Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 757: Ultra-dimensional rolling

Whether it is Android system or Apple's iOS system, there will be a visual desktop.

There will be neatly arranged applications one by one on the desktop, that is, APP.

Users will click on the corresponding APP when they need the mobile phone to help them complete any task.

The APPs that users at home and abroad need to use are almost the same.

The number one is of course social software, in foreign countries it will be Twitter,

Facebook, while in China, this is the chat developed by Yuedong Internet, QQ and WeChat developed by Penguin, etc., as well as consulting and sharing social software Weibo and so on.

Any application has its superior classification according to its function.

Next is music software. The top ones in China are Yue Ting developed by Changtian Technology Yuedong Internet and QQ Music developed by Penguin, while overseas iOS uses Apple's own.

Applemusic or Spotify.

Of course, the browser map weather software is also indispensable, and excellent games are also the applications favored by users.

Therefore, a mobile phone has at least 10 or 20 third-party software, and as many as 70 or 80 third-party software.

An Android phone with a higher configuration is more stuck than an Apple phone with a lower configuration, that is, because there are too many applications and too many running in the background.

But at the press conference, Jobs demonstrated Hanhai on a mobile phone. The entire table is clean. Except for the prominent positions of the two applications of calling and texting on the desktop, there is no application on the entire desktop.

2013 is considered the year of the smartphone explosion, with smartphone shipments reaching an all-time high.

All kinds of APPs developed based on the smartphone platform are also like a blowout trend.

For example, if you need a weather forecast software, in addition to the one that comes with your phone, you may also search in the application market, and there may be dozens of third-party weather forecast software.

This is the rough era of APP application, and capital also sees that the mobile Internet era must be the most explosive and most profitable industry in the future, and also invests a lot of money into it.

If your smartphone is not equipped with dozens of third-party apps, you are embarrassed to say that your phone is a smartphone.

But the desktop scene that appeared on Hanhai mobile phone at this time really made people feel a little puzzled.

"Is it because this phone is a demo phone, so many third-party applications have not been downloaded?"

"It shouldn't be. Even if the third-party applications are not downloaded, then the mobile phone's own applications like browser players are not displayed on the desktop? Is the system the same as Android? There is a table system. and the underlying system."

But no matter what everyone guesses, such a clean desktop is indeed very comfortable.

Jobs said: "I know there are some doubts. Why is our mobile phone interface so clean that there is no application except for calls and text messages?"

"It's now an accepted fact that smartphones, and the systems they carry, are just an intermediary platform that is the medium of exchange between users and applications."

"For a smartphone to have life, its applications must conform to the development of the times and the usage habits of users. The reason why the Saipan system was eliminated by the times is because its system cannot keep up with the development of applications."

"But have you ever thought about a question? That is, the smartphone I said before the press conference is the word "smart" first."

"According to the way smartphones operate today, whether it is an Android phone or an IOS phone, in order to meet the needs of users, the number of applications is very large, and the quality is uneven."

"If we want to complete some things through mobile phones, such as watching the weather forecast, ordering train or plane tickets, watching movies and listening to songs, etc., we first need to go to the application market to download the corresponding application. After the application is downloaded, we will Or find where the app is on your phone and click it."

"The provider of the application is not a charitable organization. The development of the corresponding application is definitely in the hope of obtaining certain benefits from the user, perhaps by letting you pay for it directly, or by letting you click on the relevant advertisements of the free application to This is to provide revenue for app developers.”

"He will ask you to register an account to log in. Suppose you like to watch a movie, it is very likely that the copyright of the movie belongs to one application software company, and the other movie you like belongs to the second application software, you need Download the application software of two videos at the same time, register an account at the same time, and even purchase a membership at the same time.”

"Because the number of applications is very large, the performance requirements of mobile phones are also very high."

"The iPhone's IOS system is a closed system. It has strict permissions on all applications. After exiting the application, the application will not run in the background without permission."

"But if you're using an Android phone, it's embarrassing. A large number of applications and their redundant data will make your phone more and more stuck. That's why the current experience feels The fundamental reason why Android phones can’t compare to Apple phones.”

"Of course, I have always believed, and this is what Hanhai Technology has always believed - as the performance of mobile phone hardware becomes more and more powerful. One day, when the performance of mobile phone hardware is far greater than that of all applications, then Android phones will no longer be able to Stuck and stopped."

Jobs walked back and forth on the stage, "I didn't think about the issues I mentioned just now when I was designing the iPhone, because I just designed the iPhone as a platform provider, while Hanhai Technology is really standing on the user's side. think about it from a different perspective.”

"So Changtian Technology, the parent company of Hanhai Technology, provided another way of thinking."

The whole place was silent.

Jobs said, "Applying a matrix or applying a collection."

"The system that Changtian Technology wants to do is a system that directly faces users. A system that directly provides users with their needs, not just building a platform to connect users with applications."

Jobs went to great lengths to make the audience understand what he meant.

In fact, when Jobs saw the Firefly system designed by Changtian Technology for the first time, he was also surprised. It was definitely an advanced design, and the whole concept was much more advanced than Apple's iOS. The fundamental reason for being the CEO of Hanhai Technology.

Using gestures, Jobs swiped diagonally from the top of the phone screen to the bottom.

At this time, a cute cartoon character appeared on the clean screen.

Jobs said: "This is Xiaoying, an intelligent assistant developed by Firefly, which has the same purpose as the PC version of the intelligent assistant, but is more intelligent than the PC version of Xiaoying, and can interact with users. comminicate."

Jobs highlighted the word "intelligence" in his presentation.

Jobs said to Xiaoying in his voice: "I want to watch the Avatar movie."

Xiaoying responded very quickly: "Good master!"

Soon the Avatar movie was on the screen.

