Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 865: Global Strategic Layout

【Rebirth 1999: Opening the Era of Black Technology】【】

Li Youdao thought it was the person sent by Yinghuo Technology Company to pick him up.

He also smiled, showing his gentleman side.

"Is Mr. Yang's car outside? Actually, there is no need to bother Mr. Yang. We also have a car here."

Yang Fei was able to send someone to the airport to greet him, which showed that Yinghuo Company was very concerned about the cooperation with Rice Husk Group.

Li Youdao still thinks this etiquette is very useful.

Who knows, just when Li Youdao turned around to get his luggage.

He suddenly felt a chill on his wristband.

When Li Youdao was surprised, he turned around and saw the person behind him. He smiled and said to him: "We are the national security department. I hope Mr. Li can cooperate with us."

Li Youdao's heart skipped a beat.

I didn't do anything bad, and I wasn't afraid of ghosts knocking on the door.

Li Youdao had done too many things in his heart, so he didn't know why Guoan came to him this time.

Is it because the company I controlled was found to be doing Internet finance and online loans in violation of regulations?

Or was your company found tax evasion?

But even if it is tax evasion or doing online loans.

But what if those two things were found.

In any case, the public security department came to find me, how could it be the national security department.

If the national security department came to find me, could it be...

Li Youdao's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and his back felt a little chilly.

He smiled awkwardly at the man in black, and said, "Can I contact my lawyer?"

National security, contact a lawyer?

Think too much!

Just when Li Youdao took out the phone, the phone was confiscated directly, and the whole person was stuffed into the car.

That night, news spread in the Internet industry that Li Youdao and his son were arrested by relevant departments because they were involved in serious crimes.

The industry took it for granted that this news was linked to the news that Firefly OS directly removed multiple applications of Rice Husk from the shelves a few days ago.

Everyone is discussing whether the Firefly operating system has received some instructions from the relevant state departments?

Just when rumors swirl across the industry.

Hanhai Technology and Yinghuo Ecology, a subsidiary of Changtian Technology, announced in a joint statement about college students who committed suicide after being harassed by the Internet while playing games, and the information disclosure of users using wearable devices.

The entire briefing is up to 1,000 words.

It sorted out the cause and effect of the whole incident in detail, as well as the industrial chain of the rice husk company and the connection between the funds behind him and the American Foundation.

At the same time, it announced the exact evidence, and informed that the operation of the Firefly operating system and its ecological chain relies on the powerful servers and supercomputers of Changtian Technology, which can guarantee the security of all application-level and user data.

There are some things that Changtian Technology did not say in the announcement, but people in the industry know it at a glance.

Why is the rice husk group such a secret incident being found out?

It is not because of the relevant state departments, nor is it because of the conclusions drawn by any media secret visits to dig news.

It is the analysis function of Changtian Technology's powerful servers and supercomputers that make everything invisible.

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【Rebirth 1999: Opening the Era of Black Technology】【】

This kind of strength is very terrifying.

It also sounded a wake-up call for a large number of operators.

If you want to make money, then the excellent applications developed and created can be put on the application collection of Changtian Technology Firefly OS.

Application Collection is a fair and just platform that can allow a small rice husk company to grow into a giant Internet company, and of course it can also give other companies the same opportunity.

But if you are afraid of the strict censorship system of Changtian Technology, that’s totally fine. Your company and applications don’t have to enter the Firefly OS ecosystem.

All of this is voluntary.

The announcement of Changtian Technology this time is to inform all application providers.

If you want to make money, we welcome it very much.

If you want to come not only to make money, but also to engage in some small tricks, then I am really embarrassed.

The Firefly system is an ecological chain, and you are not welcome.

After the announcement of this statement from Changtian Technology.

Relevant departments also issued a notice in white on a blue background.

Li Youdao, his son, and as many as 10 senior executives of the Rice Husk Group were simultaneously called for inquiry and investigation.

The Xiangjiang Stock Exchange and the NASDAQ of the United States mercilessly terminated the listing process of Rice Husk Group.

The related foundations in the United States, and the capital behind them, tried their best to get rid of their connection with the rice husk company.

A chess piece is a chess piece.

After losing its effect, of course the relationship must be put aside.

The role of the rice hull company is to prevent Zemeng wearable devices from being launched in Europe.

Now the purpose has been achieved.

But what makes the capital of the United States a little uncomfortable is that a chess piece they buried was pulled out before it was fully functional.

After all, Rice Husk Group also undertakes another difficult task-to figure out how the Yinghuo ecosystem works from the inside.

This kind of task seems to be impossible to complete in the short term.

