Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 426: Alas, I just want to play with you!

Chapter 426 Alas, I just want to play with you!

Who is the shadow company behind it?

Is this still worth thinking about?

99% may be Changtian Technology.

Zou Hai felt a chill on his back, and he completely underestimated the ability of Changtian Technology.

A company that can develop an operating system that can quickly crack Microsoft's blockade and tinker with pirated systems in the name of a third-party company.

Where will the technical strength of this company go?

On Jingshan's side, helplessly cooperated with Microsoft and strangled Changtian Technology.

Jingshan thought that after being recognized by Microsoft, it would gain the office market and the antivirus software market as soon as possible.

Who knows, here, Changtian Technology backhanded Jingshan's salary.

If Jingshan lost the antivirus software market, the company's annual profit would shrink by more than a third.

A devastating blow to the company.

After all, Jingshan has signed a five-year long-term contract with an overseas antivirus software company.

Every year, it pays huge royalties for the other party's antivirus software engine and virus database.

And this number is not small.

Now how to do?

There are only three ways.

The first is to ask Microsoft for help and let Microsoft take the lead in trying to block pirated systems?

Don't think about it at all. If it could block pirated systems, Microsoft would have done it a few years ago.

What's more, the starting price of Microsoft's genuine system is not cheap. If the PCs of the entire Xia Kingdom use the genuine system, it will be a considerable expense for Xia Kingdom's users and related industries.

The relevant departments will not allow Microsoft to so blatantly cut the leeks of the Xia people (silently indulge in piracy).

Second, Jingshan also makes its antivirus software free.

This is even more unrealistic, not to mention whether the board of directors can pass it, even Zou Hai himself can't pass it.

The size of Jingshan's antivirus software department is too large. If it is implemented free of charge, the entire department may have collapsed before it can adapt to it.

After all, the burden is too heavy, and there are too many expenses to be paid.

The third method is to quickly find a deep optimization system for negotiation.

Jingshan pays a certain fee to Deep Optimization, hoping that Deep Optimization can continue to pre-install Jingshan.

This method is even more impossible, because Changtian Technology must be behind the deep optimization.

Jingshan has just put together Changtian Technology, making it difficult for Changtian Technology to ride a tiger, and it is unknown whether the domestic operating system Firefly os will be stillborn.

Now I have to make peace with the other party. Isn't this how I was scolded in the past?

Then there is only the last way to go - to negotiate with Changtian Technology directly, to make concessions to Changtian Technology in the application of office, so that Changtian Technology's Firefly os can continue to use Jingshan's office.

In exchange for this, the depth optimization measurement system can be pre-installed with Jingshan antivirus software.

The reason why Zou Hai is willing to conduct such negotiations is that he believes that the free antivirus software of Changtian Technology is unsustainable.

Zou Hai believes that Changtian Technology immediately created a free anti-virus software. The purpose is to put pressure on Jingshan. As long as Jingshan compromises Changtian Technology in some aspects, the free anti-virus software will soon withdraw from the market.

After all, the maintenance and development of anti-virus software is quite expensive. Internet viruses are constantly updated and upgraded, and anti-virus software can only catch up with the pace of virus evolution if it is constantly updated and upgraded.

According to Zou Hai's understanding of Changtian Technology, if it runs anti-virus software in a free way, Changtian Technology will definitely not be able to keep up in terms of capital and technology.

Zou Hai also knew that Jingshan had no choice but to compromise with Changtian Technology.

If you offend Microsoft, you may die slowly, because whether it is a lawsuit or an intellectual property dispute, this is a very long process.

But at this time, the free antivirus software of Changtian Technology did not stop, and Jingshan died immediately.

After all, most of Jingshan's current cash flow comes from antivirus software.

For a company with a large layout and a lot of foreign debt, the lost cash flow can be an immediate death.

Thinking of this, Zou Hai smiled helplessly.

Or the old saying, if I knew today, why was it in the first place?

During this time, the entire antivirus software market went crazy.

Not only Jingshan, but also Jiangmin and Rising Headquarters were all fried, and they discussed countermeasures one after another.

Some have tried to communicate with various PC companies and deep optimization, hoping to keep their market share.

Some are researching what the operating mode of 306 is, and how to support the continuous operation of the extremely expensive antivirus software?

Here I have to admire Chen Xiao's vision and Zhou Hong's ability.

Zhou Hong is definitely a big hooligan.

His dog-skin plaster-style plug-in spirit, although quite shameless and contrived, is quite effective.

In order to promote themselves, Jingshan, Rising and Jiangmin spent a lot of time and money negotiating with various PC companies. The result was not so good.

Now 306, through all kinds of indiscriminate small advertisements, as well as very attractive **** pictures, or H website, has occupied most of the antivirus software market at once.

Whether you like it or not, Zhou Hong can install it for you directly in the background.

Fortunately, the product quality of 306 has passed the test.

Otherwise, how can consumption be cursed.

