Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 842: Will be amazing mobile Internet

The latest website: From the era of feature phones to the era of smart phones, there has been a big explosion of the mobile Internet, and a large number of applications have emerged. Those applications with a very large market share and a large number of users are without exception Take advantage of the benefits of the mobile Internet era.

In addition to policy support, these benefits are more about the improvement of hardware performance and the improvement of network speed.

Therefore, Yang Fei should also consider the above two factors when designing the application of wearable smart devices.

Changtian Technology already has a very perfect 4G technology in its hands, and it has been popularized nationwide.

Similarly, Changtian Technology's 5G technology and quantum communication technology are also under development.

This means that in the next few years, the speed of the mobile Internet will be several times, even hundreds or even thousands of times faster than it is now.

In terms of hardware factors, Yang Fei believes that the current Jinghong Chip 1 chip cannot be considered only.

The neuron computation group has to be taken into account.

The neuron computing group has a very critical application point.

It not only has emotional computing, but also can be directly connected to the human brain in the future, so that the brain can feel some things in the virtual world, including smell, taste, touch and so on.

Assistant Yang Fei brought the courier from the doorman. This is a thick skirt that she can wear in spring that she bought through tb mall.

Yang Fei already had design inspiration in his mind, and he quietly watched the assistant unpack the skirt and tried it on on his body.

The assistant complained very dissatisfied: "Brother Fei, what do you think of my skirt?"

Before Yang Fei could speak, the assistant said:

"Oh, no, no, I feel that this color still has a texture, why is it different from what I imagined."

"I still buy from online stores of big brands. It seems that I still need to go to physical stores to buy."

The working atmosphere of Changtian Technology is very relaxed.

As long as you finish the things in your hands, even if you unpack the courier in the office, no one will say anything about you. Instead, they will come to watch the fun and see what you bought.

The assistant lady is very busy with her usual work and has no time to go to the mall at all, so she chooses to buy skirts and other things in the online mall.

But it was clear that she was not satisfied with the shopping experience this time.

The root cause of this situation is that online shopping malls inform consumers of product information through text descriptions and pictures.

This kind of information is definitely completely inconsistent with the information you get in various forms such as going to a physical store and trying it on.

So there will be some information gaps.

This information is poor, resulting in your online shopping experience is not beautiful.

This problem can be completely solved through wearable smart devices.

First of all, wearable smart devices can allow people to experience the shopping environment immersively.

Although the neuron computing group has not yet been used on wearable devices, immersive viewing of the actual size and color of the product can be completely close to reality.

Yang Fei is going to start by building an online shopping platform.

Yang Fei firmly believes that in addition to touch and smell, other product information can be well displayed in smart devices.

Wanting to understand this, he hugged the little assistant very excitedly and said, "You really did a good job shopping this time!"

Then Yang Fei hurried away.

This action confused the little assistant.

The little assistant held the skirt to the mirror, looked left and right, and always felt that her skirt didn't fit well.

She said to herself, "What's the matter with Mr. Yang today? My dress obviously doesn't look good. He also said that I bought the right thing. How strange!"

The company's design center.

Yang Fei immediately called a team meeting to discuss countermeasures.

Yang Fei expressed some of his ideas at the brainstorming meeting for product designers, and told his team seriously.

There has been a hot spot in online shopping, which is represented by TB Mall represented by Ali, and emerging shopping platforms such as and Suning Tesco.

Online shopping has deeply entered our lives.

The sales volume of Double 11 every year is also gradually increasing.

Yang Fei said: "I got a relatively accurate data here. In first- and second-tier cities, the frequency of online shopping for a single user is about 5 times a month."

"With online shopping, the impact on physical stores is also great. Taking Suzhou and Hangzhou as an example, three well-known shopping malls have chosen to close their doors this year."

"We are now about to meet the second explosive point of online shopping. We will create a new shopping system in wearable devices, so that users can feel shopping more realistically, so as to improve shopping accuracy and product quality. experience."

In order to achieve such a purpose.

There are two key points in the development of the entire application.

One is to collect product information.

The product should be displayed on the shopping platform in the wearable device, including its material, color, size and so on.

Due to the wide variety of online shopping and relying on each other, the technical staff of Yinghuo will never be able to complete the input one by one, and the efficiency is relatively low.

So Yang Fei is going to ask the team to develop a special input machine with a high recognition rate.

Use the machine to touch the material of the object, and the corresponding material can be generated in the system.

This poses a great challenge to the server and data modeling of the platform.

In addition, taking photos of the appearance of the product also forms relatively complete and accurate appearance information of the product in the system.

In this way, merchants can rely on merchants to enter product information into the platform to improve the user's shopping experience.

The second important point is to allow more merchants to join the platform.

In order to achieve this goal, Firefly can adopt three means.

The first is to build a platform by yourself to continuously attract merchants.

The second is to use the platform I developed as a tool and sell such tools to shopping platforms such as tb mall.

Let them optimize their malls through this virtual shopping platform tool and make their malls real.

The third measure is to cooperate with the shopping platform to let the platform settle in,

This is a problem at the level of business technology. Yang Fei temporarily put it aside, and will discuss it after the application development is completed.

Yang Fei said: "I think all these technical problems can be solved with the current hardware technology of Changtian Technology."

"What we have to do is to develop corresponding platforms and systems as soon as possible, and at the same time develop material identification tools suitable for merchants."

After the tasks were assigned, the technicians of Yinghuo Ecological Company were fully mobilized.

They hope to have the platform ready by mid-2016.

At that time, the market research and production line construction of wearable smart devices have been completed, and the products will be put into the market on a large scale.

