Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 862: the enemy lurking in the depths

Most of the people present were Western journalists.

Such as bb or "New York Times" and other media.

These media and Changtian Technology have never dealt with each other, and have never sought any benefits from Changtian Technology.

So this time they came to Hanhai Technology's residence to wait for Jobs' speech, more because of the meaning of seeing Hanhai Technology's jokes.

Originally, this was just a simple press briefing, and Jobs did not expect so many reporters to come.

Numerous shots were aimed at Jobs.

These shots seem to have cracked teeth, and it seems that they are really mocking Jobs, a loser, a loser.

Jobs can be regarded as a person who has experienced wind and rain, and he is not surprised by these scenes.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the press briefing officially began.

Jobs looked at the camera, and did not conceal the failure of Hanhai Technology's wearable devices in Europe this time.

Jobs said generously to the media: "Hanhai Technology came to Europe this time, hoping to bring our best products and services to European consumers."

"We hope that Hanhai Technology's latest wearable devices can meet consumers in Europe."

Jobs laughed and said bluntly: "But due to well-known reasons, our Zemeng wearable device may have to postpone meeting European consumers."

"I think this is a major loss for Hanhai Technology and users in Europe."

"However, Changtian Technology Group and our Hanhai Technology will always put the cooperation with Europe at the top of the list. Hanhai Technology will continue to provide technical services for Hanhai mobile phones, Nokia mobile phones, and Bird mobile phones. Thank you."

Jobs will not make too many stopovers in Europe, he and his team have bought tickets to return to Xiaguo tonight.

Just when Jobs finished speaking and was about to leave the hotel lobby and return to his room, the reporters did not plan to let Jobs go. To be precise, they did not plan to let Changtian Technology Group go so easily.

The bbc reporter has prepared several sharp questions, which are closely related to the hot topics on twitter and facebook.

Their purpose is also very simple, that is, to do everything they can to make Changtian Technology rotten.

Only by discrediting Changtian Technology and Hanhai Technology, a subsidiary of Changtian Technology, it will be more difficult for Hanhai Technology's products to come to Europe next time.

So the bbc reporter almost put the microphone in front of Jobs, and asked a very rude question: "Hanhai Technology's wearable devices have backdoors that can steal users' privacy, posing a threat to users' information security and even life safety."

"This time the European Parliament rejected the Zemeng wearable device. Does it mean that the products of Hanhai Technology are indeed Xiaguo's national strategic products, which will violate and take advantage of the privacy of European users?"

Jobs is not Wang Xiang. He is a native American and is very familiar with American and European culture.

So of course he knew that the BBC asked this question to lure himself to answer according to the BBC's routine.

As long as Jobs answered this question, whether yes or no, the BBC would have the next relative question waiting for Jobs.

At that time, everything will be intertwined, no matter how you answer it, it will be wrong, and the BBC can also make a fuss.

Jobs was not afraid of this question, and said with a smile: "Before you ask this question again, you can show a reliable bill."

This is a fatal stalk of the bbc.

Sure enough, after Jobs finished speaking, many media reporters in the audience roared with laughter.

The bbc reporters had no choice but to shut up.

Because Jobs basically announced that the BBC is not qualified to ask questions at all.

Jobs asked the BBC to provide the bill to satirize the BBC for using a fake bank statement to defraud Diana for an interview, and also satirizes the BBC as a concentration of fake news.

The Times reporter is also cheeky. Even if the BBC was ridiculed by Jobs, he continued to ask questions.

"Mr. Jobs, we have also seen the safety issue of Zemeng wearable devices on Facebook and Twitter. Outside the parliament, there are also many people protesting and refusing to use Changtian Technology's Zemeng devices. What is your opinion on this matter?" What do you think?"

Jobs smiled.

These Western media must not let go of this issue.

In fact, it is necessary for Jobs to admit that the safety of Hanhai Technology's Zemeng wearable device is not enough.

