Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 982: Wall Street is in chaos

Chen Xiao uses his own country's currency as the settlement currency in places where there is trade, which is the need for the development of Changtian Technology.

The internationalization of Xia Guo's currency is needed, and the most important thing is that the country used has surplus Xia Guo currency.

As for the trading place, the best way is to sell resources and mineral resources, especially gold, to Changtian Technology to obtain a currency balance. Only in this way can we exchange for food from Changtian Technology.

South Africa already has very sufficient mineral resources, and this part of the resources is also needed by Xia Guo's industry.

"This is a little bad, after all, rice knives have been the world's settlement currency for many years, and everyone mainly holds rice knives.

Our country does not hold a lot of Xiaguo currency. If the foreign exchange reserves are inconvenient, it will in turn affect the settlement with your company. "

The principle is actually simple. As long as the South African rand keeps depreciating against the rice knife, the rice knife will become more and more valuable, and then more and more things can be bought in South Africa.

If the scale of Changtian Technology is large enough, it will even affect the currency system of the entire South African authorities.

Rice knives are currently only circulated in the upper class of South Africa to buy imported goods. In fact, they have little impact on the currency system, but have a great impact on the economic structure. However, the upper class in South Africa does not need to consider any economic structure. The method they maintain is to exploit the common people.

There is a good saying that the greatest wealth of the rich is actually the poor. If there are enough poor people, they will never be poor.

"Don't worry too much about your country. The settlement of currency depends on the timing."

If you do a lot of business with the U.S., you should reserve more foreign exchange for rice knives. Now that you do business with Xia Guo’s enterprises, you just need to prepare a little bit, and you won’t suffer. "Chen Xiao knows that things have to be done step by step, start first, and then the South African authorities will have to follow their own pace.

Having said that, Chen Xiao is not polite anymore, the settlement currency is the bottom line that cannot be compromised. He said: "I will not give in on this point. As for how to use the surplus RMB, I think you should have a way, just like how to get the surplus rice knives reserve?"

Settlement in South African Rand?


The South African rand is highly pegged to the rice knife, and the currency depreciates extremely quickly.

Maybe what I received in the end was waste paper.

"But we have no way to get RMB. Xiaguo is in surplus with us. Where do we get RMB!" The person in charge of the relevant department in South Africa was also a little blunt when speaking. He is the person in charge of the relevant department, and it is kind enough to talk to a private entrepreneur like this. Oh, this Chen Xiao is too ignorant.

But what Chen Xiao said next made him completely dumbfounded.

"The reason why the rice knife has become an international currency is the credit behind the currency."

"There are three roads for the United States to build national credit. One is technological monopoly, allowing the whole world to pay for its technology, such as electronic products, mechanical equipment, and network communications. But the technology of Changtian Technology has left them behind. You have used our products, you have a right to speak.

The second way is to dominate the world by stirring up the grain market. It has food in its hands, so it can manipulate the price of food. It increases the unit price of a certain crop to induce other countries to plant it and then lowers the price. It can also directly purchase the existing grain of a certain country at a high price, eat all the grain reserves, and then sell it back at a high price. However, with Changtian Technology's energy blocks and synthetic meat, this abacus won't work!

The last way is energy. Midao is linked to oil, natural gas and other energy sources, and this is guaranteed by force. But what's the use? The cost of various types of energy blocks produced by Changtian Technology is already far lower than traditional energy. What's more! We have realized the technology of controllable nuclear fusion without shutdown! "

Experts in the physics field in South Africa jumped up in fright, and the assistant stammered: "No shutdown? How is this possible? The high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees!"

"Sir, I still know some of the operation methods and principles of nuclear fusion." Chen Xiao said so much in one breath, but now he was not in a hurry, and left time for the scholar.

A physics expert from the University of Cape Town in South Africa looked at the information handed over by Changtian Technology in detail, and could only describe it in the simplest words: "This technology can make oil countries beg for food!"

The face of the person in charge of the relevant South African department finally changed at this time. Breaking the monopoly of energy is the real way to dig out the corner of the rice knife. The value of the rice knife is reflected in oil.

