Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 820: I don't like this technology

Chen Xiao originally thought that Qu Ping had just created the bio-battery for the new energy vehicle.

Unexpectedly, Qu Ping drove a new energy vehicle directly in front of Chen Xiao.

That is to say, when the technology is not particularly well-prepared, Changtian Technology first came up with a new energy vehicle.

But seeing this new energy car, Chen Xiao didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

A new energy vehicle looks like a toad with big eyes.

That's right, the shell of this new energy vehicle is Tesla's model 3.

And even the Tesla logo has not been removed.

Chen Xiao turned his head to look at Qu Ping.

After all, he shrugged and said he didn't know why he would use Tesla's Model 3 as a prototype.

Qu Ping looked at the person in charge of Galaxy Energy Company again.

After Gao Miao left, Galaxy Energy was in charge of the company's vice president.

The vice president also thought that Chen Xiao would blame himself, and quickly said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Chen, because our project was launched in a hurry, and this time it was just to test the performance of the battery, so we didn't find a single company to produce the whole car."

This Chen Xiao can understand, without any technical precipitation, it is still very difficult to build a car.

"We modified it directly with Tesla's model 3."

"Let me introduce you to the location of the modification."

"First of all, we took out all the batteries in Tesla's original lithium battery compartment, and replaced the lithium battery compartment with our biological battery compartment."

"The original charging port of the car, we sealed it, and that charging port was useless."

"We modified the trunk to be an entry point for the biobattery to add energy blocks."

"Of course, this is only our temporary design. When we really want to produce cars in the future, it will definitely not be designed like this."

"Because Tesla's original battery and motor were matched, and the original motor did not match our biological battery, we removed all the battery and motor."

"Then it was installed at the original location of the motor, and we looked for a motor that was re-produced by a motor company that meets the bio-battery standard."

"This way we have finished assembling the car."

According to the relevant laws of Xia Guo, it is definitely illegal to modify the vehicle in this way.

Therefore, only test driving can be carried out on the inner road of the park.

Chen Xiao nodded, but he had a question in his heart: "During this time, we also have electric vehicles in China, such as Bidi, why didn't we buy Bidi's cars for modification?"

If Chen Xiao remembers correctly, Bidi's sales in 2014 were also good.

The relevant technicians of Galaxy Company said in unison: "We did buy Billy's car, which was originally used for modification, but there is still a certain gap between Bidi's vehicle performance and Tesla's, and its structure is better. In order to make it more complex and more like a car, it is not very convenient for us to modify it, so we chose a Tesla with a simpler structure.”

This time, Chen Xiao understood.

Bidi Automobile was born as a lithium battery for mobile phones, and later entered the automotive industry.

It was only a few years ago that it switched from automobiles to new energy vehicles.

Bidi does have its own patented technology on lithium batteries for cars, as well as its own unique production plant, which is much better than Tesla, which buys batteries from outside.

However, in the design and production of automobiles, Biddy has not yet liberated his mind, and still stays in the field of automobiles, thinking that a car can be turned into a new energy vehicle with some simple modifications.

Therefore, in this case, Tesla's concept should be much more avant-garde, and new energy vehicles are indeed more advanced than that, and they must be sold at a better price.

In 2015, the price of a Tesla model 3 could be sold, and a Bidi new energy vehicle was only more than 100,000 to 200,000 yuan under the national new energy policy subsidy.

But this is only the last period of time when the United States has an advantage in the battle between your country and Xiaguo for electric vehicles.

After this year, the Bidi car will suddenly realize, whether it is in the foundation of battery performance or in the intelligence, comfort and stability of the whole vehicle, it will completely explode Tesla.

Chen Xiao firmly believes that in this era after his rebirth, Xiaguo Electric Vehicles will definitely be at the forefront of the world, and will far exceed his achievements before his rebirth.

"Go, go up and try." Chen Xiao said, pointing to the modified Tesla.

This makes some related technologies of Galaxy Energy feel uneasy.