Jobs said: "Changtian Technology has never had a security problem that has been verified by an authoritative department since it was engaged in Internet applications until now. Our Hanhai mobile phone is also rated as the most secure mobile phone in the world."

"I think whether a device is safe is not determined by a few rumors on the Internet whose origins are unknown, but by consumers."

Jobs added: "Cooperation is not unilateral but a mutual agreement between the two parties. This time we were able to come to Europe because of the invitation of European countries and relevant departments and companies."

"thank you all."

After answering the questions calmly, Jobs returned to the hotel to pack his suitcases under the **** of the security personnel, left the hotel to go to the airport and then returned to Changzezhou.

The photo of Jobs leaving the hotel and getting into the car was taken by a BBC reporter.

The headlines on the front page of the BBC and other European media that day were: "Waterloo of Changtian Technology, Jobs returns to Xiaguo with no income."

Of course, the European media and some opponents fell into a carnival, and the European media also took this opportunity to continue to discredit Longsky Technology's wearable devices.

Companies such as Samsung and Apple played the security card and carried out various activities to squeeze the living space of Hanhai mobile phones and Nokia mobile phones.

Seeing this step, Maisle and other European enlightened people felt infinite anger, remorse and discomfort.

When Jobs returned to Changzezhou, the first thing he did was to meet Chen Xiao and report on the work in Europe.

Jobs said: "The key point is in public opinion and protest."

"Many EU liberal MPs also feel very regretful and uncomfortable with the result of this vote."

"But the brains of Europeans are all one-sided. Most people don't think about issues comprehensively, but follow a line, and they are easy to get emotional."

Emotionalization is actually the inevitable result of the European democratic system. After that, even if the elites in Europe can think seriously and calmly, they will have to be coerced by these so-called people and make decisions that are not their true thoughts. .

This kind of stupid character was shaped by thousands of years of European culture, and it was also used by Anglo-Saxons such as Britain and the United States to the fullest, so that the United States and the wolfhounds he raised could reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Chen Xiao said, "Why are bb, The Times, Twitter, Facebook and other British and American media so active this time?"

"The sole purpose of Britain's existence is to mess up the world, and the only purpose of America's existence is to mess up the world."

"The reason why Europeans protest is because they still have so-called stable jobs and relatively stable wages. Every year, a large number of automobiles, chemicals, and mechanical products are exported to Xiaguo, allowing them to earn a lot of money."

"A person who eats and drinks enough and feels that his current life is very good will not be content."

After Chen Ling finished speaking, Jobs already knew what Chen Ling was going to do next.

Except for agriculture and industry, all industries in Europe have basically been hollowed out.

And finance is firmly in the hands of the Americans, and when the other party is upset, they will reap a handful.

There is no cure for such a Europe.

After Chen Xiao summarized the relevant situation of the Internet media and paper media during this period, he handed it to Jobs and said, "There must be a reason for the groundless rumors. I have already asked someone to investigate these two matters."

Two things, one is that a college student committed suicide after playing the game "Overlook", and the other is that the so-called data was stolen when the engineers in the United States were working in the virtual world.

If the former suffered huge profits from the Internet and committed suicide, then Changtian Technology is indeed responsible for supervision. If the punishment should be rectified, Changtian Technology will definitely accept it, and will actively assist the user's family in handling the funeral and condolences to the deceased user's family.

But the latter problem is serious.

Data leakage, which involves the fundamentals of Changtian Technology.

If there is a problem with the data in the virtual world, it proves that the data security system of Changtian Technology was wrongly set up at the beginning, even worse than the ios.

If you talk about the last question, Chen Xiao can bear it, but the latter question is absolutely unacceptable.

At this moment, Wen Qi walked over quickly.

Wen Qi sent a piece of information to Chen Xiao, and said, "The preliminary investigation results of the matter have come out."

Chen Xiao finished the information and looked at it in detail.

Wen Qi said: "The first thing has been found out. The student who jumped to his death in the school was called Qiao Yu. He was a freshman this year and was studying at the Second Industrial University in Shanghai. His hometown is in the rural areas of Hui Province."

