But Bellito also knows that AstraZeneca brought related drugs (osimertinib) to cooperative laboratories in other countries on the grounds of cooperating with clinical trials. This is the company's private behavior, and they really can't say. what.

After all, AstraZeneca is a multinational pharmaceutical company, not just a US pharmaceutical company.

Bellito's department can only issue warnings, fines and other measures to AstraZeneca, but what's the use?

Bellito called the team angrily, and he was going to AstraZeneca's headquarters in person!

Xia State, Chang Zezhou.

Qu Ping placed a box of Osimertinib in front of Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao had seen this medicine before.

Before the rebirth, Chen Jinsong, the grandfather of the parallel universe Chen Xiao, suffered from lung cancer and took this medicine.

At that time, this drug was not localized, and there was no cooperation agreement with AstraZeneca to introduce it, so Chen Xiao could only buy it from the United States at a high price through personal relationships.

At that time, 1,700 yuan per tablet (80mg), one tablet a day, cost up to 51,000 yuan a month.

Fortunately, Chen Xiao's economic conditions are good and he can afford it.

Grandpa did extend his life for several years through this medicine.

But Chen Xiao knew very well that there were thousands of people in Xia who couldn't afford this medicine and could only wait to die in bed.

Later, the country introduced the drug to the United States through negotiation, and the price was reduced to 510 yuan per piece. The cost of taking osimertinib for a month was 15,300 yuan. After reimbursement by medical insurance, the patient’s monthly cost was 4,590 yuan.

This price is much cheaper than a few years ago, but it is still very expensive for many Xia people.

Especially around 2020, nearly 43% of Xiaguo’s households have a per capita monthly income of less than 1,090 yuan, 56.5% of the population’s per capita monthly household income is less than 1,500 yuan, and 69% of the population’s per capita monthly household income is less than 2,000 yuan. In other words, the per capita monthly income of most people in the country is less than 2,000 yuan.

This kind of medicine, which is as high as 4,590 yuan per month, is unaffordable even if it is reimbursed by medical insurance.

Therefore, seeing such a medicine, Chen Xiao still sighed.

Chen Xiao said to Qu Ping, "Send the medicine to the medical team to see how to treat He Jiang."

Osimertinib has a good effect on brain metastases from lung cancer, so even if He Jiang's lungs have been removed, there are still brain metastases and kidney metastases.

There is absolutely no problem with using this drug.

Chen Xiao added: "Some of the drugs are sent to the laboratory, and Asan can prevent them. We optimize the drugs on the basis of imitation, and there should be no problem in evading their patented technology."

"By the way, let's inform both the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Yanjing, so that they won't be in a hurry."

Chen Xiao also saw the media reports about He Jiang's condition and the lack of medicine in the past few days.

The reason why the relevant media reported the incident at this point in time was that they did not hold any hope for He Jiang's treatment.

Qu Ping immediately did as Chen Xiao said.

In Yanjing, Xie Fei received a call from Changtian Technology and was informed that osimertinib had been used in He Jiang's clinical treatment.

After getting this news, Xie Fei was stunned!

Xie Fei used all available private and public relations, but he didn't get the medicine, and the other party's response was very tough.

These Xie Fei recognized it!

Who says their country's medical technology is inferior to that of the United States?

If you fall behind, you will be beaten. This has always been the case since ancient times.

He did not expect that Changtian Technology would get the medicine so easily.

And it's a guaranteed supply.

Xie Fei asked relevant insiders in detail what was the reason for Changtian Technology to get Osimertinib.

Xie Fei was even more shocked when he learned that Changtian Technology required many pharmaceutical companies to supply products immediately at the expense of business in the Americas!

You know, Changtian Technology is just a private company.

A private company does not need to require the other party to have a great sense of national, national and historical responsibility. After all, the other party wants to make money and eat.

In order to be able to buy medicines, Xie Fei approached many state-owned pharmaceutical companies that had business dealings with AstraZeneca. But the other party was either incompetent or afraid of damaging the relationship with AstraZeneca, so he made various excuses to avoid it.

Only Changtian Technology can stand up at the first time, and use its own business of hundreds of millions of yuan every year as a bargaining chip to negotiate with the other party.

And Xie Fei knew very well that this matter had nothing to do with Changtian Technology.

