Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 493: Global recruitment of talents, high annual salary

New Year 2003 begins.

Most of the scientific research staff of Changtian Technology did not have a holiday, but stuck to their jobs and carried out scientific research.

The content of this time is the application of Firefly os on the mobile platform.

Chen Xiao attaches great importance to this project, which he believes is a major breakthrough for Changtian Technology to go out of Xiaguo and go to the world.

After Yang Fei's team's difficult research.

The Firefly os has been extremely optimized, and finally it can be installed on Nokia's mobile phones.

Yang Fei reported: "After testing, our system has more complete functions and smoother use than Saipan."

Yang Fei demonstrated the team's scientific research results to Chen Xiao.

He took out a modified version of the Nokia 7650.

Mobile phones equipped with Yinghuo os are not equipped with Xiaoying assistant.

The fundamental reason is that the performance of the mobile phone is not enough to support the operation of Xiaoying Assistant.

But because the mobile version of Firefly os is also a closed operating system.

Therefore, all the functions of the mobile phone can be integrated into the system, and can be called according to the user's usage mode.

In this way, the performance of the mobile phone can be reasonably used to the maximum extent, so that the mobile phone will not be stuck.

Coupled with the use of the nine chapters compiler, there are many applications that support the mobile version of Firefly Guard.

During Yang Qing's demonstration.

Several of these apps exceeded Chen Xiao's expectations.

For example, the team has developed mobile versions of Chat and Penguin chat software.

It even developed a mobile version of Cangjie office software.

It is also because of the performance of the mobile phone that Cangjie office software can only view files and edit files very simply, and there is no way to achieve the functions of the computer system.

In addition, Yang Fei's demonstration also found that there are many classic mobile games in the application market.

Some of these phones can't be made by the Symbian system anyway.

Just these small changes have proved the powerful performance of the Firefly os mobile phone version.

Nokia 7650 is Nokia's most popular Symbian smartphone in the world.

But unfortunately, because of price and network reasons, this phone has not yet been listed in Xiaguo.

So the phone was also made by the team from overseas.

This phone is not a touch screen, it still uses physical buttons.

The mobile phone used by Chen Xiao finally has some of the feeling of later generations of smartphones, but because it is not a touch screen, it is still a little awkward to use.

Yang Fei said with emotion: "In fact, we already have the technology, but the chip is too weak! If the chip of the mobile phone can be as powerful as the computer, the function of our system will be stronger."

Chen Xiao has just seen the specific model of the mobile phone chip.

At present, the mainstream Symbian mobile phones sold by Nokia in the United States use chips from Freescale and Texas Instruments.

It is a pity that these two chip companies are from the United States.

This proves the strength of the US chip industry and the strength of the US scientific research and industrial system.

Yang Fei has searched all over the country for manufacturers of mobile phone chips, but unfortunately there is still no one!

Chen Xiao sighed a little, but said helplessly: "The technology is in the hands of the Americans, you can't do anything if you are anxious."

"This time I came back from Suzhou and Hangzhou, and the biggest feeling is that we must master the right to speak in core technology."

Chen Xiao joked: "If we had a single chip designer and manufacturer in China, we wouldn't be so passive."

These words came to everyone's heart.

Yang Fei's heart is also very clear, but Fanxia has a computer CPU manufacturer, even if the performance is a little weaker than Intel, Changtian Technology will not be so passive.

It will not cooperate with SoftBank because of the need to open up the market and win the needs of more users, so that SoftBank can persuade Intel to support Changtian Technology's hardware equipment with its own connections and capital strength.

Yang Fei also thought of the latter possibility.

Changtian Technology already has the technology to produce mobile phone operating systems, and even the hardware of most mobile phones.

But the most missing is the key hardware - cpu!

Suppose that Changtian Technology wants to break the monopoly of Western communication companies on Xiaguo's mobile phone business and produce its own mobile phones.

It is very likely that, like computers, if it touches the interests of the West, it is likely to be stopped.

And with the lessons of Shenchuan Computer, this time Western capital and technology companies will definitely be more ruthless.

Yang Fei also knows that even if he has the technology now, he can only wait for the opportunity.

In fact, on the way back from Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Chen Xiao already had a detailed plan for Changtian Technology.

He cannot wait for the system to upgrade passively, and he must carry out drastic reforms to the company.

And immediately set up relevant scientific research institutions to carry out scientific research on key core technologies such as chips.

Even if Changtian Technology can't make chips that can compete with Intel and AMD, at least something is better than nothing.

Even if the technological competition between the two sides becomes increasingly fierce afterwards, Changtian Technology still has a spare trump card in its hands, so that there is no way out.

Chen Xiao added: "Before the Spring Festival, I will conduct a comprehensive reform of the company, which is to deal with these problems."

A week later, Wang Xiang, who was on a business trip in Dongyang, also returned to Jiangzhou.

He brought Chen Xiao two good news and two bad news.

The good news is that SoftBank's connections are indeed very broad.

Maybe it's because Firefly os is so popular, and it's a fait accompli that it has been applied in a large area.

It may also be that SoftBank used the capital method behind it.

Intel began to tacitly agree to HP, Dell, Asus and other companies to use their own chips in computers equipped with Changtian Technology hardware.

This news means that the two-year technical blockade of Tian Technology, the captain of the American Science and Technology Alliance, has been shattered.

After all, Western technology companies are bowing to profits and the market.

The second good news is that Firefly os continues to be popular in At present, the number of users of Toyo alone has reached 3 million.

For many Toyo games, developers have also developed corresponding games for the Firefly os system.

From the end of December last year to the end of January this year, the revenue of Firefly os in the Toyo application market reached about 5 million RMB.

It's definitely a good start, and following this trend, the future revenue will be even higher

It is a pity that these incomes were not related to Changtian Technology and were all taken by Softbank.

But then again, whether it is Changtian Technology or other Xiaguo companies.

If you don't share the benefits with the other party's local company, you may not even be able to enter the market.

This is just like how powerful Western car companies are, you must have a joint venture with a domestic car company in Xiaguo before you can enter the Xiaguo market.

Every place has its own technology protection policy, and the market is not as simple as everyone thinks.

Wang Xiang sighed and said, "Two bad news."

"The first bad news is that Intel is temporarily unable to supply Shenchuan."

"The second bad news is that as long as your computer uses the hardware of Changtian Technology, the price of AMD and Intel chips purchased by the company is 10% to 20% more expensive than the price of a computer with a Windows system."

"amd has also increased prices on the Shenchuan side, and our competitive advantage has been weakened immediately."

Hearing Wang Xiang's report, Chen Xiao wanted to curse: "I'm xtmd!"

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