Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 833: Amazing World Internet Conference (1)

Rebirth 1999: Opening the Era of Black Technology Chapter 833 Amazing World Internet Conference 1

Chen Xiao put on the glasses, and put the host of the wearable device, that is, the bluetooth headset on his ears.

I have to say that the overall wearing situation is still very good, and the comfort is still good.

Although it adds up to 30 grams in total, because of the strong design, the overall feeling is relatively light, even lighter than wearing some big brand sunglasses.

Chen Xiao touched the host lightly, and the wearable device automatically turned on.

After the glasses are turned on, in addition to being able to see the scenery in front of them normally, there are some simple numbers and patterns.

The numbers include today's weather, temperature, and the current time and so on.

This is sort of the home page for wearables.

Of course, in order to make the user's field of vision clearer, these home page displays can be hidden or canceled.

When using wearable devices specifically, two methods can be adopted.

The first way is to directly use voice dialogue.

The wearable device is equipped with the latest Xiaoying voice assistant.

The wearable device uses Jinghong Biochip.

Therefore, the current Xiaoying voice assistant will be more intelligent, and its learning ability will be stronger.

The second way is to operate the interface of the wearable device through the mobile phone.

This method is generally used when the user is inconvenient to have a voice conversation with Xiaoying.

The function of the device is almost the same as that of a complete pc or mobile phone.

In addition to having the daily functions of PCs and mobile phones, this time it also upgrades the intelligence of wearable devices.

Under Qu Ping's explanation, Chen Xiao conducted some simple tests on the intelligence of the wearable device.

For example, in front of Chen Xiao is a table.

If Chen Xiao needs to know the length, width and height of the table, he may need to take a ruler to measure it.

It's not necessary after you put on a smart wearable device.

He had a simple conversation with Xiaoying's voice assistant, and Xiaoying's voice assistant immediately passed the super algorithm and accurate distance test.

The specific size of the table was quickly informed to the owner.

Moreover, the size tested by Xiaoying is exactly the same as the size measured by the tape measure, without the slightest error, and even more accurate than the tape measure.

For another example, Chen Xiao casually downloaded some high school exercise books from the Internet.

After putting on the smart wearable device to do the questions, you can choose to let the smart device immediately display the answers to the exercises in the field of vision.

This function is very powerful.

For example, Chen Xiao went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

Of course, you will shop around when you buy something.

The wearable smart device can accurately record the dishes and prices of each dish.

And after analysis, inform users which dish to buy is the most cost-effective.

In such a function, the chip used is not a carbon crystal chip, but a neuron computing group.

For another example, when Chen Xiao and Qu Ping went outside, it was considered an outing in winter.

Chen Xiao wanted to take pictures of Qu Ping, but Qu Ping seldom took pictures, so she didn't know how to pose.

Wearable devices will appear a virtual villain at the beginning of the field of vision.

This virtual villain is actually Xiaoying.

Xiaoying will combine the actual situation of the scene to pose a pose suitable for the atmosphere of the photo.

Photographer Chen Xiao can follow Xiaoying's posture to guide Qu Ping.

This is definitely a master class move.

The device can also automatically control the mobile phone to adjust the shooting mode.

Present a master-level photo with the best angle and quality.

In this scene, it is the synergy of the neural cloud computing group in the Jinghong chip and the carbon crystal chip.

Of course, wearable devices also have many small details that are very intimate and intelligent.

All of these require users to continue to explore in actual use.

And what are these intimate little details? Even his creator, the Changtian Technology team, couldn't fully grasp it.

Because in the design of the Jinghong chip, Changtian Technology makes the Jinghong chip not only adapt to some requirements and behaviors of the owner, but also constantly understand the logic of the owner's behavior.

I also have to keep crawling various web pages and consulting, and learn all kinds of knowledge.

Wearable devices actually operate 24 hours a day.

Even when the owner is enabling the device, the chip will continue to learn various knowledge.

The purpose of Changtian Technology to build this device is to make this wearable device an excellent assistant in the life, study and work of users.

Chen Xiao took off the wearable device with great satisfaction and said, "I am personally very satisfied with being able to build such a device in such a short period of time."

"Next month's trip to Wuzhen, Changtian Technology's booth will not bring anything, just this device."

Qu Ping was very happy to get the affirmation from her boss.

"Although we have been in Suzhou and Hangzhou for so long, we spend every day in the laboratory and have no time to wander around."

"We're so close to Wuzhen, I've never been there yet."