The domestic copyright of Avatar's movies was purchased by Yuedong.

This was a big deal in the film industry a few years ago.

After the movie was purchased by Yuedong, all other third parties took it off the shelves, and even pirated copies could not be found on the website.

Therefore, many reporters on the scene were very impressed.

So many reporters are thinking, does the mobile phone have built-in Yuedong film and television?

Representatives of other technology companies such as Apple were very shocked.

What shocked them was the fast response speed and strong comprehension ability of Xiaoying's voice assistant, which was beyond everyone's imagination.

Cook, who was watching the live broadcast, was even more turbulent in his heart.

iPhones also have their own voice assistant called Siri.

But no matter how smart Siri is, it's impossible to invoke a program on your phone to play a movie.

At most, the browser is summoned to you, so that your browser can search for the name of the movie.

And Xiaoying assistant almost completed the response within 1% of seconds,

Siri's response speed is several levels slower than Xiaoying assistant.

Jobs continued to demonstrate the phone, "Xiaoying, I want to watch Kung Fu Panda."

Xiaoying also responded very quickly: "Good master."

Kung Fu Panda is also the hottest animated movie in the past few years.

Although it was shot in Hollywood and produced by American DreamWorks, the copyright to be broadcast in China was also purchased by iQI.

But just switching from Avatar to Kung Fu Panda is more like an automatic switch from within the same app, rather than switching apps.

What is the reason for this?

Using pirated resources?

Then Jobs demonstrated chat applications.

"Xiaoying, send a message to President Wang."

This time I just discovered the most shocking of them all.

Chat and Penguin are actually in the same chat software and the same interface, but there are two buttons of Chat Friends and Penguin Friends on the file.

In addition, the layout and functions of the entire interface are very reasonable, completely including all the functions of Chat and Penguin Chat.

Of course, Changtian Technology has obtained the permission of Penguin to display the two softwares in one way.

Many users looked at the interface of the chat software carefully, and were even more shocked in their hearts.

Because of the displayed chat interface, all the shortcomings of the Penguin software are perfected, and the most excellent and best-used functions of the two softwares are displayed with an extremely simple and convenient layout.

Jobs then showed listening to music, searching the Internet for relevant information, map navigation, and checking the weather.

They all issue commands directly to Xiaoying voice assistant, and Xiaoying assistant quickly responds to the user's command.

The perception to the audience during the demonstration process is that the user wants to realize a certain function and obtain a certain kind of information, which is presented by the mobile phone itself, which is a display of the system itself, not a third-party application.

The application matrix and application collection mode of such a mobile phone is a little weird at first glance.

But if you think about it carefully, or even experience it yourself, you will feel that this is much more convenient than downloading a wide variety of apps.

At this moment, everyone in the entire press conference was quiet.

Because today they have seen a system model that is completely different from Android or iOS.

Jobs said: "Through some basic application demonstrations just now, I think everyone should understand the biggest difference between the Firefly operating system and Android and iOS."

"The traditional smartphone operating system, as I just said, enriches the functions of the smartphone through the mobile phone's own APP or downloads the APP from the third-party application market to meet the needs of users."

"The Firefly operating system on our Hanhan mobile phone is different. Firefly operating system is a direct-to-user operating system."

"We have our own app market for Firefly, just like the iPhone has

iOS has its own app market. "

"We will conduct a strict review of these applications on the shelves, and require these applications to hand over some adaptive low-level code."

"Companies that have provided suitable underlying code to Firefly and agreed to apply the market listing rules, their applications can become part of Firefly's system application matrix and integrated into the functional division of the system."

The delivery was stunned.

Integrate the application into the system and become a part of the system.

This kind of operation is unheard of and unprecedented.

Jobs said: "Adding applications into the system becomes a part of the system's sub-functions. The biggest advantage of this is that it can ensure the running process of the system, so as to call the minimum resources to run the functions required by users, and there is no redundancy. remaining data."

Jobs said now let's look at an example.

Under Jobs' demo.

Jobs double-clicked Xiaoying Assistant, and the Hanhai phone pulled out the function menu.

The division of labor is very clear.

There are system settings, life applications, office social software and so on.

Underneath each main function is an integration class application.

For example, social chat, after opening it is the interface that was just visible.

An application set generated by synthesizing the chat software that is common in the market and has a cooperative relationship with Changtian Technology.

After clicking on the map, the interface also combines all the advantages of Google AutoNavi and Baidu Maps that are common in the Among the comprehensive application software, Changtian Technology will perform the underlying code for all applications on the market. Recombined, after the second development, displayed to users.

Of course, the game class is a separate application exception.

As far as comprehensive applications are concerned, such a method can indeed integrate the culmination of all applications and reduce the consumption of system resources.

Of course, not all applications can be listed in the firefly system market, but must be carefully screened and evaluated by Pinghe Company.

Jobs said, "We call the applications that are integrated into the system an application collection."

"Everyone may have just seen that I was chatting with Xiaoying assistant to call the application set."

"I know everyone is complaining. What can you do if you can't use voice in a scene, such as a conference room or a place where the volume is turned up."

"We have two methods. This method is to call the application matrix like I did just now. At the same time, we can also generate desktop shortcuts for some application sets, just like traditional Android or IOS systems. Of course, we don't have a few chats. Software or several music software have several application icons, but a shortcut to the entry of an application set.”

"The second method is of course chatting with the assistant through text. The Xiaoying assistant developed by Yinghuo Technology is quite intelligent."

Jobs said to Xiaoying in the way of text chat: "Xiaoying helped me to buy a ticket to Yanjing. I am going to Suzhou-Hangzhou Airport to go to the center of Yanjing HD District for a few days. Please help me plan my route, itinerary, and order. Airfare and hotel."

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