Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 840: Break South Korea's absolute monopoly

Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology Chapter 840 Breaking the absolute monopoly of South Korea

Chen Xiao's visit to BOE this time is not just for inspection, but to let his team bring new technologies and materials to update BOE's technology.

So Chen Xiao came to bring the technical team this time.

After a simple negotiation.

The technical team brought by Chen Xiao immediately connected with BOE's technical team to discuss the replacement of panel materials.

Chen Xiao is very patient here.

While drinking tea, he and Wang Dong chatted about market brands and quality issues.

The teams are negotiating urgent technical matters.

The efficiency of the Changtian Technology technical team is indeed very high, and the BOE technical team is not bad either.

The two sides quickly reached an agreement, determined the technical plan, and immediately entered the laboratory to use the carbon crystal material brought by Changtian Technology for the panel.

The laboratory is not to make a complete screen, but to conduct some simple performance tests on carbon crystal materials.

If the performance test can meet the requirements of the laboratory, and can display better than the materials currently used by BOE, wear resistance, and be lighter, and more suitable for the production and production of wearable smart devices, then such materials can be used.

The technical teams of Changtian Technology and BOE are planning new materials intensively.

Google also recovered from the extremely embarrassing situation in Wuzhen.

They began to research and analyze this wearable device of Changtian Technology.

In the end, it was found that there were several places that were very suspicious.

Although Changtian Technology issued a statement to the outside world, the wearable device of Longsky Technology is not connected to any supercomputer or server, and relies entirely on its own chip computing power to compete with AlphaGo.

It is seen from the screen of the live game.

The wearable device of Changtian Technology is really too light.

Therefore, Google has reason to suspect that the wearable device carried by the little girl named Zhou Yuanyuan is not actually a wearable device, but a Bluetooth headset.

And the Bluetooth headset tells the little girl how to go.

Behind the bluetooth headset.

Maybe it's because Xia Guo's chess skills are very good.

Or the super server built by Changtian Technology using a large number of carbon crystal chips.

This seems more reasonable.

Changtian Technology's external statement did not lie.

Their smart wearable devices are indeed not connected to super servers.

And the Bluetooth headset accepts the control of others.

With this analysis, Google's top brass seem to be feeling a little better.

It also seems to be to save his own face in Wuzhen.

Google issued an announcement, sincerely inviting Changtian Technology to California, and the two parties exchanged related technologies in the field of artificial intelligence and the gap to the future.

This is of course an open invitation.

The words behind it are to find Changtian Technology to go to California, and the two sides will really compete with the artificial intelligence system.

It's not just Google that thinks so.

Many Western media and Western technology companies that have come to their senses have also made special analysis reports on the Changtian Technology wearable devices that have appeared in Wuzhen.

Many analysts believe that relying on the current technology owned by Changtian Technology, it should not be possible to produce such advanced wearable smart devices.

After all, it is recognized that Changtian Technology's screen technology lags behind.

After the end of the World Internet Conference in Wuzhen.

It's not just companies like Google and Apple that are nervous.

There are also Sony Samsung lg companies.

Especially Samsung.

Samsung OEMs the screens for Google's wearable smart devices.

Samsung considers itself the world's most powerful company in screen technology.

Longsky Technology also had to admit this.

Moreover, when Changtian Technology just released the second mobile phone of Hanhai, Changtian Technology also approached Sharp to discuss the matter of continuing to use the screen, but was rejected by Sharp.

Finally, in desperation, Changtian Technology used the TT produced by BOE.

The moment the mobile phone came out, the Samsung Xiaguo team immediately bought a Hanhai 2 mobile phone and brought it to Samsung headquarters for research.

Not to mention chips and batteries, Changtian Technology has always maintained an absolute advantage in this regard.

But the screen Samsung also specially researched, the Hanhai 2 mobile phone does use BOE's tt screen.

This screen is a technology that Samsung has eliminated for several years.

It also proves that there is a clear gap between Changtian Technology and Samsung and other companies in terms of screen technology.

