Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 857: The United States: Using national power

Yang Fei came to Chen Xiao's office to report on his work.

The most important task is the operation of the Qishui commercial district during this period.

Yang Fei obtained the commercial district through the feedback information of the user portal and the actual information of the commercial district, and the current operating condition is still good.

But users hope that the purpose of the commercial block is not just the sale of goods.

There should also be some travel scenery or social attributes.

This demand of the users coincides with the definition of the commercial district by Yang Fei and the team.

Yang Fei hopes to expand the commercial district.

In addition to reserving some locations for merchants who continue to join, the most important thing is the creation of some social attributes and scenic spots.

Because the current wearable device is not connected with the user's brain.

Therefore, the feeling that users can get in the virtual world can only be stimulated through visual and auditory senses.

So Yang Fei gave several options.

The first option is to set up some cinemas, art galleries and other places where you can watch in the commercial street.

The second option is to continue to create parks or magnificent natural landscapes outside the commercial districts.

These are all built around looks.

Chen Xiao completely agrees with these points.

Chen Xiao also added to Yang Fei: "You can set up some easter eggs for each landscape or location, and you can also set up some game-like items."

"Such as environmental adventure projects, or escape rooms, scripts can also be prepared, real scripts."

"We can build an inclusive city based on Qishui Commercial Street."

When Chen Xiao talked about some scenes in the game, Yang Fei was also full of praise!

"That's right! Escape from the secret room, script killing, or some adventure survival games that integrate with the natural landscape! Why didn't we think of all this!"

"Based on the commercial street, create an all-encompassing virtual city!

This goal is much bigger than creating a virtual neighborhood! "

Yang Fei also knew that everything had to go to the front.

Waiting for the complete mass production of Longsky Technology's neuron computing group, and the connection of neuron chips and human brains in life science and medical laboratories, the entire environment will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Human technology and way of life will be reset.

Chen Xiao also said to Yang Fei very seriously: "Not only must we play the role of Yinghuo Technology, but also drive the role of the technology companies under the entire ecological chain."

"Let them know that the Yinghuo ecological chain is a complete and rich ecological chain with a large number of users, and it will have a very good development prospect in the future."

12 o'clock that night

Ali's official Weibo announced that the final sales volume of today's commercial street event was 29.738 billion RMB.

After the announcement of this news.

The entire Internet is boiling.

"My God, the virtual commercial street has such a terrifying sales volume in less than a day!"

"This is even scarier than the physical commercial street!"

Except for the surprised comments from netizens.

More netizens are just sharing their shopping energy on the virtual street on social platforms.

Because the virtual street can choose to record or shoot user information throughout the process.

So many users have saved their best photos and videos.

"I also went shopping this afternoon! The clothes I bought will not only be delivered in the physical store, but also can be worn immediately in the virtual world. This setting is really wonderful!"

"In the Qishui commercial block, in addition to shopping in it, there are many beautiful scenery beside the block, which we cannot see in our daily life!"

Immediately afterwards, the user released photos and videos taken by himself at the 100-meter-high waterfall, as well as at the golden beach and the mirror of the sky.

When these photos and videos appeared on the Internet.

People couldn't help exclaiming.

"Is this a virtual world or the real world!?"

"I don't see any difference from the real world!"

"Oh my god!


"Is this scenery really the scenery in the virtual world? It's really beautiful!"

"It's so beautiful to take pictures here! You can enjoy such a beautiful scenery without leaving your home! Even to appreciate these scenery, I have to buy a Zemeng wearable device!"

that night.

Zemeng wearable devices, as well as Chop Chop Hands shopping street and Qishui business district, as well as beautiful scenery, have become hot searches on Weibo.

There are many tb mall, tm mall and other sellers who are going to do online sales, and they are excited.

They think that this is definitely not inferior to the cusp like Ali.

Rents are expensive in commercial stores in physical stores today, and the flow of customers is decreasing.

