Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 458: Production needs to be expanded

When Wu Jun and the others arrived in Jiangzhou, they alarmed the managers of Jiangzhou.

I don't know where the managers of Jiangzhou got the news. Shenchuan may want to talk about the expansion of production in Jiangzhou this time, and it will drive the entire industry chain.

This is definitely a good opportunity for Jiangzhou.

Six months ago, Nokia and Shenchuan had planned to build factories in Jiangzhou.

However, Jiangzhou had an unpleasant commotion with Changtian Technology because of the land use issue.

As a result, Nokia only established a small number of factories in Jiangzhou.

And Shenchuan did not build a factory in Jiangzhou at all.

Investments worth more than 1 billion yuan vanished in an instant.

Jiangzhou learned the lesson of the last time and immediately dispatched a leader to lead the team to the airport to meet him.

This kind of etiquette in Jiangzhou surprised Wu Jun.

However, Wu Jun is very clear that his main purpose of going to Jiangcheng this time is not to discuss cooperative business with relevant departments, but to report his achievements to Chen Xiao and listen to Chen Xiao's instructions.

If Chen Xiao decides to take a boat to build a factory in Jiangzhou, Wu Jun will definitely do it without saying a word.

If Chen Xiao didn't have this intention and plan, even if Jiangzhou's managers held banquets every day to promote the benefits of Jiangzhou, Wu Jun would not invest a dime in Jiangzhou.

Therefore, at Jiangzhou Airport, Wu Jun simply went to the headquarters of Changtian Technology after a brief chat with the manager of Hejiangzhou.

This time Wu Jun can be regarded as a successful return!

Shenchuan Ark Core laptops can reach sales of more than 1,000 units per day.

This achievement is quite proud no matter which brand it is placed in.

And this time Wu Jun came with various suppliers and partners, but the momentum was huge.

Suppliers are indeed a little embarrassed to see the shabby appearance of the Changtian Technology headquarters building.

When they make a few bucks, they try to make the appearance of their company a little grander.

But compared with Changtian Technology, the connotation of inner beauty and outer beauty is different.

The suppliers of Shenchuan are also very clear that the sales of Shenchuan are high, and their business is good.

Whether the sales of Shenchuan can go a step further depends on Changtian Technology.

Therefore, in the meeting with Chen Xiao, all the suppliers showed their due low-key.

The conference room of Changtian Technology.

All senior management of Changtian Technology participated in this meeting.

Wu Jun first reported the relevant achievements in the past 8 months.

Including the sales results of Shenchuan PC and the newly launched Shenchuan Ark Star notebook computer.

From January to August 2002, the total sales volume of Shenchuan PC was 300,000 units, and the total sales amounted to 1.8 billion yuan.

Shenchuan also surpassed Tongfang and Fangzheng to become the domestic computer brand second only to Lianxiang.

This not only accomplished the goal set last year, but also exceeded the task.

Wu Jun said: "It stands to reason that our sales are more than this."

"But because of the limitations of chips and operating systems, and the negative impact of Microsoft's non-cooperation, our sales in the first three months were not very good."

Wu Jun said: "If there is no such negative news, I expect our total sales volume should reach 500,000 units from January to August."

The marketing department of Changtian Technology has analyzed the current situation of the Xiaguo market.

It is estimated that the total sales volume of desktop computers in Xiaguo in 2002 should reach between 9.7 million and 11 million, showing an explosive growth compared with 2001.

This is close to 10 million computers, including commercial and home computers.

Among them, commercial computers should be able to reach between 6.5 million and 7 million.

There will be about 3 million home computers.

There is no doubt that Lianxiang is still the king of commercial and household use.

Shenchuan can share the sales volume of 500,000 to 1 million units, which is already a very impressive number.

Wu Jun is of course not reconciled now. He thinks that if there is no negative news and no blockade by Microsoft and American technology companies, the current sales will definitely exceed 500,000 units.

Wu Jun analyzed: "In addition to these negative news, the biggest reason for restricting the number of production and sales is our output."

Wu Jun stood up and said with a presentation: "At present, our Shenchuan parts production base is mainly composed of two parts, one is the Jiangzhou production center mainly based on Changtian technology hardware, and the other is the auxiliary screen motherboard, power supply and so on. material-based production center around Shenzhen.”

"But at present, both factories and production capacity are seriously insufficient."

"Especially after the release of the Shenchuan Ark Star computer, we have to allocate a part of the ability to produce notebook computers, which has led to a serious shortage of desktop production."

"At present, our T1 high-end series have basically been sold out. If we enter the purchase list of government agencies, enterprises and institutions, it will be a major challenge for our production."

Wu Jun also said: "Just this month, the non-essential parts of our desktop have been transferred to a third-party small manufacturer for OEM."

"But after inspection, we found that the quality of the OEMs of these small manufacturers did not meet our requirements."

Wu Jun said a lot. In fact, the most fundamental problem is the development of the magic ship.

Is to take the independent factory model, or take the OEM model.

The simpler point is the difference between OEM and ODM.

OEM is similar to the Apple production model of later generations.

Apple designs the phones and sells them, but the production goes to Foxconn.

That is, Foxconn only has the production rights, and does not have any patent rights and sales rights of Apple.

As far as the OEM model is concerned, Shenchuan has research and development capabilities and design capabilities, but it is too lazy to produce, so the production is handed over to a third party.

And ODM is similar to some of the Xiaomi industry in the market outlook.

Xiaomi has channels and ideas, but neither R&D nor production capabilities.

So I gave this idea or idea to a third-party company, and let the third-party company design and produce it according to my idea.

After the production is completed, I will test the products produced by the third-party company, and if the products meet my requirements, then it is OK.

If the product does not meet the requirements, call back and redo After the product is sold and encounter after-sales problems, consumers will find Xiaomi, and Xiaomi will directly mail the product to the ODM company, and let the ODM company be responsible.

This is called ODM.

Under this model, intellectual property technology is owned or shared at the factory.

Of course, there is a third way to go, and that is self-research.

We have our own supply chain, our own research and development, our own quality control management, our own factories.

At present, the Lingyue MP3 of Changtian Technology is taking this path.

But if you want to go this route, then companies will face two major difficulties.

One is that the expansion of production capacity is very slow.

Another is that it is very risky.

When a product's sales cycle life is reached, the entire supply chain you've built is scrapped.

Wu Jun watched Chen Xiao and waited for Chen Xiao's decision.

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