However, Zemeng equipment has already left some bad impressions in the minds of European users.

For a long time, the wearable devices of Changtian Technology will definitely not be listed in Europe.

As long as there is no way for Zemeng equipment to go on the market, American electronic products can continue to be sold in Europe.

This also meets the requirements of American capital.

So even if Xia Guo announced the truth of some things now, who cares about European users?

After hearing the news, Xia Guo's netizens were extremely angry.

"I just said that the Firefly ecological chain is very safe. There have been many hacker organizations in the United States that have launched attacks on the ecological chain, and there has been no data leakage. How could the data be leaked this time? It turned out that the application company guarded itself !"

"The Rice Husk Group is really disgusting. Fortunately, Changtian Technology has tracked down the true colors of this company."

"It turns out that college students were forced to die by online loans, and the most important industry of Rice Husk Company is not Internet applications, but online loans!"

"I read the relevant department's announcement with white letters on a blue background. The financial methods used by this company are really superb. All kinds of complicated holding relationships. If it is not for the supercomputer of Changtian Technology, it will be speculated through simulations and finally confirmed with evidence. , Relying on our existing means to investigate directly, we may not be able to find out in a lifetime!"

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【Rebirth 1999: Opening the Era of Black Technology】【】

"Did you see the notification just now? The nationality of Li Youdao's family has long been changed to some kind of archipelago. They claim that this is for the convenience of the company's listing. In fact, the United States is visa-free for this archipelago, so it is convenient for them to immigrate. .”

"The most regrettable thing is Zemeng equipment. There are more than 90% certainty that it will be sold in Europe through the EU parliament, because these things have been messed up."

"I think this matter has to be looked at in two ways. The product cannot be launched in Europe. I think it is not the loss of Changtian Technology, but the loss of Europeans. It seems that in the early 1990s, mobile phones did not enter our country. And the Omi country has already popularized mobile phones, and we Xia people are the ones who lost, because we have been delayed for several years before entering the mobile phone era."

"I agree with the speech above, European countries will definitely delay entering the era of real virtual intelligence for a few years,"

"As soon as Zemeng equipment was ready to go on sale in Europe, suddenly there were so many protesters, and there were so many negative reports in the European and American media. I thought it was wrong at the time. Why was everything so coincidental? There is an inner ghost."

"It's really disgusting. I thought the rice husk group was a national enterprise, but it turned out to be a traitor enterprise for a long time. I even spent thousands of dollars on his games."

"Repay the money in the Overwatch game! I recharged so much money, I must pay it back!"

Rice husk companies with a market capitalization close to 100 billion RMB were wiped out overnight.

I have seen the super technical strength of Changtian Technology.

During this period of time, many companies that have joined the application collection of the Firefly ecological chain have started self-examination.

Some companies with improper ideas have quietly removed their applications.

Companies willing to continue to make profits in the Yinghuo ecological chain can only carry out self-rectification in accordance with the Yinghuo ecological chain and related regulations.

Firefly OS is a great platform that allows countless small companies to realize their dreams.

This alone gives everyone endless temptation.

As for some of the larger Internet companies, they also have a sense of crisis.

Because they are not unique in the application of the Internet, they just entered the market early, so they occupied a large number of markets in advance.

But this thing is not unique.

Just like the rice husk group company with a large number of users.

A little trouble can wipe out his years of precipitation.

Therefore, only by making continuous efforts to consolidate their own market can they avoid competition from those small companies.

A few days later.

More than half of the apps in the Firefly ecological chain have been removed from the shelves. These apps were taken off the shelves by the application suppliers, not by the Firefly System Company.

Everyone in the industry believes that starting today, the large-scale opening of the Firefly ecological chain is over.

More applications will be self-restrained to achieve application compliance and rationality.

At this time, Simpson and other high-level European officials also rushed to Changzezhou to discuss the second landing of Zemeng equipment in Europe and the headquarters.

Simpson said that evidence related to the data breach of the Firefly wearable device has been submitted to the European Parliament.

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【Rebirth 1999: Opening the Era of Black Technology】【】

Some members of parliament who have a good relationship with Changtian Technology fully agree with the materials submitted by Simpson.

And said that at the beginning of 2017, we can find a way to make this issue again.

Of course, evil capital will definitely not help for free.

This time the asking price is much higher than last time.

Chen Xiao asked Simpson with a smile: "What is the probability that they promise to pass the meeting this time?"

"Over 60%."

Chen Xiao shook his head and said, "As long as we don't take the initiative to invite us to enter the market, the probability of passing is 0%."

"Leave the European market first."

