Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 838: Incredibly powerful platform

Rebirth 1999: Opening the Era of Black Technology Chapter 838 An Incomparably Powerful Platform

Guo Hongtao himself is the head of a laboratory.

Huobingshan Laboratory has a wide reputation in many overseas countries, especially in West Asian countries.

Because the weapon developed by this experiment is of high quality and low price, of course the most important thing is its super performance.

Guo Hongtao came to Wuzhen this time to pay a good visit to Chen Xiao and learn more about the performance of smart wearable devices.

Guo Hongtao and Chen Xiao were not familiar with each other.

So he went through a third-party middleman for matchmaking.

And unfortunately, this third-party middleman is Li Huaibin from Xia Guo Academy of Sciences.

Li Huaibin originally planned to visit Chen Xiao after he returned to Changze Island.

Now that there was such an opportunity, Li Huaibin immediately went to Wuzhen with his closest assistants and subordinates.

On the day when the World Internet Conference ended.

Chen Xiao, Li Huaibin, Guo Hongtao and others gathered in a private club.

After a brief introduction, Guo Hongtao immediately explained his purpose of coming.

It is hoped that we can cooperate with Changtian Technology to use wearable devices in the field of individual combat, or more widely, in other military fields.

As a civilian technology company, Changtian Technology is not incapable of doing weapons and equipment, but it does not intend to be involved.

The power engine of Changtian Technology and Shen City Flight Research Institute is not intended to be used in the field of fighter jets, but in the field of civil aviation.

So after Guo Hongtao made this request, Chen Xiao didn't agree immediately.

Because Chen Xiao adhered to a philosophy from beginning to end.

The first one is that the country is already strong enough, and there is no need for a private scientific research company like Changtian Technology to participate in the field of military operations.

The second is that any technology has something in common.

When Changtian Technology does well enough in the private sector, the corresponding scientific and technological products or scientific research results can be used more widely and will also be applied in the military field.

For example, DJI Aircraft did not intend to set foot in the military field at the beginning, and it has never set foot in the military field from beginning to end.

But on the international battlefield, the shadow of DJI's unmanned aircraft is always indispensable.

Another example is the Toyota pickup truck.

The original design concept of this kind of pickup truck is suitable for more convenient and quick pulling of goods, and can pass through some complicated road conditions relatively smoothly.

But in the battlefields of West Asia and North Africa, this kind of pickup truck is usually converted into a combat platform by local armed forces.

The application in the civil and military fields is actually a thin line.

Just see where you need to use it.

Chen Xiao smiled and said to Guo Hongtao: "Professor Guo's words are serious."

"The applicability of wearable devices is very strong. In fact, it is just a tool and a platform."

"The functions you want to talk about really need to be developed in them, not our equipment itself, but some of the professional applications."

"For example, at the scene of our exhibition, there was a scene where construction engineers used our equipment to measure some structures and structures on the construction site."

"We are just throwing bricks and stones to tell everyone that wearable devices have such powerful chips and quite powerful functions. The important thing is the content, not just the platform."

What Chen Xiao said was just to comfort Guo Hongtao. If the platform was really not important, then Changtian Technology would not have spent such a long time in manpower and physics to develop the neuron computing group and advanced chips.

Changtian Technology will not invest heavily in BOE, so that BOE can develop such a thin and transparent flexible screen.

Of course Guo Hongtao understood what Chen Xiao meant.

He is a very smart person. He knows that Chen Xiang said this because he does not want to limit the application of smart wearable devices to the military field.

Of course, Chen Xiao never ruled out that his equipment would be used in the military field, just like the engines developed by Changtian Technology's power laboratory, they would be equipped on fighter jets sooner or later.

At the dinner, Guo Hongtao tactfully didn't bring up the matter again, and the two sides chatted happily and imagined the future together.

From Guo Hongtao, Chen Xiao also understood that Xia Guo's military industry is not easy.

The military industry is the most sensitive field of a country, so it is impossible for those developed countries in the West to provide you with any technical support.

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Not even a single screw will be sold to you.

