Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 686: Take off quickly, the wind is coming!

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The Changtian Technology Headquarters in Changze Prefecture in April is full of snow-white cherry blossoms and pink peach blossoms.

Why not cherry blossoms but cherry blossoms?

When the construction subsidiary of the group's head office was engaged in garden planning, it did design landscape trees such as cherry blossoms, magnolias, and red leaf plums.

But this plan was completely rejected by Chen Xiao.

What Chen Xiao means is that it is a waste of resources to only bloom without bearing fruit.

Therefore, in the park, as long as the trees that can bloom are fruit trees.

This time it's good, just last year's fruit was too much to eat.

It not only attracted the surrounding animals, including birds, to come for food, but also made the employees of the group company very excited, basically realizing the self-production and sales of fruits.

Some employees who are married take their children and friends to the park for camping and outings on weekends and rest days.

Today, the temperature in Changzezhou is very comfortable, the spring breeze is blowing, and the sun is warm.

But in the large conference room of Changtian Technology Headquarters, everyone felt a chill.

Today, all the senior management of Changtian Technology Group headquarters and the heads of subsidiaries arrived at the meeting site.

Everyone has an audit report in their hands.

This is Sun Yanfang's audit report.

After Sun Yanfang was buried, things about him came to an end, and Chen Xiao also felt that it was necessary to disclose some internal affairs of the group.

The era of the mobile Internet has come, and Changtian Technology will soon focus on entering the trend of the century of the mobile Internet.

Before Chen Xiao can concentrate all the power of the company to impact the mobile Internet era, he must rectify the company's discipline and unite people's hearts.

Otherwise, when the time comes, the battle will not start, and the interior will be a mess of scattered sand.

The era of mobile Internet has really come.

From 2008 to May 2009, htc has launched a variety of Android mobile phones, and they are selling well all over the world, impacting Nokia's share.

Although Nokia is still superstitious about Saipan, it also knows that eggs cannot be put in one basket, so it began to develop a new system similar to Android, and tried it on new mobile phones (but sales were dismal).

Samsung, lg, Motorola and other companies are also frantically impacting the mobile phone market.

Some use the open source Android system, some use Symbian authorized by Nokia, and companies such as Samsung are also developing their own smartphone systems.

Not to mention Apple, it has become the representative of fashion and popularity.

At this time, everyone knows that the future must be the era of mobile Internet, but they are all confused and do not know what the future of this era will be.

Among mobile phones, Apple has ios, htc and Samsung have Android, Samsung has its own operating system, and Nokia has Symbian and wp.

Everyone is in a mess, and they don’t know if the things that they have invested a lot of money in research and development will make it to the end.

In business and technology, the scariest thing is not making mistakes, but going the wrong track.

Make a mistake on the right track and it doesn't matter.

But if you are on the wrong track, no matter how hard you spend countless dollars, you may not see any hope of success.

Samsung, htc and other companies, who knows that the future operating system is Android?

Nokia is confident enough in Symbian, but how does he know that from last year to the next one or two years, the times will not tell Nokia in advance when it abandons Symbian.

Chen Xiao is ready to enter the mobile Internet industry, not to make mobile phones immediately, but to start from both hardware and software.

But before that, companies have to have rules.

After reading the audit report, people in the conference room whispered.

Chen Xiao said: "Everyone is talking about Sun Yanfang's situation, and I won't say much today."

"Everyone can come to Changtian Technology. I believe that in addition to money, there is also a dream of one's own."

"If you come to Changtian Technology just for money, then your pattern is too low."

If the bosses of other companies say this, the people below will definitely complain.

There must be a lot of talk like my coming here to work is the future of money.

But what Chen Xiao said was different.

Because the treatment of Changtian Technology is one of the best in the horizontal and vertical comparison of global technology companies.

Ordinary employees, as long as they work hard, have no problem becoming a millionaire or even a multi-millionaire.

Outside of Changtian Technology, whether you start your own business or join other technology companies, this probability is too small.

Changtian Technology has enough money, so Chen Xiao will say, if you come to Changtian Technology just for money, then your pattern is too low.

Everyone in the conference room looked very bad.

Some feel sorry for Sun Yanfang. After all, it is very rare for the management post to be able to take the position of Sun Yanfang.

And it is not ruled out that some of them may be no different from Sun Yanfang in what they do, it is just a matter of the amount of money.

