Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 854: Development projects worth trillions

Since the release of the Zemeng wearable device, Feng Yuan has not had a day off.

He repeatedly watched the press conference of Zemeng's wearable device.

Study every detail of Zemeng's equipment, and study whether Ali can integrate into it, and can take a share in the future era of wearable intelligence.

Some time ago, Feng Yuan hadn't got Zemeng's wearable device.

This feeling of longing and unavailability is very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, after Zemeng equipment was officially put on sale.

As a partner of Changtian Technology and Chen Xiao's old friend.

Feng Yuan still got 10 Zemeng equipment.

After getting the equipment.

Feng Yuan handed over 9 of them to the technical department to conduct research on the equipment, and he kept one of them for himself.

Using this device, Feng Yuan didn't use some daily functions too much, but directly logged into the shopping street of Chop Hands.

There are not many products and shops in the shopping street.

It should be said that there is only one store and less than 10 items.

These are test stores and test products established by Hanhai Technology for testing virtual shopping.

But even so.

Feng Yuan already felt the significance of this application.

At the same time, Feng Yuan also received related systems and equipment for uploading online shopping product information from Changtian Technology.

Feng Yuan asked the technicians to randomly select some regular products on the Internet and enter the information into the system.

The speed of input is fast and the efficiency is high, which is far higher than the input rules of tb mall and tm mall.

tb mall needs to enter a product.

The first is to take pictures of the products and upload them.

Then write the name of the product and some specific information.

Then all the information is formatted regularly before the product can be uploaded.

Although Ali has also developed some assistants for uploading products.

However, it takes at least 510 minutes to upload a product completely, which is still aimed at a skilled user.

An online store with good sales volume must use more than one product.

There are as few as 10 pieces, and as many as 20 pieces, hundreds of pieces.

It will take several days for the store to upload these products.

Coupled with some care and regulation of the store, it may take a month or two.

And if the attributes or specifications of one of the products are changed, then the seller has to re-upload the changed information.

What about the relevant upload system for virtual shopping?

You only need to enter the product information in the form, use the device to face the product 360 degrees and shoot videos inside and outside.

All product information is automatically uploaded to the system within seconds.

In the virtual world, the virtual image of the product will be automatically constructed.

It's okay if you don't want to enter the product.

The commercial street database has all the registration materials and elements of national commercial products, which can be automatically identified and selected after scanning with the device, and the merchants only need to modify and perfect them.

The strengths and weaknesses of both sides are obvious.

This is just to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the two shopping modes from the seller's point of view.

From the buyer's point of view, this experience is not on the same platform at all.

Ali started out as a trading website.

However, in order to compete with Jingdong's shopping platform and retain its own user group, it opened a new tb shopping mall in 2012.

Most of the products sold in tb shopping mall are so-called high-end products, which allows Ali to get rid of the impression of street stalls and fake and shoddy products.

Many sellers have also established their own Internet brands through this channel.

Products covered by these Internet brands include clothes, bags, cosmetics, and more.

To a certain extent, it also poses a challenge to the brand of offline physical stores.

Feng Yuan firmly believes that people in the future will become more accustomed to online shopping, so he needs to take online shopping to a higher level.

The most obvious gap between online shopping and physical shopping is that consumers can't see the real thing. When shopping online, they still have some worries in their hearts.

Feng Yuan's team has conducted big data surveys.

Almost every city above the third tier has their central streets, which are called pedestrian streets.

For example, Central Street in Bingcheng, Jinling Road in Shanghai, Chunxi Road in Rongcheng, etc.

The worst annual sales in these business districts are all above 7 billion RMB.

Most of the sales are above 10 billion RMB.

This number is very scary.

Be aware that this kind of sales is only for one city.

If you add up all the commercial streets like this across the country.

Its sales easily exceeded 100 billion, and even approached the trillion level.

If you add trillions of sales to Ali.

This data is very scary.