How long has it been since Changtian Technology released the Hanhai 2 mobile phone to the World Internet Conference held in Wuzhen this time?

The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years! It’s really easy to use. I use it to read and listen to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here]

Changtian Technology can reload the most trashy TT, and the screen has evolved into a very thin and light super screen that can not only display but also be used as AR and VR glasses?

This is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, with the support of Samsung technicians, the South Korea Daily also released the research on Changtian Technology's wearable devices in the name of laboratory experts.

And bluntly pointed out that there must be a problem with the display screen of Changtian Technology's wearable smart devices.

It should be just a flat glass or resin material, which cannot really display the picture.

Samsung used the mouth of others to express its own conclusions. On the one hand, it proved that it is indeed the world's number one in LCD technology and has the world's number one strength. On the other hand, it is for its own sponsor and partner Google.

Tell the world.

Changtian Technology's wearable smart devices may not be as powerful as he announced.

Some people say so.

Some people really believe it.

Overseas media led by Wanwan Media, especially Western media, and Western technology companies spent a lot of time proving that the wearable device of Changtian Technology is not a real wearable device.

Instead, a little girl who can play Go wears a Bluetooth headset and accepts other people's manipulation.

The purpose is to make Xia Guo's technology companies appear more powerful at the World Internet Conference held by Xia Guo.

The technical teams of BOE and Changtian Technology do not have so much time and leisure to buy overseas newspapers to read.

In the Spring Festival of 2016, the technical team did not rest.

Through hard work and the technical support of Changtian Technology, they finally produced a set of display screens in the laboratory using the special carbon crystal material.

The display ranges from 2.1 inches all the way up to 11 inches.

The display screen is quite thin and light, and its toughness and wear resistance are very good.

As the technical representative of Changtian Technology, Ke Jiafan, a graduate student majoring in physics from Chang'an Jiaotong University, led a team to conduct final tests on the screens produced.

The first test is the display effect.

The size of the screen or panel produced this time is relatively small, but its color, brightness, and overall display effect are very powerful, and the extended resolution can even reach 4k level.

The second test is the abrasion resistance of the panels.

This test also had a comparison group.

For the comparison group, of course, try Samsung's more advanced display panel products.

The experimenters used a blade and a relatively rough steel ball to rub on Samsung's most advanced OLED screen and the samples in the laboratory.

Samsung's panel is quick to show scratches, and indelible ones at that.

On the sample in the laboratory, there is no scratch on the place rubbed with a steel wool ball, but there are tiny scratches on the place scratched by a blade, and the scratches are almost negligible after being wiped with a towel.

Of course, the panel is a panel after all, not diamond.

After the knife was slashed down hard, there were still comparison marks on the panel of the laboratory.

However, such an anti-friction effect must be much more wear-resistant than high-strength spectacle lenses. In the field of screens, it is definitely ranked first.

The third test is the degree of flexibility and the degree of resistance to bending and falling.

Wearable devices are meant to be worn on the eyes at all times.

As a product for external wear, there is a possibility of falling to the ground at any time.

Therefore, the degree of flexibility and the degree of resistance to bending and falling must be tested.

This kind of test even exploded Samsung's oled panel.

Samsung's oled panel shattered when it fell on the ground.

The flexible screen can only barely reach the level of half bending, but it cannot be fully bent.

However, the screen in the laboratory did not break after falling from a height of 5 meters to the ground.

The use of special means of heating can also bend the screen to an ideal degree.

after a series of tests.

Ke Jiafan and his team jumped up excitedly.

In fact, using carbon crystal materials to produce screens and carbon crystal materials as storage devices has similarities.

One uses a laser to hit electrons in a grid of carbon crystals to store information.

One is to use the laser to show whether there are electrons in the different grids and whether they emit light.

Performance is indeed no problem.

In addition, it is the production cost and the yield rate.

Changtian Technology has more than 10 years of technology precipitation in the production of carbon crystal storage. The technology for producing carbon crystal materials is already very advanced, the yield is very high, and the cost is very cheap.

This time, the process of carbon crystal storage was improved and changed to a display panel with a flatter crystal structure.

