Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 689: I've made money out of my conscience

HTC attaches great importance to the mainland market. As a very important technology company in the Wanwan region, HTC International Electronics and Xiaguo mainland have frequent exchanges.

They also realized that the Xia Kingdom, with a population of 1.4 billion, will definitely become the country with the largest electronic consumer group in the near future.

Therefore, when HTC operates the mobile phone business in the curved area and the United States, it will also tend to some resources in the Xia Kingdom.

For example, some feature phones of HTC (Dopod), as well as the first-generation Android phones, have already landed in the Xiaguo market in 2009.

Although the sales volume is not satisfactory, HTC firmly believes that as the economic conditions of Xiaguo improve, people are getting richer and buying smartphones will become a major trend.

HTC has also seen the current smartphone, the competitive market has fallen into the white-hot stage.

Various brands and various mobile phone systems are competing for layout.

Competition is not without cruelty.

Whether Android can stand out, depends not only on HTC's own efforts but also on luck.

The Xiaguo market is the most important part.

Changtian Technology is now publicly selling carbon crystal storage, which is an opportunity for HTC.

Android phones are currently far inferior to Apple's iOS in terms of fluency and stability, and there are also some gaps compared with the already mature Saipan.

It takes a lot of courage to develop Android in this era.

Especially for this Android phone released by HTC in 2009, after some consumers use it for a few months or half a year, the phone will be more or less stuck, which makes Android suffer a lot of negative public opinion.

How can we solve these stuck problems? There are two ways.

One is to start with the underlying code of the Android system to make the system smoother and less redundant data.

However, this method is time-consuming and costly, and it is not known what effect it will achieve.

Android is an open system, and it is not yet mature at present. Only through continuous use, continuous feedback, and continuous modification, such a system can be improved.

This is a long-term process, not one or two months or a year or two can be done.

The second way is to start with hardware and find ways to increase the memory and storage capacity.

Increasing the capacity of the two can make the computing speed of the mobile phone faster, and there is more space to accommodate redundant data, which will delay the freezing of the mobile phone.

For a long time in the past, neither Samsung in South Korea nor Toshiba and Elpida in Toyo could solve the problem of size and performance in terms of memory and storage.

That is, the stronger the performance, the larger the volume.

This is an inherent flaw in storage technology.

Moreover, according to the current technology, the cost will more than double if the storage capacity is doubled.

Therefore, whether it is the actual condition of the size of the mobile phone or the cost condition, it is impossible for HTC to purchase more memory and storage from companies such as Toshiba and Samsung.

But Changtian Technology gave HTC a different choice.

Carbon crystal storage is small in size, light in weight and large in capacity, and its storage logic is completely different from existing storage devices.

If it can be used on mobile phones, it will definitely bring a better experience to the Android system, which will also help HTC expand the market.

It is better to sell to an overseas company than to sell to your own company.

No matter whether HTC agrees with a Xia Kingdom in his heart or not, but for the sake of interests and his own development, he sent a mighty representative team to Changzezhou.

Wang Xiang received Zhou Ming, the vice president and veteran of HTC, and his party at the Mochizuki Hotel in Changzezhou.

This time HTC is here to talk business.

Therefore, after visiting the relevant technical principles and indicators of carbon crystal storage, Zhou Ming and his party quickly entered the negotiation process.

Zhou Ming hopes to purchase the first batch of 100,000 pieces of 256M carbon crystal memory, as well as 50,000 pieces of 4GB and 50,000 pieces of 8GB carbon crystal memory to prepare for HTC's new mobile phones.

HTC still dare not purchase 16GB and 64GB of carbon crystal storage.

After all, no mobile phone has used carbon crystal storage so far, and no one knows what the effect is.

So just buy basic models, HTC also has more room for advance and retreat.

HTC is still a bit nervous when it comes to talking about price.

Most of the flash memory currently used by HTC is Samsung, with 4GB of Samsung NAND flash costing $24 and 8GB costing $48. Samsung's NAND flash uses MLC (Multi-Level Cell) technology, which can store more information than SLC (Single-Level Cell), but also consumes more power.

Memory, that is, DRAM, also uses Samsung, Hynix or Micron, and the cost of 256MB is about 11 meters.

These costs are quite expensive, second only to touchscreens and chips.

The carbon crystal storage is smaller in size and lighter in weight. Even if the capacity purchased by HTC is the same as that of Samsung and other brands, Zhou Ming is also worried that the price will be more expensive.

At present, the goal that HTC hopes to achieve is that the same cost or about 10% more expensive, can purchase the carbon crystal memory and carbon crystal storage of Changtian Technology, then it is satisfied.

After listening to Zhou Ming's appeal, Wang Xiang had some regrets.