Although they are actually confident in their modification, after all, this time it is the company's boss who is riding.

If something happens, who will be held responsible.

"Mr. Chen, why don't you watch some of our technicians go up and test."

Chen Xiao is very confident in the people below him.

Those who can work in Changtian Technology are elites.

Since Galaxy Energy can take out the modified prototype for a test drive, it means that the car must be fine.

If there is still a problem with the test car that was brought to you, all the employees of Galaxy Energy can get out.

Without waiting for these technicians to react, Chen Xiao sat on the co-pilot and fastened his seat belt.

"I don't ride it myself, how can I give you advice?"

Qu Ping and Wang Xiang also sat in the back row.

Seeing that these bosses have already boarded the car, the technicians can't say anything.

Liang Feilong, the technical director of Galaxy Energy, hurriedly sat in the cab.

He said to Chen Xiao, "Mr. Chen, several leaders, I will demonstrate for you today."

After the modification, the Tesla is driving slowly on the internal road.

Liang Feilong drove very slowly because he was worried about safety.

While driving the car, he introduced to Chen Xiao how the biological battery works in the car.

Chen Xiao felt the comfort of the car.

Before his rebirth, most of the vehicles he rode in were electric cars, so this kind of driving of electric cars felt familiar to him.

However, the energy output by the bio-battery to the motor is more stable and safer, and there is no odor inside the entire car.

This feeling is much better than the electric car that I rode in before my rebirth.

Maybe it was because he adjusted his mentality, or maybe it was Chen Xiao's calmness that gave Liang Feilong and encouragement.

Liang Feilong slowly increased the speed of the car to 60 kilometers per hour.

The location on the west side of Changzezhou Science and Technology Park is inaccessible and not open to the outside world, only wide roads.

Liang Feilong said: "For the modification of the car, we just made some modifications to the battery and motor, and we did not make any changes to the other sensors of the car."

Speaking of this, Liang Feilong also said with some emotion: "The auto industry system in the United States is very developed, and the artificial intelligence technology is also quite advanced. For example, this Tesla has been equipped with an assisted driving system."

Speaking of this, Liang Feilong let go of his hands, and Tesla was able to follow the vehicle in front closely and drive smoothly on the internal road.

Passengers in the car, including Wang Xiang and Qu Ping, were shocked by the Tesla technology.

Chen Xiao was not surprised.

Tesla started research and development in 2013; Hardware 1.0 intelligent assisted driving system, vehicles equipped with intelligent auxiliary systems, began mass production in 2014.

The car purchased by Galaxy Energy is equipped with an intelligent assisted driving system.

;Hardware1.0 is actually just the simplest assisted driving technology.

At this time, Tesla has not completely collected relevant data on mainstream roads in mainstream countries around the world, so it cannot achieve complete autonomous driving.

In just intelligently following the vehicle ahead, accelerating and decelerating or turning, this simple auxiliary technology is enough to shock everyone.

It is also for this reason that when Liang Feilong introduced this car, he couldn't help but give him a thumbs up.

Qu Ping couldn't help but said: "If Tesla's intelligent assisted driving system can be fully used on the road, it will definitely be a major milestone in the history of human technology."

"We Xia Guo, it would be great if we had this kind of technology."

It is possible to judge the road conditions by human instinct and intelligent technology. In fact, it is the appearance of two fluctuations.

Before the junction of the two sides, people's instinctive judgment dominates the intelligent assistance system, but it will cause more accidents.

But if the intelligent assisted driving system develops to a certain stage, then I say his sensitivity, or his ability to judge road conditions, far exceeds that of the driver.

After all, people will be in a trance or want to sleep when driving, which is very unsafe at that time.

And the intelligent assisted driving system, which will never doze off, or want to sleep.

The future must also be the era of intelligent assisted driving systems.

