Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 811: An invaluable cornucopia

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Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology Chapter 811 The Unvaluable Cornucopia

After Rebs heard Chen Xiao's words, he felt absolutely incredible.

He thought that Changtian Technology would open up and ask Xiaomi to pay some price.

But I didn't expect the whole negotiation process to be so pleasant.

Changtian Technology almost agreed to more than 70% of the requirements put forward by Rebs, and did not propose any harsh conditions.

Of course, Chen Xiao knows what Jobs is thinking. He is not a saint, and he gives unlimited benefits to others, but for the future of the Firefly ecosystem, giving up some petty profits is irrelevant.

Rebs believes that although he cannot buy Changtian Technology's bio-battery and the most advanced chips, he is still quite satisfied.

After all, advanced products and hardware are the basis of a company's competition, and it is impossible for Changtian Technology to sell its core things in the form of commodities, which will reduce the competitiveness of Changtian Technology.

This time, when he came to Nagasawa, Rebs had already obtained what he wanted most.

Chen Xiao did not insist that Rebs' Xiaomi phone could only use the Firefly system.

In the future, Xiaomi can use the Firefly operating system or the Android system at the same time.

But Rebs still has this awareness. Since it has reached a strategic cooperation agreement with Changtian Technology, Xiaomi will definitely not use the Android system in future mobile phones.

Tech and business opportunities are fleeting.

If there are some companies jumping on and off the route, trying to take advantage of both sides, the results are bound to be very bad.

After all, time won't give you too many choices.

After less than two hours of negotiations, Xiaomi and Changtian Technology reached a strategic cooperation agreement.

Xiaomi can buy most of its phone hardware from Changtian Technology and use the Firefly operating system.

At the same time, Xiaomi will also actively invest in the construction of the Firefly ecosystem.

Xiaomi will develop and launch a large number of smart home products, such as smart speakers, sweeping robots, smart desk lamps and so on.

And will add the firefly operating system to it.

Let the Firefly operating system be the only platform linking the tools of human life.

Rebs also proposed that Xiaomi and Changtian Technology jointly set up a smart life strategic cooperation plan group.

The plan lasts for 15 years, and the first 5 years are the incubation period. During this period, the smart life products developed by Xiaomi will not cost a penny to use the Firefly operating system.

But after 5 years, if the profit of Xiaomi's smart home reaches more than 100 million yuan, Xiaomi will distribute 5% of the profit to Changtian Technology, and if it reaches 500 million, then its profit will reach 7.5%, and so on. .

This proposal was not proposed by Changtian Technology, but by Rebs.

The purpose is to achieve in-depth cooperation with Changtian Technology, which is also a guarantee for Xiaomi, to prevent Xiaomi from investing a lot of money in the development of smart home products and ecological chains after the large-scale popularization, Changtian Technology. Suddenly not allowing Xiaomi's products to use the Firefly operating system will cause a devastating blow to the entire industry chain.

A day later, Rebs and Wang Xiang stood in front of the reporter's camera at the same time and jointly issued a declaration of cooperation.

Rebs said to the reporter very seriously: "From today, Xiaomi will become a strategic partner of Changtian Technology, and the two parties will work together to build the Firefly operating system ecological chain."

Xiaomi directly abandoned the Android system that had been used for several years, and did not hesitate to offend the technology companies in the United States, and fully invested in the embrace of Changtian Technology, which caused a huge shock in the entire Xiaguo mobile phone industry.

Xiaomi still has a lot of products in the low-end and middle-end mobile phones, and has occupied a large amount of market share in the past few years.

And Xiaomi has a large number of fans behind it.

Xiaomi has completely bid farewell to the transfer of the Android operating system and invested in the Firefly operating system, which is of symbolic significance to the entire Xia Kingdom and even the global mobile phone industry.

For Huawei, Xiaomi's transformation is both a challenge and a boost to Huawei.

This time, the two parties will devote more energy to the enrichment of the ecological chain, the creation of mobile phone services and the in-depth design of products.

Not like in the past, very barbaric price comparison, than those pointless gimmicks.

Huawei will also not give up its own Kirin chip design.

Yu Dong believes that with Huawei's strong chip design capabilities and the production capacity of Changtian Technology's subordinate hardware company, Huawei will be able to develop the world's most advanced mobile phone chips and form a differentiated competition with Xiaomi's companies.

Companies such as Blue Factory, Green Factory and Lianxiang, which are also making smartphones, face a dilemma.

If they now want to change their strategic plan to join the Firefly system circle, they will replace the long-used Android system with Changtian Technology's Firefly operating system, and purchase Changtian Technology's hardware.

Then there is no difference between them and brands such as Xiaomi.

And now the firefly operating system camp already has Hanhai mobile phones, as well as Nokia and Bird mobile phones under Hanhai Technology, plus Xiaomi and Huawei, the entire track is already very crowded.

The blue factory and the green factory think that it is not a very wise choice to change to the firefly system at this time.

Going up, they couldn't call Hanhai's phone.

It is also difficult for them to gain an advantage in the competition with Huawei and Xiaomi in the mid-range and low-end.

Therefore, Blue Factory and Green Chang went all the way to the dark, firmly using the Android operating system, firmly establishing good relations with American technology companies, and firmly buying hardware from overseas technology companies such as Qualcomm, MediaTek, and Samsung.

They are actually gambling.

Bet that the dominance of the entire technology should be in the hands of the United States.

Gambling Changtian Technology is just a passer-by in the history of global technology. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

After waiting for the wind of Changtian Technology, the dominance of the development of the global technology market, especially the smartphone market, will still be in the hands of established technology companies such as Android, Apple, and Samsung.

Not to mention Lianxiang, who has been hesitating over and over again.

When Xiaomi and Changtian Technology announced the news of cooperation, they jointly held a press conference.

Yang Qing felt that there was no need for Lianxiang to think about the cooperation with Changtian Technology anymore.

His idea is the same as the blue factory and the green factory, Xiaomi and Huawei have withdrawn from the competition in the Android market.

Then Lianxiang should have the opportunity to take the position immediately and fill the market gap after the two technology companies are missing.

Yang Qing immediately left Yanjing and went to New York, the United States, to meet with the leaders of technology companies in the United States, hoping that they could give more support to Lianxiang's smartphones.

But Yang Qing still doesn't understand that it is mainly Xia Guo's brand. In the eyes of Westerners, no matter how sincere you are, and you buy chips and other hardware at a higher price than the market, you are a Xia Guo technology. company.

Xia Guo's technology companies belong to the periphery in the entire ranking of Western technology centripetal force.

The technology companies in the United States must first satisfy the local brands of the United States, and then satisfy the mobile phone brands of the countries where the allies of the United States are located, and finally satisfy the mobile phone company in your Xia Kingdom.

Of course, they welcome Xia Guo's company to cooperate with them, because in their opinion, Xia Guo's technology company is a fat pig, which can allow them to maximize the benefits.

It's a pity that some people from Xia Guo think they are very smart, and they can't understand this from beginning to end. They also think that they can become the core members of the US Technology Group and play cards with them at the poker table. They will never understand that they can only pour water beside them. Life.

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