Chen Xiao said: "As you all know, before the Spring Festival, I had a plan for a clean audit department. I invite everyone to come here today, and I want to inform you that this department was officially established today."

"The person in charge of the integrity audit department is Shen Wei, who is directly under my jurisdiction and enjoys the treatment of the vice president of the headquarters."

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent.

Shen Wei is a legend in Changtian Technology Group.

There are rumors that Shen Wei is Chen Xiao's girlfriend, and there are rumors that the two are married, but they have not announced it to the public.

But for many people in the group company, Shen Wei has only heard of his name and never seen him.

Chen Xiao said, "Minister Shen, come over and meet with everyone."

Shen Wei, who was in the background, came out wearing a long black dress.

Shen Wei's emotions at this time were also very complicated.

The last time she and Chen Xiao publicly appeared in front of so many people at the same time was at the graduation party of the third year of high school.

At that time, she was the class leader.

In a flash, ten years have passed.

Ten years ago, young girls wore school uniforms.

Ten years later, she held the power of life and death and stood behind this man.

Everyone looked at Shen Wei and was shocked.

Shen Wei's beauty is not vulgar, it is a thorough temperament beauty.

Wen Qi in the audience also saw Shen Wei.

She had been hearing Shen Wei's name all the time, and today she was seeing a real person.

Wen Qi felt a little lost in her heart. What a good girl can she get such trust from Chen Xiao?

The people in the meeting read the report in their hands and saw the name of the audit team leader—Shen Wei!

Many people trembled.

A beautiful woman really kills without blood.

Some people even complained in their hearts that Sun Yanfang committed suicide because of Shen Wei's report.

After Shen Wei bowed slightly, she said, "I hope everyone will take care of you in the future."

Chen Xiao said: "In the future, the integrity audit department has the right to transfer all the information of various departments and subsidiaries, and has the right to investigate and deal with any person."

As soon as these words came out, the bottom was fried.

This power is quite large, and only Chen Xiao's confidant has such power.

Seeing so many people discussing, Chen Xiao's face was very ugly.

Chen Xiao glanced at the crowd and said, "Changtian Technology is a private group company! It's not a civil servant, nor a state-owned enterprise! I hope you can figure this out."

"Whoever has an opinion can make a resignation report!"

Chen Xiao's voice was not arrogant.

It left many people silent.

Everyone knows that the boss is angry!

Chen Xiao is right, Changtian Technology Group is Chen Xiao's own company, not an institution or a state-owned enterprise.

All personnel of Changtian Technology are responsible to Chen Xiao and the group company.

If you have complaints and don't want to do it, you can leave.

Chen Xiao said: "Today I am calling everyone for a meeting, not to solicit everyone's opinions, but to inform everyone."

"No rules can't make a circle. I hope everyone can take a warning, change it if there is, and encourage it if it doesn't."


After the meeting, Chen Xiao returned to the office.

Wang Xiang and Shen Wei also came to the office.

Wang Xiang was very happy, "Weiwei, you finally came to Changze Island."

"For so long, Mr. Chen has always hoped that you could help, and this time it's finally here."

Wang Xiang is a veteran of the company. He has known Shen Wei for a long time, and is regarded as an old acquaintance of Shen Wei.

Shen Wei looked at Chen Xiao and Wang Xiang a little embarrassedly: "Brother Xiang, you made fun of me again."

Wang Xiang said, "I'm not joking about this."

"Our group company, the most lacking talent now is in the financial field. After Sister Wang retired, there has been no suitable candidate for this position. You are here, and President Chen can breathe a sigh of relief."

Wang Xiang's so-called financial talents are not simply people with accounting knowledge.

If it's just someone with accounting knowledge, it's too easy to find. Xia Guo has a lot of people who have cpa or yes.

Wang Xiang's so-called talents are confidants.

Now the finance has been handed over to Song Yi, who is supervised by Shen Wei behind the scenes, which perfectly solves the problem of closed-loop finance and supervision.

Shen Wei smiled and looked at Chen Xiao, Chen Xiao gave Shen Wei a look, and the two of them knew nothing.

After reminiscing about the old days, Wang Xiang reported his work.

The construction of the French microbial power plant has reached the most critical stage. It is expected that the first batch of power plants will be put into use by mid-July.

