According to reliable sources, Xia Guo's entry into the WTO at the end of this year must be a matter of Dingding.

Therefore, at this stage, many international capitals have already set their sights on Xia Guo. For them, Xia Guo is an undeveloped virgin land.

It has the world's broadest market and relatively cheap labor, and of course there will also be individual global companies.

For example, Penguin, Huohu, Xinlang, Baidu and other companies have shown their strong competitiveness.

If these companies were found by some venture capital firms at the beginning of their business ventures, they would surely gain extremely large profits with their small and large scales.

IDG is one of them. He entered Xiaguo in the 1990s and successfully invested in Baidu and Penguin. He was praised by Wall Street in the United States as the investment institution that knows the Xiaguo market best.

Kaitery, President of IDG Xiaguo District Headquarters, was about to pack up and take an evening flight to the United States to enjoy the winter vacation when he received the call from the headquarters.

Brown, CEO of the U.S. headquarters, said to Caitri: "You should pay attention to Changtian Technology in Jiangzhou, Xiaguo. It is best to do a detailed research on this company. He has the potential to become a star technology similar to Samsung or Sony. company."

Kaitri was very puzzled and said: "Mr. Brown, we have invested in Yuedong Internet, a subsidiary of Changtian Technology, a few months ago. This is a business facilitated by Baidu."

Brown hurriedly interrupted Kaitly's words and said, "Of course I know that you have already invested in Yuedong Internet, a subsidiary of Changtian Technology, but now I want you to pay attention to Changtian Technology itself."

Brown said: "I have sent the relevant information to your email. A few days ago, Changtian Technology launched a carbon crystal storage U disk. The senior investment experts in the company are very sure that this storage technology will definitely replace the existing storage technology. Flash memory technology will become the mainstream of the future computer industry."

"We have no way to give an accurate valuation of carbon crystal storage, but it is certain that its valuation should be in the hundreds of millions of meters."

"Hundreds of millions of meters?!" Kaitri was really surprised.

After all, they just invested in Yuedong Internet some time ago, and the price they gave was only one million meters.

If the valuation of Changtian Technology is hundreds of millions of meters, then IDG must prepare at least tens of millions of meters to be eligible to invest in it.

If you want to invest tens of millions of meters in Changtian Technology, then the headquarters will place Changtian Technology in the same position as Penguin and Whiteness.

You know, this company has only been established for less than a year!

Kaitery was a little confused at this time. IDG Xiaguo headquarters was also busy at the end of the year. Kaitery did not pay attention to the release of new carbon crystal storage by Changtian Technology.

He had some doubts and said to Brown: "Mr. Brown, as far as I know, the main business of Changtian Technology is Yuedong Internet and its subordinate Lingyue MP3."

"And its source of profit is Yuedong Internet. Changtian Technology seems to be not good at semiconductor business."

Brown interrupted Kaitery again, and he said to Kaitery with some dissatisfaction: "Mr. Kaitery, I think you should re-examine your work in Xia Guo."

"Changtian Technology's carbon crystals have been sold to the outside world a few days ago. One was bought by Sony, and the other fell into the hands of Stanford Semiconductor Laboratory."

"As far as I know, both Sony and Stanford Semiconductor Labs are currently facing a formidable enemy."

"Stanford University Semiconductor Laboratory held an emergency meeting just yesterday, and the topic of the meeting was to study the principle of carbon crystal storage."

"The product has already caused a stir in the U.S. semiconductor industry."

"Now the US semiconductor industry has two attitudes towards it. One is to find a way to understand its technical principles, and then conduct research and imitation. Another way is to eliminate this new technology in the cradle."

"Because this technology poses a serious threat to many important U.S. semiconductor industries."

The production of the semiconductor industry is in the curved regions of Toyo, South Korea and Xia.

But its core technology and intellectual property are in the United States.

"As far as I know, the test results of Sony's carbon crystal storage have come out, and the situation is very serious. At present, Sony's engineers have no way to figure out the principle of carbon crystal storage."

Hearing Brown's words, Kaitri fell silent for a while. His heart was horrified. It was hard to imagine that Xiaguo Technology Company, which was just established by OnePlus, could develop such advanced technology products.

In the capital world of the United States, the most important thing is profit, so it is impossible for capital such as IDG to follow the semiconductor industry of the United States completely, and it will not put eggs in the same basket.

Therefore, Brown asked Kaitri to investigate the technology products of Changtian Technology in more detail this time.

Brown gave Kairi a task, "One week after Xia Guo New Year, I need to get the detailed information of Changtian Technology's carbon crystal storage, including Changtian Technology's future plans, which will be the key to our decision whether to invest in it or not. material."

Kaitri also knew the importance of the matter, he had to put down his packed luggage and said: "It seems that I can't go back to the United States for a vacation, don't worry, sir, our relationship with Changtian Technology is not bad, I will try to do it as soon as possible. Gather relevant information."

Not only IDG, but also seven or eight VC companies such as Sequoia Capital, DCM, and Matrix Partners have also paid attention to Changtian Technology.

Among them, Xia Guo of Sequoia Capital decided to give up the Spring Festival vacation, and they were hurrying to collect all the information of Changtian Technology.

And DCM, through his strong contacts, also got Sony's test report on Changtian Technology's carbon crystal Every time he prepares to negotiate with Changtian Technology after the Spring Festival holiday ends.

These venture capital institutions are even a little annoyed that the Spring Festival does not come early and late, but it happened at this critical moment.

What VCs lack is not capital, but companies with unlimited potential.

The great success of Kingston, which was born in Silicon Valley more than 10 years ago, means that the semiconductor industry has unlimited possibilities.

If this wave of investment can crush a company comparable to Kingston, it will bring predictable profits to these investment institutions.

Chen Xiao's strategy is very clear. First, in the context of Xia Guo's accession to the WTO, he fought a century lawsuit with Netac to improve his international reputation.

Immediately afterwards, carbon crystal storage with performance several times stronger than flash memory was released.

Under this series of operations, it is impossible not to attract the attention of the international capital community.

Seeing the full influence, Chen Xiao drove leisurely to Jiangzhou to pick up Shen Wei.

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