(I was busy for a day today, and I was finally hospitalized. The pre-payment of 30,000 may not be enough. It may be the day after tomorrow for surgery. These two chapters were written in the hospital bed, because there are only two chapters, and the DB is not fortified. I hope everyone can move to the starting point and subscribe for support. Let's go, after all, the operation fee is too expensive, woo woo woo...)

Deng Chao was very depressed. He said to Chen Xiao, "Brother Xiao, why don't we go to Jiangzhou Amusement Park? Come and visit Guomei, we don't buy appliances."

Chen Xiao said, "Aren't you chasing girls? Have you ever thought about giving girls a gift?"

When it came to the girl he was chasing, Deng Chao suddenly became interested.

Of course Deng Chao thought about giving girls gifts, but he couldn't even chat happily with girls, let alone give gifts.

Chen Xiao said: "I'll introduce you a good thing, you can give this thing to the girl to ensure that the relationship will go further."

This time Deng Chao was really curious, "What?"

Chen Xiao took everyone to the counter of Lingyue MP3 and said, "Lingyue MP3."

Shen Wei couldn't help laughing, she knew that Chen Xiao brought them to Guomei to see the sales of Lingyue MP3.

Among college students, Lingyue has long been synonymous with fashion.

Many of Shen Wei's classmates have bought Lingyue MP3s and put them on fashionable bags and wear them in front of their necks.

I always wear headphones on the way to and from school or when I go out for an outing.

It feels like a beautiful (handsome) male (female) protagonist in a Korean drama.

Shen Wei touched the MP3 in her pocket. This is the first-generation product of Lingyue. Its functions may not be as advanced as the current products, but this is a gift from Chen Xiao, which is unique in the world.

Even if Shen Wei has money to buy a new and better Lingyue MP3 now, she is still reluctant to replace this one in her hand.

"You mean Lingyue!" Deng Chao got excited when he saw Lingyue's display stand.

College students are the most fashionable group of young people, and they are also the fastest group to accept new things.

Although Lingyue MP3 did not spend a lot of money to advertise on TV stations, the students' favorite magazines and online media such as Baidu and Xinlang are all advertisements of Lingyue.

Compared with traditional TV media, advertisements on online platforms are more easily accepted by young people.

"Don't say it, I want to buy a Lingyue MP3 myself."

Deng Chao's family is not short of money, and there is no need to consider the price when buying an MP3.

Among Chen Xiao's high school classmates, except Shen Wei who knew that Chen Xiao had started a business and received capital from IDG, no one else knew.

Chen Xiao also didn't intend to deliberately say that, except for the suspicion of pretending to be X, it has no effect.

Of course, after these iron buddies of mine graduate, if they need Chen Xiao's help, Chen Xiao will definitely be obliged.

Hearing Deng Chao say this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but say, "Buy two in one go, one pink and one black. I used it myself, and I gave it as a gift."

"Good idea!" Deng Chao hurried to line up to buy two Lingyues, but found that no! goods! !

out of stock?

Chen Xiao was also dizzy. Wang Xiang was still saying that Jiangzhou's Lingyue had leftovers, but now they are out of stock.

The last MP3 was bought by Yao Yi, the evaluation editor of Computer Enthusiasts.

Yao Yi is also quite depressed. The editorial office of "Computer Enthusiasts" is in the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Yao Yi also went to Guomei in Shanghai stock market immediately to line up to buy Lingyue MP3, but unfortunately, it was sold out.

Yao Yi waited for several days in the Shanghai stock market, but did not get any goods.

In the era of scalpers, it is difficult to queue up to buy products in the store.

When Yao Yi reacted and was about to find the scalpers, it was a pity that the scalpers were out of stock.

In the end, Yao Yi still knew through the relationship that the Guomei in Jiangzhou was still in stock, and asked the other party to keep it and hurried over to buy it.

Deng Chaozhi was lost, Chen Xiao looked into his eyes, called Wang Xiang, and asked Wang Xiang to stock up and deliver a little, so as to satisfy the sales in Jiangzhou first.

The store manager of Guomei received a call from Lingyue Company and was told that there were still hundreds of units, and was very happy.

He quickly said to the customers in the store: "Everyone! Everyone, Lingyue just notified that a batch of goods will be delivered soon. If you are willing to buy, please queue up here to register. After paying the deposit, we will have the goods here. Everyone will be notified by phone."

Deng Chao hurried over to pay and register.

Shen Wei glanced at Chen Xiao and couldn't help but snicker.

However, Chen Xiao was still worried in his heart. If the problem of mass production cannot be solved, the advantages of Lingyue will be exhausted over time.

Is 512 megabytes of memory difficult to produce?

For now, it must be difficult.

Therefore, carbon crystal storage still has advantages, but what about six months later and one year later?

When TLC chips become popular, not only 512M, but also low-cost 32G, 64G, and 128G flash memory chips will appear.

Carbon crystalline storage will not have any advantages.

Chen Xiao called Luo Ting, the person in charge of the office, "Luo Ting, sort out Lingyue's sales data during this period, and give it to me in three days."

IDG and Sequoia Capital are almost on the ink, and they can talk business with them.

Luo Ning said: "Don't worry, President Chen, we are ready here, I will send you an email after I organize it."

"Don't send emails, just put the printed version in my office."

Now that Changtian Technology is being watched by the global capital and technology circles, Chen Xiao can't guarantee that there is no problem with the mailbox.

Anti-hacking and technology are not so advanced in this era. Maybe Luo Ning just sent the email, and the news here was leaked.

Luo Ning said quickly, "Then I'll put it on your table after I've sorted it out."

Shanghai stock market, Yao Yi has returned to his editorial department.

The editors of their testing department are all computer related majors~www.readwn.com~ The first thing to get the carbon crystal storage is to quickly test it.

Yao Yi said to the camera: "We got the Lingyue MP3 stored with carbon crystals, and now we will test some of the issues that everyone is most concerned about."

Yao Yi is facing the camera, not for a live broadcast, but for text editing and image editing to cut the test video and organize it for use.

"The first question is whether there is 512M in MP3 stored using carbon crystal."

Yao Yi pointed the camera at the computer and said, "There is indeed 512M of storage, there is no doubt about that."

When he said this, Yao Yi was a little excited.

512M! The world's first!

"The second question, is the data stored on the carbon crystal storage easy to lose? Will there be a problem of data loss after using it for a long time?"

"The third question is whether the carbon crystal storage used by Lingyue MP3 has a backdoor to steal users' data."

"In order to test the latter two issues, we will continue to use the product for 24 hours for a week, and the final travel test report will bring you the most accurate Lingyue MP3 performance test."


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