Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 132: A girl who is persistent and insists on the truth

When Luo Hao was talking to his mentor Li Jian that day, Li Jian commented on Gao Miao's experiment like this.

Li Jian said: "This kid Gao Miao is very persistent in doing things, and has such an impetus."

"Although she chose the research content this time to be very simple (the relevant literature has been published, the cathode material has an impact on the energy density and safety and stability of lithium batteries), but these simple tasks are very complicated, because we have no relevant The data are all based on the inferences of one experiment and one experiment, and then give the optimal solution, which is actually a very huge amount of engineering."

Li Jian's tutor said: "Actually, I don't have much hope for Gao Miao's experiment. Even if she gives the semi-finished product in the end, the school will find a way to help Gao Miao organize her thesis and complete the graduation process."

Li Jian said to Luo Hao: "So don't worry too much about experiments and writing papers. As long as you work hard and do it seriously, it is impossible for the school to keep you from graduating."

This is humane management, and it is also in line with common sense.

The School of Materials and Chemistry only needs Gaomiao's phased research results, and does not expect Gaomiao to really research high-performance lithium batteries.

Many scientific research institutes in Xiaguo are still exploring this thing, and the core technology is not so easy to break through in the hands of Dongyang and South Korea.

It is difficult for a college girl to tinker with something just by virtue of her momentum.

Today Luo Hao went to the laboratory, on the one hand, to build a sense of presence in front of Gao Miao, and on the other hand, to tell Gao Miao the news of his supervisor, so that Gao Miao no longer has to worry about the thesis.

Unexpectedly, since Gao Miao and Chen Xiao have fiddled with the experiment, they have also finished writing the paper.

Luo Hao hurriedly walked in and asked, "Miao Miao, have you finished your experiment? I heard outside that your experiment was successful and the paper was written?!"

Gao Miao is in a very good mood now, and he is willing to have a few words with Luo Hao.

"Success! Thanks to Chen Xiao, if it weren't for him, I really don't know where to start."

"Chen Xiao's ideas are very clear. He took me step by step to complete the experiment and obtained the desired data."

Luo Hao's heart was beating wildly, he didn't believe it at all.

The tutors have said that the difficulty factor of this experiment is very high. Will a freshman student get this time?

Luo Hao looked at the first draft of the paper, but he couldn't understand it even if he was a scumbag.

You ask him to explain why a paper is, but he doesn't understand.

Moreover, Luo Hao absolutely did not believe that Chen Xiao could complete the test.

There are many excellent scientific research institutions in Xia State. Mr. Li said that some scientific research institutions are also conquering lithium batteries, but there are still no good results.

A freshman, can his strength be stronger than those of those scientific research institutions?

Luo Hao thought that Gao Miao had been fooled, and he said, "You have to take a serious look, have you been fooled?!"

It seems that Luo Hao looks like a scumbag, but saying these things is in line with his character.

Gao Miao said helplessly: "Science is about logic, any data is superimposed from 1+1=2, if one data is fictitious, then all the following data must be fictitious to meet the The logic of the previous data and the final logic will definitely not work.”

"And the material chemistry experiment is different from other science experiments. In the end, the material chemistry experiment will definitely have corresponding results, and there will also be corresponding experimental products."

Gao Miao raised the two lithium batteries in his hand and said, "This is the experimental product that has been tested and fully meets the requirements!"

How to look at two lithium batteries and look at the thick paper, I was extremely surprised.

[Influence +10]

Who would have thought that a freshman would have such strength?

Luo Hao looked at the practical papers and some data as if he were reading from the heavens, let it be brilliant, give this bunch of experiments to Luo Hao, and let Luo Hao go to the tutor to ask for credit. Luo Hao looked at these data and couldn't say a single one at all. So come.

This is the difference between a scholar and a scumbag.

Similar to a Nobel Prize winner, giving you all the data of his award and asking you to explain it, your head is all muddy.

Luo Hao has only one idea now. If the experimental results are true and the paper is feasible, then is there any way for him to post a name on the paper, and he is also a member of the experimental team.

Thinking of this, Luo Hao showed a flattering smile.

"Miao Miao, you see I was there during the experiment. Although I didn't do any specific core work, I did a good job of logistical services."

"Look at you when you hand in the paper, can you write my name on it? It's okay to write it at the end!"

Although Luo Hao has been named in other groups, Gao Miao's experiment is obviously much taller than the garbage experiments such as carbon steel plastic deformation.

Gao Miao felt a pang of nausea.

She is a girl who pays attention to seeking truth from facts, whatever the situation is!

Although the whole experiment said that the members of the experimental group are still quite a few people.

But there is no one who can really help, everyone is fishing and waiting for the result.

I found that there was really no result, and I ran and ran.

Luo Hao did not say that he was leaving the experimental group, but he did not help the experimental group at all, and even continued to transmit negative energy, hoping that Gao Miao would give up the experiment.

If it weren't for Chen Xiao, where would Gao Miao's experimental results come from?

Now that the experiment is over, Luo Hao wants to put a name on the paper?

How can there be such a good thing in the world?

Gao Miao is the organizer of the experiment, and Chen Xiao is the first person to write the experiment and the paper.

According to Gao Miao, there are only two names in the paper and experimental results, Chen Xiao and Gao Miao.

Others have not paid, why should they be written on it?

No way!

Gao Miao smiled at Luo and then his face changed, he packed up his papers and personal belongings, and left the laboratory.

Luo Hao quickly chased after him and said, "Miao Miao, let's have dinner together in the evening. A McDonald's has just opened in front of the school. How about we go to McDonald's?"

Gao Miao said coldly, "I don't like it, I'm not interested, I don't have time!"

If Chen Xiao was willing to eat with her, Gao Miao would of course be happy.

Because she and Chen Xiao have a common language, many things can be put together.

Gao Miao even felt that Chen Xiao was not mature enough for his age.

When he was with Chen Xiao, Gao Miao rarely regarded Chen Xiao as a junior, but as a peer or even a senior to communicate.

But when he was with Luo Hao.

Gao Miao only has hehe, this boy is naive, ignorant and even self-righteous, and feels good.

Gao Miao hurried away, leaving behind Luo Hao with a messy face.

He felt like a licking dog and didn't seem to be licking in the right place.

The next day, Gao Miao went to the Department of Materials Science and Engineering Office with a lot of experimental results to find Li Jian and Professor Li, the vice dean who also led the experiment.


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