"I want to attend the World Internet Conference this time!"

Qu Ping made such a very reasonable request to Chen Xiao.

Chen Ling said with a smile: "Not only you want to go, Wen Qi and Shen Wei also want to go."

"Let's just go on a trip this time."

"We also organize team building and travel for employees in various regions every year, but our management rarely has such opportunities."

Of course Qu Ping knew about some of the emotional entanglements between Chen Xiao, Wen Qi and Shen Wei.

She glanced at Chen Xiao with very ambiguous eyes and said, "The two girls are going with you!"

Chen Xiao couldn't help but tap Qu Ping's head with the book on the table, "Prepare carefully, don't gossip."

The end of December 16, 2015.

The Second World Internet Conference was held in Wuzhen.

The theme of this World Internet Conference is "Interconnection, Sharing and Co-governance, and Building a Community of Shared Future in Cyberspace."

In addition to important political figures from various countries in the world, the participants also included many well-known companies from all over the world.

Needless to say Xia Guo's enterprises.

Ali, Baidu, Lianxiang, Penguin, Warwick and other companies all attended.

Overseas companies such as Apple, Google, Qualcomm, and Samsung have also sent heavyweights and a large number of technological products.

This conference is not only a platform for companies to communicate with each other, but also an excellent time for major companies to show their strength and plan for the future.

After the world entered 2010, the Internet developed rapidly.

A large number of Internet hardware companies, software companies, and ecological chain companies have emerged as the times require.

Everyone also needs such a platform to communicate with each other and seek common development.

On December 13, the representatives of Changtian Technology had mentioned the venue in advance and arranged the exhibition venue.

On the morning of December 16th, Chen Xiao and the others prepared to set off one after another.

This time, Chen Xiao sent a commercial vehicle.

After all, there are too many people who want to go to Wuzhen for vacation.

In addition to Wen Qi, Shen Wei and Qu Ping, Zhou Jinlinghua, who had retired to the second line, also came here, ready to go on vacation.

This time Zhou Linghua was not alone, and brought a 9-year-old girl with him.

Seeing everyone staring at this little girl with strange eyes.

Zhou Linghua said with some embarrassment: "This is my daughter, Zhou Yuanyuan."

Zhou Linghua fondled Zhou Yuanyuan's hair and said, "Yuanyuan, hurry up and call uncle and aunt!"

Zhou Yuanyuan looks very cute, with pink makeup and jade, and big eyes like a doll.

Her voice was crisp, and she shouted at Chen Xiao, Wen Qi and the others: "Uncle and aunt!"

Shen Wei joked: "We are all singles, and singles have to be called sisters!"

Because Wen Qi and Zhou Linghua flirted with each other, they often joked with him.

Wen Qi said incredulously: "You have only one son, are you really going to college?"

Zhou Linghua smiled awkwardly, without further explanation.

Chen Ling gave Wen Qi a look, telling Wen Qi not to ask too much.

In fact, the answer is very clear.

Zhou Linghua was originally a playful man, and there were groups of women behind him.

Not to mention one more daughter, even if there are 10 more daughters and ten sons, it would not be surprising.

Moreover, Zhou Linghua was able to handle the affairs of his wife and several women very well.

His wife didn't say much, and Chen Xiao, as an outsider, certainly wouldn't say much either.

Shen Wei and Wen Qi looked at Zhou Yuanyuan with envy.

Both have the same thoughts.

If a girl can start a family and have a lovely child, it is actually quite good.

The two women set their eyes on Chen Xiao at the same time.

Chen Xiao hurriedly lowered his head to play with his phone.

Some Frisbees can't hold it.

It is a few hours' drive from Changzezhou to Wuzhen.

Along the way, several girls chattered non-stop.

In addition, Zhou Yuanyuan, who recited poems and sang songs for a while, brought a little fun to the trip.

The girl was tired of singing and reciting poems, and finally fell asleep on Zhou Linghua's body.

Zhou Linghua said with a smile: "The battery is low and fell asleep."

Seeing this scene, Chen Xiao couldn't help but laugh.

"I didn't expect our Mr. Zhou to have such a daddy side."

Zhou Linghua felt a little embarrassed and touched his nose.

His retirement life is really hard to describe.

After a long journey.

Everyone finally got Wuzhen.

Since last year's first World Internet Conference was very successful, more units and journalists participated in this Internet Conference.

Before being escorted by security personnel.

Chen Xiao's people soon arrived at the venue of Changtian Technology.