This kind of behavior is similar to that, a hooligan doesn't care whether the girl is happy or not, and gives the girl to **** first.

After the incident, the girl was about to call the police, but found that this hooligan was more handsome, lived well, and could make money.

Then don't call the police, just marry the hooligan.

Jingshan urgently convened the board of directors.

The board of directors opened for a full 12 hours, and the theme was to question Zou Hai when this happened, what should he do?

Directors have asked:

"Mr. Zou, you mean that 306 is not profitable for you, so it is not sustainable, and it will end sooner or later!

But what we want to know is, how long does it take for him to be dead? ! If the 306 model continues, it may be less than three months, they are not finished, we are finished! "

"You mean the company behind 306, most likely Changtian Technology? How can you get this!"

The senior management of Jingshan know that there was a deep conflict between Jingshan and Changtian Technology some time ago.

Jingshan's request for Changtian Technology's Firefly OS to forcibly remove the office has caused a war of words in the PC world of Xia Guo, and even made Xia Guo Academy of Sciences and relevant departments of Xia Guo unhappy.

Now negotiate with Changtian Technology? Changtian Technology doesn't scold you to death?

In response to this question, Zou Hai answered confidently.

"I believe that Changtian Technology will be willing to cooperate with us again!"

"My reason is that Changtian Technology is in urgent need of saving their Firefly OS. Longsky Technology has spent a lot of energy and money on Firefly os, but because there is no office available, the promotion of their system has suffered a lot. A major setback."

"Changtian Technology can't wait to launch free antivirus software, just hope we can get back to the negotiating table."

Zou Hai said with certainty: "As long as we are willing to make concessions in the office, then Changtian Technology will definitely make concessions to us in the antivirus software market."

At this time, Zou Hai was still scolding Fang Qiu in the conference room, in high spirits.

He felt that he must be able to solve the problem again.

The board of directors finally decided to let Zou Hai go to Jiangzhou immediately to negotiate with Changtian Technology.

Zou Hai has already figured out a negotiation strategy.

Extending the time that Changtian Technology uses office, in exchange for Changtian Technology's support for Jingshan in the anti-virus software market, this will explain Changtian Technology and Microsoft.

Zou Hai is still very convinced that Jingshan must have more cards than Changtian Technology.

Jiangzhou, Changtian Technology Headquarters.

Chen Xiaosheng is listening to Wang Xiang's report on the market share of 306 antivirus software.

Even Wang Xiang couldn't help but complain: "Zhou Hong is really a wonderful person. No one else can learn his promotion method."

Wang Xiang said this because he had seen a very speechless example on the forum.

A netizen didn't know where to find an H website. The girl who saw a movie was very beautiful, so she quickly downloaded the movie.

I don't know that it can't be played after downloading, you need to download a player, which is in Exe format.

This netizen was extremely intolerable and downloaded the player according to the prompt.

As a result, after the player is installed, there is no hair at all, but it is actually 306 antivirus software.

You have been busy on the H website for a long time, but you have downloaded antivirus software?

This way of promotion, the gods can't think of it.

Chen Xiao couldn't help laughing, talent is talent.

The comparison value of his own 10 million and 10% of the shares

Yang Fei walked in in a hurry at this time.

"President Chen, President Wang, and President Zhou of Jingshan have arrived in Jiangzhou and hope to negotiate with us."

Chen Xiao smiled, "Sure enough, they were in a hurry. They had a lively fight in front, how could they know that there was a fire in the backyard."

Chen Xiao said to Yang Fei, "It's up to you to negotiate."

"Ah?" Yang Fei had some surprises, because Chen Xiao and Wang Xiang were both in the company, and no matter how the other party was also the CEO of Jingshan, it was not up to him to negotiate.

Yang Fei quickly asked: "Talk? What shall we talk about?"

Chen Xiao laughed and said, "You can talk about whatever he talks about, it's just for fun anyway."

Yang Fei asked again: "What if the other party asks us to make concessions on the antivirus software?"

Chen Xiao shrugged and said, "Antivirus software? What kind of antivirus software? We Changtian Technology don't have an antivirus software product."

This time, Yang Fei understood in seconds.

In the conference room of Changtian Technology, Yang Fei and Zou Hai sat at the negotiating table again.

Zou Hai was very anxious, but he was also very calm on the surface, without too much nonsense, and immediately proposed: Jingshan is willing to extend the time of using Office for Firefly OS for half a year, but the premise is that the operating system is deeply optimized, which must be pre-planned. Install Jingshan anti-virus software and require 306 anti-virus software, and cannot maliciously compete in the market.

Yang Fei looked at Zou Hai's serious offer, and said very strangely, "Mr. Zou, have you found the wrong negotiator?"

"Changtian Technology and the deep optimization operating system, as well as the 306 software you mentioned, have nothing to do at all. The products of these two companies are not ours."

Zou Hai's smile instantly condensed on his face.


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