"Ahem. We still need time to discuss."

Three days later, the second round of negotiations began. The heads of the relevant departments in South Africa looked unhappy. Even a black man could clearly see dark circles under his eyes, which showed how hard he had worked in the past few days. It seemed that the upper echelons had an earthquake.

"We agreed on the currency settlement. However, for the sake of the currency system, it is now used in the Hoxton area, and it is temporarily closed outside this area. The port is also up to you, but we have a condition, that is, to collect taxes. It is 11%. We have to collect this money to enrich the finances, anyway, it will be returned to Changtian Technology through various constructions in the end, and the common people will also benefit.” The person in charge of the relevant South African department did not give up. s things.

Chen Xiao refused straight away: "Changtian Technology will not pay taxes, even if it is a percentage point." The refusal was so decisive that the heads of relevant South African departments were stunned.

Then, Chen Xiao explained the reason: "Changtian Technology will build the western coast of South Africa into the world's largest energy and food factory besides Xiaguo in a short period of time. Think about it, how much investment this can attract. Through our production, The employment problem of ordinary people will be solved, and the problem of hunger will no longer exist. These benefits are greater than direct taxation.

Besides, the tax has been collected, there are too many intermediate links, and the salary of the staff is also a huge expense. It is not certain how much money will be left in the South African treasury, don't you think? "

The person in charge of the relevant department in South Africa knew that Chen Xiao was saying that the hands and feet of their people were dirty and they would steal money, but they didn't say that, so he didn't want to get angry.

And he also knows that the tax system in South Africa is a mess!

"Besides, Changtian Technology can complete all the construction by itself."

We can repair roads, generate electricity, and build networks by ourselves. In the future, we can use desalination technology to supply fresh water. We don’t need these basic supporting facilities. "Speaking of this, Chen Xiao looked directly into the eyes of the heads of relevant departments, eyes full of sincerity,

"Don't you want to restore South Africa to its past glory and even improve it? South Africa has the best port and waters in Africa, and it was the only developed country in Africa before. South Africa can completely surpass Egypt, Nigeria, Become a veritable star of Africa.

For a person of your status, money and status are all fleeting things. To awaken the sleeping South Africa, this matter will go deep into the bones of every generation of South Africans! "

What Chen Xiao meant was to leave a name in history.

The person in charge of the relevant department in South Africa is not a fool. He calculated that this matter would bring him real wealth and fame, and he was really moved this time.

A few days later, the third round of negotiations began. This time the negotiations went smoothly, and South Africa fully agreed to Chen Xiao's request.

An important point in the agreement between the two parties is that Changtian Technology will meet the food needs of all South African people within three years and sell it to South Africa at a low price of seven cents to 10 cents per kilogram. In return, South Africa will provide ports and land to South Africa. Long Sky Technology, Long Sky Technology will export food to the world.

Chen Xiao agreed without hesitation. That was his original plan, but he also had a request that Decker should enter the relevant department of the South African authorities and be fully responsible for the cooperation with Changtian Technology.

The council didn't dare to offend Chen Xiao this time, and quickly passed a resolution. Some people really don't want to give up this fat job, but after thinking about it, it's not suitable for anyone to go, so they have to give up.

The South African Department of Information immediately announced the great news through television, radio, newspapers, radio, the Internet and other means.

All the South African people cheered, and everyone took to the street to sing and dance again.

Because for most South African people, it is not important which company invests in South Africa. The most important thing is that Changtian Technology invests here. They will have jobs, employment and endless food.

Those who support Changtian Technology the most are the low-level people in South Africa, especially the white people in the slums.

Changtian Technology distributed food to them for free, and the quantity and quality of the food were much higher than those distributed by the West led by the United States.

So they hope that Changtian Technology will continue to invest in South Africa.

They suddenly discovered that since the arrival of Changtian Technology, they have taken to the streets to celebrate much more frequently. As long as it is about Changtian Technology, it is a good thing for themselves.