Because Changtian Technology is already the most famous technology company in the world.

The products it produces have affected many aspects of human life, work and medical treatment.

In addition, Changtian Technology can also be regarded as one of the hosts of this conference.

Therefore, the organizer gave Changtian Technology a very wide exhibition hall location.

The entire exhibition hall is nearly 500 square meters.

It has been arranged very properly by the pioneers of Changtian Technology.

Although Chen Xiao mentioned this time at the World Internet Conference, there is no need to exhibit anything at Changtian Technology's booth, only the wearable devices that Qu Ping and the others have just developed and produced will be fine.

But the boss said so casually, the people below would not dare to do so casually.

In an exhibition hall of more than 500 square meters, if only one wearable device is displayed, it will appear empty and unsightly.

So this time the exhibition hall is very luxuriously decorated and has a sense of technology.

The entire exhibition hall is divided into three parts.

The content displayed in the first part is the development history of Changtian Technology.

In addition to the well-made short films played on the LCD screen, some classic products of Changtian Technology from its birth to the present are also placed on the booth.

For example, the original Lingyue mp3, the first Shenzhou computer equipped with carbon crystal storage, and the very retro 11181 website, etc.

Chen Xiao was full of memories when he saw all of this.

In a blink of an eye, I have been reborn for 16 years.

The second one displays the products and concepts that Changtian Technology has promoted in the past two years.

For example, the latest Hanhai mobile phone, the super powerful Shenzhou computer and so on.

Some product audiences can experience and use.

The third display area is the future development concept and some conceptual products of Changtian Technology.

The heavyweight exhibit here is the smart wearable device brought by Chen Xiao and Qu Ping this time.

Just when Qu Ping took out the wearable device and was about to place it in the most conspicuous position on the counter.

At this time, Zhou Yuanyuan was very interested in seeing such cute glasses.

"Dad, what is this? Can I use it?"

Zhou Yuanyuan is still a very polite child. He really wants to reach out for it, but he also needs to ask his father for his opinion.

Zhou Linghua must not allow it.

"You can't take Yuanyuan. This is a technological product, a smart wearable device. You can only use it when you grow up."

Zhou Yuanyuan timidly took her hand back.

Seeing this scene of me, Chen Xiao took the glasses over without saying a word, and put them on Zhou Yuanyuan's eyes.

The size of the eyes is scalable.

So putting it on Zhou Yuanyuan's head is not considered a breach of harmony.

Zhou Yuanyuan was very happy, and cheered and turned around in a circle, wanting to take the glasses out for a walk.

Zhou Linghua was about to stop Zhou Yuanyuan.

Because the cost of wearable smart glasses is very high, and the process is relatively complicated.

So this time one was made.

Zhou Linghua was afraid that his daughter would play with it, so he couldn't show it here.

Chen Xiao smiled and said to Zhou Linghua: "We came to Wuzhen this time to play, UU Reading If you want to, just wait for her to play, don't discourage her enthusiasm."

"Maybe this child will be a great female scientist in the future."

These words made everyone laugh.

Qu Ping patiently taught Zhou Yuanyuan some functions of the wearable smart device.

Zhou Yuanyuan is indeed a smart girl, she can understand it as soon as she learns.

Still curiously asked: "Is it really possible to do anything?"

Qu Ping showed her aunt a smile, "Of course, most of them are possible."

Zhou Yuanyuan immediately said: "Sister Qu Ping is 1.63 meters tall. Based on the body shape of Qu Ping and the fat content, it can be concluded that Sister Qu Ping weighs about 115 catties."

As soon as these words came out, everyone roared with laughter.

Girls are most concerned about what others say, one is grade and the other is weight.

Zhou Yuanyuan is simply murderous.

Qu Ping was angry and laughed, and finally couldn't help stomping her feet and said: "Master, give me more holidays, I want to lose weight!"

Everyone smiled.

Everyone sat in the car for several hours, and really wanted to take a stroll in Wuzhen, and take a look at other technology companies around the world, what new products or conceptual products they brought to this exhibition.

So everyone and Zhou Yuanyuan left the exhibition venue of Changtian Technology and wandered around in the venue.

After walking about five or six hundred meters, there were suddenly more people in a small square.

The center of the square was full of people, surrounded by countless reporters, including many well-known overseas media.

It is the nature of human beings to watch the excitement, and it is the nature of girls.

Zhou Yuanyuan and the girls rushed over at once.

It turns out that in the center of the square, Google is showing its new products.

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