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Liu Kewen and others left the teahouse. They didn't plan to go back to Yanjing, but to find a hotel in Jiangzhou to have a good rest and sort out the relevant materials for today's negotiation.

The assistant asked Liu Kewen: "Mr. Liu, the company's bottom line..."

Help didn't finish his words. After all, it was not very appropriate to remind the boss to pay attention to some of the company's content in front of the boss.

Liu Kewen is a veteran of investment and negotiation. He said: "The bottom line is that 30% of the shares, 5 million meters of knife, but now the situation has changed, report the situation to the headquarters and then negotiate."

When Chen Xiao returned to the company, Wang Xiang and Sun Dong quickly stood up and waited for the news of the negotiation.

Changtian Technology now has Lingyue MP3, ADLINK equipment motherboard, Internet cafe management system, 11181 website and many other industries.

Among them, Lingyue is a company jointly established by Chen Xiao and Zhou Linghua, and Wang Xiang also has a small amount of shares in it.

The 11181 website, Baidu also owns 15% of the shares.

In addition, the shares of the company's products are all owned by Chen Xiao.

If we can reach a cooperation with IDG this time, Changtian will definitely be restructured, and the 11181 website will definitely be stripped out.

Although everyone does not have any shares in 11181, if 11181 waits for IDG's investment, then the market value of Changtian Technology as the parent company will soar to tens of millions of RMB, which is good for any employee!

Sun Dong was originally just a **** wandering in various Internet cafes. He never thought that life would be so easy after he was with the right person.

Now the company is still in its infancy, and his company's treatment is not very high.

If you are invested by IDG, then buying a house in Jiangzhou is a completely extravagant thing!

Chen Xiao laughed for a while and said, "What are you doing watching me! Waiting for the pie to fall from the sky?"

Chen Xiao did not mention anything about the negotiation with IDG just now, but immediately arranged the work at hand.

After all the chat software was developed, Chen Xiao asked Sun Dong to urge his programmers to arrange the server construction and launch.

The volume of Suichao will definitely be huge in the future. At present, Chen Xiao's own server must not be able to afford it. This time the server will let Baidu help.

Later, Chen Xiao called Shengda and asked Shengda to help promote it.

After the last incident, Chen Xiao and Sheng Da shook hands to make peace.

After all, it can be considered that Sheng Da owes Chen Xiao a favor.

As long as what Chen Xiao wants to promote is not a plug-in or a competitive game, then Shengda is willing to help.

In the end, when Shengda knew that what Chen Xiao asked to promote was a voice software that was very beneficial to the legendary game process, he was delighted!

After demonstrating the voice chat software, Shengda's technicians found that if a team uses voice chat during the game, such social attributes will increase the user's online time and increase the degree of adhesion in the game.

This is very good!

Shengda and Changtian Technology have no competition at all.

Moreover, there is also a legend section in Changtian's 11181 website, which can help the legend to promote it positively.

It's a link problem.

Soon the official website of the legend launched the chat-related software and introduction on the homepage, and gave a relatively loud slogan, "It's brothers fighting in a team fight, just go to chat."

In addition, Chen Xiao's 11181 website and Internet cafe management system also comprehensively advertise the chat.

According to the coverage of the Legend Internet Cafe Management System and the 11181 website, netizens who are playing games on the Internet immediately knew Suichat, an instant messaging software.

The most important thing is that when Chen Xiao just contacted Shengda, the two sides also formulated corresponding promotion measures.

As long as you download Chat and register an account, players can get 100 minutes or 1,000 minutes of legendary time as a gift.

Lucky users can also get permanent legendary market places.

In fact, most users can only get 100 minutes, and the permanent legendary time quota is a gimmick.

This probability is similar to 5 million in the middle, but even this small probability will greatly attract the participation of netizens.

These hours are paid by Chen Xiaolai, and finally settled by Changtian Technology and Shengda Company.

Chen Xiao's series of operations had been played by many application manufacturers before his rebirth.

For example, when Dousheng, Toutiao, Kuaijia, Pinxixi and other software used the registered account to promote themselves, they sent red envelopes.

Although the red envelopes sent are not many, at most a few cents or one or two yuan.

But this is very attractive to users, as long as they can take advantage of things everyone is willing to do.

Before the rebirth, Chen Xiao also complained specifically about this matter.

The nature of young people using their mobile phone numbers and their relatives and friends to download various APP registration accounts to get red envelopes is actually the same as the nature of the elderly who get up at 5 am and go to the sports center to queue up to get eggs.

However, so far, few Internet companies are playing this routine.

What Chen Xiao did was indeed very attractive.

Chen Xiao just wanted to quit the chat after negotiating with IDG. The purpose was to prove his company's innovation ability and profitability, so that IGD could spend more money but get less shares.

Jiangzhou City, time flies Internet cafes.

After 2000, various Internet cafes with better environments have begun to gradually replace dark Internet cafes with only a few computers.

Zhang Fatty, who was playing games in the Internet cafe, saw that everyone around him was wearing headphones, and he was talking into the headphones while the legend of the king was in a team battle.

The person next to him said: "I'm x! You go up! You are a mage, you are holding a scepter and punching a yarn!"

Zhang Pangpang looked at this man playing very passionately, and quickly asked, "Hey, buddy, who are you chatting with?"

This buddy was engrossed in playing the game~www.readwn.com~ and said impatiently: "Let's chat! The voice chat software just promoted by Legend official, friends who play together can build a chat room and form a team at the same time. Fighting monsters while chatting is much more fun than typing!"

"I didn't think that one of my friends was a girl!"

Hearing this buddy say this, Fatty Zhang was a little moved.

When he was playing games, because he had to discuss countermeasures with his teammates, he kept typing and chatting with each other.

Social network games have just begun, and gamers enjoy a sense of achievement and socialization that is not available in real life in the game world.

Typing and chatting with everyone is really enjoyable, but it also affects the experience of playing games.

Especially when brushing monsters or fighting bosses, the keyboard is used for skills, not for chatting.

If we can have a voice room, we can not only chat in the game to determine the way of mutual cooperation, but also exchange more sincere communication, in fact, it feels really good.

The buddy next door also said: "Downloading the registered account will give you 100 minutes of game time, and there is a chance to get a lifetime of free time to play legend."

Zhang Pangpang is excited, let alone the chat room, which is very attractive. Download and register will give you 100 minutes of the game, and you will have a chance to get a lifetime free opportunity. You must download it.

Chen Xiao's casual chat is indeed very attractive. The total number of downloads that night exceeded 5,000 times, and the number of active online users exceeded 2,000 at the same time, handing over a beautiful answer sheet.

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