Wang Xiang held a meeting here to plan the production plan. Now the 100-square-meter factory can only produce one ton of energy blocks a day, which is too little. He wants to export 50 million tons within a year, and needs to produce 137,000 tons of energy blocks every day. That would require a factory of 137,000 square meters.

The factory area is not large, and the construction will be completed soon.

That’s not to mention, the export volume will reach 100 million tons in three years’ time, and the quantity supplied to the South African people will not be worth mentioning if the United States is pulled down.

Longsky Technology’s press conference was also held, announcing the energy block export plan, and the press conference revealed more details

. In terms of food aid, the price for South Africa and the United Nations Food Program is 7 cents to 10 cents. The export price is fixed at the grain export price of the United States, which is set at 40% of the grain export price of the United States, but it cannot be lower than the aid. The price is not higher than the global average grain export price.

This news made people all over the world exclaim that Changtian Technology is going to destroy the food system of the United States in an open and aboveboard manner, and Xia Guo's netizens instantly boiled.

"This is too amazing! I like it! It's amazing to chase after Mi Guo!"

"Changtian technology is mighty!"

The people in those poor countries are very happy. Some countries have not started to build the energy block factories of Changtian Technology. With such a low price, they don’t have to worry about starvation.

As soon as the news came out, the prices of various grain futures on Wall Street plummeted. The price of grain has been rising year after year. There are reasons for the great changes in the global environment and wars, but the bigger reason is that the financial giants on Wall Street are manipulating grain prices. It will also hoard it, slowly consume those countries that resist, and then sell it.

They don't care about starving to death and killing people, they only care about how much benefit they can get. This time, Changtian technology overturned their dining table, and they were about to starve to death.

"Touch!" With a loud bang, Honiler, the boss of the American Letheman Financial Company, shot himself and ended his life.

"Bump!" There was another loud noise, and the president of the Huster Securities Company in the United States, Jenny Masto, jumped from the top floor of the Empire State Building and fell into a pulp.

A lot of the money in these people’s hands is given by invisible asset groups. They are just spokespersons on the surface. Although their status is already unattainable, they still can’t afford the consequences of not getting the money back. They can only commit suicide to save the lives of their families. .

Countless hot money, small and medium-sized investors also failed to invest, and many people ended their lives. The roof of the Empire State Building was almost untenable. Many of them were speculators who asked for bank loans and gambled all their assets. Now they are all gone. What else is there to live for?

The food policies of many countries around the world have changed They are all poor countries that are subject to the food system of the United States, exchanging domestic resources or other valuable things for food in the United States.

This time, they can finally get rid of the shackles of food in the United States.

These countries all turned to the United States for refunds and returns, and turned to Changtian Technology to buy food. Some countries have accelerated the pace of cooperation with Changtian Technology. When the third world found Changtian Technology to cooperate with them to build factories, they were already shaken. They were just afraid of the ambitions of the United States and that Changtian Technology could not meet the needs of their own country.

Now they have calculated their grain output and the grain in stock, and decided to take the first step. As long as the factory is built, the energy block has extremely high calories, and people should not starve to death. What's more, it can be imported.

When these countries come to Changtian Technology to buy food, they are naturally required to use RMB as the settlement currency, and use resources if they have no money, just like in the past.

At this time, the South African authorities are glad that they fully agreed to the request of Changtian Technology. Changtian Technology may not be in South Africa, but South Africa cannot live without Changtian Technology.

It has only been a few days since the news of the cooperation was announced, and the funds invested in South Africa have exceeded the sum of the past ten years. This shows that capital is optimistic about the development of South Africa, and all of this is given by Changtian Technology.

Some people laugh and some cry. The ones who cry the saddest may not be the lower classes in the United States, but the upper class, those capitalist families hiding behind, who are the real world-class bosses.

They are in a state of desperation right now. Midao has lost their food security, and what is even more frightening is that they will lose their energy security. They obviously already know the news that the controlled nuclear fusion will be turned on permanently. They want to blow up South Africa. Nuclear laboratory, but the security of Changtian Technology is not a vegetarian. Besides, if they have the technology, are they afraid that they will not be able to produce more?

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