"Jingshan office has sent a lawyer's letter to us, asking us to remove Jingshan office from Firefly OS within three days, otherwise we will be sued."

After Wang Xiang got the news, he immediately went to Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao lighted the table with his hand, but Jingshan's sudden move had no warning.

Chen Xiao was not worried that there would be no Office available for Firefly OS in the future, but worried about how to deal with it now.

After all, Changtian Technology is fully capable of creating a smarter and more practical office, but all of this takes time.

Chen Xiao thought about the reason why Jingshan suddenly attacked Changtian Technology. He said to Wang Xiang: "Is there a connection between Jingshan and Microsoft recently?"

Wang Xiang hesitated for a while and said, "We haven't understood this yet, so I'll have someone check it out right away."

Soon, Wang Xiang got the news, "Some time ago, Microsoft filed a lawsuit against Jingshan in Yanjing and Xiangjiang at the same time. The content seems to be accusing Jingshan of infringing Microsoft's office."

"However, after a few days, Microsoft has withdrawn all the lawsuits."

Sure enough.

Chen Xiao immediately understood the cause and effect of the matter.

He smiled and said to Wang Xiang, "Now I know why Jingshan suddenly attacked us."

"Microsoft's announcement that Jingshan has infringed on Microsoft's office must have very detailed evidence."

"Jingshan knows that he is right, and is definitely not willing to go to court with Microsoft."

"If my guess is correct, Jingshan should have compromised with Microsoft in private and agreed to some of Microsoft's conditions."

"Suddenly attacking our Firefly OS should be one of the concession conditions proposed by Microsoft."

After listening to Chen Xiao's analysis, Wang Xiang's anger became a little higher.

"What does Microsoft mean? Hold on to us?"

The reason is analyzed, and the next step is how to deal with it.

Chen Xiao actually thought it was a little funny.

In fact, the war in the technology market is the same as the war between countries.

At present, Changtian Technology and Microsoft are not at the same level at all.

Just like many small countries in the world are not on the same level as the United States.

If the United States wants to be rough on these small countries, it does not need to do it by itself at all, it only needs to launch a proxy war.

At present, whether Jingshan is willing or forced, Jingshan is Microsoft's agent.

The fundamental reason for this happening is that Xia Guo's technology company has no core technology and is quite dependent on the technology and technology of the United States.

As long as a technology company in the United States sneezes, most of the technology companies in Xia will shiver with fear.

Even if Changtian Technology has the strength to develop its own office, it cannot be done in a day or two.

At present, the biggest problem facing Changtian Technology is that if Jingshan Office is removed from the shelves after three days, the current 150,000 Firefly OS users will not be able to use Office for office work.

Shenchuan has conducted preliminary statistics, and among the 150,000 Shenchuan users, 20-30% use computers for office work, that is, at least 30,000 to 45,000 users cannot do without office.

If Jingshan's Office is removed from the Firefly OS application market after three days, it will not only cause these tens of thousands of users to be unable to use Office, but also make more users who are willing to upgrade Firefly OS have doubts.

They will worry that the application of office is now being removed from the shelves, and will this kind of incident happen to other application software in the future?

The commonly used application software cannot be legally used on Firefly os, so what about the less commonly used software?

The business involved in Jingshan is not only office and antivirus software, but also other games and tool software.

Many games, including Xishanju, have been widely recognized and loved by consumers.

GuWill these be taken off the shelves?

If other software companies follow the example of Jingshan, this will definitely affect the market share of Firefly os.

Wang Xiang looked at Chen Xiao, waiting for Chen Xiao's countermeasures.

Chen Xiao said: "Let Yang Fei go to Yanjing and Jingshan to negotiate immediately, so that we can reach a cooperation."

"Ah?!" After hearing Chen Xiao's countermeasures, Wang Xiang was a little surprised.

Wang Xiang said: "Jingshan may not be so easy to compromise, after all, they are behind Microsoft."

Chen Xiao said little by little: "I still know this truth. We negotiated with Jingshan, just to show our attitude and let users across the country know that if the domestic operating system does not develop well, it is not that Changtian Technology is not working hard enough, but It's because Xia Guo's technology companies are not united enough."

"We want to put pressure on Jingshan from the outside."

Chen Xiao was born again, and his image of Jingshan before his rebirth was very good.

But this is a parallel world after all, and the development of the company will change as the situation changes.

It's always good to talk.

In fact, after the successful development of Firefly os, Chen Xiao's team immediately invested in the research and development of common system applications such as office.

At present, its research and development progress is in the plan, but there is still some time before the research and development is successful.

The second thing Chen Xiao arranged, "You let Yang Fei come over."

Chen Xiao asked Yang Fei about the development progress of office software.

In the end, it will take at least two months.

Chen Xiao said: "Whether it is possible to develop a simplified version of the office application as soon as possible according to the existing structure and framework, only simple text and typesetting functions are required, and other cumbersome macro commands and other extensible functions should not be arranged for the time being. "

Yang Fei thought for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Then I can only do a simplified version of word, and there is no way to get it out of Excel and powerpoint."

Chen Xiao nodded and said, "How long will it take?"

Yang Fei replied, "One week!"

"Okay, then I'll wait for you for a week!"

In addition to allowing users to temporarily use the simplified word version of Changtian Technology Firefly, the most important reason is to give consumers confidence.

Tell Firefly OS users that Changtian Technology is capable of developing its own office series software for Firefly OS~www.readwn.com~, but it needs more time from users.

Chen Xiao said: "At the same time as launching the simplified version of word, we must seize the time to study our office. I request to see our office listed before the Spring Festival next year."

The third thing that Chen Xiao wants to arrange is to crack down on agents.

Although Changtian Technology's research and development on office software is still in its infancy.

But after the last system security war with Microsoft, Changtian Technology has accumulated a lot of technology in the security field.

Most of Jingshan's profits come from Jingshan antivirus software.

Since Jingshan wants to play big, then Changtian Technology is of course willing to accompany it.

Chen Xiao was going to hurt Jingshan, only in this way would Xia Guo's technology company not easily stand in the US.

Chen Xiao smiled and said to Wang Xiang: "Changtian Technology needs to find a shell to launch our own antivirus software. We want to continue to make money on the windows system and continue to disrupt the situation."

Wang Xiang looked at the boss's smile, why did he feel a little creepy?

Chen Xiao said: "You go to Yanjing and find 3721 company. I have a good business. I want to have a good talk with their boss Zhou."

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