Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 693: Extreme regret and Steve Jobs determination

Zhou Ming had a very ominous feeling in his heart.

If it is a simple hand-made gift, it must be given to them before they leave Nagasawa.

It is impossible to send the gift to Bend Island by post.

Zhou Ming's mind was messy, and his mood had already flown to the island.

After a few hours of flying, the plane finally came to the island.

Zhou Ming was not even in the mood to eat, so he rushed to the HTC headquarters non-stop.

Because the logistics on Chen Xiao's side was sent out a few days earlier, when Zhou Ming arrived at the headquarters, there were already two boxes of items waiting for him to sign.

Zhou Ming looked at the boxes sent from Changzezhou, and hurriedly let someone open the boxes.

The first box is full of carbon crystal storage and carbon crystal memory.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Ming was in a daze.

The two sides have stopped cooperation. Why does Changtian Technology still send carbon crystal storage and carbon crystal memory?

There is a sheet of paper on top of the product.

Zhou Ming picked up this page and looked at it, and his heart was even more mixed.

The paper reads: "In view of the fact that you and I have terminated cooperation, and considering that your company's mobile phone hardware has a transition process, we decided to give HTC 20,000 carbon crystal memory and 20,000 carbon crystal storage for free."

That is, Changtian Technology gave these 20,000 carbon crystal storage and carbon crystal memory to HTC completely.

For HTC, this is definitely a great gift.

Because it does help HTC make the transition to phone hardware.

This time, Changtian Technology sent a total of two boxes.

Zhou Ming quickly opened the second box.

The second box is smaller and the contents inside are also small.

After Zhou Ming opened it, he found that there was a battery and a camera inside.

Zhou Ming looked at the battery and camera models.

The battery is produced by Galaxy Energy, a subsidiary of Changtian Technology, with a total capacity of 2,400 mAh.

Seeing such a capacity, Zhou Ming was extremely shocked.

Most of the Panasonic batteries currently used by HTC are only 1140mAh.

Of course, companies such as Panasonic can completely increase the capacity of the battery, but when the battery capacity is increased, the volume will also increase.

Smartphones have begun to pursue thinness and small size.

This makes the large-capacity lithium battery produced by Panasonic simply cannot be put into the mobile phone.

However, the lithium battery of Galaxy Energy mailed by Changtian Technology is actually smaller than the 1000 mAh lithium battery of Panasonic.

This shocked Zhou Ming very much.

Zhou Ming quickly asked his subordinates to take this lithium battery to the laboratory to test the actual performance and capacity of the lithium battery.

Below the lithium battery, is a small box.

The box marked the camera and the camera module.

This time Zhou Ming understood the intention of Changtian Technology.

The batteries and cameras sent by Changtian Technology were all purchased by Wang Xiang, who asked HTC to purchase carbon crystal storage and carbon crystal memory together.

Zhou Ming picked up the small box and read the parameters on it in detail.

This camera is produced by Seagull, with a total of 12 million pixels.

Zhou Ming's heart was hit hard.

Because HTC is currently using Sony's most advanced mobile phone camera, but only 5 million pixels.

The seagull has actually reached 12 million pixels, and it looks small in size.

The rear camera module is also very small, and it can be seen in detail in the manual that this module is anti-shake after matching with the camera.

Whether the camera can stabilize is not only a scientific research problem of mobile phone cameras, but also a scientific research problem of SLR.

Because of the relatively large size of the SLR, it can put a lot of accessory parts in it.

At present, Sony has developed an anti-shake SLR camera.

However, the volume of the mobile phone is only a little big, and the camera and the camera module must be placed. If the anti-shake parts are put in, the volume of the mobile phone will be many times larger, and the anti-shake effect is not good.

Now, Seagull, a subsidiary of Changtian Technology, has developed a 12-megapixel camera and directly told Zhou Ming that the camera and the module are equipped with anti-shake, which makes Zhou Ming unable to sit still.

After all, Sony's current camera will not be so advanced level.

If the hardware provided by Changtian Technology is true, the performance is consistent with the description.

What does that mean?

It means that if HTC can carry these hardwares, HTC will become the most powerful mobile phone in the world.

Not only dumped the now popular Nokia several streets.

It is even more difficult for companies such as Samsung and Motorola to compete.

