Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 970: Breaking the monopoly of the United States starting from food

The headquarters of Changtian Technology in South Africa is like a nail that Changtian Technology has embedded in Africa, and it is also the first step for Changtian Technology to completely take global trade and economy into its own hands.

So after pacifying the security issues near the Changtian Technology headquarters.

Whether it is the construction of the headquarters or the role played by the South African headquarters, they are making great strides forward.

Chen Xiao immediately sent Huang Ling, the deputy director of Changtian Technology's life science and medical laboratory, to South Africa to assist Wang Xiang in consolidating the position of the headquarters.

The most important thing is to use the most advanced cell totipotency technology of Changtian Technology to build the Hoxton area in South Africa into the largest granary in South Africa and even in Africa.

The granary built here should not only meet the needs of Changtian Technology Headquarters and South Africa, but also meet the food needs of the entire African region and even Europe and South America.

Changtian Technology will use this as a starting point to export physical products to the world, so as to gain its own initiative in global trade.

The United States has ruled the world for decades, relying on three axes.

These three axes are the supply chain dollar and force.

Among them, food is closely related to the supply chain and the dollar.

The United States is not only the world's largest producer, but also controls the world's major food producers through force, and controls global food exports and imports through some technical standards.

For example, the United States has the most seed patents in the world.

If you want to grow corn or potatoes and other grains, and you want to obtain abundant yields, there is no way to achieve this goal by relying on the domestic seeds of these production countries. They can only buy them from American seed companies.

A series of patented and designed products are also controlled by the United States for the diseases and insect pests produced during the growth of plants, the required chemical fertilizers, etc.

The United States controls the world by connecting the dollar and supply chains through food.

The most obvious of these is the African region.

Why can the United States achieve the situation and policies of many African countries?

The most critical reason is that they regularly provide food to Africa, and use their influence to influence the United Nations Food Program to provide a certain quota of food to these African countries.

If some African countries want to listen to the United States and actively integrate their own national resources, especially mineral resources, into the supply chain dominated by the United States, then these countries can get a fairly good amount of food.

These grains can appease the impoverished people in the country. When the ethnic groups are full, of course they will not rebel. Then the current status of the former will be more stable, and they will listen to the words of the United States, thus creating a cycle dominated by the United States. .

At the same time, the resulting supply chain or food will be settled in US dollars in the final settlement.

The United States will print a large number of dollars one by one, and the national credit ability behind the dollar to harvest global resources.

Countries around the world will pay for the consumption and enjoyment of the American people.

But it is not global, any country is very obedient.

The leaders and democrats of some countries hope to be the masters of their own affairs, and they are more industrious.

They are unwilling to sell their own country's resources at a low price. Through their own struggle, they can also obtain enough food, and they are unwilling to serve as a tool country for the US global trade network.

What should we do at this time?

At this time, the United States will give full play to its military force. If you are disobedient, replace it with an obedient ruler. If your entire country is disobedient, then beat you until you are obedient.

This is the hegemony of the United States in the world, and it is also the economic, trade and military circle established by the Americans.

But times have changed.

The Xiaguo enterprise, represented by Changtian Technology, has surpassed the United States in terms of technology and military in an all-round way.

Moreover, the way Xia Guo cooperates with various countries in the world is completely different from that of the United States.

The United States requires all countries in the world to become their own tools, and the country is their own. The life here, or the service of all the goals achieved by oneself.

The cooperation between Xia Kingdom and various countries in the world is to cooperate with each other for mutual benefit and complement each other's shortcomings.

SLR is a normal one.

In the face of the conditions and cooperation methods offered by the United States and Xia Kingdom, they will choose the latter.

Huang Ling and technical team members arrived in Cape Town by special plane.

Under the **** of Wangdong Security Company, the technical team went smoothly, and the technical team arrived at the headquarters of Changtian Technology in South Africa.

Huang Ling's feeling of coming to South Africa this time is exactly the same as the feeling of coming down to South Africa.

The car passed the road quickly, not wanting to stop at all.

Because the natural environment of this place is too messy.

Even so, Huang Ling could still see many yellow and skinny people on the side of the road begging or squatting to see if there were any targets for robbery.

These are the living conditions of the bottom people in South Africa.

In the West and the Xia Kingdom, when most people can eat enough, it is actually a luxury to eat enough in Africa, many third world countries, and some war-torn countries.

After a long drive, the convoy arrived at the mining area, which is the headquarters of Changtian Technology in South Africa.

I would like to hold a warm welcome ceremony for Huang Ling and his party at the headquarters.

"We meet again, Xiao Ling!" Wang Xiang gave Huang Ling a warm hug.

In the blink of an eye, it has been almost a year since Wang Xiang left Xia Guo.

Huang Ling looked at the haggard Wang Xiang, her eyes were moist.

It is clear that the working environment in South Africa is exceptionally tough.

But there is no way.

Changtian Technology is also going to conduct nuclear fusion experiments, and to keep the company in absolute safety in the world, it can only go out.

In particular, nuclear fusion experiments require a large amount of heavy water.

These heavy water resources are very scarce in the world, and the cheapest and safest way is to extract them from seawater.

Xiaguo has a long coastline, but almost every coastline is the busiest port in the world, and Xiaguo's coastal area is the most economically developed area in Xiaguo, and it also has the highest economic ratio.

So no matter from which point of view, Changtian Technology can only place its own laboratory overseas.

South Africa is the best option.

"You've lost a lot of weight and darkened a lot!" Huang Ling said, putting away her tears.

Wang Xiang laughed loudly, "Isn't this just waiting for you to come to South Africa to improve our lives?"

After the welcoming ceremony, Huang Ling and his team started working immediately.

