Chen Xiao was Qu Ping's master.

Qu Ping has been studying with Chen Xiao since she left Xiaguo Academy of Sciences.

Moreover, Qu Ping's own learning ability and innovative scientific research ability are higher than Huang Ling and Shu Rou's.

So he became the head of the most core laboratory of Changtian Technology - the life science and medical laboratory.

The two have been together for such a long time, and they know each other very well.

When Chen Ling saw Qu Ping's appearance, she knew that this little girl must be playing tricks again.

But seeing the equipment in his hand, Chen Xiao couldn't help admiring it.

Human creativity is always boundless.

Chen Xiao just told the laboratory the basic logic and principles of some experiments, but did not tell them what the final experimental results were. Chen Xiao was very satisfied with what the laboratory could produce.

The wearable device in the hand is like a flat button.

Under the light, the buttons have a silver metallic luster, which is very exciting to watch.

Let's not talk about the function of this device, just the appearance is very exciting.

Chen Xiao picked up the device.

Of course, he will not choose to install the device on the scalp for a long time, so he wears the device in the cochlea.

Chen Xiao shook her head vigorously, this feeling is quite good.

At least it can ensure that the equipment will not fall when people are exercising.

"This design is indeed very ingenious, not bad."

Chen Xiao's praise for the equipment is from the heart

Because the device does not feel the slightest discomfort when worn in the ear socket, it is even more comfortable than wearing earplugs.

If the user uses the device for a long time, it is completely possible to stick the device on the scalp for a long time.

This will reduce the foreign body sensation, and even think that the device is a part of the body.

After putting on the host computer, Chen Xiao was going to put on his glasses.

Qu Ping said: "If the user accidentally forgets the glasses and only owns the host, it will not affect the use."

"It's just that you can't look at the screen, so you can still call and listen to social software or text messages, and you can also reply through voice."

Chen Xiao nodded and put the device on his head.

Qu Ping exchanged glances with the technicians around her, but did not speak.

The operation interface of the entire wearable device is no different from that of the Zemeng wearable device that has been released.

Of course, after adopting the neuron system group, the performance of the whole chip will be greatly improved.

Computing power will also be stronger.

This paves the way for the launch of more complex applications in the future.

In order to test the performance of the latest chips.

While opening the virtual world in Qishui City, Chen Xiao said to Qu Ping: "You tell the chip department that you can start developing a super server based on the Jinghong No. 2 chip."

"In the future, there will still be a lot of work that requires our cloud computing, including the launch of smart new energy vehicles in the future, and the amount of computing will be hundreds or even tens of thousands of times that of today."

"The servers previously built using carbon crystal chips should be handed over to the subsidiary for internal use."

The successful research and development of the neuron computing group and the reduction in cost are not only meaningful for wearable devices, but more importantly, they should have important performance in the fields of servers and PCs.

Especially the central server of Changtian Technology.

The central server not only provides data computing services for the entire company, but a large part of them also provides services for users in the entire market.

Improving the performance of the server can also improve the user experience of using the device.

If Chengtian Technology, the computing technology company of Xiaguo Academy of Sciences, wants to eliminate the servers that are mainly carbon crystal chips that it has developed and assembled, it will definitely beat its chest with anger.

After all, the servers that Changtian Technology is currently using are among the top in the world.

Others can't ask for it, and Changtian Technology is about to be eliminated.

Isn't this reckless? What is it?

Qu Ping kept nodding her head and agreed wholeheartedly.

A project using the Neuron Computing Group Development Center server has already begun.

It is expected that the new server will be successfully built by the end of this year.

Chen Xiao entered the virtual world while talking.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Why didn't you just walk out of a room? The landing point has changed?"

Chen Xiao walked out of the initial landing room while talking.


He suddenly felt a pain coming from the sole of his foot.

He was so scared that he jumped up quickly.

It turned out that he was actually barefoot, and there were tricky plastic spikes on the ground.

At this time, Qu Ping and other technicians couldn't help laughing.

