Zuckerberg, who was about to sign the contract, was completely dumbfounded.

Everything has been prepared and is about to be signed. How can we say that if we don't cooperate, we won't cooperate now?

Zuckerberg thought that tk company did not understand the meaning of the parent company character company.

So although he was very upset, he patiently whispered a few words to his assistant.

After the assistant nodded, he asked Song Lian: "Mr. Song, have you not received the general idea? All the contract documents today were agreed upon by both of us, and we are just fulfilling a procedure."

Song Lian said without changing his face: "Gentlemen, we know that the documents of the contract are all agreed before, but the contract will not form an offer until it is signed."

"The latest instruction from the headquarters we just introduced, TK will not accept any company's acquisition, and we will guarantee our independence and integrity."

"So please come back, gentlemen."

Song Lian felt relieved after saying this sentence.

Headquarters had already prepared for the worst.

In any case, it is impossible to give up the cooperation with Changtian Technology.

Zuckerberg's face turned livid.

He came to harvest today.

to gain wealth.

But at present, it seems that it is completely embarrassing to come here.

Quite a shame.

Zuckerberg got up angrily and left the conference room.

His assistant said to Song Lian in a cold voice: "You will pay for everything today."

Song Lian smiled, and replied very politely: "TK company is law-abiding in the United States and other countries around the world. We believe that the laws of the United States are fair."

In fact, Song Lian didn't believe it himself in the end.

Believe that old sows will climb trees, and don't believe that the laws of the United States are fair.

The laws of the United States serve capital, not justice.

But the attitude must be here.

Zuckerberg's assistant nodded and left the conference room angrily.

Outside the meeting room are the major media around the world.

They have been waiting for the big news of Facebook's acquisition of tk company.

So watching Zuckerberg and others come out, they thought that the contract had been negotiated and the cooperation agreement had been reached.

Zuckerberg that the media are crazy about chasing.

"Mr. Mark, has your contract been signed yet?"

"When will the Facebook pair team settle in?"

"Mr. Mark, when will the Xia Guo team of tk company leave?"

"Will this acquisition have a significant impact on Facebook's stock price?"

Just when the reporters asked questions.

The capital market also reacted quickly.

Facebook's stock rose wildly, and soon rose by as much as 15%.

This is Facebook's largest single-day gain in recent years.

Obviously, capital is very optimistic about Facebook's acquisition of tk company.

It is believed that Facebook's acquisition of tk company will have a major boost to Facebook's performance, so funds are buying frantically.

tk company headquarters.

Under the frantic questioning of the reporters.

Zuckerberg and his entourage were silent.

Finally, under the **** of security personnel, Zuckerberg got into a special car and left the tk company headquarters.

This scene made the reporters at the scene look at each other in blank dismay, not knowing why.

"So what happened?"

"Is there any accident about the acquisition?"

"Why did Mr. Mark leave with a black face?"

"Just before joining the company, didn't Mr. Mark say that this acquisition would be successful, and he would hold a press conference later?"

"Isn't there even a press conference now?"

After Zuckerberg and others left, Song Lian and the top management of tk company walked out of the meeting room.

The reporters immediately turned their targets to Song Lian and others.

Song Lian had just gotten in touch with Zhang Wen and obtained some authorization.

He can hold a brief press conference on behalf of tk company to explain the relevant situation to the outside world.

So I watched the reporters surround me so enthusiastically.

Song Lian simply said: "Now tk company is holding a brief press conference, please register at the staff, and then wait in meeting room 301."

Sure enough, something big is about to happen.

The reporter's acuity told them that something big was bound to happen.

After a few minutes of preparation, Song Lian held a press conference in room 301.

Song Lian looked at the dense crowd of reporters and cameras and said, "Here I announce two things."

"The first thing is that tk company has been abiding by local laws since it entered the United States last year. We insist on serving users in the United States with high-quality content. I believe that our efforts will definitely be able to win the love of users in the United States. The actual situation We did it."

"The second thing, tk company will stick to our original intention. We will not be acquired by any American company, and our content will be authentic."

After Song Lian said these two things, he left the meeting room, leaving behind the reporters who still needed time to react.

At this moment, the whole meeting room became lively.

The reporters were shocked.

"What did tk company mean just now? It means that the acquisition failed?"

"To be precise, tk company rejected Facebook's acquisition."

"No, no, no! It's the tk company that rejected the acquisitions of all American companies!"

"My God, if this is the case, then the future of TK Company is worrying!"

Journalists are actually like a mirror.

Their hearts are quite clear.

The most fundamental reason why tk company was willing to be acquired by a US company and to sell itself was not that they wanted to seek capital from the US, but because of helplessness.

This time tk company is looking for capital from the United States. Isn't that a worrying future?

The reporters immediately published this blockbuster news on the headlines of their own media.

The New York Times: Terminate! tk company terminated selling itself.

: Facebook was disappointed, and TK company changed its strategy one second before the acquisition.

The reporters reported frantically, but the US users of tk company cheered.

Most of the tk users are young users.

They have long been fed up with Facebook or Twitter's arbitrary, and those old-fashioned functions and algorithms.

So they abandoned Facebook and Twitter, and threw themselves into the arms of tk.

When using tk software, some users realize their self-worth in it, some users find their circle of friends from it, and some even get money and wealth from it.

So they do not want tk company to be acquired by Facebook from the bottom of their hearts.