Changtian Technology has put out so many products in one breath, and the ones with strong performance are also there.

For example, 512 megabytes of carbon crystal memory, such as 64GB segment carbon crystal storage.

However, HTC sent such a large negotiating team and only purchased the basic hardware of Changtian Technology, which must have made Wang Xiang very sorry.

Wang Xiang smiled and said to Zhou Ming: "Mr. Zhou,

HTC is the first technology company in the world to use the Android system to manufacture mobile phones. "

"Mr. Chen of my company is very optimistic about the Android system. He has talked many times that Android will definitely replace Saipan and become one of the most successful mobile phone systems in the world."

"Currently in the mobile phone market, Nokia's Symbian phones occupy the mid-to-high-end market, followed by rising stars Samsung and Apple."

"Is your company unwilling to improve the hardware performance of your mobile phone and bring a better experience to users?"

That being said, whether it is Zhou Ming or other high-level HTC executives, they are only "destined to be in this mountain".

They don't come from the future, and they can't see the future direction clearly. Chen Xiao is optimistic about Android. Who knows if this is Chen Xiao's polite words or ecstasy soup for business?

If you purchase a large number of high-end hardware products of Changtian Technology in one breath, the performance of the mobile phone will not be as ideal as you imagined.

Then HTC will definitely lose everything, and in the mobile phone market where you are chasing me, it will definitely fall behind.

This time the negotiating parties are open and honest, so Wang Xiang also said: "This aspect is not a problem. The price of carbon crystal storage will definitely be cheaper than the price of existing storage on the market."

After Wang Xiang said this, the HTC team felt very surprised.

Because the technology of carbon crystal storage is obviously much more advanced than traditional storage, with small size, light weight and large capacity, how can the sales price be cheaper than traditional storage?

Wang Xiang said: "This is our quotation list, Mr. Zhou can take a look first."

Because Xia Guo's RMB has not been internationalized, it is when discussing cooperation with multinational companies. It is inevitable to use rice knives as pricing.

Zhou Ming looked at the price list and it was incredible.

The price of 256MB carbon crystal memory is 5 meters.

The price of 4GB of carbon crystal storage is 10 meters, and 8GB is 20 meters.

The price of carbon crystal memory is half cheaper than Samsung's memory, and the price of storage is more than half cheaper.

Seeing Zhou Ming's surprised expression, Wang Xiang had some murmurs in his heart.

Could it be that the price is too expensive for HTC to afford?

The reason why Wang Xiang has such an idea is because he personally feels that the price of carbon crystal memory and carbon crystal storage is still too expensive.

Because the 256 megabytes of carbon crystal memory are basically reprocessed using the leftovers of the computer's carbon crystal.

There is no cost to produce these things at all. If you really want to talk about the cost, it may be tens of cents.

The cost of tens of cents was sold to a 5-meter knife, which must be making money out of conscience.

The same is true for the cost of carbon crystal storage. The production cost of 4GB of carbon crystal storage is similar to that of 8GB of carbon crystal storage, which is about 1 meter.

Now selling 10-meter knives and 20-meter knives has increased 10 times and 20 times, which must be making money out of conscience.

This is the benefit of Changtian Technology's technological and industrial progress.

Whenever a technological product makes progress in the production process and reaches mass production, its cost will be greatly reduced, even less than 1% at the beginning.

With such advanced production capacity, this is one of the reasons why Chen Xiao hopes to open up the market and sell carbon crystal storage to mobile phone manufacturers.

Wang Xiang watched Zhou Ming swallowing He felt that his sales price was still too high, and he could discount it on this basis.

So Wang Xiang said: "Mr. Zhou, we set this price in a hurry. According to the current market price..."

Before Wang Xiang's words were finished, Zhou Ming thought that Wang Xiang was going to increase the price, and quickly said: "Mr. Wang, we completely believe in Changtian Technology. Since you have already set this price, then we will do it according to the above, and we will use the Buy first at this price.”

Explain that this statement caught Wang Xiang by surprise.

What does this mean? The price of Changtian Technology has also been set low?

Wang Xiang: "Cough, cough, cough!"

In this way, the total contract amount is 2 million meters.

The contract amount of 2 million meters is a small amount for both Changtian Technology and HTC.

For such a small contract, Wang Xiang, the vice president of HTC and the veteran figure Zhou Ming personally came out, which shows that behind the 2 million meters knife, is the development trend of this industry.

HTC's interior is clear.

As long as the effect of carbon crystal storage and carbon crystal memory is good, then all HTC mobile phones in the future will purchase the hardware of Changtian Technology, and the amount involved is not just millions of meters.

Wang Xiang took back the words he had just prepared to lower the price. He stood up and stretched out his hand and said, "Happy cooperation."


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