Chen Xiao said to Qu Ping and Liang Feilong: "The actual road conditions are very complex, far from simple straight lines or curves, and we cannot guarantee that the vehicles or pedestrians around us are well-behaved and follow the traffic rules. drive."

"If the research and development rules of our intelligent assisted driving system are still developed according to the binary principle of the computer, through the program of collecting road conditions, through the processing of powerful CPU, and finally feedback the reaction of the car, then my intelligent assisted operating system will always be With flaws, we can never guarantee that the car will drive in a safe state."

Chen Xiao's words are not empty talk.

Whether it is Tesla or some of the new car-making companies in Xia Guo, in order to save costs and increase the intelligence of the car, some directly use the Android system as the car system, and some use Linux as the car system. The bottom layer develops itself.

If this system is only used to control the center screen, it will be fine. If it is to control the operation mode of the entire car, it will be very dangerous.

If you have used Android phones or other operating systems based on Linux, you will definitely feel that no matter how advanced your device configuration is, you will always encounter crashes.

This is because the system is constantly accumulating data, just like the advertisements hanging on the overpass layer by layer, layer by layer, there will always be times when it collapses, and there is no self-correcting mechanism.

When it collapses, it is a crash and restart for the system.

Phone or computer, just restart the phone.

But if the entire car system crashes, then this is very dangerous.

There is a good chance the car will lose control, stall or lose its braking system.

The traditional car-machine system uses very simple mechanical logic.

Although the entire vehicle system is not intelligent, it cannot play movies, cannot play music, and cannot download APPs, but it uses the simplest logic to ensure the safety of the vehicle, and there will be no redundant data.

This is why, around 2022, the era of new energy vehicles will explode, and new energy vehicles will suddenly crash in the middle of the road, unable to accelerate or brake.

Many Tesla accidents are due to this reason.

It is a car-machine system similar to Tesla, and the underlying logic is wrong. If your underlying logic does not change, no matter how advanced the technology is, it will not guarantee safety.

However, if the traditional car machine is gradually developed so that it can reach the level of intelligence, it is impossible.

Because there is no such soil environment, the workload is very huge (similar to the three-body, each person becomes a 0 and 1 to form a humanoid computer).

Therefore, an operating system with Linux as the underlying layer is almost the only choice for smart cars.

Chen Xiao wants to change this situation.

Chen Xiao said: "The technology used by Tesla is not safe, so we don't need too much envy."

Everyone didn't understand why Chen Xiao said this.

But the boss must have his reasons for saying so.

Chen Xiao said: "We need super-fast artificial intelligence, and we can't think of ways to rush to 0 and 1."

"There are two paths we can take to solve a problem like this."

"One is to develop a quantum computer to achieve multiple and fast operations."

"The other thing is to develop a biochip as soon as possible to perform calculations through a neural network."

"These two technologies are the core of the future development of artificial intelligence, and the existing computer Internet technology will definitely be eliminated."

Qu Ping's heart skipped a beat.

She now understood why Chen Xiao personally came to the life science and medical laboratory to develop biochips when he was so busy.

In fact, this represents the future.

Liang Feilong originally wanted to say a word, but after hearing Chen Xiao say it, he pressed his own words into his heart.

What Liang Feilong wanted to ask was, when will Galaxy Energy be able to produce new energy vehicles?

It seems that the boss has a plan in mind. UU Reading

After driving around the factory, the car stopped at the entrance of the headquarters.

Chen Xiao said: "Changtian Technology never fights uncertain battles."

"Judging from the technology accumulated by Galaxy Energy, there is still a big gap between us and advanced enterprises at home and abroad in terms of automobile manufacturing."

If you develop a car from scratch, it will be a very slow process, and there is no car in Chen Xiao's technology tree.

So Chen Xiao is ready to master only a few core technologies of the car (battery, car system, motor), and buy other technologies if he can.

Chen Xiao said: "Before we set up a car company to actually develop and produce cars, let's see if there is any car company that is suitable for acquisition, and absorb all the useful technologies."

(End of this chapter)

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