Wang Xiang took Huang Ling to the energy block factory and food factory built by Changtian Technology.

At present, Changtian Technology has only built simple energy factories and food factories.

Among them, in addition to the energy factory being able to guarantee the power supply of the headquarters, most of the excess energy was given to the Soto clan.

The Soto tribe does not use energy blocks to generate electricity or use them in electronic devices such as cars and mobile phones, but eat them directly as food.

It is also possible to do so.

After all, after simple hydrolysis of the energy block, the carbohydrate content is very high, and the energy is also very high, which is far higher than the cassava or corn that the current tribes eat.

This is how people differ from country to country.

All consumers in Xiaguo regard energy blocks as industrial products, and there are even many consumers who confuse energy blocks with lithium batteries.

Knowing that this thing must be used to generate electricity, I never thought that this thing could be eaten.

Back then, Changtian Technology also provided energy blocks at the energy block press conference, which can be used in emergencies, and can be used as food reserves in times of war or disaster.

However, not many people can listen to this light and fluffy sentence.

But it's different in Africa, Africa is serious, there is a lack of food, so the energy block is their life-saving straw.

The entire energy block factory covers an area of ​​less than 200 square meters, and the output is just right.

The food factory is even more shabby, covering a total area of ​​less than 100 square meters.

The basic principle of the food factory is to use the totipotency of cells, like the crazy proliferation of animal muscle protein cells, and finally become meat products full of protein.

At present, most of these meat products are consumed by the employees of Changtian Technology, and a small part is given to the Soto tribe.

Fortunately, the meat tastes good, not only does it feel the same as real animal meat, but it also makes people feel that it is the best red meat.

The dairy product cells currently used by Changtian Technology are cattle muscle cells from the western Sichuan region of Xiaguo.

This beef cell-reproductive meat product tastes chewy and has a very high protein content.

The canteen of Changtian Technology’s South African headquarters often uses this kind of beef to make braised beef or stir-fry it, and the taste is quite good.

But Wang Dong and his security guards eat differently.

Because we know that the beef is very clean, without any additives, hormones, or parasites.

So Wang Donghui and his security team like to eat this kind of beef raw.

Either add beef cuts directly or dip them in salt afterward.

Or add a little wasabi for sashimi.

Wang Dong also proudly said to Wang Xiang: "This way of eating can lock in the protein to the maximum."

However, Wang Xiang always felt that eating it raw was too rough.

After visiting the food factory and listening to Wang Xiang's detailed introduction, Huang Ling already knew what her team was going to do.

She analyzed the layout of the thing factory and energy factory in detail, as well as the current technical situation and production situation, and said to Wang Xiang: "At present, there are three problems we are facing."

"The first is that the food is not abundant, and beef alone is obviously not enough."

"So this time we will enrich energy factories and physical factories."

"Our laboratory already has more advanced technology, which can improve the energy block produced by the energy factory."

"The energy calorific value of the energy block produced in this way will decrease to a certain extent, but it will contain more nutrients, such as some amino acids and vitamins necessary for the human body."

"That is, we will separate the energy block factory into a food energy block factory."

"As for meat products, my team will also find ways to enrich them. Beef must be preserved, but not only the heads of cattle. This time we have brought several varieties of animal cells, including goats, sheep, and soil from the Xia Kingdom. Pigs, as well as crucian carp and tuna, which are very rich in protein and taste very delicious.”

"Of course, if there is better food in South Africa, we can also use it to enrich everyone's table."

Wang Xiang couldn't help but added: "People here like to eat warty pork and some wild game. It would be great if the wild game can be turned into food!"

Said here.

Wang Xiang couldn't help swallowing.

Huang Ling giggled twice and said, "I'll try my best to meet your needs."

"The second is that the space is too small."

"The location where the South African headquarters is located is the mining area left by the British before."

"One advantage of this place is that it is very safe. It is surrounded by mountains and has only one entrance and exit. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack."

"But the bad thing is that the sunshine in this place is not very good, which has little impact on the production of beef and other meat products in our food factory, but it still has a relatively large impact on our energy block factory."

Wang Xiang didn't expect Huang Ling to be so professional, and she got into work very quickly.

Huang Ling's thinking is very sharp. When she visited the factory just now, she had already kept some details in her mind, and quickly gave a solution.

Huang Ling said: "Just now I have noticed the topography of the entire Halston area on the road. The place with the best sunshine is actually the grassland near the sea."

"I heard that this grassland is the habitat of the Soto people. If we can take this place and build a food factory, then the entire Hoxton area can be turned into a granary."

Wang Xiang also agrees with this statement very much.

"I thought the same way, so we formed a friendship with the Soto tribe."

Wang Xiang said: "Currently this piece of grassland area is safe. If we can build factories here, not only can we meet our food needs, but there will also be a large amount of food for sale and export."

"Our staff is talking to the Sotos about it, and things are going well, and the Sotos are willing to help us."

Huang Ling nodded and said:

"Three problems are that our output is still a little too low."

"Before I came to South Africa, Mr. Chen called me to his office for a detailed meeting."

"He told me clearly that my purpose in South Africa this time is not necessarily to feed our Changtian Technology employees. The most important thing to eat well is that we have to produce a large amount of grain and meat products and occupy South Africa and even Africa. market, so we need a large number of energy block factories.”

Huang Ling once again turned her attention to the territory of the Soto tribe.

"If we can make good use of the territory of the Soto tribe, I think our goal should be achieved."

The efficiency of Changtian Technology is very high. Huang Ling's technical team came up with the technology, while Wang Xiang asked Wang Dong to lead the team to negotiate with Dekot.

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