Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 478: Hundreds of millions of orders are rolled up with each other!

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Kang Jiang was actually very worried.

Worried that Changtian Technology will no longer cooperate with Dell.

After all, things in Europe have just passed, and Dell is indeed very unethical in cooperation.

Therefore, this time, Kang Jiang came to Shenzhen City, found various relationships, and dragged on a lot of favors, and only then did he have the opportunity to participate in the private party in the villa manor.

Therefore, Kang Jiang pays special attention to his own performance.

Is everyone sitting together just talking about friendship?

Is it possible to have a friendship between us when we eat face-to-face?

of course not.

In a harmonious atmosphere, Chen Xiao is clear that all seeking common ground while reserving differences are for the sake of one word - profit.

If Chen Xiao was a stunned young man, he might have scolded Wu Jun immediately, why did he invite Dell's Vice President of Xia Guo to come to the scene?

Isn't this disgusting Chen Xiao?

However, Chen Xiao was not stunned.

Knowing that things must be dealt with, but not that way.

Chen Xiao said: "On behalf of myself and Changtian Technology, I would like to welcome all the bosses and thank you for your willingness to cooperate with us."

"Changtian Technology always believes that the advancement of technology is to benefit most of the human beings, rather than a small number of users."

"So we are very happy to cooperate with you."

Hearing Chen Xiao say this, everyone finally felt relieved. As long as they can get the hardware of Changtian Technology, then relying on the product design and cultural promotion of major companies, they will be able to regain the market.

Everyone looked at Wu Jun.

It is very clear that God Ship has the advantage now.

However, the cooperation with Changtian Technology is only the first step, and it is only the entry ticket to the competition.

They all believe that with the deepening of cooperation, it is still unclear who will kill the deer?

But Wu Jun also has his own plans.

Only with the expansion of the user base using Firefly OS will the sales of Shenchuan reach a new high.

And Wu Jun also has the confidence - the best hardware is in his own hands, and the Shenchuan is the direct line of Changtian Technology! All other manufacturers are junk brands.

"Changtian Technology has announced before that our hardware can be shared with anyone, and Changtian Technology accepts your orders."

"At present, Changtian Technology is expanding production and capacity in Jiangzhou and Shenzhen, hoping to meet everyone's needs as much as possible."

In fact, as far as Chen Xiao is concerned, there is no need for him to go to the villa to discuss the supply.

Because Chen Xiao has already announced it before, Changtian Technology welcomes any manufacturer to cooperate with it, and everyone can get goods directly from Changtian Technology.

It's just that these PC manufacturers are not at ease if they don't negotiate with Changtian Technology in person.

The vice presidents of these multinational companies are doing their jobs without notice, and the locals hope to sign a long-term supply agreement with Changtian Technology.

They are just worried that if today's agreement is not signed clearly, they will find Changtian Technology to get the goods in the future. If Changtian Technology suddenly runs out of stock, what will they do?

It is not up to Chen Xiao to go out in person when it comes to signing a contract. He leaves the matter to Wang Xiang, and he rests in the Shenzhen market for a few days.

But before signing the contract, Chen Xiao also gave some advice to Wang Xiang.

For example, products sold to Dell must increase the price.

"The products sold to Dell are 5% more expensive than those sold to other companies, until the extra price can meet twice the original liquidated damages of Dell." Chen Xiao arranged: "This is what we are discussing. Compensation for breach of contract in Europe, but if you don't want to, then don't talk about it."

"Changtian Technology is not a market, you can come and go as you want."

Wang Xiang also thinks what Chen Xiao said makes sense.

It is true that the products produced by Changtian Technology are to be sold, and anyone willing to buy Changtian Technology will be welcomed.

However, these companies cannot regard Changtian Technology as a good child. If they want to cooperate, they will cooperate, and if they want to break the contract, they will break the contract. How can this be done?

Longsky Technology must set rules for everyone's cooperation. It is no problem to do business with Longsky Technology, but it must act according to the rules of Longsky Technology.