The microbial power stations in Maldives, Lion City and other countries that have not received interference have been successfully built and started to generate electricity.

The relevant power stations have been highly appraised by the management and the public of the country where they are located.

Lianhe Zaobao even commented that this is the most popular product exported by Xia Guo after silk, porcelain and tea.

In addition, Xiaguo State Power Company, after repeated discussions, also decided to fully accept the cooperation plan of Changtian Technology.

Xiaguo State Power Company and Changtian Technology Energy Group jointly established a new energy power company.

Among them, Changtian Technology and Technology account for 50% of the shares, and Changtian Technology is only responsible for technical support, not operation. In addition, the two sides also signed a gambling agreement to ensure the operation of the power plant.

There are currently two locations for the power plant, the first is Yanjing and the second is the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Construction started this month, and the total investment in the two places is around 10 billion RMB.

It is not only necessary to realize the power supply to the two major international cities, but also to realize the complete recycling of the biological waste in the two cities.

The establishment of Changtian Xinghe Energy Group has received tens of billions of large orders at once, which makes many subsidiaries envious.

The work that Wang Xiang is reporting today is not only the construction of microbial power plants overseas, but also the relevant situation of the international mobile Internet market.

Wang Xiang said: "At present, the world's largest mobile phone brand is still Nokia, followed by Samsung LG and Motorola Apple. Because of the excellent performance of Android, htc accounts for about 3.5% of the entire market share."

"Currently the most used system in the smartphone market is Symbian, followed by BlackBerry's ram. The total sales of iphone is expected to double compared to last year, ranking third. Android mainly relies on htc and other brands to play In the world, the market share is also 3.5%.”

"As of the end of April, the best-selling mobile phone in the world was Nokia's 6300 series."

"The phone is equipped with a 2-megapixel rear camera and supports 2gb of expandable storage."

Chen Xiao nodded, the replacement of Nokia Symbian phones is not so frequent.

For example, Nokia's 6300 series was released two years ago. For Chen Xiao, it is better to use a feature phone with such a configuration.

But it sells just fine.

"And the one that gets the most attention is the 3gs of the iphone."

"Although the 3gs of the iphone will not be released until next month, I can get some more accurate parameters here."

"The pixel of this phone should be 3 million, the default memory is 256 megabytes, the rom is 8g and 32g, it does not support expansion cards, and it uses a non-removable lithium battery with a capacity of about 1200 mAh."

Seeing such a mobile phone configuration, Chen Xiao has only one word to describe - shabby!

Chen Xiao said, "Let Yang Fei come over."

After Yang Fei came to Chen Xiao's office.

Chen Xiao, Yang Fei, and Wang Xiang had a small meeting.

Chen Xiao has two arrangements this time.

"Opening up the sales of our lithium batteries, carbon crystal storage, and seagull cameras, Changtian Technology is now planning to deploy the hardware industry chain and software industry chain up and down the mobile phone."

"At present, the maximum capacity of lithium batteries in our energy laboratory can reach 4,000 mAh, allowing Gaomiao to mass-produce 2,000 mAh lithium batteries for external sales as soon as possible."

After Chen Xiao said this, Wang Xiang felt incredible.

"Mr. Are you saying that carbon crystal storage is also sold?"

Wang Xiang said: "Carbon crystal storage has always been the magic weapon of Changtian Technology in the IC field, which is also the key to our products being recognized by consumers."

Chen Xiao said: "This is true, but what we do is to develop the habit of consumers to use our products. Our carbon crystal storage can be sold to PC companies such as Founder and Dell, and can be sold to mobile phone companies."

"Currently, the storage capacity of Nokia's Symbian phones is very poor. Most of them depend on external memory cards, and the maximum capacity can only be supported, 2gb or 4gb."

"And Apple's non-expandable storage is only 8gb and 16gb, which is too shabby."

"What we want to sell is not our advanced technology, but our product concept. When consumers are accustomed to using seagull cameras, large-capacity lithium batteries and high-speed and large-capacity storage, they will be fully interested in Changtian Technology. The recognition of the orientation, at that time, we launched Changtian Technology's own mobile phone products, which is a matter of course."

"what do you mean?"

Chen Xiao said: "Introduce 8gb, 16gb, 32 and 64gb carbon crystal storage to the outside world!"

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