Today, when the return rate of online stores is increasing, it is not recognized by users.

It may really be a good time to open a shop in a virtual block.

Many sellers are sleepless late at night.

They formed a complete business plan overnight, hoping to get this plan and negotiate with Changtian Technology or Ali to see what kind of qualifications they need to be able to enter the virtual store.

Some merchants with brands and enterprises are fine.

Those home-based businesses or individual businesses, they also want to get a share of it.

So some merchants left messages under the Weibo of Hanhai Technology and Changtian Technology.

How can I inquire about the specific matters of staying in a commercial district?

After watching the evening fireworks show with the handsome guy in the virtual neighborhood, Lu Shuang reluctantly prepares to go offline separately.

Lu Shuang and the handsome guy embraced each other and kissed lightly before parting.

Although it is a virtual world, there is no way to enjoy more in terms of touch.

But being able to feel each other's skin at close range is much more refreshing than chatting with some social software on a smartphone or posting pictures.

At the time of parting.

Lu Shuang suddenly had an evil thought.

What would you see if you took off all your clothes in the virtual world?

Will it generate something the same as your own body, or a mosaic?

It is human nature to die.

Because today in the virtual block, some users have already jumped from the 2nd or 3rd floor.

Some people jumped directly into the sea or under the cliff to test themselves to see if they could die in the virtual world.

As a result, there was no body.

The user is simply returned to the original login location.

Lu Shuang is really planning to find a very secret place to try the next time he enters the virtual world.

It's all virtual anyway.

Why not give it a try?

Back in the room in real life.

Lu Shuang sat up from the bed and stretched, feeling very comfortable all over.

Lu Shuang immediately used the wearable device to log in to her WeChat and Chat accounts.

And in the photo album, I saw the photos and videos I took in the virtual world today.

That kind of beautiful scenery.

Man and nature or streetscape become one.

This kind of shooting skills and sense of picture.

Lu Shuang or his friends will definitely not be able to take pictures.

And this feeling is like Lu Shuang traveled to the most beautiful place in the world.

Some of the environments or scenery in the virtual world do not exist in real life, but they are more grand and beautiful than real life.

Lu Shuang selected some photos from them and sent them to his WeChat and Moments.

This time, the whole circle of friends was fried.

Friends on the road saw such stunning photos, and all left comments below.

"Where did you go, Lu Shuang! This photo is so beautiful!"

"That's right, Lu Shuang, why didn't you call me when you went out to play? I said, why did I call you out for milk tea in the afternoon? You didn't come, so you went on a trip!"

"Have you traveled abroad? Did you report to a group or go by yourself? How much did you spend in total?"

In less than half an hour, more than 100 people liked the success, and more than 30 friends left messages below.

Lu Shuang has been playing WeChat and Suichao for so long, and from time to time, she will post to Moments.

It was the first time that so many people gave me likes and comments.

That kind of full sense of pride and pride arises spontaneously.

What is the value of the circle of friends or social media?

A small part is to record their own lives on it, and most of them also hope to reflect their personal value while recording their lives.

Lu Shuang also had a desire in his heart.

Eager to be recognized by friends or society.

Eager to be able to show yourself.

Lu Shuang would not lie to her friends that she was traveling abroad.

She honestly replied below: "You can see from the last photo, I am in the virtual mall among Hanhaizemeng wearable devices."

This kind of reply shocked the friends in Moments even more.

They have also heard of Zemeng equipment and the virtual world.

I thought that the virtual world is the same 3D picture as using a mobile phone or a PC.

After seeing Lu Shuang's photos and videos just now, Cece realized that the virtual world of Changtian Technology and the virtual world in their consciousness are completely different things.

This stimulates everyone's desire to buy Zemeng wearable devices.

as expected.

On the second day, the Zemeng equipment that had just arrived at the major experience stores was swept away by customers before 12:00.

Zemeng equipment continues to be out of stock.

