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Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology Chapter 813 Biological Gold

The efficiency of Gaomiao's side is very high, and it immediately started construction in Shuimu County, and all personnel and equipment entered the site.

Moreover, the technicians of Changtian Technology have never been short-sighted, they will focus on the long-term.

So even though Chen Xiao just asked the project team of Galaxy Energy to build a tentative factory to see the effect, it was not a request for the project team to build a permanent factory. The project team of River Energy Engineering is still designing and constructing the entire headquarters, workshop, and reaction pool according to long-term projects.

Therefore, the entire factory is built very solidly, and the standardization is also very high.

Among them, the standards of the biological laboratory and the biological reaction pool are exactly the same as those of Nagasawa, without any cutting corners and shrinkage.

The fast response speed and execution efficiency of Changtian Technology also shocked Xia Yusheng.

He thought that after Wang Xiang and Chen Xiao left, Changtian Technology would have to wait at least half a year to a year before slowly starting investment projects.

Where do you know it's going to work directly here.

Xia Yusheng attached great importance to this matter, and quickly reported the relevant situation to the leaders of the city and the province.

Lanzhou City and Gansu Province attached great importance to it, and held an important meeting at the provincial and municipal levels on the same day to study the relevant situation of Changtian Technology's investment in Shuimu County.

And immediately set up the project leadership office of Changtian Science and Technology Shuimu County at the provincial and municipal levels, which will be supervised by the No. 2 administrator at the provincial and municipal levels.

Its purpose is not to urge Changtian Technology to do this project well, but to provide nanny-like services for the project team of Changtian Technology to help them solve their difficulties, especially the difficulties in food, clothing, housing, transportation and policies.

What kind of group company is Changtian Technology?

Top 10 in the Fortune Global 500.

In fact, it should be able to rank in the top three, or even the first, of the Fortune Global 500.

If the revenue of Changtian Technology is converted into GDP.

Then it completely exceeds the GDP of the entire Gansu Province.

Many provinces and cities cannot ask for such a group company.

Now he has taken the initiative to invest in Gansu Province, and he has invested in Shuimu County, the most backward county in Gansu Province.

Gao Miao was regarded as a guest by the administrators at all levels.

Lanshi directly packaged a floor for Gao Miao and his team in the best local five-star hotel, so that Gao Miao can work in Lanshi (although Gao Miao is basically at the project site).

Boss Li, a local rich man in Shuimu County, even gave up his entire villa in Shuimu County as the office location of the project team.

Boss Li's heart is actually very clear.

Only when Shuimu County develops well, can I have the opportunity to make more money.

If Shuimu County has been stagnant and unable to develop as it is now, then the city will be submerged in the yellow sand in the next few decades, and this villa of my own will become worthless.

Looking at the crowds coming and going from the county town, Xia Yusheng was filled with emotion. It seemed that the vibrant Shuimu county town ten or twenty years ago had returned.

In addition, because there are many people working on the project, in addition to setting up temporary prefabricated houses not far from the construction site, the most important thing is that the construction project team rented a lot of private houses in Shuimu County, and contracted many hotel.

The hotel business is very good.

I have earned all the money from the past year these days.

Changtian Technology is not bad at all, and the price of hotels in the northwest is already very cheap, so you say how much you want, and there is no bargaining.

Some hotel owners want to take advantage of this opportunity to increase the price of a room from 30 yuan a night to 100 yuan a night.

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As a result, it was immediately stopped by the relevant departments of Shuimu County.

A good business environment is the foundation and key to retaining investors.

If Changtian Technology changed the investment location because of the increase of 70 yuan by these hotel owners, it would be really worth the loss for Shuimu County.

There are also some business residents in Shuimu County who feel the same way.

In the breakfast shop in the center of the county seat, only a few people came to have breakfast in the morning.

Now it is full of people in the morning, most of them are the management of the project team.

In the few large supermarkets in the county, the turnover in the past few days is even more than in the previous month.

"Sure enough, there is an economy where there are people." Xia Yusheng exclaimed.

On local forums and Weibo in Shuimu County, many people spontaneously said that Xia Yusheng was a good manager.

But Xia Yusheng knew very well that it was not that he was a good leader, but that Changtian Technology saved Shuimu County.

In Shuimu County, where some people work in coastal areas, the younger generation is Changtian Technology, and they are very excited after investing in Shuimu County.

It seems that it is to retain Changtian Technology, and it seems to be for the good meaning of making the city continue to develop. Under the strong request of the local people in Shuimu County, Shuimu County named the road from the city center to the construction site of Changtian Technology. For - Xinghe Road.

This is the same name as Galaxy Energy, a subsidiary of Changtian Technology.

Gao Miao's team is extremely efficient. After 15 days, the experimental colony pool has been constructed.

In order to solve the hot and dry summer in the northwest region, UU Kanshu is severely cold and windy in winter.

Changtian Technology also cooperated with relevant experts and professors from the Physics Laboratory of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences to design the colony pool.

First of all, the outside of the colony pool has an openable top and a special glass that transmits all-area light and is not ventilated.

This ensures that the top can be fully opened when the sun is shining, allowing direct sunlight to come in.

In addition, ventilation and moisturizing also pay attention to.

It can ensure that the colony pool will not be dry when it is extremely hot.

under this operation.

The colonies in the colony pool can quickly enter the working state.

On the 20th day when Gao Miao came to Shuimu County.

In batch 1, a total of one ton of energy blocks were produced.

These energy blocks, if decomposed by NG-03 colonies, can generate 0.2 kWh of electricity per 100 grams.

The reason for such a terrible calorific value is that the hydrogen content in the energy block is very high.

If it is pure hydrogen, the calorific value will be higher, and it can generate nearly 1 degree of electricity per 100 grams of complete power generation.

However, the energy block can reach 0.2 degrees of electricity, which is very good.

This is much higher than diesel and coal.

And after he was digested by the ng-03 colony, what he produced was also carbon dioxide and water, without any contaminants.

As for carbon dioxide, in the process of NG-04 colonies forming energy blocks, a large amount of carbon dioxide will also be absorbed by the colonies, so a cycle can be formed.

This ton of energy blocks was cut into small energy blocks of 10 kilograms each on the spot, and sent to Changzezhou by Changtian Technology's special plane.

After several hours of flight, the special plane arrived at the airport in Changzezhou.

Along with the special plane was Gao Miao, CEO of Galaxy Energy.

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