He Jiang suffered from small cell lung cancer, not pulmonary fibrosis or other severe lung diseases. Changtian Technology Intensive Care Center is not a professional hospital for cancer treatment.

However, Changtian Technology is still obliged to stand up and complete such a arduous task.

Xie Jiang felt very uncomfortable!

Fortunately, Changtian Technology is a technology company of Xia Guo, not a company from the United States or Toyo.

If Changtian Technology is an overseas company, what a terrible competitor it must be!

Xie Fei immediately sat in front of the computer, wrote a report in person, and reported the relevant situation of Changtian Technology's acquisition of Osimertinib to the above.

Such companies must be given significant policy and economic support conditions.

Xie Fei even felt that relying on state-owned research institutes to conquer anti-cancer drugs like osimertinib was definitely hopeless, and he could only rely on Changtian Technology.

Xie Fei had spent time in state-owned research institutes, and he was the same as doing more and less, and his slackness was quite serious.

Under such circumstances, only fools will have the spirit of scientific research and innovation, and it is true that they can do less work and make more money. Who will really make efforts in scientific research?

Xie Fei knows this situation too well!

On the contrary, Changtian Technology is more dynamic than many state-owned research institutes.

The news that Changtian Technology had obtained the drug was quickly known by the media, and many media who had been following He Jiang’s follow-up situation came to Changtian Technology to verify whether they had obtained osimertinib.

In the past few days, a large number of reporters are either crowded in the reporter reception room of the intensive care center, or they are frantically calling Changtian Technology for verification.

Seeing that the reporters were so enthusiastic, Qu Ping held a brief press conference only after seeking Chen Xiao's opinion in order to ensure the normal working order of the treatment center.

"Hello Director Qu, has Changtian Technology tried to get Osimertinib?"

"Director Qu, a reporter from the National Radio and Television Station, Xu Tao. How did Changtian Technology get osimertinib, and has the drug been used for the treatment of Chief Engineer He?"

"Director Qu, I'm a reporter from Xinlang.com. As far as we know, AstraZeneca has prohibited the sale or gift of Osimertinib to any country, individual or organization in the world. How did Changtian Technology get it? drug? What is the current treatment effect of this drug?”

In fact, this time Qu Ping organized this press conference, and was very upset.

When is it all?

The medical team of the intensive care center was trying to save the patient's life, but the reporter on this side was concerned about how the medicine came from.

Qu Ping did not look good, and said: "The reporters have asked a lot of questions, so I will not answer them one by one. The medicine was brought back by Changtian Technology through certain efforts, and the treatment is currently in progress. I hope that the reporters can give the treatment team. For a certain period of time, it will also give Chief He a quiet treatment environment."

After Qu Ping gave a simple answer, the reporters at the scene cheered and applauded, discussing excitedly.

"Changtian Technology still has a way!"

"That's right, a lot of departments have tried all kinds of ways, but they haven't gotten Yaochangtian Technology and it's done as soon as it comes out."

"The medicine is easy to handle! The effect should be very powerful. I have seen some experimental data from AstraZeneca. Osimertinib has a very good effect on lung cancer metastasis to the brain."

Qu Ping was quite surprised.

The reporters were applauding.

Whether it is Chen Xiao or Qu Ping, they all feel that it is shameful for the people of Xia to go abroad to seek medicine. What the **** are these people applauding?

Celebrate each other handing out a little cancer drug to you?

Qu Ping squeezed her hands, and said with a bad face: "I don't think it's a matter of pride for so many scientific research institutions and pharmaceutical companies in my country to be unable to produce corresponding anti-cancer drugs. Today's press conference is here. Here, thank you all."

After Qu Ping dropped these words, she left the conference room, leaving behind the reporters who looked at each other in dismay.

The reporters also blushed, and suddenly felt that what Qu Ping said was very reasonable.

What are you excited about?

So happy because of a little charity from a Western company?

The medicine was not produced by Xia Guo, nor was it bought through normal trade, what is there to be happy about?

Looking at the back of Qu Ping's departure, the reporters suddenly gained some profound understanding of Changtian Technology's views.

They felt that this private company was different from the companies they had known before.

In the past, especially some hospitals or scientific research centers, if they also encountered He Jiang's incident, they would also do everything possible to buy osimertinib from AstraZeneca.