This is a gift from the team to the boss.

The purpose is to let the boss really feel the different experience brought by Jinghong 2 chip to wearable devices.

Still feel pain in sole of foot.

But this pain is not very deep.

Just have such a feeling.

This is the relevant data transmitted by wearable devices through brain waves.

Can make users experience some feelings.

But compared with the real feeling, there is still a certain gap.

However, it is indeed the first time in human history that technology can be achieved in this way.

Chen Ling didn't blame Qu Ping and the others for the pain in the soles of her feet, but gave her a thumbs up instead.

"The work is very solid, and the steps can be a little bigger. Next time, we can prepare a cesspit outside the room."

"It has a taste and a feel."

Qu Ping and the others quickly put away their smiles, but they couldn't hold back their discomfort.

The virtual world of the new device is not connected to the virtual world that has already provided services to consumers, similar to a single-player stand-alone game.

But Chen Xiao briefly tried it, and he has already seen the bright future brought to the entire Internet era after the advent of the Jinghong No. 2 chip.

However, the amount of data superimposed by the Jinghong chip is not parallel, but multiple and multi-dimensional.

Take Chen Xiao's shoes as an example.

In the past, the shoe was just a visual image, and the audio image was superimposed.

The visual image is the appearance, color and texture of the shoes.

The audio image is the sound of shoes stepping on the ground.

But now the shoes also give the user a feeling, and even a smell.

For example, if he just walked out of the room, if Chen Xiao was wearing shoes, he wouldn't feel the bump on the ground or the cold.

This will superimpose the two-dimensional data on the previous basis.

In addition, if users have special hobbies, they will take the shoes to their noses and smell them to see if their feet are smelly.

This again overlays the 1D data.

Changtian Technology's requirement for the entire team is that in the virtual world, everything needs to be composed of multi-dimensional data.

This burst of data volume is very scary.

Must rely on powerful supercomputers and servers, and powerful storage devices.

And it was in Chen Xiao's ultimate vision.

Virtual worlds can also be shaped.

The shaping here is not the designers or developers in real life shaping the virtual world, but the users in the virtual world shaping the virtual world.

This shaping is divided into physical shaping and chemical shaping, and even biological shaping.

The so-called physical shaping is similar to digging up the clay on the ground in the virtual world, and it will become pottery after shaping.

And chemical shaping will also be realized in the virtual world. For example, if the user lights a pile of leaves in the virtual world, the leaves will be burned into carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and other substances. In addition, a lot of heat will be generated, and alkali compounds will also be produced. .

Biological shaping, for example, the user raises two chickens in the virtual world, one male and one female.

After the hen lays eggs, the chicks can hatch.

All of these will conform to the law of conservation of matter and energy in the virtual world.

It is not created out of thin air using data.

This is Chen Xiao's extremely grand dream.

To realize such a grand dream, there are three foundations that must be realized.

This is to complete the modeling of a large number of basic substances.

This is really similar to universe modeling.

What is needed is not only experts and technicians in computer, science or network science related fields, but also experts and scholars in basic disciplines such as natural science.

Changtian Technology originally chose to set up a natural science research institute in Changzezhou.

Also to prepare for today.

The second basic data is extremely complex calculations.

Matter is moving forward, whether it is physical chemistry or other movements, it needs to be supported by huge computational logic.

These calculations only rely on wearable devices worn by users, which is definitely unrealistic.

Must rely on powerful supercomputers and servers.

So this is also a great test for the operation of data.

The third is the number of users, which must be large enough.

When the number of users reaches a certain scale, all that Changtian Technology has done is meaningful.

Chen Xiao tried playing in the virtual world, and quit after a while.

Although the various feelings that the virtual world gives users are not particularly strong.

But at least it has emerged.

For example, Chen Xiao just picked a fruit from a tree and put it in his mouth to bite.

He could really feel something in his mouth, the fragrance and crispness of the fruit and the sweet juice in the whole mouth.