Its technical difficulty has some increase, and the production cost also has some increase.

But the cost is still within the controllable range.

And the yield rate is relatively high.

This is the advantage of technology accumulation.

According to the results of the present experiments, panels based on the carbon crystalline structure were produced.

Its comprehensive cost is not even as high as re-development and production of oled.

The comprehensive cost ratio is even lower than that of Samsung's production panels.

Ke Jiafan watched his team so excited, he pressed his hand to keep everyone calm.

Tests are just tests.

But it still needs a certain process to add a panel and turn the application into a real screen on the device.

The technical team immediately fell silent.

Because this time the team came to BOE for technical support, the time was in a hurry.

So they don't have a wearable device in their hands.

The only wearable device was given to Guo Hongtao.

In desperation, the laboratory had to disassemble Hanhai's second phone and install a custom-made screen according to the size of Hanhai's second phone screen.

After a week of polishing, the carbon crystal display suitable for Kanhanhai's second mobile phone was installed on the mobile phone.

The screen of a mobile phone is not the same as the screen of a current device.

So this time the lab made some technical improvements.

After installation, the phone is successfully lit.

The display effect of Hanhai's second mobile phone is very delicate, and the light is very soft, not as dazzling as TT.

At this time, the second Hanhai mobile phone with a carbon crystal screen replaced in front of everyone is not only a mobile phone, but also a perfect work of art.

Many technicians couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement: "If last year's launch of Hanhai's second mobile phone had used such a screen, and the price of the mobile phone would have increased by a few thousand dollars, there would have been people rushing to buy it!"

After replacing the display panel.

The display effect of the entire mobile phone has been completely upgraded.

Then compare the display of Samsung Galaxy's latest series of mobile phones.

It is obvious that the display effect of Hanhai's second mobile phone is better, the picture is soft, the definition is high, and the color is closer to reality.

Ke Jiafan immediately arranged for his team to form a corresponding report on all the procedures and technical information of the carbon crystal screen from design and development to production, and immediately sent it to Changtian Technology Headquarters.

And apply to the headquarters to send samples of wearable devices.

The laboratory will test the effect of the carbon crystal flexible screen on the wearable device.

It seems to be too excited, or maybe it is hoped that I will never be able to see the research results here.

When sending the report Ke Jiafan also sent Hanhai's second mobile phone with a carbon crystal screen to Changtian Technology headquarters.

In spring, Changzezhou is full of greenery and the air is clear.

The salty taste of the sea breeze is even more refreshing.

Chen Xiao, Wang Xiang and others are in the open space in the south of Changtian Technology, discussing the construction of a group school from kindergarten to high school here, so as to meet the schooling needs of the children of Changtian Technology employees.

With the improvement of the industrial chain of Changzezhou Changtian Science and Technology Park, the number of employees is also increasing.

The Suzhou-Hangzhou Science and Technology New District, where Chang Zezhou is located, has more and more companies and permanent residents.

There has been no matching high-quality school for a long time.

Chen Xiao hoped that such a school could be built in Changzezhou, not only to provide convenience for the employees of Changtian Technology, but also for other people who live and work in the New Science and Technology Zone.

Song Yi sent the report of the BOE laboratory and the Hanhai mobile phone that was already in Hanhai to Chen Xiao.

After seeing the title and table of contents of the report, Chen Xiao knew that the team must have achieved breakthrough scientific research results.

Chen Xiao smiled and handed the report to Wang Xiang, "Tell me about Samsung's current advantages?"

Wang Xiang thought for a while, and said solemnly: "Semiconductors are gone, and Samsung Chemical is gone, so the screen still has a little advantage."

When Wang Xiang saw the research report handed over by Chen Xiao, he was very happy. "Good news came from BOE's laboratory?"

Chen Xiao nodded and said, "Now they don't have the advantages of screens and panels."

"Let us sweep Samsung into the dustbin of history with our own hands."

Although it is still difficult to mass-produce Jinghong chips, after today, Changtian Technology should be able to establish an absolute advantage in the field of mobile Internet terminals.

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