
As a movie released 7 years ago, Avatar directly promoted the revolution of human film shooting techniques and the technological revolution of movie theaters.

After the movie was released, many people discovered that the original movie can still be viewed in this way.

Since then, many movie theaters have built high-definition 3D viewing screens such as imax, laser, and reald screens.

Even a few years after the release of Avatar, there are still 3D movies circulating in the market, in this case.

All this indicates that Avatar is indeed a pioneer of film technology and viewing methods in the new era.

Cameron was once again made a **** because of this movie.

After watching Avatar, the audience has been looking forward to the release of the second part of Avatar.

When will Avatar 2 be released? This has almost become a menstrual post on many movie forums and post bars.

I didn't expect this delay to drag on for several years.

It wasn't until 2016 that audiences knew for sure that Avatar 2 was still being filmed.

The reason why it took so long to shoot.

The most important are two reasons.

One is the special effects of Avatar 2, which must surpass the first one.

In the special effects shooting and production of the movie, it took a lot of effort.

Even the most expensive part of a film's cost and the most time-consuming part.

The second reason is that beautiful scenes are not easy to choose.

Special effects are part of the film, but beautiful natural scenery is just as important.

When Avatar was first filmed, the film crew went to many countries around the world to collect scenic spots with beautiful natural landscapes.

Cameron is a perfectionist.

He hopes that every frame of the movie he created will be the most eye-catching scenery, which can be used as the background picture of Daisuke's advertisement or the wallpaper of the computer.

This is also the fundamental reason why Avatar 2 has been filmed for several years and the progress has been slow.

All the settings can be perfectly expressed in two words - burning money.

Very expensive.

Cameron and the film's investors made a simple estimate.

See this pattern of burning money.

After the movie is released, if it does not earn more than 3 billion yuan in the box office, then the movie will definitely lose money.

3 billion meters knife.

This number is still quite scary.

According to the global box office ranking in 2015.

Jurassic World, which ranks first at the box office, has a total box office of only 1.6 billion dollars.

That is to say, the box office of Avatar 2, even if it reached the standard of Jurassic World ranked No.

This way of burning money made the investors of Avatar II very anxious.

If you don’t invest, the initial investment will be in vain, and Cameron is a world-renowned successful director with a success rate of over 90% of his films, so it’s worth the gamble.

But if you invest in it, if the box office can't make up for it, then it's really nothing.

Therefore, the investor has been wrangling back and forth with Cameron's team, which also delayed the filming process.

But no matter what.

Cameron also knew that he must find a way to save costs, and he must find a way to speed up the shooting progress.

Of course, Cameron still has some ideas of his own.

That is the screen display of the world view in Avatar 2, relying closely on some existing scenery on the earth, it feels a little bit less interesting.

If it is processed with special effects, it will look fake and empty, which does not meet some of my own settings for movie lenses.

On the contrary, the virtual world created by Zemeng Equipment is more in line with Cameron's vision.

If you can show in the virtual world the kind of picture that you want to show the most real in your heart.

This not only saves costs, but also achieves your own perfect goal, and can also speed up the progress of shooting.

But Cameron's idea was not supported by the team at the beginning.

Because the shooting team has a lot of money that will be invested in the production of special effects.

If Cameron's movie eventually moves to the virtual world to shoot.

All special effects money will be cancelled.

Those companies that do special effects will definitely not have a penny of profit in the future.

The special effects created by the virtual world, whether in terms of effects or senses, are definitely much better than the special effects processed by existing computers and software.

In addition, these special effects companies are inextricably linked with investors.

Special effects companies definitely don't want to lose such a big deal as Avatar.

But Cameron is willing to shoot Avatar, not just because he wants to rely on Avatar to make money.

According to Cameron's current reputation and global popularity.

Just pick up a few commercial dramas, and make a lot of money back.

It's been several years, and there's absolutely no need for him to waste his time on Avatar.

When a successful director reaches such a position, he hopes to be able to express his inner thoughts.

Tell the audience about your inner world.

So Cameron immediately quarreled with the investor.

Either shoot it in Cameron's own way.

Either Cameron leaves.

Investors are not fools.

Of course I know, if Cameron is told to go away, another director will shoot Avatar.

There is a great chance that you will lose everything.

Under balance, the investor also agreed that Cameron's team had previously approached Changtian Technology.

In order to ensure that Cameron's team travels smoothly this time.

Cameron's team first got in touch with Changtian Technology.

After Chen Xiao heard the news, she still welcomed it.

The purpose of Zemeng Equipment and Yinghuo Ecological Chain is to serve the people and all walks of life around the world.

What's more, Chen Xiao also hopes that Avatar 2 will be successful.

If Cameron can rely on the virtual world created by Zemeng equipment and the Changtian Technology Yinghuo ecosystem to perfectly show the scenes of Avatar 2, it will help Avatar 2 to be filmed on schedule. This is also a very good publicity for Zemeng equipment and virtual equipment.

Chen Xiao directly arranged for Wang Xiang to meet Yang Fei and Cameron.

Cameron was able to come to Xia Guo, and he came for Avatar, which has attracted the attention of movie fans all over the world.

There are also many reporters around the world who learned of Cameron's itinerary in advance.

They had ambushed at the airport of Suhang City (the airport of Changtian Technology, which is currently not open to foreign flights) early on.

After seeing Cameron's team's special plane arrive at Suhang Airport.

Reporters flocked here, hoping to interview this talented director, get the shooting progress and details of Avatar 2, and what is the purpose of Cameron coming to Suzhou and Hangzhou this time?

Cameron just got off the plane and arrived at the port.

The reporters came over with long guns and short guns.

"Mr. Cameron, I heard that you are going to contact the team of Changtian Technology. Is this to use the technology of Changtian Technology to perfect the shooting of the film?"

