If you don't do this business, you are really stupid.

Chen Xiao made a preliminary assessment of the purchase price of Jiangzhou Machinery Factory.

The plant's land occupation, machinery and equipment, and compensation for dismissal may add up to about 10 million.

This price is much lower than the valuation of Jiangzhou Machinery Factory at its peak.

The reason why Jiangzhou City is so eager to get rid of the home machinery factory.

The main problem is that Jiangzhou Machinery Factory cannot make a profit at all with its current capacity, but with so many workers and so many machinery and equipment to maintain, it is losing money every day.

Moreover, the equipment of Jiangzhou Machinery Factory has been seriously aging, and the products they produce cannot compete with the products produced by the same machinery factories in the coastal cities of Yangcheng.

The international community has heard that Xia Guo will soon join the WTO.

Forward-thinking Western companies have begun to lay out their industries in the coastal areas.

Under this circumstance, more advanced machinery and equipment entered the coastal areas of Xiaguo, and a joint venture or a foreign-funded factory was built one by one.

At the same price, the products of Jiangzhou Machinery Factory no longer have any competitiveness.

If Jiangzhou Machinery Factory is sold as soon as possible, Jiangzhou City will have less financial burden.

At present, Jiangzhou City is also carrying out large-scale urban construction, and finance also needs money.

It's definitely not worth it to feed that money far and wide into old juice that doesn't generate any benefits.

In fact, the vigorous reform of state-owned enterprises began in 1998. During this period, a large number of workers were laid off, and a large number of state-owned enterprises were converted into private enterprises or directly closed down.

These are the epitome of an era.

Chen Xiao asked Chen Qiang, "Is there any private boss willing to take over?"

Chen Qiang said: "With such a big mess, who is willing to come over and take over?"

Chen Xiao nodded and said nothing.

According to Chen Xiao's understanding of the current economic and social development, there are not many individuals or enterprises that have the strength to win Jiangzhou Machinery Factory.

Everyone has to figure out what kind of benefits they can get from this deal.

Apparently everyone thought it was a loss-making business.

Chen Xiao doesn't have 10 million now, but he has the capital to earn 10 million.

Just yesterday, Bai Du called Chen Xiao.

IDG is very interested in the 11181 website and is preparing the materials for investing in 11181, hoping to become an angel investor of the 11181 website.

After nearly a year of development, the 11181 website has become the number one navigation website in the country with very high commercial value.

The exchange of shares between Chen Xiao and Baidu cannot be regarded as Baidu's investment in the 11181 website, but at most a mutual cooperation.

This time, IDG gave the website a corresponding valuation and was willing to invest with real money.

IDG has a very vicious vision in the Xiaguo market in recent years, and has successively invested in Penguin and Baidu.

These two will be unicorns on the Internet from now on.

Now, in the era of the Internet bubble, I have taken a fancy to Chen Xiao's 11181 website.

Sure enough, international capital is international capital.

You can always choose your favorite target from the market.

The competition of Internet navigation websites will become more and more intense in the days to come. If the financing can be realized earlier, it is also in the interests of Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao was not in a hurry and patiently waited for IDG's investment.

In the words of Manager Zhang Baidu, even if IDG does not invest, Baidu is willing to cooperate with Chen Xiao for the second time.

The hurried National Day holiday was over, and Chen Xiao returned to school. He got a not-so-good news from Han Deming of the Department of Materials and Chemistry.

"I asked about it, but Nature didn't guess our paper." Han Deming invited Chen Xiao to his office. When he said this, he was very disappointed.

After all, Han Deming attaches great importance to this paper by Chen Xiao, and he feels that this paper is fully hopeful to be published in the journal "Nature".

But it is a pity that after inquiring from his friends in the UK, Henderson found that "Nature" has no plan to publish this paper at all.

The thesis just sinks into the sea.

Han Deming also entrusted several of his friends to repeatedly inquire about the reason, whether it was because the format of the paper did not meet the requirements, or because the translation was not in place, but there was no news.

However, Han Deming still smiled reluctantly and said: "Fortunately, many domestic heavyweight academic journals have published this paper, and we are also communicating with the superior leaders to see if we can get some experimental support."

Chen Xiao was quite surprised. When he wrote about the role of lithium batteries, he specifically inquired about the international research progress on lithium batteries.

He can guarantee the success of his papers and researchers is absolutely the first in the world.

And some of them can get international awards.

In this case, the "Nature" magazine did not adopt it.

Chen Xiao smiled. In the case of Xia Guo's low academic theory discourse power, it is very normal for the paper not to be accepted.

If it is not adopted, it will gain less influence, but it does not matter, and carbon crystals are also stored in the back.

After Chen Xiao thanked Tan Deming, he left his life's office.

Whether it is an experiment or a company, Chen Xiao believes that he should still focus on himself.

It is impossible to rely on others.

Looking at Chen Xiao who left the office in the afternoon, Tan Deming had some surprises.

"Why isn't this child lost at all?"

It's not that Chen Xiao is not disappointed, but he sees some truths thoroughly.

In mid-October, the weather in Jiangzhou is finally a cool summer.

On this day, Kaitri, the head of IDG Xiaguo District, set off from Yanjing to Jiangzhou under the recommendation of Zhang Ke, to prepare to interface with Chen Xiao.

Kaitri has a lot of evaluation materials in his hands. This time, he will formally negotiate with Chen Xiao on behalf of IDG. IDG also believes that the 11181 website will bring huge profits to itself in the future.

Meanwhile ~ www.readwn.com ~ Toyo Sony Headquarters.

A Mingyue MP3 was delivered to Shiro Iwata, the head of Sony's music division.

Iwata Shiro and the person in charge of the technical department were playing with this product from Xia Guo, which was quite an accident.

This product is better than Sony's MP3 in terms of appearance and quality. More importantly, its price is quite cheap. During the National Day, the sales volume exceeded that of Sony's MP3, which attracted Sony's attention.

Sony executives are very alert and are ready to discuss some countermeasures.

At the same time, representatives of Xia Guolangke also came to Dongyang.

Netac hopes to introduce MP3 chip decoding technology from Sony, and then produce cheaper MP3 in Xiaguo.

After all, the sales performance of Lingyue made Netac very jealous and wanted to take a share of it.

It is most cost-effective to be Sony's OEM in Xiaguo, and even develop products in the name of cooperation with Sony.

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