Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 873: Facebook vomits blood


After Chen Xiao announced the decision, Wang Xiang, Wen Qi and the others had joyful smiles on their faces.

This decision can already explain the attitude of Changtian Technology.

Westerners may not use the series of applications of the Firefly ecological chain, but they must not spoil them, let alone make wedding dresses for Western technology companies.

The acquisition letter of Changtian Technology was sent out in two ways: public and non-public.

The public letter was published directly on the official website of Changtian Technology, while the non-public letter was sent to Douyin’s headquarters.

This time, the entire Internet is buzzing.

On the Weibo hot search that day, Changtian Technology's intention to acquire Douyin became the number one hot search.

This topic has been forwarded tens of millions of times, and the popularity has not dropped.

"Changtian Technology is amazing! This is to teach Douyin to be a man!"

"Haha, Changtian Technology can't see it anymore. Douyin Overseas' tk company is too useless overseas."

"Support Changtian Technology's acquisition of Douyin!"

"This time, Douyin is faced with a difficult problem. If tk is sold to Facebook, Changtian Technology will terminate its cooperation with Douyin, and Douyin's domestic business will be over! If tk is not sold If the company is sold to Facebook, Douyin's overseas business will be over! Hahahaha!"

Netizens don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, but it's true.

Xia Guo, Yanjing.

Douyin parent company character company headquarters.

The founder, chairman Zhang Wen, and CEO Liang Bo sat in the meeting room.

Everyone has the feeling that riding a tiger is hard to get off.

After all, the character company has prepared all the materials, and when Facebook and Zhang Wen sign, the two parties will reach a deal.

tk company will be sold to Facebook at a price of 50 billion meters.

Facebook is full of confidence in this acquisition and is determined to win. It has even sent an advance team to directly settle in the major departments of tk company in the United States to prepare for Facebook's overall takeover.

Is the word now signed or not signed?

Zhang Wen didn't pay attention in his own heart. He asked Liang Bo, "What does Changtian Technology mean by sending such a letter?"

Although Zhang Wen is the founder of the character company, he is generally at the strategic level, not at the tactical level.

Therefore, it was Liang Bo who dealt more with Changtian Technology.

Zhang Wen has always believed that for an acquisition worth tens of billions, Changtian Technology should not just count it with an announcement or an official letter. This is too childish.

Therefore, Zhang Wen said, "Tell me, is Changtian Technology joking?"

But Liang Bo has more contact with Changtian Technology, of course he knows that Changtian Technology has always been the master of one thing.

Whether it is an announcement or a promise, it will definitely be done.

So Liang Bo said very seriously: "Changtian Technology never does meaningless things, and never uses gimmicks and lies to attract traffic. They don't have the need for this."

"I think the letter sent by Changtian Technology is that they really want to acquire Douyin."

After Zhang Wen heard this, he was so angry that he almost scolded his mother!

"Acquisition of Douyin? What does this mean?"

Liang Bo said helplessly, "It's literally."

Zhang Wen said: "In other words, if we don't sell, will Changtian Technology terminate the cooperation with us?"

Liang Bo nodded and said: "According to Changtian Technology's one-size-fits-all character, this is the case, and for Changtian Technology, we are only a part of the ecological chain, and not an irreplaceable part. There are many people behind Douyin. Chasing soldiers, in addition to Kuaijiao, Penguin also intends to share in short videos, virtual short videos and virtual scenes. If Changtian Technology stops cooperating with us, then our content and software will only be available on Android phones and Apple Displayed on mobile phones, it cannot be displayed on mobile phones and wearable devices using the Firefly operating system, which has a great impact on us.”

Zhang Wen nodded and fell into deep thought.

What Liang Bo said made sense.

Changtian Technology is irreplaceable for Douyin.

After all, most users in Xiaguo use Hanhai mobile phones, Nokia and Bird mobile phones.

More and more users are also using wearable devices.

The wearable devices are also from Changtian Technology.

Therefore, Zhang Wen felt that what Liang Bo said made sense.

Douyin is inseparable from the support of Changtian Technology, but Changtian Technology has many other applications without Douyin.

Zhang Wen's heart was very tangled.

