Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 871: Xiao Zha is in a hurry, the food looks too ugly

(Abbreviated version has been modified)

Mr. Zha's ambition is not small.

He also took a fancy to the virtual world a few years ago.

So I hope to use my two trump cards, one is Facebook and the other is photo wall, to create a metaverse of the virtual world.

Xiao Zha also obtained an imaginary world for his metaverse, called meta.

It means metaverse.

Another world different from the real world.

A new universe based on the virtual world!

Xiao Zha hopes to become the emperor of the metaverse in the future.

He even wants to change the name of Facebook's parent company to meta, just because the timing is not yet ripe, so the company's name has not been changed yet.

But the ambition is already on the surface.

In order to realize his dream of being the emperor of the metaverse, he proposed 8 elements of the metaverse.

Immersiveness, avatars, home space teleportation, interoperability, privacy, virtual objects and natural interfaces.

To this end, his company has also invested heavily in virtual wearables and some of the hardware involved.

At the same time, it also invests in major application companies to pave the way for the future Metaverse.

From three years ago when he started preparing for the related matters of the Yuan Universe, until now, Mr. Zha's company and the capital behind it have invested no less than tens of billions in it.

If some incidental investment and industrial chain integration are included, the amount involved will be even greater.

With so much investment, Mr. Zha just wanted to create the Metaverse.

He even expects to change the name of Facebook's parent company to Mate in a few years, that is, around 2021, and enter the metaverse sideways.

Mr. Zha and his think tank team predicted very well.

Developing a Metaverse project is tantamount to developing a user's second life.

Except for eating, drinking and drinking, all the needs of a person can be met in the Metaverse.

In fact, Facebook has similar ideas to Changtian Technology.

They all believe that the current Internet social interaction has encountered a bottleneck.

They believe that one of the biggest disadvantages of social networking on the Internet is the problem of distance and experience.

The social interaction between people is very strange.

No matter how familiar you are with chatting online, as long as you haven't met in person, you will always feel a little strange.

In order to solve this problem, the best way is to create a perfect virtual world.

In this virtual time, people can contact each other.

But Facebook can think of the direction of progress in this era, and others can also think of the direction of progress in this era.

So Facebook must go one step further to seize the opportunity.

If Mr. Zha wants to seize the opportunity in the future virtual world, he must invest ahead of time.

Even if he doesn't know whether the project he invests in will be successful, he still has to invest.

Otherwise, you will be at a disadvantage.

Therefore, Mr. Zha started to plan some settings of the virtual world a few years ago.

Including hardware setting and software setting.

It shows that there is no way to complete service and experience in life, and it can be perfectly completed in virtual time.

Mr. Zha only needs to serve the needs of these people well, not only can he make a lot of money, but also he can penetrate his company into every corner of people's life, study and work.

At that time, talking about money seemed rather vulgar, and what should be talked about was Teacher Zha's ideal.

He will be the king who controls everything.

Be a game changer reshaping human life.

But when Mr. Zha was dreaming here, Changtian Technology gave him a big blow.

Mr. Zha is going to make wearable devices.

But so far, all the investment is still at the level of the laboratory, and there is no product that can be sold.

But Longsky Technology has already produced wearable devices.

Not only has it been made, but it has been sold all over the world.

Everyone's experience is really good.

Mr. Zha wants to create the entire ecology of the Metaverse.

Still all the investment is still in the laboratory, and some so-called ecological applications such as games, entertainment, travel, etc. are still on paper, and they are just a ppt or a few concept drawings.

As for Changtian Technology, most of the application scenarios have already been created and introduced to the market. Users have already started wearing wearable devices to experience in the virtual world.

Teacher Zha proposed 8 elements for the Metaverse.

None of his elements have been realized yet, all of which are just bragging.

However, Changtian Technology has basically realized all of its eight elements, and has its own innovations.

This feeling made Teacher Zha very upset.

Especially after Mr. Zha got a Zemeng wearable device, put it on his head, entered the virtual world, and had some experience.

This kind of experience is really wonderful. From an objective point of view, if Mr. Zha is a user, he also likes Zemeng equipment very much.

After Mr. Zha entered the virtual world wearing Zemeng equipment as someone else, he has been to three places.

The first place is the virtual commercial district currently in cooperation between Changtian Technology and Ali.

Mr. Zha even used someone else's payment account to buy something in a virtual store.

This shopping experience made him feel extremely wonderful.

When Mr. Zha was still thinking about how to make the picture display more clearly in the virtual world, the virtual world of Changtian Technology has completely solved the picture display problem.

Let's go and give it a try. 】

It really makes people feel immersive and feel in it.

All the pictures are completely indistinguishable from the real world.

And not only the picture!

When Mr. Zha was shopping, he seemed to be able to feel the texture and taste of the product.

With such an advanced technology, Mr. Zha believes that with the current Facebook or the current technology of the American science and technology community, even if we work hard for decades, there is no way to achieve it.

It's hard to come by.

Facebook looks at Changtian Technology as if it were looking at a giant.

Teacher Zha went to the second place, which was an amusement park not far from the commercial district.

This amusement park is an application provided by an unknown Xiaguo application provider, and it was finally included by Changtian Technology.

In the amusement park, Mr. Zha saw beautiful scenery and many more exciting entertainment facilities than Disneyland.

Not to mention the experience of the rides.

Just this kind of scenery makes Teacher Zha very excited.

Teacher Zha has a wife and adopted many children.

He felt that if he was a tourist, he would definitely like it here.

In the end, he went to experience the roller coaster and other entertainment facilities.

Because Changtian Technology's second-generation Zemeng equipment has brainwave transmission settings.

So when experiencing the roller coaster, Mr. Zha also felt the weightlessness.

