Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 798: tell you who is daddy (2)

Latest website: Li Hui's prediction is completely accurate.

There are really not many good days left for domestic mobile phone manufacturers.

On the day when Nokia and Bird mobile phones were launched, because the prices were so attractive and cost-effective, the total purchase volume of the two mobile phones directly exceeded 500,000 units at 4:00 p.m. that day, and the sales broke out astonishingly force.

This only counts online sales and does not count offline sales.

If offline sales are calculated, the total may increase by 20-30%.

Moreover, Hanhai Technology has sufficient stock, and there will be no situation like the first day of sales of Xiaomi's popular mobile phones, because the stock is insufficient and can only be purchased by grabbing.

In addition, the official mall of Hanhai Mobile uses a server built by Changtian Technology, so the access speed is extremely fast, and the access experience is very good, which has also been well received by consumers.

The office of Yanjing Lianxiang headquarters.

Yang Qing was in a daze looking at the sales figures of Nokia and Bird mobile phones on Hanhai Mobile's official website.

In the past few years, Lianxiang's PC business has basically given up on the domestic market after failing to compete with Shenchuan, which is regarded as Buddha-nature sales.

So by 2014, the market share of Lianxiang PC in the domestic market had dropped to less than 30%, and the performance in the overseas market was not eye-catching, and the sales volume could only be said to be a little better than that in China.

As Xia Guo's first technology company worthy of the name, Lianxiang's ambition is not inferior, and he certainly doesn't want to destroy his foundation for decades.

Therefore, in recent years, Lianxiang has carried out large-scale industrial restructuring, and combined with multiple capitals to reorganize the company's structure.

After the iphone opened the era of smartphones, Lianxiang, like many technology companies, saw that smartphones must be the capital outlet in the future.

Therefore, Lianxiang launched its own smartphone brand, Lephone, by recruiting Apple and Samsung-related mobile phone engineers, and on the basis of borrowing from Apple mobile phones (plagiarism).

Lephone has indeed been popular for a year or two, because it not only looks like an iPhone, but also has an iPhone name, and with the endorsement of Lianxiang Computer, consumers are more willing to pay for it.

But in today's era, consumers vote with their feet.

If your product has good performance and good quality, then even if it is not well-known, it will be popular among consumers.

But if the quality of your product itself is terrible, no matter how many ads you advertise and how famous you are, users will know the actual performance of the product after buying it once or twice, and they will not be willing to pay again.

What happened next can be imagined, Lianxiang's music phone series was smashed and bloody, and it directly changed from a music phone to a crying phone.

Lianxiang didn't make a dime out of its huge investment in mobile phones, and it was all a loss.

Lianxiang then changed the Lephone and launched the vibe with more powerful performance.

For the sake of vibe, Lianxiang recruited celebrity endorsements, and also invited excellent designers from the United States and Japan to design the appearance of the mobile phone and purchased the most advanced Qualcomm chips.

For example, the just-released vibez2pro uses a rare 6-inch 2K screen, a 16-megapixel OIS optical image stabilization lens, and a Qualcomm Snapdragon 801.

The chip is exactly the same as that of Mi 4, which uses Qualcomm Snapdragon 801.

But after the release, the sales were terrible.

Because the miui system of Mi 4 has already been made, and although the system of Lianxiang mobile phone is also based on Android with a skin, the consumer experience is rubbish.

In the beginning, Lianxiang hoped that his mobile phone could become the Samsung of Xiaguo and become the king of the Android system. He never paid attention to the self-proclaimed **** Xiaomi.

As the cruel reality appeared one by one, Lianxiang lowered his requirements, hoping that his mobile phone would be as popular as Xiaomi and be recognized by consumers.

But the sales of Lephone and the vibe launched later were worse than the other. Lianxiang even lowered its requirements, and compared sales with those second- and third-tier brands, hoping to find some comfort.

Yang Qing comforted everyone more than once when the mobile phone business group held a conference, saying that the current era of smart phones has entered fierce competition, and it doesn't matter if Lianxiang's current performance is not good, it is because the market competition is too fierce.

As a result, with the launch of Changtian Technology's Hanhai mobile phone brand, it has become a hot seller. In addition, today, the mid-range Nokia and Bird mobile phones have sold more than 500,000 units a day, killing Yang Qing's only remaining self-esteem.

It's not that the competition in the smartphone market is too fierce, but that Lianxiang's performance is really bad, so it can't be sold at all.

Yang Qing doesn't understand now, why Changtian Technology is doing something popular, but Lianxiang is doing something idle.

Yang Qing couldn't help complaining to the assistant beside him: "Lianxiang is not a Xia country company, but a worldwide company."

"We have so many partners all over the world, the chips that Qualcomm sells to us are even cheaper than those they sell to Xiaomi."

