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Jobs took center stage with emotion.

For this press conference, he had prepared for half a year.

Compared with the previous iphone3gs or other iphones in the past, Jobs believed that the iphone4 was the soul of the real iphone.

The layout of the conference site is very technological, which seems to represent the future of Apple.

"We had a great conference for you this week. There were over 5200 participants from over 57 countries, and we did it in just eight days."

Jobs walked in the center of the stage, expressing his inner meaning with words and body movements.

Jobs went on to say: "We apologize to our friends who couldn't be there, but this is the biggest venue we can have."

In fact, there are some people who did not participate in this conference not only because there were too many people participating, they had no place, and more importantly, they could not come.

For example, the first people Jobs invited were Chen Xiao, the boss of Changtian Technology, and Wang Xiang, the CEO.

Due to personal reasons and safety issues, Chen Xiao did not come to the press conference.

On the other hand, Wang Xiang was invited and sat in the C position of the VIP.

This is enough to show Apple's respect for Changtian Technology.

In the entire VIP seat, except for Wang Xiang, all were Westerners with yellow hair and blue eyes.

This illustrates two problems.

The first is that in the Western science and technology world, the voice of the Easterners is still very low.

Even technology companies such as Sony and Samsung have long become close partners of Apple, but their relevant personnel still do not deserve to sit in the first row.

Or maybe these companies are trying to cater to Western aesthetics, or hope that the West can put down their guard, so the heads of their European and American affairs departments are all from the United States and Europe, not Asians.

This is proof that Changtian Technology has played a pivotal role in Apple's supply and development chain.

So let Wang Xiang sit in the C position, and Wang Xiang's left side is the CEO of Infineon, and the right side is the CEO of Qualcomm.

Among the mobile phone parts suppliers of iphone4, the most important one is the communication baseband, besides the chip and the carbon crystal storage of Changtian Technology.

Among them, Infineon is the largest mobile phone baseband supplier for iphone4, and Qualcomm is a shortlisted supplier.

Wang Xiang didn't feel any cramped between the two, but was full of confidence.

Because Wang Xiang has confidence in his heart.

All confidence comes from within.

The confidence is that I want to know that Changtian Technology already has a complete mobile phone production technology.

The so-called complete mobile phone production technology is from the chip of the mobile phone to the communication machine to the storage memory battery, the motherboard and other components, as well as the external components such as the camera and the mobile phone case, as well as the most important system of the smart phone.

Moreover, Wang Xiang is very clear that Changtian Technology has successfully developed and perfected the Hanhai mobile phone, whether its performance or its appearance, it will completely explode the iPhone.

Wang Xiang's heart is actually just around the corner.

He thought that if the Hanhai mobile phone was released one day, the grand occasion would be far greater than that of Apple today.

But Wang Xiang's heart is very clear, he must completely trust Chen Xiao.

Now Hanhai mobile phone is not in a hurry to release, but the market conditions are not mature.

Thinking of this, Wang Xiang's mentality relaxed immediately, and he watched the press conference calmly.

This time, Wang Xiang's mentality in participating in Apple's conference is a bit like a senior high school student who has been recommended by a well-known university in the country, going to the school to listen to the teacher reading other students' college entrance examination scores.

This is confidence and confidence.

There was no nonsense at all about Jobs' presentation.

From the research and development process of the mobile phone, the design concept to the specific performance, Jobs talked eloquently.

Jobs said: "phone4 height is 115.2 mm, width is 58.6 mm, thickness: 8.3 mm (one mm thinner than Jobs' original design.) Weight: 127 grams (10 grams lighter than Jobs' original design.

While Jobs was explaining the appearance of the iPhone, several large screens at the scene immediately released 3D pictures and real photos of the iPhone.

The audience at the scene exclaimed.

Because the iphone4 uses a glass back and a full screen.

Therefore, its appearance is very high, which is more than a grade higher than 3gs.

It is the appearance parameters of the iPhone that can support the appearance.

Whether it is thickness, width or weight, iphone4 is currently one of the thinnest and lightest smartphones.

Compared with the iphone4, several Nokia Symbian mobile phones that are currently on the market are relatively good pieces.

This conference is the same as the original iphone3gs.

It will be broadcast live around the world.

Consumers in Xia Guo may not know much about iphone4 and are not interested.

It is most of the technology fans and users in the West who continue to pay attention to the iphone press conference.

Many of these fans and users are women.

Female consumers are immediately fascinated by the appearance and light and compact feel of the iphone.

The iphone redefines the smart phone, making the smart phone not only a simple communication tool, but also a work of art as a platform for users to communicate with the mobile Internet.

Many female viewers watching the press conference have made up their minds secretly.

Their next phone must be an iPhone.

The fans at the scene cheered wildly and screamed.

Some reporters have already prepared the news topic and content of this conference - iphone4 redefines the smart phone and changes the world.

Jobs was delighted with the audience's response.

This proves that his iphone4 mobile phone is a success.

Jobs continued: "iphone4 rear camera 12 million pixels, front camera 300,000 pixels; equipped with a4 chip; 3.5-inch retina display with a resolution of 960x640 pixels; iphone4 built-in three-axis gyroscope, can be provided with the direction sensor Six-axis motion sensing…”

The front camera is purchased from Sony.

Jobs didn't want to put all his eggs in the same basket, so the front camera was still in accordance with the supply agreement signed with Sony.

The rear camera is pretty scary.

It uses a 12-megapixel Seagull camera.

A proof of a photo appeared on the big screen, which was taken by the iPhone 4 through the 12-megapixel Seagull camera.

The colors are vivid, the outlines are sharp, and the framing angle is very good.

This photo is nothing like the sharpness of photos taken by mobile phones in the past few years.

It's like shooting with a professional SLR camera.