At the same time, Yang Fei also convened the game application business group of Yinghuo Ecological Company to discuss the development of games using wearable smart devices.

An excellent game and the corresponding game ecological chain can attract hundreds of millions of users.

For example, the very successful King of Glory is currently in production.

Many young people, especially students, buy mobile phones. The first point is not the appearance of the mobile phone, but the nature and performance of the mobile phone.

And their evaluation of the performance of the mobile phone is to see whether the mobile phone can run the Honor of Kings smoothly.

When running Honor of Kings, whether the phone is hot and whether the lag rate is high or not, etc.

If Yinghuo can rely on wearable smart devices to develop a variety of relatively good games that can attract a large number of users, then the promotion of wearable devices will be much more convenient.

It is not enough to rely solely on Firefly.

Yang Fei also brought the game team of Yuedong Internet over, and the two sides continued to brainstorm.

Yang Fei emphasized to the technicians: "The most important thing to develop our games relying on wearable devices is to give full play to the advantages and performance of wearable devices."

"We want to allow users to be immersive while playing the game, and have a very good visual experience and storyline experience. Generally speaking, it should be cool."

In order to achieve this goal, the choice of game type is also very important.

Wearable devices can indeed develop team competition games similar to King of Glory.

But its experience is no different from that of playing with a mobile phone, and the experience of playing with a mobile phone is even better.

So Yang Fei will not let the team develop games like King of Glory.

To do so is to lose the advantages of wearable devices.

If you want to develop, you need to develop an rpg game with first-person first-view.

Such games can bring users a better visual experience and fighting experience.

The beautiful scenes and better combat modes in the game will immerse users in it.

This kind of experience cannot be achieved by current PC games or mobile games.

Of course, in order to develop such a game, in addition to being the best in technology, there is another very important aspect, that is, a good script.

Yang Fei fully informed the development team of Yinghuo and Yuedong Internet of his idea, and asked the two parties to cooperate with each other.

The development team of Yinghuo mainly conducts research on the basics.

The Yuedong Internet team is setting up the storyline.

Then the two sides merged into one.

Then a great game must be born.

Yuedong Internet's technical team is all technical men, but no one can write game dramas.

Creation is very difficult, so the team of Yuedong Internet has set its sights on major websites.

I hope to use it as a background for more in-depth optimization and adaptation.

This is a strategy used by many game scripts.

Soon, Yuedong Internet set its sights on the Internet.

And I chose a book out of tens of thousands, which is not too popular at present, but the world view is extremely rich, the characters are very distinct, and the storyline is also beautiful with ups and downs.

This one is an excellent choice whether it is shooting a TV series or making a game.

The most important thing about Changtian Technology is money, and he directly expressed to the starting point that he is willing to use 10 million to win the copyright of this book.

According to the agreement between the website and the author, the author can also get several million.

The author Wang Ergou is coding the latest chapter at home.

Suddenly, I received a call from the editor.

The editor said tremblingly in an extremely excited tone: "Wang Ergou, I have some excellent news for you."

After Wang Ergou heard this, he was still a little dazed, and he asked weakly, "Are you going to arrange for me to recommend Quanxu next week?"

Wang Ergou has been on the street for seven or eight years, and his only thought now is that he can get high-quality goods.

It is very good to earn back the monthly salary, enough to support the family.

After the editor heard this, he didn't know whether I should cry or laugh.

"What is an omni-channel recommendation? Do you know that an Internet company has taken a fancy to the IP of your book and is planning to buy your copyright."

After Wang Ergou heard this, his head was in a daze.

The monthly manuscript fee for this book in his hand is only a few thousand yuan, so it's better to deliver food, why would anyone value his copyright?

Wang Ergou asked weakly, "Then how much can I get? Can I get 50,000 yuan?"

If he gets 50,000 yuan, Wang Ergou is going to buy a second-hand car, which is convenient for his wife to commute to and from get off work and pick up the children.

The editor said: "The price offered by the other party is 10 million. According to the ratio of the website, you will basically have no worries in your next life."

After hearing this, Wang Ergou immediately shut down.

Then he stood up excitedly, and the seven-foot man burst into tears.

The cries startled the entire residential building.

Many people in the community and those who were sleeping deeply heard the cry, and when they opened the window, they would yell, "Who's dead, you have to go to the funeral parlor to cry!"

After Wang Ergou heard this, he was not angry at all, but laughed again.

Soon Yuedong Internet signed a cooperation agreement with Qidian, and purchased the entire copyright of Wang Ergou's network at a price of 10 million, and has the right to adapt it.

The story of the game is set, and there are no technical problems at all. The next step is to wait quietly for the fermentation of time.

From mid-March to mid-2016, which is June.

The major subsidiaries of Changtian Technology are doing their best.

During this period, Samsung released its own new mobile phone.

Apple has also set the release time of its new generation of iPhone7 and iPhone7plus in September 2016.

Many fans of Hanhai Technology are a little it has been almost a year since the release of the previous generation of Hanhai second mobile phone, but Changtian Technology has not moved at all.

Many fans left messages on the official Weibo of Changtian Technology, asking when the new generation of Hanhai mobile phone of Changtian Technology will be released?

The official Weibo administrator of Changjiang Technology only responded with a smile to such comments, without specifying the specific time.

At the end of June, Yang Fei got samples of two applications.

One is a game named "God of the Original Dao", and the other is a shopping platform named "If you are happy, you can chop your hands".

Both applications are developed based on the Firefly operating system and are only applicable to wearable smart devices.

Yang Fei hurriedly reported to Chen Xiao and tested the application.

(end of this chapter)

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