"Why are consumers so blind!"

This sentence is aimed at the fact that the sales volume of Xiaomi is far higher than that of Lianxiang mobile phones.

The next sentence is aimed at Changtian Technology.

"What are the technology companies and capitalists in the United States doing? Can't they completely block Hanhai mobile phones from the application level?"

"It's good now, not only has a monster like the Hanhai mobile phone been raised, but also mid-range Nokia mobile phones and Bird mobile phones."

Yang Qing has no confidence in his heart other than anger, because he knows that the current Lianxiang is weak in front of Changtian Technology.

For example, if it is competing with Changtian Technology, even if it is competing with a certain subsidiary or department of Changtian Technology, Lianxiang may not be enough.

But at present, Yang Qing still has a little bit of hope.

He hopes that all mobile phone companies and application companies designed by the ios and Android alliance will unite to strangle Changtian Technology, so that Changtian Technology will not have any applications that can be installed on mobile phones.

If this goal is achieved, no matter how powerful the hardware performance of Hanhai mobile phones or Nokia or Bird mobile phones is, no consumers will buy them.

Just as Yang Qing complained, the sales volume of Hanhai Technology's official mall exceeded 580,000 units.

Yang Qing looked at this data in a panic, and in the panic he was also thinking about a problem.

The current homogenization of Android phones is extremely serious, and there are seven or eight Android phone manufacturers in China.

Everyone looks for Qualcomm and Samsung to buy chips and memory, and they all look for cameras made by Sony or Samsung.

Homogenization is too serious.

Consumers are not fools, they must buy whoever has a better experience and whoever has a lower price.

So Xiaomi will definitely choose Xiaomi between Xiaomi and Lianxiang.

Yang Qing thought, if Lianxiang purchased Changtian Technology's hardware and embarked on an independent and different path, would it be possible to get rid of the vicious competition with Xiaomi Meizu and Blue Factory and Green Factory, and embark on a different path?

Yang Qing once considered such a problem when he was working on a PC.

But in the end, due to the problem of face, he gave up the cooperation with Changtian Technology.

Can I save myself this time? Even if I can save this face, the size of Lianxiang and Changtian Technology is no longer what it used to be. Will Changtian Technology give me this face?

While Yang Qing was thinking wildly.

The mobile phone stores of the national communication giants are fully stocked.

And according to the requirements of Changtian Technology, huge advertisements for Nokia mobile phones or Bird mobile phones were displayed in prominent positions in the store.

The staff and customer service in the store have also undergone emergency training a few days ago, and they have a comprehensive grasp of the functional differences and prices of Nokia and Bird mobile phones.

The staff are knowledgeable enough to answer customers' questions.

Compared with the mobile phones of Blue Factory and Green Factory whose prices are never transparent (Take Blue Factory as an example, for mobile phones of the same model and color, in two different communication stores, one may sell for 2999, and the second one may sell for 3299, The sales staff can fool around and count one by one), the sales prices of Nokia and Bird mobile phones are fixed, and the sales prices on the official website are also the same.

Of course, all users are very relieved to buy in the store, and will not spend too much time comparing prices one by one.

Synchronize the online price with the offline price, and no dealer can increase or decrease the price without permission. This is the most important contribution of Changtian Technology to rectify the mobile phone price market.

It is also during the summer vacation, the peak period of mobile phone sales.

Under this policy, blue factories and green factories that sold better offline in the past few years were almost killed.

Rongcheng, Taisen South Road.

With the development of the mobile phone industry, it has become the largest mobile phone sales place in Chengdu.

Ma Xiaoxi from Shanchuan University and her classmates are planning to buy a smart phone to replace the functional phone she brought from home.

For Ma Xiaoxi who came from the countryside, the price of Apple, Samsung flagship or Hanhai mobile phone is too expensive.

Ma Xiaoxi has also inquired about many strategies and purchase guides, and of course paid attention to Xiaomi, which is very cost-effective.

Xiaomi is black and thick, which is really not pleasing, and it does not conform to the aesthetics of girls.

After looking at so many mobile phones, Ma Xiaoxi thinks that Hanhai mobile phones and Apple mobile phones are the most beautiful, but they are also the most expensive.

After Nokia and Bird released new mobile phones some time ago, Ma Xiaoxi also paid attention to related news in time.

The performance is much stronger than Xiaomi's feverish flagship machine, and the appearance is very good-looking, Ma Xiaoxi was immediately moved.

But because she came from the countryside, it was not easy for her parents to earn money, so Ma Xiaoxi didn't dare to buy online at all. She always felt that she would feel more at ease when she went to a physical store to have a look and touch her mobile phone.

Under this plan, Ma Xiaoxi and his roommate came to South Tyson Road.