"From the release of Hanhai mobile phone to the release of our Zemeng wearable device, our current priority is to comprehensively deploy various applications in the application ecological chain from the involved end to the application end." m.qQxsNeω

"Encouraging the innovation of application companies and individual users is to seize the application market in the United States on the one hand, and to occupy the European market from the design side on the other hand."

The United States is currently completely in the Internet and financial economy.

Entire industries and manufacturing are hollowed out.

The financial industry is to harvest global capital.

The Internet industry accommodates the huge employment population in the United States.

As for agriculture, it is also one of the basic markets of the United States, but it is not within the scope of Changtian Technology's precise attack on the US economy this time.

Only by taking away the markets of Google, Facebook, and Twitter from the application level, the United States will definitely be overwhelmed.

Xia Guo's technology has surpassed that of the United States in the field of Internet applications and computer semiconductor technology.

So even if the entire production capacity of TSMC is moved to the United States, it does not make much sense to Xia Guo.

Under the circumstances that there is no way to harvest Xia, the United States can only harvest the East and Europe.

Dongyang has been harvested countless times, and there is not much oil and water to harvest again.

So only Europe is the fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

What remains in Europe is the high-end industry represented by the automobile industry, the high-end design industry, and a large number of technical patents.

Most of the manufacturing industry has also been transferred to Xia Guo in the past few decades.

While the United States is harvesting Europe, Changtian Technology is trying its best to challenge the high-end manufacturing market in Europe.

Then Europe, which has been rich for hundreds of years, is bound to collapse.

Even if it is not dead, it will lose a layer of skin.

Chen Xiao exchanged opinions with Simpson very frankly.

Only then did Simpson realize that Changtian Technology's strategic layout was much longer-term than he thought.

This time, Changtian Technology will not only sell torture equipment to Europe.

It is to move the global design, manufacturing and financial center from the west to Xiaguo.

If this goal is achieved, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation must be just around the corner.

Simpson is a Finn who has received traditional European education since he was a child. Of course, he accepted the fact that the economy and people's living standards in the West are far higher than those in the East at a very young age.

At the same time, I also understand that some European experts or scholars usually look at problems condescendingly when dealing with matters related to the Xia Kingdom.

Failure to look at the problem normally will inevitably cause distortion of the facts.

Over the past few years, Simpson has successively worked for Nokia and Changtian Technology. Of course, he can feel that Xia Guo is catching up with Europe in terms of economy and technology.

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【Rebirth 1999: Opening the Era of Black Technology】【】

The economic center of gravity will inevitably shift, which is a historical torrent and cannot be reversed.

Simpson nodded and said: "As a European, I hope that the European people can see their future clearly, instead of being kidnapped by populism."

"Nokia will fully cooperate with the headquarters' policies and strategies."

Chen Xiao's prediction was not wrong at all.

After the birth of the virtual world and Zemeng equipment.

Internet companies in Xia Kingdom, and even some industrial companies, have exploded with strong vitality and creativity.

Douyin, which has always been at the forefront of the Internet vane, is also called tiktok abroad. It first formed innovations in Internet social networking, and his first task is to defeat the mighty Twitter. After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly got up from the bed. If you want to read the latest chapters, please download the Star Reading app, and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The website has not updated the latest chapter content, and the Star Reading Novel APP has updated the latest chapter content.

He took a big gulp of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, puzzled, all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more at a loss.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my own could there be no injuries at all. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

With doubts, Shi Yu quickly swept his gaze across the room, and finally settled on a mirror by the bedside.

The mirror reflected his current appearance, he was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he was very handsome.

But the problem is, it's not him! Download the Star Reading app and read the latest chapter content without ads for free

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

But now, no matter how you look at it, this appearance is only the age of a high school student...

This change left Shi Yu in a daze for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was a success...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a question of whether to have surgery or not, but a fairy art.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be... that he crossed over by himself?

In addition to the mirror on the bedside which was obviously placed in a bad feng shui position, Shi Yu also found three books beside it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look, the title instantly silenced him.

"Necessary Beast Breeding Handbook for Novice Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Animals"

"Guidelines for Evaluation of Alien Beast Ear Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The titles of the first two books are quite normal, what's the matter with you in the last one?


Shi Yu's eyes were serious, and he stretched out his hand, but soon his arm stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book to see what it was, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large amount of memories flooded in like a flood.

Icefield City.

Pet breeding base.

Trainee pet keeper. The website will be closed soon, download the Star Reading app to provide you with the rebirth of the great **** brown sugar fermented glutinous rice 1999: opening the era of black technology

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