Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 510: When flowers bloom outside the wall, they will kill all four

At present, most of the senior management of Ren Fei and Huawei are located in Jiangzhou, so Ren Fei can immediately decide whether to agree to this cooperation method of Changtian Technology.

This Ren Fei is quite decisive, otherwise Huawei would not have achieved today's size.

Ren Fei felt that the cooperation method provided by Chen Xiao was also quite beneficial to Huawei.

Although Huawei is not short of cash now, the company's single order profit is very low.

The net profit can only reach 7%~9%, which is far worse than that of Cisco and Nokia and other communication companies that start at 20% to 30%.

This is also impossible.

The Xia Kingdom in 2003 was not an economic power in the world, but only an economic power.

Xia Guo's technology companies are basically speechless in the world.

For the same technology product, one was developed by Xiaguo Company, and the other was developed by American Company.

You are in front of consumers. As long as consumers are not stupid, they will generally choose the ones developed in the United States.

Because the products developed by Xia Guo Company mean inferior technology and poor product quality.

The American company's products mean long practical life and good quality.

Therefore, if Huawei wants to occupy the global market as soon as possible, it can only adopt the method of small profits but quick turnover, open foreign markets as soon as possible with ultra-low profits, and establish a high-quality reputation.

Therefore, Changtian Technology obtains intellectual property royalties according to the profit of the order, which is quite beneficial to Huawei.

If Huawei can make money, then Changjiang Technology will be able to make money, and since Huawei cannot make money using 3D technology and is still not competitive in the market, then Huawei does not have to pay high patent royalties to Changtian Technology.

But when Chen Xiao proposed this kind of cooperation agreement, Ren Fei had some surprises.

Because Changtian Technology is obviously taking care of Huawei.

If overseas technology companies have the 3G technology in the hands of Changtian Technology, it would be strange not to peel off Huawei.

Ren Fei couldn't understand why Chen Xiao did this?

He also never imagined that the 3G technology, which is very difficult for Huawei, is just a small technological achievement for Changtian Technology and Chen Xiao.

What Chen Xiao cares about is not the immediate profit at all.

Instead, he took this opportunity to gradually establish an attack matrix of Xiaguo Technology Company, and fully grasp the right to speak in Internet communication technology in the future.

Moreover, Chen Xiao is not taking care of Huawei, it is Chen Xiao who has searched for technology companies in Xia Guo, and currently in the field of communication, he cannot find one that is equivalent to Huawei's energy level.

Looking for China Star to cooperate?

Although Zhongxing is a state-owned enterprise, there are many Americans at the top, and the technology patents must be reviewed by the United States.

Chen Xiao asked Zhongxing to cooperate, I am afraid it will not take long, all the technology will be leaked.

Chen Xiao couldn't afford to take such a risk.

Not only Ren Fei, but Huawei's executives were also quite surprised.

This kind of business is too beneficial to Warwick.

Ren Fei didn't say anything anymore. He stood up and said to Chen Xiao's bedroom, "Just do everything as President Chen said."

Chen Xiao also replied with a smile, "People from Xia don't lie to people from Xia."

Ren Fei was stunned after hearing Chen Xiao's words, and then laughed.

The two parties soon signed a cooperation agreement.

At this time, information from Warwick Europe also came.

Germany is preparing to build a 3G network and is bidding for communications companies around the world.

This batch of 3G equipment orders is worth a total of 200 million meters, or about 1.6 billion RMB.

The owner of the tender is Deutsche Telekom, but in fact the owner standing behind it is the German state.

As the fifth largest communication service provider in the world, Deutsche Telekom is ready to bring Germany into the 3G era around 2005.

The content of this Deutsche Telekom tender is to build a 3G communication network in Berlin and surrounding cities.

Manufacturers willing to bid at present include Siemens, Nokia, Qualcomm, Alcatel and Ericsson.

This time the competition is quite fierce.

Because most of these communication companies are European companies, Siemens is a local German company.

Ren Fei felt that Huawei had the ability and technology to win this order.

Moreover, the 3G technology developed by Changtian Technology has much lower production and manufacturing costs, as well as operation and maintenance costs than those of Western communication companies.

In addition, Huawei has the advantages of low labor cost and low equipment production cost, so when they got the news, Huawei's senior management believed that Huawei was able to win this order.

Ren Fei is even more comfortable with this order.

Whether this order can be won depends to a certain extent on Huawei's global layout and global positioning in the next five years or even longer.

If it can become an instant hit, it means that Huawei can completely compete with powerful western communication companies in the field of 3G technology.

After Ren Fei got the news, he left a vice president to deal with the follow-up contract matters in Jiangzhou and Changtian Technology, while he and the senior management returned to Shenzhen to prepare for this bidding.

Chen Xiao also dispatched a three-person team here. This technology helps Huawei and supervises the use of 3G technology.

Chen Xiao couldn't help but smile bitterly when he learned that Germany had begun to build the 3-Jin communication network in an all-round way.

At this time, Toyo has fully entered the 3G era, the coverage rate of 3G network has reached 99%, and Toyo users have smoothly transitioned from 2G to 3G.

South Korea is also developing rapidly in this regard. It is expected that in 2005 or 2006, comprehensive 3G coverage will be achieved.

Europe has also begun to make efforts. Germany, France, the UK, and most of the Nordic countries are making efforts to build base stations.

Although the United States lags a bit, technically, they are not bad.

Instead, domestic...

After Changtian Technology applied for a patent technology some time ago, there was no response at all!

And according to the historical trend before Chen Xiao's rebirth, Xia Guo barely began to popularize 3G around 2008.

This is of course related to the historical conditions at that Especially at that time, Xia Guo did not have this technology at all, and it was not possible to open it at will without negotiating with foreign countries, otherwise it would be to attract wolves to attract foreign communication companies Recruiting them, occupying the Xia country's market, and suppressing the Xia country's communication companies, will outweigh the gains.

Of course, it also has a certain relationship with Xia Guo Communication Company.

Fortunately, history will not repeat itself.

The reason why Chen Xiao is eager to launch 3G technology is to make a difference in the mobile phone business and network.

He immediately urged Changtian Technology Hardware Co., Ltd. to develop 3G mobile phones, and try to improve the existing 3G functions in the hands of employees, but only the mobile phones with 2G network were improved, so that the mobile phones can be used in the headquarters area under the condition of ensuring 2G communication. And use the 3G network to surf the Internet around.

Chen Xiao is using three 3G base stations as WIFI transmitters.

At this time, Berlin, Germany.

Deutsche Telekom received bids from six companies.

Siemens, Nokia, Qualcomm, Alcatel and Ericsson, the last company is actually Warwick in Xia Guo!

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