And the city's business district is where people spend the most money shopping in physical stores.

There are basically three types of things that consumers buy in these places.

Shoes and hats are one category.

Bags, belts, and some trinkets are considered a category.

Cosmetics are one category.

of these three categories.

There is almost no difference between the online flagship store of cosmetics and the physical store, and consumers can put their consumption habits on the Internet.

But for the remaining two categories, the experience of consumers buying online is far from as good as buying in physical stores.

The shopping street of wearable devices of Hanhai Technology can perfectly solve this problem.

Feng Yuan has already made up his mind, he wants to cooperate with Changtian Technology in the shopping street.

The content of the cooperation starts from shoes, clothes, hats, luxury bags, and cosmetics.

Let shopping in the online virtual world become an unstoppable trend.

It also allows Ali's shopping sector to develop differently from companies such as

The reason why Jingdong can rise.

The most critical factor is the change in the consumption pattern of users on major home appliances.

Major home appliances are completely different from clothes, bags, shoes and other products.

It has a fixed model, fixed function.

Consumers can grasp all the information on the Internet, and there is not much difference from the actual situation.

So compared to clothes shoes and bags.

Consumers feel more at ease when purchasing large home appliances online, and the return rate is also very low.

If Ali continues to work **** major home appliances, it will definitely compete with immediately.

At that time, the price paid will be very high, and the benefits obtained may be very low.

But work **** daily wear such as clothes and pants, bags, shoes and hats.

That could have unexpected effects.

In the past, Ali could not do this through mobile phone or computer platform shopping malls.

However, the development of wearable device technology and virtual reality technology can satisfy Ali's ambition.

Figured this out.

Feng Yuan immediately made a decision, and asked the technicians and strategic team to form a construction plan for the virtual world business world.

Feng Yuan has already walked around the shopping street for several times.

The virtual world can be infinitely large.

It is also infinitely imaginative.

It may take three or even five years to build a business circle in real life.

And it will cost tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of funds.

Considering the supporting facilities of municipal infrastructure, the cost is even greater.

Standing in the virtual world to create a perfect commercial street may only require a team of a few people, and it can be completed in a few months or weeks.

Ali's team made a complete plan for the commercial street.

This kind of planning includes some architectural styles of the commercial street, the location of the scenic spot, and where to sell what products, etc.

In order to make this negotiation more successful, Ali's technical team even completed a 3D rendering of the commercial street.

Of course, the design software used is also from Yinghuo Ecology.

After doing all the planning.

Feng Yuan personally led the team to Changzezhou without stopping.

It just so happened that Chen Xiao was free during this time, so he and Wang Xiang received Feng Yuan together.

For Feng Yuan.

Chen Xiao's inner feelings were relatively objective.

From the historical perspective of his rebirth.

Chen Xiao believes that everyone has two sides.

There are both positive and negative sides.

On the one hand, Feng Yuan and his Ali have greatly promoted the development of the Internet process in Xia Kingdom.

It can even be said with certainty that Ali has changed the way of life, study and work of Xia people.

From this aspect, Feng Yuan is worthy of recognition and admiration.

And on the other hand.

While something is gradually gaining a monopoly, Ali or the capital behind him gave up the redistribution of profits.

Even to a great extent, they only care about whether they eat well, and they don't care whether the people below are full.

From this point of view.

Ali and the capital behind him did not serve the society.

However, how to evaluate a person or a company is not for Chen Xiao alone, but for history and the public.

But Ali in 2016 is still worthy of cooperation.

But how to cooperate?

This is decided by Changtian Technology.

After meeting Chen Xiao, Feng Yuan was very happy. After some pleasantries, Feng Yuan also told Chen Xiao that he hoped to cooperate with Changtian Technology and the specific content of the cooperation.

Jointly develop the commercial street.

The capital that Feng Yuan can come up with is that the shopping website in his hands has nearly 20,000 business sellers and nearly 6 million individual sellers.