When Zhang Wen was dealing with Americans during this period of time, he always had a mentality.

That is, the main business of the character company is in the country, and the main business of Douyin is also in the country.

Therefore, the domestic business must not be lost, and it is the bulk of the money.

And foreign business is the icing on the cake, as much as you can earn.

Therefore, the strategy for foreign countries is to take advantage of a little advantage.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Wenhui asked the company to make unlimited compromises in the US market.

Because they believe in their hearts that they can make some money in overseas markets, and it is not the main development direction of Douyin.

Even if you sell the overseas company, you can earn 50 billion dollars, which is also a windfall.

But it's different now.

Now Aerospace Science and Technology actually wants to overthrow it to its old nest.

Directly facing the domestic market.

If the character company loses the domestic market.

So what is the significance of the existence of the character company?

It makes no sense at all.

Under repeated discussions.

Zhang Wen finally chose to compromise.

Foreign companies can make jokes, but domestic companies can't.

So Zhang Wen instructed Liang Bo to go to Changze Prefecture immediately and negotiate with Changtian Technology as soon as possible to understand the true intention of Aerospace Technology.

Zhang Wen needs to figure out the real intention of Zhatian Technology before deciding whether to sell TK to the United States.

Wang Xiang received Liang Bo and his party in Changze Prefecture.

After everyone exchanged pleasantries, Liang Bo also anxiously told the truth about his visit to Changze Prefecture this time.

That is, Changtian Technology sent a letter saying that it would acquire the entire Douyin company. Is it a joke or is it serious?

After hearing Liang Bo's question, Wang Xiang felt very helpless.

What era is this?

There are still people who doubt the strategic purpose of Changtian Technology.

Wang Xiang nodded without any pretense and said, "Are you questioning the credibility of Changtian Technology?"

Wang Xiang also seriously came up with a plan for Changtian Technology to acquire Douyin.

Changtian Technology will invest 100 billion meters to fully acquire Douyin's domestic and foreign businesses.

Needless to say anything else.

It was a headache for Liang Bo to get such an acquisition condition.

He really wanted to slap the table and scold his wife to leave.

The current market value of Douyin should be around 300 billion meters.

Among them, the market value of the domestic part is more than 230 billion meters, and the overseas part should be around 70 billion meters.

Changtian Technology actually offered a price of only 100 billion meters, and wanted to acquire Douyin?

Isn't this a joke?

Liang Bo wanted to be angry, but he knew he couldn't do it.

Because he knows that Dousen's current success and current market value are inseparable from the entire ecological chain of Changtian Technology.

If Changtian Technology cancels its support for Douyin at this time.

Then the market value of Douyin is likely to fall below 100 billion meters.

Without the platform of Changtian Technology, there would be no current market value of Douyin.

Therefore, the price offered by Changtian Technology cannot be said to be outrageously wrong, but just hit the spine of Dou Sen.

Looking at Liang Bo's helpless wry smile, he jokingly said, "Mr. Liang doesn't seem very satisfied with the price we offered?"

Liang Bo is not a fool.

Of course he knew there was something in Wang Xiang's words.

What Wang Xiang meant was that they were all willing to sell themselves to American companies at a low price of 50 billion meters, and they didn't even resist.

So Changtian Technology's price of 100 billion meters is considered very good.

The price offered by Changtian Technology is obviously an insult to Douyin, and it is also using its own ecological rights to force Douyin to make a choice.

In fact, Changtian Technology does not want to do this easily.

The purpose of Changtian Technology to establish an ecosystem is not to oppress a certain company and make concessions to Longsky Technology in terms of interests.

Instead, I hope to build a platform so that all companies, including Douyin, can prosper and develop.

But Douyin's utilitarianism is too strong.

And there is no bottom line compromise to foreign countries.

This angered Changtian Technology.

Don't you want to compromise?

Then first compromise at home and then at home and abroad.

Liang Bo chuckled twice and said, "Mr. Wang is joking, Douyin is just a video company, and it's not in the eyes of Changtian Technology."

"If Mr. Wang is dissatisfied with the sharing agreement between us, we can discuss it on the sharing."

As a joining company of Yinghuo ecological chain.