Although it is not a strong sense of weightlessness, it is actually possible to experience a sense of weightlessness in the virtual device.

For this kind of technology, Mr. Zha believes that relying on the current own technology or the technology of the American hardware company, there is no way to catch up with Changtian Technology anyway.

In the third place, Xiaozha has entered the application in some scenes.

Fishing, bars, camping and more.

All this is very beautiful.

It is completely in line with Mr. Zha's own setting of the virtual world.

Among these scenarios, many users have experienced it.

Everyone's response was also very good.

Whether it is in the United States or in the Xia Kingdom.

There are already many trendy users who regard entering the virtual world as part of their leisure style.

Teacher Zha's inner feelings are very complicated.

Why are so many excellent engineers of Changtian Technology not our own?

Why is Facebook's setting of the virtual world so far only a setting, while Changtian Technology has turned it into reality.

This is like a very hard-working student. When he was working hard in class, he thought he had found a solution to an extremely difficult math problem. He was about to raise his hand to tell the teacher, hoping to be praised by the teacher.


However, he found that the top student in the class (Changtian Technology) had already solved this problem by oral calculation.

And I just have an idea to solve the problem.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

Teacher Zha also believes that it is absolutely impossible for users in the United States to experience the virtual world created by Changtian Technology in large quantities.

If they feel such a virtual world, the virtual world built by Facebook will not have any market in the future.

Then all the funds invested in the early stage will be in vain.

The metaverse era planned by myself has been realized ahead of schedule by Changtian Technology.

And itself is a joke.

Action must be taken.

Zach and the team behind him agreed that if the influence of the ecological chain application after the Zemeng device continues, it will definitely be detrimental to Facebook!

In order to achieve this purpose.

Mr. Zha also joined forces with some hardware companies and software companies in the United States.

He pulled in Google and Twitter.

Businessmen are always fickle.

His original intention in doing everything does not come from his inner feelings, but from interests.

Many American technology companies are very interested in cooperating with Facebook.

Their attitude towards Changtian Technology is also very displeased.

For so many years, no matter whether it is Google or Apple, in the competition with Changtian Technology, they have not reaped any benefits or benefits at all.

Everyone is very happy to have the opportunity to present the hardware equipment and applications of Changtian Technology.

Xiaguo, Changzezhou, Changtian Technology Headquarters.

A heated discussion meeting is going on.

"I really didn't bring anything and I won't take anything away. I just came here to do a little business and make a little money."

"Is this their attitude? Why don't they have any backbone?"

Wen Qi even said that she hated iron but steel.

For a few taels of silver, such humbleness seems to be justified.

But is the other party really willing to let you go?

Wang Xiang said with some disdain: "Why haven't you seen companies in the US so honest?"

In the core field, these multinational companies in the United States absolutely do not allow Xia Guo, and employees are involved.

Although it is a multinational company, most of the team is American.

Take Apple as an example.

Apple's effect team, its core staff are all Americans.

Xia Guo employees are more like mascots.

The so-called mascot is to allow these employees to communicate with Xiaguo users more conveniently, and basically has no real power.

As soon as the other party puts it out, look! The person in charge on our side is also from the Xia Kingdom, let's see how easy it is to communicate!

In the early years, all the Apple data of users in Xia Country had been stored in the United States or Japan.

Apple doesn't care about the so-called user data security of the Xia people. Anyway, my data is stored in Toyo, or in the United States, whether you like it or not.

In the end, under the strong request of the relevant state departments, and with the iPhone's entire Xia country market and manufacturing chain as the backing, the iPhone will agree to store the data of Xia people in Xia country.

Wang Xiang really couldn't bear to read the related news.

He threw down a sentence and said, "I don't want any face!"

It is true that this company and Changtian Technology are indeed a cooperative relationship.

Changtian Technology also handed over the excellent Yinghuo ecological resources to Douyin for use.

However, Changtian Technology does not occupy any shares in Douyin, and it is impossible to join the battle like a nanny for the smooth operation of Douyin in the US market.

The Firefly ecological chain is just a platform, and a platform has many applications.

However, Douyin's operating model and profits overseas involve the profits and core interests of Changtian Technology.

So Chen Xiao actually had his own calculations in his heart.

What is it if an app is blocked?

The biggest advantage of Yinghuo Ecology is that it can create countless applications.

As long as the ecological chain is here, the application is just an extension of the ecological chain.

He needs to see whether the applications of the new era have the greatest influence on the people, or the vulgar and old-fashioned measures of the West have the greatest influence on the people.

Chen Xiao, he needs to wait and see what happens.

A shift is needed.

One tz meeting after another in a row.

Continuous collection of evidence one at a time.

This long-term technology ecological chain company can't bear it anymore.

This kind of thing is weird in the industry!

The second compromise is to make countless Xia people speechless.

However, the foreign version, whether it is data or content, is not consistent with the domestic version.

And will be independent from the parent company to seek cooperation with capital or other companies, transfer no less than 70% of the shares, so as to obtain the right to operate in the United States and Europe.

The benefit obtained is only 30% of the equity.

It will all be packaged into a beautiful gift for Uncle Sam.

This is Teacher Zha's ambition.

Teacher Zha, this is a good idea.

He has been working on his metaverse for several years without success. UU reading

Not just Teacher Zha.

As soon as the news spread to Xia Guo.

The whole network was in an uproar.

Xia Guo netizens were speechless.

"Is this sold?"

"Could the white flag be raised a little too quickly?"

"Uncle Sam is really too domineering! The apps I made myself can't play with the apps of the people of Xia, so I'm trying to use all kinds of tricks to buy them!"

"You must not sell yourself so cheaply! Can you be more aggressive?"

“What a disappointment!”

t company's headquarters.

It was gloomy.

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