"In the game "Overwatch World", he bought a lot of equipment, spent all the tuition and living expenses provided by his family, and borrowed an online loan of 5,000 yuan. In the end, he couldn't bear the insult and harassment of the online loan, and committed suicide by jumping off the building."

Wang Xiang, who was on the side, felt very strange when he heard Wen Qi's remarks, and said: "A five thousand yuan online loan? Even if the family is poor, a college student is a boy, work harder, and work more during spare time and summer vacation. That's two or three months, how could he not commit suicide!"

Wang Xiang also never came out of the countryside, so he still has a lot of sympathy for students in the countryside who can go to college.

I feel that it is not easy for students to come out, and there is still a broad stage after college, so it is not worth it to belittle life like this.

Wen Qi obviously knows more about Internet finance than Wang Xiang, she said: "It is true that I only borrowed 5,000 yuan online, but in fact the loan fee is 3,000 yuan, and he only got 2,000 yuan in hand, and the interest is very high." Terrible, he now needs to repay a total of 200,000."

After hearing this data, Wang Xiang exclaimed, "This is not murder!"

Wen Qi nodded helplessly and said, "That's right, this is murder."

"The staff of the online loan company came to the door to ask for debts, and distributed the student's personal information to the school and the parents of the student. The student was afraid of being blamed by his parents and thought that he would not be able to pay so much money, so he committed suicide. At present, the police The department has stepped in to investigate."

Wen Qi said angrily: "The student has reached the age of eighteen, has full capacity for civil conduct, and is a college student, so he must be responsible for his own words and deeds. Even if we buy kitchen knives, we cannot Those with kitchen knives should be responsible for killing people with kitchen knives!"

"Also, this incident was all caused by online loans, and has nothing to do with cyberbullying while playing games."

"However, the Western media forcibly linked this matter with the Zemeng wearable device, saying that the Zemeng device leaked the privacy of the students, and let the people who exposed it on the Internet come to the door."

Chen Xiao said: "News pays attention to timeliness and explosiveness. As long as these two points are achieved, then the influence will come out. As for whether the news is true or not, no one will pursue it."

"Western journalists have put a lot of effort into this. We are now restoring the authenticity of the news, which is useless to many Western people."

Of course Wen Qi knew this truth, otherwise the BBC would be a fake news manufacturing center, and such a name is not just a talk.

Breaking Gimmick, hype, some operations have ruined Changtian Technology's business, and it doesn't matter whether the following news is true or not.

Wen Qi continued: "The second thing is very strange."

Chen Xiao said, "What's going on?"

Wen Qi pointed to a point in the report and said: "We have been encouraging software companies to come up with innovative things during this time, so as long as the applications that pass the review will be included in our application collection for users to use."

Chen Xiao nodded and said, "The current Firefly ecological chain is indeed the policy."

Chen Xiao used the user rating system this time.

All applications in the Firefly Ecosystem are accepted, but if the user does not use it for a period of time, or does not comment, the application in the application collection will be automatically removed from the shelf.

The elimination of the market is more useful than the opinion of a certain technician or leader of Yinghuo Ecological Company.

This is definitely beneficial to the healthy development of the Firefly ecological chain, but it also has a disadvantage, that is, some applications that were not of high quality but met the review standards in the early stage are also included in the application collection.

Chen Xiao said, "Go ahead."

Wen Qi said: "It stands to reason that we already have a very mature word processing application set Cangjie Office, and our application set also provides users with Cangjie Office by default."

"But this time it's very strange. When an American engineer who doesn't understand uses the office application set in the virtual world, he gave up the default Cangjie Office that pops up directly. And the text-based office applications that are not easy to use, and then leaked."

"In terms of technical means, it is true that the data was passed through the Changtian technology ecological chain once, and then the secret was leaked."

Wen Qi sneered and said, "Do you think this incident was a coincidence or intentional?"

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