"Is Avatar 2 going to borrow the virtual world from Zemeng's device?"

"According to relevant media reports in the United States and Europe, what equipment will greatly endanger the safety of users and the privacy of users. Do you have any concerns about this?"

Cameron simply ignored these reporters.

He did not come to Suzhou and Hangzhou City to accept interviews from these reporters.

So under the **** of the security personnel, Cameron hurriedly boarded the commercial vehicle sent by Changtian Technology and drove straight to Changzezhou.

Now he needs to seize every minute and every second to negotiate with Changtian Technology immediately.

The reporters who didn't get the opportunity to interview had some resignation and went back home. Of course, some reporters who were not reconciled even chased after Changzezhou, hoping to get some news from Changzezhou.

The most excited ones are Xia Guo's movie fans and Xia Guo's reporters.

A reporter from "Science and Technology News" wrote on Weibo: "Zemeng equipment is feared by the EU parliament in Europe, so it is not eligible to be sold in Europe. After the news came out, I commented that it is decades One of the worst things Europe has ever done."

"I believe that after Avatar II is filmed in the virtual world of Zemeng equipment, not only some stupid European Union members will regret not introducing Zemeng equipment, but European users will also regret their protests."

Will the Europeans regret it in the end? Cameron didn't know.

But after Cameron had arrived in Nagasawa, he regretted it.

He regretted not coming to Changzezhou earlier.

Because Changzezhou has a sense of prosperity and technology, which is even better than all the sci-fi films I have made before.

Cameron recorded this feeling.

Yang Fei and Wang Xiang received Cameron in the meeting room.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, the two sides got to the point.

Cameron first introduced to the two that the filming process of Avatar 2 had encountered some troubles.

Both Yang Fei and Wang Xiang are fans of Avatar.

Being able to get in close contact with Cameron and knowing the process of filming Avatar II at the first time, the two were very happy.

"I learned about Zemeng equipment and the virtual world from the media."

"I also saw some scenes and pictures of the virtual world. I think this is the material basis for creating all possible things."

"Avatar 2, we focus on expressing the underwater world. I hope to have a sense of the vast and beautiful sky."

"We have tried to find this feeling in New Zealand and other countries, and we have also tried to use the water tank of the swimming pool to shoot, and finally use special effects in post-production to do it, but we always feel that it is not satisfactory."

"So we hope to seek cooperation with Changtian Technology, hoping to bring a true sci-fi movie to fans all over the world."

Wang Xiang and Yang Fei can understand Cameron's thoughts very well.

Because this is Yang Fei's home field.

So even though Wang Xiang is the CEO of the company, he still gave Yang Fei the right to speak.

Yang Fei did not directly discuss business with Cameron, nor did he discuss how to cooperate with him, but talked with him about his experience.

Yang Fei said to Cameron: "Sir, we Xia people have a saying that it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times."

"Let's not talk about cooperation today, let's take a look at our virtual world first."

"Firefly Systems has developed a game called the God of the Original Dao, and we have developed a new copy, which has not yet come out."

"But I just heard from my husband that the second part of Avatar will focus more on the underwater world."

"Our copy of this game will also have many islands and underwater world environments. Let's take a look first."


Cameron was excited.

"I can not wait any more!"

Cameron has only seen some simple pictures of the virtual world on social media videos.

Still have to actually check it out.

Yang Fei directly asked the staff to take more than 10 Zemeng equipment and distribute them to Cameron and his team.

After the staff briefly taught everyone how to use it.

Yang Fei and the technicians of Changtian Technology led Cameron and his party into the new instance of God of the Original Dao.

The majestic mountains, the tranquility of the deep sea, the voice that touches the soul, and all kinds of monsters.

Everything is so sci-fi, and everything is so realistic.

Not only Cameron, but the entire team under it was banned, and the scene was stunned.

They feel that this is not a movie, nor a game, nor is it a later feature.

And everything happened for real.

The truth is the real scene in front of your eyes.

This kind of scene is much more beautiful than the real scenery they are looking for in New Zealand, South Africa, and other countries around the world.

Just at this time.

Yang Fei summoned several dragons over.

This kind of dragon is still different from the flying dragon in the Avatar world. It is the traditional dragon of Xia Kingdom in this sense.

When this kind of creature that does not exist on the earth came to Cameron.

Cameron's heart was extremely shocked.

He touched the dragon's scales with his hands.

This cold and moist feeling made it impossible for him to forget it for the rest of his life.

"Ride it and have a try." Yang Fei said.

Watching Yang Fei ride the flying dragon, Cameron followed suit.

After getting ready, the flying dragon flapped its wings and took off, soaring in the sky and among the majestic mountains.

In an instant, it skimmed across the water again, and the cold sea water splashed on Cameron's face.

This sense of flight, this sense of weightlessness, was indeed transmitted to Cameron's mind through the device's sensor.

Incomparably realistic, incomparably exciting.

If he is a movie actor, he thinks that the expression on his face is completely in line with the setting of the movie, and he doesn't even need to reshoot or call cut.

Flying Dragon took Cameron and others to see a lot of scenery in the copy of the God of the Original Dao, and then stopped at a place full of fireflies and glowing plants.

With such a wonderful spirit in front of him, Cameron can't tell which part is reality and which part is the virtual world.

He is even willing to put aside the real world and live in this beautiful virtual world.

"How about it, sir, compared to your special effects team, the modules built by our virtual world should not be bad."

Cameron is a very decisive person, he immediately made a decision and said: "Mr. Wang, Mr. Yang, I sincerely hope to cooperate with you, and hope that your company can create a world system for Avatar 2 that belongs to it."

"As long as you can meet my requirements and price conditions, you can mention them casually! I will definitely persuade the investor to complete this investment!"

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