Index.

The four big families also followed behind to wave their flags and shout, this is the only thing they can do, because they are out of money.

Now is the duel between Soros and Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng won, they fell into the abyss with nothing.

Jiang Cheng failed. They will taste the champagne and continue to experience the life of such a master.

The winner is king!

“It’s wonderful!”

Jiang Cheng has always been paying attention to the changes in the Hang Seng Index, which is still more intense than in the previous life. Because of Jiang Cheng’s participation, the four major families of Hong Kong have participated in the short-selling.

Undoubtedly, this has increased the strength of Soros.(Read more @

However, for Jiang Cheng pull, it is not in a hurry.

Soros’ defeat is set.

Now as long as the Hang Seng Index is stabilized, as long as Soros can’t bite the bone, then it will inevitably be defeated.

It seems that Lao Li is going crazy now.

I was originally sick, and I was staring at the Hang Seng Index every day.

Between the ups and downs, he will feel his energy is up or down.

Now, there is nothing left. Li Zeju and Li Zekai do not eat or drink, just staring at the changes in the Hang Seng Index.

The Quantum Fund headed by Soros, at this moment, encountered the most tenacious resistance since the outbreak of the financial crisis.

After sweeping Southeast Asia, Wanwan directly surrendered and surrendered. Now Xiangjiang is so strong.

In the face of Xiangjiang’s resistance, Soros also noticed the pressure. Although he still has large-scale capital to mobilize, if there is no capital support from a beautiful country behind it, it is still difficult to harvest Xiangjiang. Now he is flowing outside. His capital is already scarce, and if this continues, he won’t be able to get any benefits.

“Sir, your call!”

Just when Soros hesitated, a phone call came.

On the other end of the phone was Jiang Cheng.

“Mr. Soros. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you. How good is your body?” Jiang Cheng smiled and said, “The battle of Xiangjiang is very exciting!”

Soros narrowed his eyes, and then slowly said, “Jiang Cheng? I didn’t expect that you would stand on the opposite side of me!”

“It’s because, I believe, Mr. Soros, you will definitely not win, so…” Jiang Cheng’s lips smiled: “China is different from Eagle Country, and Xiangjiang is also different from Southeast Asian countries, Mr. Soros , We in China have a saying: “If you see it, you will accept it. I think it’s time to accept it when you see it. Otherwise, you will lose money next.”

Soros took a deep breath, thinking of the bastard Jiang Cheng, who had been secretly poking and doing things, but his face became harder to look.

Think about it, when I first saw this kid in Eagle Country, I felt that this guy is definitely not a general.

Now, it’s a bit clear, Jiang Cheng.

It’s really beyond my expectations.

He doesn’t care much about how much he earns or how much he loses. What he enjoys is the joy of winning.

But Jiang Cheng told Soros that you lost, at least here in Xiangjiang.

Soros squinted, and then faintly said: “If there is a chance, we will fight again!”

“Of course, very happy!” Jiang Cheng also smiled, and said faintly: “Mr. Soros, there will be a period later!”

Soros then hung up the phone directly.

Immediately afterwards, Quantum Fund chose to withdraw from Xiangjiang.

In an instant, the pressure disappeared.

The Hang Seng Index reached 13,000 points.

The highest ever.

Soros retreated, and the Quantum Fund retreated.

The Hong Kong stock market was successfully defended.

All of a sudden, investors cheered.

However, Soros led the Quantum Fund only suffered the first setback in Xiangjiang. On the whole, Nanbang and the island countries were harvested by Soros, and the entire Southeast Asia was wailing. Their foreign exchange reserves were swept away. , Their wealth, all have been harvested, and the rest is nothing.

Only here in Xiangjiang, the halberd sinks into the sand.


Li Jiacheng only felt that his whole body’s strength was exhausted. In an instant, he felt his mentality burst completely. When the Hang Seng Index began to soar, he knew that he had nothing.

One retreat, then retreat.

He cancelled the leverage and wanted to withdraw the money from the stock market, but he was unwilling. Once he withdrew, then he really only had this money.

You can’t withdraw, you can’t withdraw, as long as you don’t withdraw, there is hope.

Then, when the Hang Seng Index broke 10,000 points, Li Jiacheng never said anything.

His money is gone! .

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