Douyin is the same as other franchised companies, and the profits obtained are to be shared with Changtian Technology.

Changtian Technology encourages more application companies to join its production chain.

This share is very small, much lower than Apple's share.

So Liang Bo hoped that through this method, he would know the true intention of Changtian Technology.

Unexpectedly, Wang Xiang seemed a little angry after hearing this.

Wang Xiang smiled and said to Liang Bo: "Do you think the official letter issued by Changtian Technology is a joke?"

"If Mr. Liang is not satisfied with the purchase price, we can discuss it again."

"You can pay back the price, or express your disagreement."

Liang Bo only accepted the acquisition agreement of Changjiang Technology in embarrassment, and quickly asked the staff to scan the agreement into an electronic version and send it to the headquarters.


He is very worried that after expressing his disagreement, Douyin will be kicked out of the Firefly ecological chain.

Zhang Wen anxiously waited for news from Liang Bobian at his headquarters in Yanjing.

There was still a little bit of hope in his heart.

It’s just that Changtian Technology is joking, and the purpose is to hope to distribute more of Douyin’s profits.

After he got the exact news from Liang Bo, he was not at ease.

Changtian Technology is not joking, but is very serious about the acquisition.

Zhang Wen was a little dumbfounded at this moment, feeling panicked in his heart.

Of course he knows what Changtian Technology's mentality is.

Changtian Technology is telling Zhang Wen that you can sell tk company at a low price regardless of the ecological balance of Yinghuo, so Changtian Technology can also sell Douyin Company after sales.

Changtian Technology is not joking, it is for real.

Zhang Wen also immediately called the overseas company headquarters, asking the US headquarters to stop the sale of tk company.

He dared not play with fire anymore.

Still, if the tk company is banned by the United States, it will be gone if it is gone. At worst, the market value will shrink a little bit, and the annual profit will be a little bit less.

But Douyin Company is the foundation of its own foothold, and it is absolutely impossible to make mistakes.

Los Angeles.

tk headquarters.

Today was originally the day when Zuckerberg's Facebook signed a contract with tk.

Zuckerberg personally led the team to the tk company headquarters in Los Angeles.

This time, the signing ceremony between the two parties also attracted the attention of major media around the world.

Relevant funds are already in place.

In order to obtain tk company, Zuckerberg won despite the brutal competition of American technology companies.

But in fact, it is still secretly giving some benefits to other American technology giants.

It has never been a zero-sum game among US technology giants, but a mutual compromise between interests.

Zuckerberg walked into the office building of tk headquarters, and countless media swarmed up, pointing cameras and microphones at Zuckerberg.

"Mr. Mark (Mark Zuckerberg), will you complete the acquisition of TK today?"

"Mr. Mark, will the Facebook team be stationed in TK Company today?"

Zuckerberg didn't want to answer the reporters' questions until after the contract was signed.

But now it seems that if you don't say a few words, it seems that you can't get through.

Zuckerberg said to the camera with a smile: "Everything will go well. Our team was docking with the tk team a few weeks ago to prepare for today's acquisition."

This is the way Zuckerberg answers questions. He never cares what questions reporters ask, he just answers what he wants to answer.

Zuckerberg also said: "I would also like to say to the majority of users and friends here, don't worry about UU Reading, your account will remain the same, and your experience will be better."

After saying this, Zuckerberg entered the tk company.

But at this moment, Song Lian received an emergency call from the headquarters of Xia Guo, and it was Zhang Wen who called him personally.

Zhang Wen was in a hurry on the phone, but he said in an unquestionable tone: "Immediately terminate the agreement with Facebook, and tk company will not sell it. Not for sale."

Song Lian was overjoyed by the sudden request from the headquarters!

This is the true thought of countless Xia Guo executives.

Xia people can die standing up, but it is absolutely impossible to live kneeling down.

Seeing Zuckerberg's team walk into the conference room, Song Lian also smiled.

He quietly waited for Zuckerberg's team to take out the after-sales agreement, and then said blankly: "I'm sorry, Mr. Mark, I think our previous cooperation will be suspended."

"I just received an order from the company's headquarters that tk company will not be sold."

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