For this reason, people in the military industry in Xia Kingdom can only work hard and break through from zero.

The entire process of breaking out of the siege was comparable to the Red Army's Long March, 25,000 miles.

Some things are difficult to watch from TV or from what others say.

Guo Hongtao's generation and his predecessors have personally experienced the development of the country's military industry.

After a glass of wine, Guo Hongtao said with great emotion: "Not to mention, if we had the most conventional and conventional weapons 70 years ago, how could our soldiers have suffered such pain and loss!"

What Guo Hongtao said was very cryptic, but Chen Xiao must be able to clearly feel that every word of his is full of blood.

As the person in charge of Huobing No. 3 Laboratory, Guo Hongtao is also very clear about which countries and to whom his own laboratory and its subordinate factories sell weapons to each year.

He could clearly feel that the world was not peaceful.

The reason why the country is still relatively calm and the people don't feel war at all is because there are guys in their hands.

Fortunately, the times are developing, and the country is getting richer and stronger.

After entering 2010, Xia Guo's military industry has entered the fast lane.

Numerous advanced weapons went offline crazily.

Similar to Huobing III Laboratory, it has also become a world-renowned arms designer and supplier.

In the process of chatting with Guo Hongtao, Chen Xiao also learned that there are some conventional weapons manufacturers under Guo Hongtao.

After drinking.

Guo Hongtao asked his secretary to take the initiative to check out the bill. After the two parties exchanged pleasantries for a while, Guo Hongtao said: "Whenever I have the opportunity, I hope to visit the headquarters of Changtian Technology and the laboratory in fantastic clothes."

Chen Xiao smiled and Guo Hongtao said, "Professor Guo is always welcome to guide the work."

Guo Hongtao nodded and got into the car with his assistant.

At this moment, Qu Ping trotted to the side of the car.

She handed a wrapped gift box to Guo Hongtao.

"Professor Guo, this is a gift from Mr. Chen, you can study it."

Guo Hongtao cheered up immediately!

This evening Guo Hongtao rushed back to Yanjing overnight and returned to the laboratory.

He immediately opened the gift box that Qu Ping handed over.

Seeing the things inside, Guo Hongtao immediately became excited.

Inside the gift box is a carbon crystal mobile hard drive and a packed wearable smart device.

This is the wearable smart device shown at the World Internet Conference this time.

After opening the carbon crystal mobile hard disk, there are detailed instructions on how to use the wearable smart device, as well as a software development platform.

The software development platform is developed with Jiuzhang compiler, and it also comes with detailed instructions for using the software development platform.

There is also a note at the end of the box, on which is the contact information of the relevant technicians of Changtian Technology Yinghuo Company.

Seeing all these things, Guo Hongtao was extremely emotional.

What is a truly national company?

Changtian Technology is a real national company.

This is almost sending all available means to Guo Hongtao's hands.

And without reservation.

Guo Hongtao thought that a few years ago, there was also a domestic private company with scientific and technological achievements that were quite suitable for military technology.

Guo Hongtao led his team to negotiate with this private company very earnestly.

And willing to pay some fair price to get the cooperation of this technology.

But it's a pity.

After this private company learned of Guo Hongtao's plan, it thought it had caught a big fish, and it was completely a lion's mouth. The conditions offered made it impossible for Guo Hongtao to accept the move.

But a year later, this so-called private company, which had been subsidized by the state for many years, turned around and sold this patented technology to the military of the United States at a relatively considerable price.

At the beginning, Guo Hongtao was able to offer this price, but the other party refused to accept it, thinking it was too low.

How can such a thing be endured?

Relevant departments are strictly investigating the situation of this company and are hunting down those involved.

Who knows that the boss of this company and his family immigrated to the United States to live a leisurely life.

With the state subsidy, I can achieve my own career.

It is also because of state subsidies that such advanced technology can be developed.

But these people are completely profit-oriented.

Turn around and sell the country.

In contrast, Changtian Technology is so impermanent and selfless.

How could Guo Hongtao not be emotional.

