Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 449: No solution, kill the audience in seconds (3)

There are a total of 9 bid evaluation experts.

Under the leadership of Ma Biao, everyone began to vote.

Almost all of the computer procurement tenders are carried out by these experts.

There are quite a few people who have been doing this for several years.

Of course, more or less, they all have some relationships and interests with Lianxiang or other companies.

But today, everyone is very cautious.

After all, 60 million is not a small number.

And after Changtian Technology released the Firefly system, after the relevant state departments encouraged government agencies, enterprises and institutions to purchase and produce computers.

This major tender will definitely be concerned by relevant departments and social media.

The experts who can come here to evaluate the bids cherish their feathers very much.

After all, it's not a one-shot deal for them to do this job.

Seven experts including Feng Biao agreed that Shenchuan's bid met the requirements.

Only Ma Deyun and other two people expressed their opposition.

The minority obeyed the majority, and the ship of God was able to stay and continue to participate in the following competition.

Next is the rating.

In terms of price, Shenchuan has advantages, but in terms of brand efficiency and after-sales, Lianxiang has obvious advantages.

Therefore, Shenchuan and Lianxiang had a draw.

The last link is also the most critical link, that is, testing.

The expert group will invite representatives of teachers from multiple schools to actually use these computers, conduct performance tests on these computers, and test the convenience of use.

There are three test items.

The first is the fluency of general instructional use.

Teachers will choose to use word, Excel or PPT (text documents, table documents and presentation documents corresponding to Firefly OS) to test whether it will be stuck or not smooth during use.

The second test applies the Teaching Programming Test.

The computer classes in junior high and high schools already have programming-related content.

The teacher will conduct a simple programming test using different computers.

This kind of test is actually relatively simple, and the computer with poor performance can basically complete it.

The last test is more critical, which is to use the same benchmark software to run the computer.

A computer with a higher overall score has a higher overall performance.

This kind of benchmark test is similar to the computer test conducted by Master Lu in the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

However, the relevant test software is not commercialized, but is in the hands of computer product bid evaluation personnel in a small range.

The first test has just started, and many teachers are attracted by the novel Firefly os of Shenchuan Computer.

Compared to the Windows system that requires one mouse click, or looking for a button ''.

It is really convenient for Yinghuo to have Xiaoying assistant.

When using text documents, table documents and presentation documents, Firefly OS and Cangjie office software show his unique advantages.

If teachers use the windows system to make PPT for teaching, they need to find materials one by one and do it one by one, which is quite time-consuming.

And because computer teaching has just begun, it is popular in Xia Guo, and many older teachers are not very familiar with computers at all, let alone using computers for electronic teaching.

Therefore, the Windows XP system is very unfriendly to most teachers.

Some teachers complained while taking the test: "I really don't know who came up with the idea, to carry out electronic teaching! It's annoying to manage students' lesson preparation every day, and now they have to do PPT! Isn't this deliberately tossing people?! "

"It's really annoying. I made a speech about the little tadpoles looking for their mother. It took more than 10 minutes. The mother's picture was inserted, the child's picture was lost, the child's picture was inserted, and the mother didn't know where to go"

"If I teach electronically in the future, don't I have to do PPT all night every night?!"

The teachers really want to cry.

"I know this policy is very unfriendly to everyone, but society is developing, and our teaching methods and methods must keep up with the times."

A teacher said: "If you think about it, if you write on the blackboard, you have to write a line for half a day, but you can click it with PPT and it will be released. This can improve the effective use of time in the classroom."

This is quite reasonable. The times are developing, and all walks of life must keep up with the trend of the world.

Traditional teaching also has slides, but that is handwritten, on small cards with traditional optical slideshows.

This is not only very cumbersome, but also ineffective.

Electronic teaching will definitely be carried out nationwide, and Yanjing is just the first stop.

But the group of teachers who were testing the Shenchuan computer was overjoyed.

"My God, Shenchuan's computer is really easy to use! It helped me make a presentation for a class in less than 20 minutes. I just need to provide the materials!"

"The computer's operating system is also very easy to use. I'm in my forties this year, and I don't know how to use a computer. When I talk to Xiaoying intelligent assistant on the Shenchuan computer, she can help me get a lot of things!"

"That's right, that's right, if you want to buy a computer, you must buy a computer from Shenchuan. It's really friendly to some of our older teachers!"

After the test team replaced the test computers, everyone answered the unanimous opinion that Lianxiang, Fangzheng and Tongfang had similar computer experience.

It can only be said that Lianxiang is a little smoother.

Teachers are not satisfied.

In fact, teachers are not satisfied with the use of electronic teaching methods.

It's just that Lianxiang has become a punching bag for teachers to complain about.

But Shenchuan's computer is so perfect, which greatly reduces the workload of teachers!

Ma Deyun looked at this scene, his entire face darkened.

He kept winking at the teachers who took the test, and even expressed his meaning in code.

But the teachers are unmoved, do not know what you mean exactly?

They must not be greedy for petty profits and forget the righteousness.

The country's promotion of teaching informatization is for the good of teachers and students. Of course, it is impossible for them to cause thousands of teachers to work in a complex working environment for such a small red envelope.

In the first and second rounds of the test, with a full score of 100 points, Shenchuan's computer scored an average of 100 points, while Lianxiang scored an average of 86 points. Tongfang and Fangzheng were even worse.

Ma Deyun can only pin his hopes on the last new performance He firmly believes that Lianxiang's CPU is the best among all computers.

But the test results surprised Ma Deyun absolutely.

On the comprehensive score of computer performance.

The carbon crystal memory and carbon crystal hard disk of Changtian Technology have greatly improved the performance of the Shenchuan computer.

Coupled with the bonus of Firefly os, the smoothness of the ship is invincible.

Although Lianxiang uses the Pentium 4 processor, it is far from the Shenchuan in terms of experience.

In the final round of scoring, Shenchuan killed the audience with 100 points, and Lianxiang only scored 76 points.

When the bidding results came out, the company won the computer purchase contracts of more than 20 high schools in Yanjing with a total bidding price of 39.995 million yuan.

The sales manager of Lianxiang's marketing department is outside the trading center at this time.

He watched Ma Deyun come out, and immediately went up to inquire about the situation.

"Mr. Ma, the result should be smooth, right? There should be no problem in winning the bid?"

Ma Deyun's face was ashen, and he said with a sigh: "The winning bid is the divine ship."



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