A bustling mobile phone store, a group of people who pick up other people's business.

All this means that the smartphone industry is indeed an emerging industry, a rising industry that can make money.

Ma Xiaoxi came to the mobile phone store named Xiaguo Mobile. This store looked relatively large and had a lot of people. It not only sold mobile phones but also handled mobile services.

It was Zhang Xia who recommended Ma Xiaoxi to buy an oppo phone.

"The oppo phone looks good, and it takes beautiful pictures."

You see, the girl's requirements are so simple, she looks good, and she takes pictures beautifully.

As for what cpu you use, how much memory you use, and how much storage, all this becomes less important.

If they fell in love when they were young, handsome men are the first criterion.

Under Zhang Xia's insistence, the clerk still took out the oppo mobile phone, and it was the latest oppofind7.

"Charge for 5 minutes, talk for two hours."

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of oppo's advertisements, this is an advertisement that even a child can blurt out.

And if you know the configuration, you will know that this is a real oppo high-performance mobile phone when you look at oppofind7. It uses the same Snapdragon 801 chip as Xiaomi 4.

But the price is not so beautiful.

Although the official release price is 3498 yuan, in order to obtain greater profits, the price of the physical movie has reached 4200 yuan.

When the salesperson sees that you want to buy oppo, he is of course overjoyed, and says to you in a friendly way: "The price can be a little less."

Zhang Xia took the oppo and couldn't put it down.

Obviously because of the advertisements of idols and the appearance of the mobile phone.

"Can you see waveguide y1?"

Ma Xiaoxi still wanted to take a look at the products of Changtian Technology.

Zhang Xia didn't pay much attention to electronic products, so she said abruptly, "What kind of waveguide to buy is so backward."

Zhang Xia’s impression of Bird is still in the 1990s when Li Wen danced and advertised Bird’s functional phones.

The slogan of the ad is "Bird mobile phone, the fighter in the mobile phone!"

But after the salesperson brought the Bird mobile phone over.

Ma Xiaoxi and Zhang Xia's eyes lit up instantly.

The appearance is much lighter than oppo, and the appearance is very high.

After taking the photo, there is an intelligent algorithm to make the girl in the photo more beautiful.

Zhang Xia, a die-hard fan of oppo, changed her mind immediately, " this a new phone? It looks really good."

Zhang Xia secretly glanced at Ma Xiaoxi, meaning that such a mobile phone should be very expensive.

Unexpectedly, when the two people learned that the price was only 1899 yuan, the price was much lower than what they expected.

Then what is there to say to buy, it must be bought!

Zhang Xia didn't intend to change her mobile phone at first, but after seeing the broadcast on her mobile phone, she couldn't help herself and changed her old Samsung.

Swipe the card to pay with the mobile phone at one go.

This mobile store sold 475 Bird phones today, and they also sold 323 Nokia phones.

Originally, one or two hundred oppo and vivo mobile phones were sold every day, but today the sales volume is less than 50, not to mention other brands that use offline channels, which is quite horrible.

The mid-end dual strategy of Hanhai mobile phone has overwhelmed other mobile phone manufacturers.

The first day of new product release is over.

Wen Qi got the final data.

In terms of online and offline sales, Nokia sold 380,000 units and Bird sold 470,000 units.

The two brands sold a total of 850,000 units.

Such a result far exceeds the sales performance of Xiaomi on the first day of release.

It also created the history of Xia Guo's single-day sales of mid-range mobile phones.

Such a result shocked the entire Xiaguo mobile phone market.

Those domestic mobile phone manufacturers who are determined to cooperate with Qualcomm and fully integrate into the Android ecological chain are stunned and extremely messy.

They were beaten up by Hanhai Technology, and they doubted life and had no self-confidence.

Mobile phones are fast-moving goods.

Procurement of raw materials, assembly, production and sales must be done in one go, so that funds can be returned quickly.

Whenever there is a problem in one link, it will cause problems with funds.

Bird and Nokia have squeezed the living space of other brands, which will lead to a decrease in sales and an increase in inventory of these brands.

And many mid-end brands of Xiaguo bought a lot of chips from Qualcomm and hardware from other companies to gamble that Changtian Technology would lose the market.

Now there is a problem with sales, a sudden increase in inventory, and a problem with capital turnover.

The first unbearable thing is to spend a lot of money to buy raw materials, invite celebrities to advertise at a high price, and oppo to promote offline at a high price.

Oppo lowered retail prices across the board, and the reduction ratio even exceeded 30%.

Xiaomi does not dare to engage in hunger marketing any more and let go of the supply.

And in Shenzhen, Warwick headquarters.

Rotating chairman Yu Dong had other ideas.

Watch Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology. 8.2...m. :

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