This will be an opportunity for HTC.

Smartphones are all about performance right now.

The hardware of Changtian Technology has been ahead of the whole era.

It stands to reason that after returning from a business trip in the mainland, Zhou Ming should go home and rest for a few days before going to work.

But because the matter was so important, Zhou Ming didn't dare to neglect it, and hurried to the engineering laboratory to personally check the performance of the cameras and batteries sent by Changtian Technology.

Two days later, after detailed testing by engineers.

All hardware performance comes out.

The lithium battery of Changtian Technology has a test capacity of 2500 mAh, which is 100 mAh more than the marked 2400 mAh.

After this one battery was installed on HTC's flagship phone using a special battery case, the battery life of the phone has been doubled and nearly doubled.

Why use a special battery case?

The most critical reason is that the lithium battery of Changtian Technology is only a lot smaller than the lithium battery of Panasonic.

And the camera made the whole lab amazed.

HTC is currently purchasing Sony's most advanced 5-megapixel camera.

Looking at the imaging pictures of the two sides, you can clearly feel the gap between Sony and Seagull.

The lab then installs the camera and camera module on the flagship phone.

The final imaging result is even more astonishing.

The photos taken by the Seagull camera and the camera module completely exploded the photos taken by the Sony 5-megapixel camera and the camera module.

Zhou Ming muttered to himself in disbelief: "How could Seagull have such advanced camera technology!"

Seagull has also developed rapidly in the market since it was acquired by Changtian Technology.

For example, he has launched a number of SLR cameras, which have beaten Sony and other established companies in China and won the trust of consumers.

However, in the Bay Area, because of the protection of the region, and because of the close relationship with Toyo, there is no purchase of seagull products at all.

People on the island are very unfamiliar with the brand of Seagull, and it is reasonable.

But performance speaks for itself.

Zhou Ming hurriedly asked people to find out the history of the seagulls.

It was found that the old camera company of Seagull was acquired by Changtian Technology, and the cities developed rapidly.

Technology has advanced by leaps and bounds in cameras and shooting technology, as well as in the chips of cameras.

Even got a lot of advanced patents.

At present, the patents held by Seagull are catching up with companies such as Sony and Canon, and they have surpassed these companies in the top patents.

The most important thing is that Seagull has successfully developed the lens required by the lithography machine.

This is something companies like Sony cannot match.

The reality is in front of you.

Zhou Ming was sweating all over at this time, and there were thousands of emotions in his heart.

He knew now why he was negotiating with Changtian Technology a few days ago.

Wang Xiang said that HTC will definitely not suffer by buying it together with the package.

Because the performance of these hardware products of Changtian Technology is really too powerful.

is an absolute global leader.

Judging from your situation, HTC is not at a loss at all, but has made a lot of money.

When Zhou Ming and other senior executives of HTC were negotiating with Changtian Technology, they always believed that Changtian Technology could not sell many hardware products, so they sold it together with carbon crystal memory and carbon crystal hard disk.

Think that Changtian Technology's cameras and batteries are garbage.

Even if it's not garbage, it's hard to compete with the established companies of Sony and Panasonic.

But from the current situation.

The real garbage is not Changtian Technology.

But HTC's high-level.

"Oops!" Zhou Ming patted the table angrily.

Looking back now, he felt that he was really a fool.

Why didn't you take a look at the hardware performance of Changtian Technology?

Zhou Ming thought, if all these hardwares are carried on HTC's flagship mobile phones.

HTC will be the birth of a global machine king.

As for those long-term contracts with Sony and Panasonic.

Compared to HTC becoming the world's most powerful mobile phone manufacturer, it's a fart.

Zhou Ming regretted it.

It was only now that he reacted.

Changtian Technology asked them to buy a package, not to dig a hole for HTC to jump, but to cooperate with HTC sincerely.

After the first cooperation, Changtian Technology has been so honest, and indeed regarded HTC as a partner.

And what about HTC?

This is completely with the heart of the villain and the belly of the gentleman.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ming was a little flustered.

Because the two sides no longer have any cooperation agreement.

Without a cooperation agreement, of course, there are no conditions.

The hardware of Changtian Technology is placed there, and it is also sold to HTC, and it is also sold to others.

