With the efforts of Yang Fei's team, the application market of Firefly OS can include most of the applications on the market.

And there are still some differences between the Xiaguo market and the overseas market.

Most of these applications in the Xiaguo market are free, and most of them seek the consent of software companies to make up for the profits of software companies in the form of embedded advertisements.

There is no way to do this, after all, there is only free soil in Xia Guo's market at present, and there is no paid soil.

Most software companies (both domestic and foreign) were first moved by the attitude of Changtian Technology.

Because for these software companies, the software they develop has very little income in Xia Guo - except for enterprise-level customers, most of them are pirated, and most ordinary users use pirated software.

But now Changtian Technology is actively looking for them, hoping to get the right to use the software and make up for the costs related to the use of the software by users in the form of advertisements.

Moreover, Changtian Technology also promised to the software company that all advertising revenue brought by the software will belong to the software company, and all Changtian Technology will not take a dime, but only provide a platform for the software company.

Most software companies think, oops! Not bad!

Anyway, if you don't cooperate with Changtian Technology, you will be pirated, so it is better to cooperate with Changtian Technology, maybe there is some money.

Moreover, the attitude of Changtian Technology is very good, and I have to come to your door to talk to you and sign the contract very formally.

Unlike the WIN system, some websites of Xia Guo, regardless of whether your software developer agrees or disagrees, first find a technician to crack it, and directly publish it on your own website.

In the era of rampant piracy, it is quite difficult for software companies to file a claim if they want to sue for piracy.

With the efforts of Changtian Technology, many software developers at home and abroad have paid attention to Firefly OS and are happy to cooperate with Changtian Technology.

Chen Xiao is also trying to find a way to continue to promote the commercial version of the Jiuzhang compiler, encourage more Xiaguo computer software developers to develop better software, and can make money through the Firefly os platform to train users to pay Habit.

In Toyo's overseas market, the application market of Firefly OS is really just a platform.

What software is popular in overseas markets, then what software is listed in the application market.

If the software is free, then the software in the application market is free. If you charge for the software, then the application software will be charged, and all the fees collected will be provided to the software developers. .

Chen Xiao's plan is also very clear. It is currently in the sheep-raising stage. It is more important to expand the user group of Firefly os as soon as possible than to make money from the application.

Of course, Firefly OS can also bring profits to Changtian Technology, but most of the profits are the advertising revenue of the built-in browser and player.

This time, Toyo Yahoo saw this model of Firefly OS, hoping to spend 300,000 meters to buy Firefly OS for one-year top promotion in Toyo App Market.

At present, there are not many users of Firefly OS in Toyo, so the price of the promotion fee of 300,000 meters is very good.

Toyo Yahoo is investing in the future of Firefly OS, not the present.

Yang Fei didn't dare to call the shots, and immediately called Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao was inspecting Suzhou and Hangzhou at this time. After learning the news, he said to Yang Fei: "Of course you have to earn money, no matter how much, we will talk about it later."

"Our cooperation agreement with Baidu is only limited to the mainland of Xiaguo, and there is no cooperation overseas, so our cooperation with Yahoo does not conflict."

"This 300,000-meter knife will be accepted, and Yahoo Toyo will be promoted at the top of the application market entry interface."

"This is actually a very good start. No matter how much money there is, we can start with Yahoo Toyo and slowly explore the logic and methods of using the market to make money."

After GuYang Fei received the order, just like what Chen Xiao said, no matter how much money there is, go out of this step first.

After the number of users of Firefly OS increases in the future, Firefly OS can definitely make a lot of profits.

But Chen Xiao in Suzhou and Hangzhou is still thinking about a problem.

The current largest shareholder of Yahoo Toyo should be SoftBank (Softbank), which holds no less than 30% of the shares. At present, the market value of Toyo Yahoo is about 1.5 billion meters. The price of the shares in the hands of SoftBank boss Sun Yi should be worth 500 million. Rice knives or so.

Chen Xiao thought that since Yahoo took the initiative to advertise Firefly OS, it means that SoftBank should pay attention to Firefly OS.

It is said that although the boss of SoftBank is an Oriental of South Korean descent, Chen Xiao has to admire his perseverance and investment vision.

Effort determines the lower limit of a person, but talent determines the upper limit of a person.

Chen Xiao believes that Sun Yi is a very talented and hard-working person.

In 1999, when Ali was just established, Sun Yi invested 20 million meters in Ali, holding a large number of shares, which is enough to show his vision and level.

Chen Xiao believes that the 300,000 yuan given by Yahoo Toyo should not only be for advertising, but it is very likely to ask for directions.

However, Chen Xiao's current energy is not on this.

After the establishment of Tiangong Technology, Changtian Technology was indeed short of funds, but after accepting advance payments from companies such as Hewlett-Packard and Dell, coupled with the sharing of accounts between Shenchuan and Yuedong Internet, the financial pressure of Changtian Technology was relieved to a certain extent.

That is to say, Changtian Technology is short of funds, but it is not hungry.

In addition, Chen Xiao was born again, he knew SoftBank's ambitions, and he didn't want to have much interaction with SoftBank.

So what SoftBank thinks now~www.readwn.com~ is actually not important to Changtian Technology.

But now Chen Xiao regrets one thing. In the summer of 1999, he should go to Suzhou and Hangzhou to find Ma Yun and ask him: I have 100 yuan to invest in you, do you want me Chen Xiao to become a shareholder?

This is actually just a joke for Chen Xiao to think about. In 1999, Chen Xiao had just been reborn, and he didn't even have the money to take the train to Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Wang Xiang called Chen Xiao and said, "Mr. Chen, the leaders of Suzhou and Hangzhou are very interested in the investment of Changtian Technology, and hope to chat with us tomorrow."

Chen Xiao let out a long sigh of relief. From this point of view, the land acquisition should be settled.

A few days later, Chen Xiao received a call again.

The call was from Yang Fei.

Yang Fei was quite excited and said, "Mr. Chen, someone from Yahoo Xia Guo just said that he hopes to be a middleman and introduce investors from SoftBank Group."

Yang Fei has been in the Internet industry for so long, and of course he knows about SoftBank Group and the classic case of SoftBank's acquisition of Yahoo Toyo.

Chen Xiao's mind was running fast. He thought that he would get SoftBank's attention, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

It's time to come, this giant capital crocodile has come to the door.


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