If Guo Hongtao knew that Chen Xiao's purpose of doing this was only to jointly develop the software platform for wearable devices and enrich the ecological chain with one more company, I don't know how he would feel.

Guo Hongtao immediately arranged for relevant personnel in the laboratory to set up a research and development team.

And immediately contact the technicians of Changtian Technology Firefly System.

Use the software development platform to develop related applications applicable to wearable smart devices.

Of course, this application must be used in the military field.

After using the development platform to develop software, Guo Hongtao understood that what Chen Xiao meant when he said this matter during the meal was actually very simple.

Because the software development platform provided by Changtian Technology is really too advanced.

Guo Hongtao's technicians have developed related applications according to their own needs, and loaded the applications into wearable smart devices.

The whole experiment process took less than a month.

In a certain experimental field in the suburbs of Yanjing, equipped with the latest wearable smart devices, it has entered the experimental stage.

In addition to the regular equipment, the tester also brought wearable devices, and he entered the training ground very calmly.

Suddenly, an enemy appeared 2 kilometers away.

The enemy flashed past and hid behind the wall.

If go again.

The testers will definitely shrink their heads back, and will follow up after confirming that the front is safe.

Or lie in ambush in a corner and aim the sight at the target position.

Then rely on your own experience to kill the enemy.

But this time things will be much simpler.

In an instant, the wearable shows the distance from the soldier's location to the target's location.

The size of the obstacle where the target position is located is depicted in this second.

And evaluated the wind direction, temperature and other specific parameters of the site.

These are just technical parameters.

Within a second the wearable also gives a suggested aiming point.

The recommended aiming point is obtained through precise calculation, which is a hundred times more accurate than the position roughly calculated by the testers relying on their own experience.

When the aiming point was just given, the testers were extremely pleasantly surprised.

Because the aiming given by the wearable device is consistent with the position of the aiming point guessed by myself after seven or eight years of training, and it is more accurate.

As long as the enemy is exposed, a red dot will appear on the wearable device, and there will be a vibration at the same time.

Sure enough, the enemy showed up.

Without a wearable device, testers rely on their own experience to fire after reaction.

This requires very high experience for the experimenters, and the probability of failure is also very high.

But with wearables.

Testers do not need to be highly stressed anytime and anywhere.

You just need to adjust the position to the appropriate point and follow the prompts to shoot.

Sure enough, as soon as the target person showed his head, the vibration and red dot appeared at the same time.

Only a bang was heard.

The test bullet hit the target person.

In the next hour-long test.

The experimenter and the target person fought each other, and all the testers won.

Many times, the target person is too far away to even see what the experimenter is and the tester uses the wearable device to grasp the target person's range of activities tightly.

An hour after the test, the suspicious person, who was also a staff member of the laboratory, came to Guo Hongtao cursing.

"Professor Guo is not right! This is completely a dimensionality reduction blow!"

"No one on my side saw him, he was hit anywhere, and he was hit more than once!"

"If this is really on the battlefield! I don't even know that I've died ten or eight times!"

Guo Hongtao showed a very satisfied smile on his face.

And the tester suddenly said something, which woke Guo Hongtao up.

"Professor Guo, wearable devices are not only easy to carry, but most importantly, the computing power is too strong!"

"If we directly connect the wearable device to the weapon, without the need for a human, it is likely that the effect will be better!"

Guo Hongtao was awakened by these words.

He immediately thought of what Chen Xiao said, "Changtian Technology only provides a platform, how to use this platform is the user's own business."

Guo Hongtao was short of breath. If the equipment was improved and installed on drones, combat robots, or other weapons and equipment, what would be the result?

Guo Hongtao immediately made up his mind. He wrote a sub-item report on the experimental process this time and reported it to the relevant departments of the country.

And strive for funds to set up application software dedicated to the development of wearable device platforms.

Moreover, Guo Hongtao will actively persuade the higher-ups that Changtian Technology must be invited to take a stake.

After the lab puts the funds into the company and establishes the company, Changtian Technology can not pay a dime, just as a technical guide, but also give Changtian Technology a large amount of shares!

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