It is already very good to be able to achieve such an effect.

Qu Ping even thought that this function was absolutely friendly to girls when she developed such a function.

In this way, girls can eat and drink in the virtual world without worrying about gaining weight, acne and spots.

In the essence of the experiment, some male experimenters had some evil thoughts.

Since the connection between the neuron chip and the brain nerves makes the brain feel in the virtual world.

So does it feel like doing that kind of thing in there?

But this is all in the initial design phase.

There is still a long way to go to really put it into the application.

The technology team of Changtian Technology immediately devoted itself to the design and construction of super servers and super computers.

Qu Ping and Yang Fei tried to find a way to further optimize the settings of the Jinghong II chip and the virtual world.

At the same time, Changtian Technology has submitted a test application to the relevant state departments in the name of the group company.

It is hoped that this application can be tested on humans.

The purpose of the test is to see whether this method will cause damage to the human body.

After all, things related to the brain, the entire knowledge system and health system are still relatively complicated.

at the same time.

Jobs had flown to Europe.

This time, he was talking with relevant departments of the European Union, as well as relevant departments and enterprises of Germany, France and other countries for Zemeng and the launch of wearable devices in Europe.

Longsky Technology hopes that Zemeng equipment can be listed on the European market.

The cooperation method is the same as that of the original Hanhai mobile phone.

The right to sell and operate the equipment can be handed over to the local operator, and the two parties will share according to a certain ratio.

Longsky Technology is also willing to allow European technology companies to join in the design of the virtual world.

In the past 10 to 20 years, the Internet development in Europe has been lagging behind.

Not limited to Xia, South Korea, Dongyang, etc., the country is far behind the United States.

These 20 years have been hailed by many experts on European issues as Europe's lost 20 years.

Because with the rise of the Internet age, relying closely on traditional industries has been unable to support the development of most European countries.

However, after Changtian Technology cooperated with these European countries, it helped many European countries to cultivate a large number of Internet applications and industrial companies, and solved the employment problem in Italy.

It also makes many Internet technical talents in Europe willing to stay in their home country to start a business instead of going to the United States.

Therefore, the future virtual world that Jobs told them still attracted the attention of European consortiums and large enterprises.

Coupled with the large size of Changtian Technology and the personal charm of Jobs.

France, Spain, Portugal, Germany and other 10 countries in Central and Western Europe have agreed in principle that Zemeng equipment can be listed in Germany and France also have urgent and long-term technology negotiations, hoping to follow the example of Hanhai Mobile phones, part of the production of Zemeng equipment is also placed in Europe, so as to solve the employment problem in Europe.

The production cost of the equipment in Europe must be much higher than that of Xia Guo.

The higher the cost, the lower the profit.

However, a large number of profit points of Changtian Technology come from the application ecological chain and the future virtual community.

Therefore, the cost of equipment is higher and the profit is lower, which is completely acceptable.

And Europe is absolutely egoistic.

If they themselves have no interests.

It is absolutely impossible to cooperate with you willingly.

So whether it is Changtian Technology’s investment support and other ecological companies, or European manufacturers that produce mobile phones and wearable devices in the future.

They are more or less connected with some politicians.

Everyone shares the profits, and everyone gets the benefits.

Jobs is still very generous.

A large number of Zemeng equipment was presented to those European parliamentarians and some responsible persons of relevant departments in related countries.

As for the launch of Zemeng equipment in the European market, and the big price reduction of Hanhai 3 mobile phones, it will definitely continue to squeeze the profits and market share of Apple, Samsung and Google behind it.

But who cares about these companies in Europe?

Unless Google or Apple can give them higher profits.

According to the current situation.

It's hard to do.

During Jobs' operation in Europe, members of the European Union formally proposed a proposal to the Parliament.

Approved Zemeng equipment and Hanhai 3 equipment to enter the European market at the same time.

This time the United States is in a hurry.

For U.S. capital.

They have plenty of ways to stir up the situation in the whole of Europe.

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