Compared with Changtian Technology's Hanhai series high-low product Zemeng equipment and Hanhai three mobile phones, most consumers are no longer interested in Apple and Samsung's products.

Even the wearable device developed by Google, which has spent tens of billions of dollars, is extremely embarrassing in front of the torture equipment of Changtian Technology.

As long as there is no problem with the brain.

No one should buy a wearable device developed by Google.

Changtian Technology and Ali are also very busy on this day.

They received tens of thousands of applications.

Tens of thousands of sellers hope to settle in the virtual mall.

Among these sellers are individual sellers and corporate sellers.

According to the agreement between Changtian Technology and Ali.

During this period, most enterprise sellers will be selected by Ali, and those who pass the review can settle in.

As for individual buyers, after Ali's review, they can set up stalls on the East Street of the virtual shopping street.

Since then, the entire virtual shopping street has been very lively.

Wen Qi made a simple assessment here.

Follow this rhythm.

Hanhai Technology's financial statements this year will be very good.

Profits are likely to be 23 times last year.

If the production of Zemeng's wearable equipment is mentioned, the profit of Hanhai Technology will be four times that of last year, which is also very promising.

Chen Xiao doesn't care how much Zemengke's equipment can be mass-produced and sold this year.

Because this year was only a tentative launch of wearable devices.

In Chen Xiao's plan.

Zemeng wearable devices are not really wearable devices.

To allow users to truly experience the virtual world.

Just having sight and hearing is not enough.

Taste, smell and even various senses in daily life should be essential.

Therefore, the mass production of neuron computing tissue is very important.

After Chen Xiao arranged the things in hand, she and Qu Ping came to the laboratory again.

Get ready for the last puzzle of your lab assignment.

California, USA.

Sang Da took off the wearable device on his head.

He has something unbelievable, and he can't get back to his senses after sitting in his seat for a long time.

At present, Zemeng wearable devices can be used by overseas users for 24 hours without registration.

So this way Sundar was able to bring the wearable to try it out.

He just used the basic functions of Zemeng's equipment, the game and the popular virtual commercial district in Xiaguo.

After experiencing all this, Sander thinks that the wearable device that Google spends a lot of money to develop is rubbish.

At the same time, relevant departments in the United States also felt the threat of Changtian Technology.

So a day later.

UU Kanshu, in the name of the Computer and Network Association, convened a meeting of important leaders of American technology companies including Apple, Qualcomm, and Google.

This time, the United States did not invite Xia Guo brands such as Lianxiang.

Its purpose is self-evident.

This time, the relevant departments of the United States are really anxious.

In recent years, the United States has adopted various methods to restrain the development of Changtian Technology.

Although it was not successful, it seemed to make Changtian Technology bigger and stronger.

And it has seriously affected the status of American technology companies and the global interests of the United States.

In the major elite circles and academic circles in the United States, everyone has already had a correct understanding of the strength of Changtian Technology - super scientific research ability, super innovative ability, and difficult to be imitated.

A certain laboratory has tried every means to produce a virus that can infect the combined colony.

In the end, it was dissolved invisible by the powerful scientific research ability of Changtian Technology.

A certain laboratory also caused a commotion.

The relevant departments of the United States had to come out to refute the rumors.

This time the conference.

The major technology companies in the United States have reached a firm alliance.

They will take all measures and methods to figure out how Longsky Technology's wearable devices and the virtual world operate.

And this time.

The relevant intelligence agencies of the United States are directly involved.

Elite intelligence personnel have already gone to Xiangjiang City in Xiaguo.

In the country of Xia, there are also relevant personnel to cooperate.

And everyone agreed.

If you can't get it, you will destroy it.

It is absolutely impossible to let Changtian Technology's wearable smart devices develop, let alone let Changtian Technology lead the development of future technological trends.

Google's Sander also had to use some of the power that Google had lurked for more than ten years at this time.

Shanghai Stock Exchange, Maodong Building.

A secret meeting is also going on.

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