That must be rushing to hold a press conference, rushing to take credit, thinking that being able to buy drugs from AstraZeneca is a great virtue, and it must be a big report, and even a medal of merit.

The approach of Changtian Technology is completely different from them.

This time, Changtian Technology has almost single-handedly overwhelmed its medical industry in the state of Michigan, so that the pharmaceutical giants in the United States can compromise and get the relevant drugs.

But Changtian Technology never felt that this was a merit, but a particularly shameful thing.

Because Xia Guo's technology company is not strong, there is no way to rely on its own ability to produce anticancer drugs comparable to osimertinib.

Because Xia Guo is not strong enough, we have many research institutes, and scientific research funds are quite generous, but we don't even have a pharmaceutical company to replace AstraZeneca.

The idea has put many journalists to shame.

"Changtian Technology hopes that anti-cancer drugs will no longer be purchased abroad!" After half an hour, Xinlang reported the entire content of the interview with Changtian Technology's press conference on the headline on the front page.

The content of the report basically restored the whole process of the press conference. At the end of the report, the commentator of Xinlang exclaimed:

"Changtian Technology was not excited because it broke through all obstacles and purchased osimertinib, but was frustrated because no domestic pharmaceutical company could produce anti-cancer drugs similar to osimertinib!

We hope that more scientific research companies in Xiaguo will stand up, and we hope that the next time we need comparable drugs, a technology company in Xiaguo can provide domestically produced drugs as quickly as possible, instead of trying every means to seek Therefore abroad. "

Not only heart waves, but many media reporters who participated in the Changtian Technology Conference had a different feeling.

The heart waves that followed one after another reported the relevant situation.

Netizens also felt very surprised when they saw this conference of Changtian Technology.

Because Changtian Technology can get osimertinib through its own way, which is already a very remarkable thing.

However, Changtian Technology did not take credit and pride as everyone imagined, but felt guilty for not being able to develop similar drugs.

This kind of pursuit of excellence in science and technology is exactly what many scientific research institutions in Xia Guo lack.

Fei also saw the relevant media reports, and he silently took a sip of tea.

This is the scientific research company that Xia Guo needs.

He Jiang's condition stabilized after treatment.

But no one can guarantee that the tumor will not spread or metastasize.

We can only hope that after the condition stabilizes, the lesions will gradually shrink and eventually disappear.

After He Jiang completed the combined colony transplantation and lung resection, he was able to sit on the bed and speak softly.

This time, Chen Xiao and Qu Ping went to visit him, and it happened that the leaders of the 606 Institute and colleagues were there.

He Jiang's students and subordinates held notebooks and listened to every explanation from He Jiang.

He Jiang said: "Although our engine can be installed on the aircraft, there are still some defects."

"One is that the temperature in front of the vortex reaches 1500k, and the efficiency will be reduced by 10%. The other is that if the thrust is added, the fuel efficiency will be reduced to 60%, and it will not reach our combat radius of 1200-1500km. Our design thrust is 17 tons, The actual thrust is less than 12 tons."

"I... My latest data shows..." He Jiang gasped heavily.

"Teacher, don't worry, speak slowly."

The students quickly handed the water to He Jiang.

After He Jiang had his lungs removed, he relied on the thoracic diaphragm to make his voice, so the voice sounded strange and difficult.

He Jiang took a sip of water, then slowed down after a while, and said, "Currently, the 10-year overhaul of the turbofan is less than 1,000 hours, and the use efficiency is too low..."

"Because of technical reasons~www.readwn.com~ we have not been able to match the thrust vectoring nozzle..."

The students stopped He Jiang's words and were very disappointed.

They all thought that Turbofan 10 had been successful through decades of research, but did not expect that there are so many details. The students knew about these things before, but they were repeatedly reminded by He Jiang on this occasion, which made everyone feel uncomfortable.

At this time, Chen Xiao said: "The turbofan-10 adopts a three-stage fan, nine-stage rectifier, one-stage high pressure, and one-stage low pressure, which is the so-called 3+9+1+1 structure with high thrust, high thrust-to-weight ratio and low bypass ratio. engine."

"However, with the current thrust, if the vector nozzle is equipped, not only will it not be able to speed up urgently, but it will easily lead to a stall. The reason is that the thrust is still insufficient."

When Chen Xiao said this, everyone turned around.

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