The newly developed tm mall has 60,000 business merchants.

This figure is very impressive.

Feng Yuan said: "We can take many ways to let these sellers immediately enter the virtual mall."

"The sellers in my hands have their own products and a set of mature sales methods, which can immediately make the commercial street in the virtual world the most prosperous commercial street in the world."

When Changtian Technology developed the application of the virtual commercial street.

Wang Xiang, Wen Qi and others were a little worried.

There are hardware devices.

But if there is no software device, there will certainly be no traffic.

The so-called software device is the seller who owns the product.

If you can cooperate with Ali.

Then this problem is easily solved.

Moreover, the direction of cooperation given by Feng Yuan is clothing, shoes, bags, hats and other wearable products.

And it is based on the central business districts of major cities as a template.

This direction coincided with what Chen Xiao thought.

If you want Chen Xiao to say, which company has the most potential to cooperate with at the commercial street and can be the most successful.

Chen Xiao basically approved of Feng Yuan's cooperation model.

But what about the specific cooperation method?

When Chen Xiao raised this question.

Feng Yuan already had a plan in mind.

Feng Yuan said: "I have two cooperation methods here, which can be chosen by Mr. Chen."

"The first is the model of shares. We jointly develop this commercial street and distribute it according to the shares."

"Alibaba provides all content, all merchants, and all products, and Changtian Technology provides such a platform."

"We have 70 shares, and your company has 30, but your company has a veto right in the board of directors."

"The second way of cooperation is to adopt the leasing model."

"Changtian Technology leased the virtual business to us. We pay the rent regularly. Your company doesn't have to worry about how the commercial street is developed and operated. You just wait to collect the rent."

"The rent can be discounted based on reference to the commercial streets of first- and second-tier cities. After all, online shopping still has the advantage of online shopping, and the last development did not require real construction and groundbreaking. All modeling was handed over to Let's do it."

Feng Yuan proposed these two cooperation agreements.

He thought it was very reasonable.

After all, Changtian Technology can only provide a platform without any content.

After hearing this, Wang Xiang frowned.

Because Wang Xiang felt that Feng Yuan's request was completely unreasonable.

Because the entire shopping platform is provided by Changtian Technology.

This is the core technology.

And it's a unique technology.

in the mobile phone market.

You Ali can create a shopping app, and others like or Suning can also create but in the era of wearable smart devices.

Only Changtian Technology can make virtual business.

No matter whether it is Google, Apple, Samsung, or other application development companies, there is no way to make a virtual business.

Changtian Technology is unique and has a monopoly position.

In this case.

Ali actually asked for 70% of the shares, or cooperated in the form of leasing.

That's not talking nonsense, what is that?

Just when Wang Xiang was about to speak, Chen Xiao gave Wang Xiang a look and asked Wang Xiang not to speak for now.

Chen Xiao smiled and asked Feng Yuan, "All the products in the commercial street are arranged according to the products in the commercial districts of big cities. This is to attack the mid-to-high-end shopping districts."

Feng Yuan nodded in affirmation of Chen Xiao's statement.

"The combined annual sales of the major commercial streets across the country should exceed one trillion yuan. If we can eat this piece of cake, it will be a subversive change in the entire social structure."

Feng Yuan said with a smile: "Right now housing prices across the country are extremely high, and real estate prices in some business districts are even more jaw-dropping."

"We do this to reduce the pressure on real estate."

"It also allows more residents who are far away from first- and second-tier cities to enjoy the shopping experience in the core business district more conveniently and happily."

Feng Yuan is very confident in his plan.

Because Feng Yuan has capital in his hands, hundreds of thousands of merchants and tens of millions of products owned by merchants are the capital in his hands, which is unique.

Chen Xiao nodded, but also said to Feng Yuan: "Mr. Feng, I have some objections to your cooperation plan. We, Changtian Technology, also have our own plan. Please take a look."

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