Wang Xiang also thinks Chen Xiao's policy is very reasonable, after all, Changtian Technology's business is getting bigger and bigger.

If everyone does not follow the rules, the future cooperation will be messed up, and Changtian Technology will not have any prestige in the entire industry.

Hewlett-Packard, Acer, ASUS and other companies were very happy to immediately sign long-term supply contracts with Changtian Technology.

Taking HP as an example, it directly ordered 30,000 pieces of carbon crystal memory and 30,000 pieces of carbon crystal hard drives from Changtian Technology, and the total contract amount reached more than 50 million.

ASUS is based in the Asian market, because the most densely populated places in the world are East and Southeast Asia.

In Asia, except for the Xia Kingdom, the number of Chinese in other countries is very large.

For example, in South Asian countries such as Lion City and Malaysia, many consumers in these countries are already asking when they can buy computers equipped with Changtian Technology hardware, and when they can use Firefly os.

Although the total population of countries in Southeast Asia is not as large as that of Xia, the economic level of many countries is currently stronger than that of Xia. Especially in Malaysia, Thailand, Lion City and other countries, the base of computer users is huge.

If we can use Changtian Technology's equipment and systems to occupy the PC market in these countries as soon as possible, then ASUS will have very good performance in the future.

Therefore, ASUS directly gave orders of hundreds of millions of yuan.

The total value of the order is more than that of HP, and he also hopes to reach some technical agreements with Changtian Technology - motherboards produced by ASUS will support Changtian Technology's hardware equipment.

The most important thing in the production of motherboards is to obtain the technical authorization of the chip. Whether it is authorized by the memory and hardware manufacturers or not was not important in the past.

The reason why ASUS still needs the consent of Changtian Technology is that it hopes to have a good relationship with Changtian Technology, which is also a respect for Changtian Technology.

Moreover, Angda, which is held by Changtian Technology, is already producing motherboards, and ASUS is producing motherboards, and it is likely to form a competitive relationship with Anda, so the attitude of Changtian Technology is very important.

ASUS gave an order worth 100 million in one breath, because of this consideration.

Of course, this condition is ok. Without producing a single motherboard, it is enough to pay dozens of technical patent royalties.

Of course, Changtian Technology must protect the price advantage of Angda.

ASUS agrees all!

After soliciting Chen Xiao's opinion, Wang Xiang also quickly signed a supply agreement with ASUS.

It is true that Angda is currently producing motherboards, but the output of Angda's motherboards currently cannot keep up with the sales volume of Changtian Technology's hardware.

Chen Xiao has assessed the global market.

The global PC market should be able to accommodate 5 to 10 motherboard manufacturers.

If more competent manufacturers can produce motherboards that are suitable for Changtian Technology's hardware, it will also be beneficial for Changtian Technology to expand its influence.

Acer and other manufacturers have also signed tens of millions of cooperation agreements. Since everyone buys Changtian Technology's hardware equipment, if they don't buy it themselves, isn't it backward?

During the one-on-one negotiation with Wang Xiang, Kang Jiang learned that Changtian Technology offered 5% more price.

This condition makes Dell very uncomfortable. After all, in terms of hardware cost, he has a disadvantage compared to several other PC manufacturers.

However, after Kang Jiang reported to the Dell headquarters, the order he got was to sign a contract with Changtian Technology at all costs and get the right to use Changtian Technology's hardware and Firefly os.

Dell is also deeply aware that everyone is using it. If he doesn't use it, isn't it eliminated by the times?

And Dell once cooperated with Changtian Technology, and sold the hardware of Changtian Technology to Europe, and tasted great sweetness.

If you don't cooperate at this time, isn't that a fool?

After the multi-party meeting, Changtian Technology received orders with a total value of up to 150 million RMB.

Looking at such a terrifying amount, Wang Xiang couldn't help smacking his tongue.

He also understood how correct the strategy Chen Xiao formulated to sell the product.

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