If he doesn't cooperate with HTC, who will these products be sold to?

Zhou Ming felt anxious when he thought of this, and reported the relevant situation to the headquarters according to you.

After the board of directors got the news, it asked the laboratory to produce detailed experimental data.

This time, the laboratory not only came up with detailed experimental data.

The flagship mobile phone assembled with the hardware of Changtian Technology was also handed over to the board of directors.

The directors of the board of directors and chairman Zhang Lan are all people who have seen the world.

The phones in their hands are not just HTC's flagship phones, but the best phones from every other brand.

But after playing with the mobile phone assembled by Liuchangtian Technology hardware, Zhang Lan and others felt the obvious gap.

The gap between using Longsky Technology hardware and not using Longsky Technology hardware.

This time the upper management was a little anxious.

The board was open for two full days.

The topic of the meeting was whether to continue to cooperate with Changtian Technology to restore the cooperative relationship with Changtian Technology.

In the end, the chairman decided that Zhou Ming would lead the team to Changzezhou urgently to negotiate with Wang Xiang again.

HTC is willing to fully accept the conditions put forward by Changtian Technology.

That is, when purchasing carbon crystal hard drives and carbon crystal memory, it is matched with the purchase of seagull cameras and lithium batteries produced by Galaxy Energy.

The price is the same as the last negotiated price, and it doesn't matter if HTC's bottom line even goes up a little.

As for the supply agreements signed with various companies such as Sony and Panasonic, this is actually relatively easy to handle.

The hardware purchased by Changtian Technology is definitely a flagship mobile phone. The hardware purchased from Sony and Panasonic companies is placed on ordinary medium-performance or low-end performance mobile phones.

It is appropriate to contact Zhou Ming and Changtian Technology, hoping to negotiate again.

Changtian Technology clearly refused to continue negotiating with HTC.

A good horse does not eat grass.

You only get one chance.

Changtian Technology still has its own pride.

It doesn't mean that if you want to cooperate, you just come and let's talk about cooperation.

If you don't want to cooperate, just pat your **** and leave.

Changtian Technology is not a bus.

After Zhou Ming got the news, his intestines were full of regrets.

He repeatedly called Wang Xiang, hoping to persuade Wang Xiang to renegotiate.

But Wang Xiang's attitude is also very firm.

Changtian Technology will not restart negotiations.

Zhou Ming felt that he could not sit still.

He brought their team to Changze Island again, hoping to meet Wang Xiang.

But Wang Xiang seems to be intentional or it may be a coincidence, he has already flown to Shanghai and Yanjing and other places to inspect the market.

Zhou Ming fluttered.

Zhou Ming's heart is very clear.

If the previous negotiation between the two parties was equal, then this time it was completely HTC's request from Changtian Technology.

The level of negotiation between the two sides is obvious.

It is quite difficult for HTC to negotiate with Changtian Technology using the last negotiation

More favorable terms and more attractive terms must be offered.

Only then can the two sides return to the negotiating table.

After he figured this out, Zhou Ming had to return to the island temporarily to inform the company's executives about the situation, hoping that the company's executives could make up their minds.

Because this has exceeded Zhou Ming's authority.

And this is in the US.

Jobs was holding in his hand the HTCD2 phone that was shot empty.

After a simple use, Jobs admired the carbon crystal memory of Changtian Technology and the silver medal of visiting relatives.

Jobs had previously sent a team to Xiaguo to understand the hardware situation of Changtian Technology.

After learning that Changtian Technology and HTC have reached a strategic cooperation, they are still facing a formidable enemy.

But I heard that the negotiations between the two sides seemed to have collapsed, which gave Jobs hope.

What Apple pursues is thinness and speed, which has made mobile phones the carrier of the Internet era.

Jobs felt that the concept of Changtian Technology coincided with him.

If carbon crystal memory and carbon crystal storage can be mounted on Apple mobile phones, the performance of Apple mobile phones will also be greatly improved.

After figuring this out, Jobs decided to go to Xia Guo in person.

This formation has two important purposes.

The first is to inspect the mobile phone manufacturing factory that has been under the inspection to see if the other party has the ability to OEM Apple, so as to reduce Apple's cost.

The most important thing is of course point 2. Jobs hopes to have a face-to-face dialogue with Chen Xiao.

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