Jobs said: "Apple has no ambition to challenge DSLRs, but if you just record some beautiful details in your life and record the beautiful scenery you encounter during your travels, then it's time to throw away that bulky DSLR. "

"And our rear camera is anti-shake. Even if you are running or walking to take pictures of landscapes and people, he will be able to optimize your picture."

The scene was full of cheers and applause.

The reporters at the scene were very excited and excited.

"This photo is so clear, it looks good."

"It has been clearly noted below the photo. The photo was taken with a mobile phone and has not undergone any post-processing."

"I didn't expect the iPhone 4 to use a 12-megapixel camera."

Remember our heated discussion: "Do you know who is the supplier of this camera?"

"Do you need to ask? It must be Sony."

"Only Sony's camera can do such a good job, 12 million pixels, which mobile phone will have a 12 million pixel camera now."

The reporters were talking so loudly that the Sony representative in front looked very bad.

Representatives of Sony also attended the conference.

But with the hardware that Sony is involved in, there is only a front-facing 300,000-pixel camera and corresponding modules.

The rear camera was originally ordered to Sony, but when Sony was about to start R&D and production, Apple called Sony urgently, hoping to cancel this batch of orders.

Later, Sony learned that Apple had handed over the rear camera to Seagull Optical Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Changtian Technology.

At first, Sony was very unconvinced after getting the news.

Because they think they are the most mature companies in mobile phone camera technology.

However, when Sony's technicians got the camera-related technical information provided by Changtian Technology to Apple, they were ashamed and dared not ask Apple for theories.

1, 2 million pixel outsole imaging high-sensitivity anti-shake camera module.

This kind of technology is simply a complete explosion of Sony.

Even at the conference site even if the iphone4 mobile phone has been released.

Some of Sony's technicians still don't know where the Seagull Company, a subsidiary of Changtian Technology, comes from the technology, and how can it have such an advanced camera, technology and production process.

A reporter said abruptly: "The front camera is made by Sony. That's right. I heard that the rear camera is made by Seagull, a subsidiary of Changtian Technology."

This made the Western reporters at the scene not calm.

"You said that a 12-megapixel camera with such a clear picture is actually produced by Seagull, a subsidiary of Changtian Technology."

"My God, what kind of company is Seagull? How come we've never heard of it."

The reporter added: "Seagull Optical Equipment Co., Ltd. is already well-known in the industry, but outsiders don't know it. Even many photographers in the United States will try their best to pass some methods or go directly to Xiaguo District to buy Seagull's SLR. camera."

"Seagull's SLR camera has far surpassed Canon and Sony in many performances and lenses. You must not know this. After all, this is a professional industry thing."

Listening to the talk of the reporters behind the audience, the Sony representative in front looked very ugly, but he didn't dare to say a word.

Jobs added: "This time, our Apple uses a non-removable 2400mAh battery. With the support of this powerful power, the phone has a theoretical standby time of up to 500 hours. When used in a laboratory environment, It can be used continuously for about 2 days without charging.”

After that, Jobs introduced the chip, memory storage and so on of the mobile phone.

At this moment, Chen Xiao was lying in the room, watching Jobs' press conference.

iphone4 is Jobs' proud work.

It is also known as a classic that changed the entire smartphone industry.

Even if the iphone4 is released, I don't want to collect fans after 20 or 30 years. Hope to be able to collect the new unopened iphone4 mobile phone.

And the monetary price paid for the unopened phone is even higher than the price of the new iPhone released that year.

This is enough to illustrate the classic iphone4.

Chen Xiao took a sip of tea and smiled.

The whole world believes that after the release of the iphone4, Apple will become the world's most well-known mobile smartphone manufacturer after all.

The world sees Jobs and Apple as the real big winners.

But Chen Xiao's heart is very clear, after today, Changtian Technology will appear in the global smartphone supply chain as a top mobile communication equipment hardware supplier.

The real winner is Changtian Technology.

After a long two hours, the iphone4 conference ended.

After Jobs released a new generation of ipad.

Careful reporters and on-site participants, when comparing the parameter performance of iphone4 and ipad, quickly found the difference.

In the "New York Times" special collaboration technology column writer Middleson immediately wrote the relevant news: "At this time Apple's new generation of iPhone and iPad launch conference is underway."

"We can see that the ipad uses traditional storage and memory, and the camera and battery are also quite satisfactory."

"According to the information we have, the iphone 4 will actually use the same specifications of memory as the ipad, as well as storage and a camera."

"It was only because of the birth of Changtian Technology that it changed Steve Jobs' thinking, which created the most classic iphone4 mobile phone."

"Imagine if the hardware of the iphone4 mobile phone is the same as that of the ipad, then its experience effect will be greatly reduced."

Middleson said in the report: "People all over the world believe that the iPhone 4 will help Apple become the world's leading smartphone supplier, and the iPhone 4 has made Apple a success~www.readwn.com~ But we are very calm. It is found that if the iphone4 is successful, the real hero behind it is not only Apple itself, but also Changtian Technology. The hardware products of Changtian Technology have subverted the entire mobile communication mobile phone market.”

Jobs announced at the end of the conference that 100,000 iphone4 mobile phones were released in the first batch in many countries around the world, and the online reservation function was opened.

Apple will openly sell the second batch of iPhones in September and October this year according to the number of appointments.

After the press conference is over.

Several Apple stores in the United States and Europe were lined with people ready to buy mobile phones.

At the Apple Store in California, and at the Apple Store in Times Square, there were even more than 3,000 people in line that stretched for miles.

The horrific situation shocked reporters.

Accompanied by the sharp rise in the price of Apple's stock, and the daily limit of Xia Guoyue Internet.

But in China, there are some very nerve-stinging voices.

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