Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 196: Conclusion Report from the Semiconductor Lab at Stanford University

After watching the two adults leave, Chen Xiao jokingly said to Shen Wei, "Your parents don't really want me to go to dinner."

Shen Wei raised her head and said, "Then you have such a thick skin."

Chen Xiao hehe smiled, "Isn't there a lack of food at home!"

After speaking, Chen Xiao said, "You wait here for a while, I'll go sell something!"

Chen Xiao took Zhou Ya's words and wanted to go up to eat. He was indeed very thick-skinned.

But this does not mean that Chen Xiao is ignorant.

Of course, when you go to work for dinner, you must bring some gifts, especially in the past few days of the Spring Festival, when you come home empty-handed.

To be a man, you have to think about everything.

In a nearby supermarket, Chen Xiao bought two bottles of Fenjiu at a moderate price, another huazi, and two cans of milk powder.

This gift is still important.

The wine was too expensive, and Shen Haifeng didn't dare to accept it, thinking that Chen Xiao had other intentions.

Therefore, the price of wine is moderate, and there are cigarettes and milk powder to take care of Shen Haifeng and Zhou Ya.

Seeing Chen Xiao come over with a gift, Shen Wei appeared to be fine, but she was still very happy.

"It's too expensive."

"A little thought."

Chen Xiao pointed to a box of things in the car and said, "Are you sure you don't even take this box up to give it to me?"

Shen Wei patted Chen Xiao on the back and said, "You are a man who is chasing, and if you say it is given to you, it will be given to you. Hurry up and eat."

Chen Xiao touched his nose, thinking that Shen Haifeng might have a little expression, he couldn't help laughing.

Xia Guo is happily celebrating the Spring Festival, but the United States is still a working day.

United States, California, Stanford University, Semiconductor Laboratory.

The head of the laboratory, Professor Fisher looked at the experimental report in his hand.

This report is a report on carbon crystal storage just written by the laboratory.

At this time, Fisher's student Liu En, who is also a Chinese-American, came over and said, "Mr. Professor, we still have no results here."

Liu En is an undergraduate student of Shuimu University. He came to Stanford University as an exchange student in his junior year, and then completed his graduate studies at Stanford University and successfully completed his Ph.D.

As a semiconductor professional, Liu En will definitely stay in the United States to work.

Liu En unilaterally terminated the study abroad agreement with Xiaguo Shuimu University last year, and he used his scholarship to compensate for the liquidated damages between himself and Shuimu University.

After the incident last year, Liu En was abused by many students in the school forum.

Everyone said that Liu En was a traitor for being unpatriotic.

But in the face of this noisy voice, Liu En didn't care at all.

As long as you can stay in the United States to study and work, you can even get a green card in the United States, compensation of tens of thousands of meters, and the insults of the people of the Xia country.

Fisher looked at his proud disciple, and couldn't help but feel some emotion in his heart.

In the field of semiconductors, Xia people are indeed smarter than whites and blacks.

As long as they are given the right soil, they can create different splendor.

It is precisely because of this discovery that colleges and universities in the United States have started the work of excavating the talents of Xia Guo.

Those outstanding Xia Guo international students will be left behind.

They also have access to the top semiconductor and integrated circuit research laboratories in the United States.

But the premise is that they must cut off all contacts with Xia, especially in terms of political performance.

And the more disgusted Xia Guo, the more welcomed by American colleges and universities.

At the same time, the United States is also very prepared for these Xia students. They can enter top laboratories, but they can only be used as tools to conduct research on some projects.

In the ranking of the laboratories, the rank of the Chinese is lower than that of the Asians, South Koreans and Southeast Asians. If there are Africans in the laboratory, the status of the Chinese is also lower than that of the Africans.

Fisher said: "Liu En, you are from Xia, do you think the carbon crystal storage is real?"

Liu En was actually very puzzled at this time.

He only left Xia Guo for a few years, and is very familiar with Xia Guo's development of integrated circuits and semiconductors.

He couldn't imagine that a technology company in Xia Guo could create a product that he couldn't understand.

Liu En told the truth: "Based on what I know about Xia Guo's scientific research environment and some of the top technology companies, products with such high performance are definitely not made by those Xia Guo people."

Liu En used those words, clearly distinguishing himself from the people of Xia.

But Liu En's argument has been endorsed by Fisher.

Fisher nodded and said, "At present, we don't have enough evidence to prove that this product was developed by the people of Xia."

After saying this, Fisher gave Liu En a meaningful look.

Liu En didn't understand what Fisher's eyes meant.

This is discrimination and distrust of the people of Xia.

Since Xia Guo's technology companies have a very low start, and semiconductors have a lower start, they will never have such advanced technology as carbon crystal storage.

So where did this technology come from?

Fisher took it for granted that if the technology of carbon crystal storage was real, then it was also stolen by Xia people from some advanced foreign laboratories.

Otherwise, just relying on the people of Xia country, can you study it?

He glanced at Liu En as a precaution against Liu En.

No matter how hard Liu En tried to express his love for the United States, he couldn't change the reality that he was yellow-skinned and black-haired.

Casually, Fisher handed an experimental report to Liu En and said, "Do you have any problems with this report? If there are no problems, hand it over to a printing office for publication."

Liu En's status in the laboratory was relatively low, and it was absolutely impossible for Fisher to seek his opinion.

Fisher said this, in fact, just casually talking about Liu En's reaction, not really asking for Liu En's opinion.

Liu En was even more surprised when he saw the

The content of the report is not the principle analysis or performance expression of carbon crystal storage.

Instead, it said that carbon crystal storage is a scam.

If users use this product, there will be two serious problems.

One is that his data will disappear inexplicably, and the other is that his computer or server will be monitored and monitored by Xia Guo's hacker organization to steal data.

This report is full of loopholes, and it doesn't look like it was written by the Stanford University Semiconductor Laboratory.

This is of course not written by the lab, but by a reporter for The New York Times, but it will be published in the name of Stanford University's Semiconductor Laboratory.

It doesn't matter whether the people of Xia believe it or not, the important thing is to make the people in the West believe that they will cut off the momentum of carbon crystal storage products to be sold overseas in the future, and kill this product in academia dominated by the West.

Looking at Liu En's expression, Fisher found it very interesting. He said, "What? Is there something wrong with our report?"

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