Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 490: Plan ahead and invest in Ali

Changtian Technology and Suzhou and Hangzhou signed a comprehensive investment cooperation agreement.

Among them, Changtian Technology purchased the right to use the Delta area and Brother Island at a price of 150 yuan per square meter.

This price is not cheap in 2002.

In 2002, the price of comprehensive land in Suzhou and Hangzhou was 7,500 yuan per square meter, which belonged to a first-class area.

Moreover, the townships in Suzhou and Hangzhou belong to the 12th category, and the price of comprehensive land is 270 yuan per square meter.

The delta area and the brothers are farther than the twelve-category area, and are completely undeveloped wasteland, so the selling price is 250 yuan per square meter, which is not cheap.

Before that, some real estate developers hoped to buy the development rights of this piece of land from Suzhou and Hangzhou.

The price given is only 260 yuan per square meter.

It must be said that these real estate developers are profiteers.

Their keen insight into the next 10 or even 20 years, this place will definitely be developed.

First buy the land at a low price and then settle there. After more than ten or twenty years of municipal infrastructure development, the land will be sold at double the price, or the real estate will be built directly.

Of course it can be very profitable.

The total area of ​​the delta area is 321.7 square kilometers, and the total area of ​​Brother Island is 130.9 square kilometers.

Changtian Technology spent a total of 113.15 million yuan on the land.

This is the largest investment of Changtian Technology in recent years.

In accordance with the requirements of relevant state departments, Suzhou and Hangzhou have given certain care to technology companies such as Changtian Technology.

Therefore, Changtian Technology only needs to pay 30% of the land deposit first, and the rest of the land payment will be paid in batches according to 5 years.

This relieved the financial pressure of Changtian Technology to a certain extent.

In addition, the city of Suzhou and Hangzhou has promised to build a first-class expressway to the delta area within the next 1-2 years.

In order to open up the channel between the delta area and the urban area of ​​Suzhou and Hangzhou, it is convenient for the transportation of materials and personnel exchanges of Changtian Technology.

Chen Xiao, Song Yi, Luo Ning and others came to the delta area, and the two sat on a fishing boat.

The wind in Suzhou-Hangzhou Bay in winter is particularly strong, like a pair of icy boning knives, slamming into Chen Xiao's face.

Chen Xiao's left side is the delta area, where reeds are rippling, and birds can be heard from time to time, and the right side is dimly visible to Brother Island.

But I don't know if it's the younger brother or the elder brother has sunk.

Only here will be the headquarters and scientific research base of Changtian Technology for a long time in the future.

However, to build a technology kingdom, it still needs a lot of efforts from Changtian Technology.

Before that, Jiangzhou's status was irreplaceable.

Chen Xiao smiled and said to the two girls, "Give a name for our future headquarters location. It can't be called the eldest brother and the second brother."

Song Yi thought for a while and said, "Let's call it Changze Island and Tianyue Island."

"Nagasawa Bibo looks at the sky and the moon. There is also the word "Changtian" in it, which means that our company can flourish."

Chen Xiao couldn't help but give a thumbs up, Song Yi deserved to be a literary scholar, looking at the environment at this time became poetic.

Moreover, in the delta at this time, the cold wind blows, the withered reeds rippling with the wind, and the river flows into the sea from here, sparkling.

The time is approaching evening, and a bright moon has hung in the sky. Under the sparkling waves, it is really like a thousand bright moons reflected in the sea.

Chen Xiao said happily: "I'm afraid I will give you a raise this time when I go back!"

Song Yi joked: "Don't keep making me work overtime, I'm already very grateful to you, boss!"

Tomorrow afternoon, Chen Xiao will leave Suzhou and Hangzhou and return to Jiangzhou.

But before that, he made an appointment to have tea with Feng Yuan.

In a teahouse in Suzhou and Hangzhou, Feng Yun wanted to learn from Chen Xiao in detail about the model of selling goods from factories to users.

Chen Xiao said with encouragement: "Ali can set up relevant business departments. In the developed landowners of Suzhou and Hangzhou, Yiwu City is the concentrated base of small commodities in the upper reaches. Whether it is shipping or land transportation, it is very close to Yangcheng. Management can take advantage of this.”

Chen Xiao said: "Changtian Technology can cooperate with Ali, and we are willing to list Ali's shopping applications on the Firefly os application market."

Feng Yun is also a very courageous person. He can do whatever comes to his mind without the slightest entanglement or hesitation.

He said: "Or let's cooperate, Changtian Technology invests a little money, and I try to make one?"

Ali still has no profit.

If the track of historical development is correct, after 2002, Ali's annual profit is 1 yuan.

This piece of money was also framed by the high-level officials of Ali for later generations to pay their respects.

So even though Feng Yun has a lot of ideas now, he has no money and can't put them into practice immediately.

It is also one of Feng Yun's important tasks to attract sponsorship and investment.


Chen Xiao really wanted to spit out blood.

He didn't know if Feng Yun would regret what he said today in 10 years.

Chen Xiao asked tentatively, "How about I invest in Ali directly. How much money do you need here?"

Feng Yun was quite surprised. He originally went to Chen Xiao to have a cup of tea and discuss the situation of online shopping. Why did he talk about investment?

Moreover, Changtian Technology doesn't seem to have a detailed understanding of Ali, which is completely different from other investors!

However, Feng Yun is of course very happy if he can get investment.

"How much can President Chen invest here?" Feng Yun asked.

Chen Xiao said very much, "You can count."

Feng Yun carefully raised an index finger.

Chen Xiao asked suspiciously, "10 million RMB?"

Then Chen Xiao nodded and said, "10 million is also fine."

After accepting the capital injection from Softbank, Changtian Technology is still relatively abundant.

It is enough to use 15 million meters of knives to do scientific research, buy land and expand the factory.

The remaining 5 million meters of knives are used to invest in Arihe, and there is no problem in maintaining the daily operation of the company.

Chen Xiao originally planned to invest more money, but Changtian Technology has no Investing in Ali will definitely make a profit.

And even if this part of the money is not used for investment, Ali will deposit it in the bank and will not use it for the time being.

In contrast, it is definitely more cost-effective to invest in Ari.

Others don't know whether Feng Yun will succeed, but Chen Xiao knows that he will succeed.

Feng Yun almost wanted to vomit blood.

He clearly only wants 1 million RMB, so he can use Ali's platform to build a consumption platform for individual consumers and give it a try.

If it is not successful, it will be worth 1 million yuan. I did not expect that Chen Xiao will be 10 million rmb when he opens his mouth and shuts his mouth.

"Are you sure?" Feng Yun said.

Chen Xiao gave Feng Yun a two-hour analysis on the development of repeated networking and the characteristics of Firefly OS user groups.

Through analysis, Feng Yun determined that there is definitely a chance to do online shopping. As for whether it is successful or not, he has to do his best.

The two sides soon signed a cooperation agreement.

Changtian Technology invested 10 million RMB for Ali to develop B2C and C2C shopping models.

After the capital injection, Changtian Technology held a 2% stake in Ali.

This is the share of equity calculated based on the current market value of Ali.

2% of the shares, Chen Xiao is already very satisfied.

He only needs to wait more than 10 years to sell all the shares.

Chen Xiao returned to Jiangzhou that afternoon.

Yang Fei's team has very good news - Firefly os can be used on Nokia phones after being optimized.

And Nokia's Symbian phones currently use chips from Freescale and Texas Instruments.

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