Of course, because they are young, they don't think about it that much, and they don't think about what will happen to TK after they offend the American capital.

The capital market is crazy.

Facebook, which had already risen by 15, almost plunged in a straight line. The stock price fell by 20 at one point, and finally narrowed the decline to 15.

Even so, it created Facebook's biggest drop in recent years.

This decline made Zuckerberg vomit blood angrily.

Facebook's current market capitalization is 300 billion dollars.

A drop of 15 is 45 billion meters.

This is fatal.

After all, the acquisition of tk company is only 50 billion meters.

Now the company has not acquired it, and its market value has shrunk by 45 billion meters.

Where in the world is there anything worse than this?

It's not just Facebook that's down.

Because Facebook is a heavyweight in Nasdaq. ,

Therefore, after Facebook fell, it led to a sharp decline in the entire Nasdaq technology stocks.

The market value of the entire Nasdaq has shrunk by 200 billion meters due to the impact of tk's refusal to accept any acquisition by a company in the United States.

This made Wall Street's capital suddenly feel very uneconomical!

They wanted to eat tk to feed themselves.

Well now, the gain outweighs the loss.

Even if the entire tk company is eaten up, it will not be able to make up for the shrinking market value of Nasdaq's sharp drop.

California, Facebook headquarters.

Zuckerberg was in the office with a dark face.

He has already scolded the entire team of the company that acquired tk.

The person in charge was also ordered to resign.

How could Zuckerberg not be angry?

He didn't know such a big piece of information.

Waiting for him to lose face at tk company headquarters.

In Zuckerberg's original words, this group of people are nothing but idiots.

Matt Fei, the marketing operation officer, resisted the possibility of being scolded, and said: "The most fundamental reason why tk company temporarily repented is that Changtian Technology threatened to stop cooperating with Douyin."

"Douyin is the largest business of the character company. If Changtian Technology terminates the cooperation, then the business of Douyin in Xiaguo will be over. Compared with sacrificing domestic business, it is obviously more in line with the interests of the character company to sacrifice foreign business. .”

After Zuckerberg learned the news, he hit the desk heavily with his angry fist.

This is the plan of Changtian Technology.

But Facebook can't do anything about it!

Facebook and the capital behind it can control public opinion in the United States and the direction of companies in the United States.

But he has no way to control Changtian Technology.

Because Changtian technology is too powerful.

But Zuckerberg's vindictiveness is very strong.

He said angrily: "Since tk chooses to destroy, let him destroy it! Give tk the last time limit, just one week, if it cannot be acquired after one week, let this software disappear from the US market."

What cannot be obtained must be destroyed.

This is the maxim that the Anglo-Saxons have believed in for thousands of years.

Xia Guo.


Character company headquarters, Zhang Wen's office.

Zhang Wen has already learned that the US tk company rejected the news of Facebook's response.

He sighed.

He knew that the end of tk company was coming soon.

It is very likely that it will disappear directly from the US market.

Since then, the character company's international strategy will be a few years later.

Zhang Wen could not help but smile wryly.

He now has a deep feeling that gods fight, and mortals suffer.

Changtian Technology and American technology companies fought one after another, but the small companies were bloody.

Zhang Wen doesn't think that Characters is a big company now. Compared with the size of Changtian Technology, Characters is a small company.

Zhang Wen was even thinking about one thing.

Maybe it would be better for Douyin to be acquired by Changtian Technology.

However, something happened that Zhang Wen didn't want to happen the most.

Since tk company rejected Facebook's acquisition.

Changtian Technology seems to have never mentioned the acquisition of Douyin.

It was as if this had never happened.

Zhang Wen was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Of course he knew that this was a strategy of Changtian Technology.

Changtian Technology never thought of acquiring Douyin at all.

But Changtian Technology's sword on Dousheng's head has not fallen for a moment.

As long as Douyin's overseas companies may be acquired by American or European capital.

Then this sword could be cut off at any time.

What can Zhang Wen do?

As a company that relies on the Yinghuo ecosystem to survive and Hanhai's hardware equipment, it has no right to choose.

Zhang Wen immediately held a high-level meeting to prepare for what happened next.

There are only two possibilities for what happened next.

One possibility is that Facebook and other American capitals were angered, and TK Company was completely blocked in the United States.

Then Douyin’s overseas layout in the past few years will come to an end again.

If so, there is only one way for Douyin.

That is to tightly hug the thigh of Changtian Technology.

Let's see if Changtian Technology can give us a hand.

There is also a possibility that the capital of the United States puts tk one yard.

tk company can continue to operate in the United States.

But Zhang Wen himself didn't believe this possibility, not to mention that others didn't believe it.

So, this meeting is considered clear.

Zhang Wen personally wrote a letter, reporting the situation in the United States to Changtian Technology in the name of the chairman of the company.


Changtian Technology Headquarters.

Chen Xiao has already seen the news about tk company's refusal to be acquired by the US media.

He smiled.

This incident is actually a reminder to all companies in the Firefly ecological chain.

For a company to be successful, it must maintain its own operating principles.

Tell these companies too.

If you want to gain the recognition of the market and users, you can only rely on your own strength, and you cannot place your expectations on American capital.

These capitals in the United States are hungry wolves that eat people without spitting out their bones. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Negotiating a deal with them is undoubtedly seeking skin from a tiger.

Chen Xiao also received Zhang Wen's letter, and he jokingly said to Wang Xiang: "Character Company still 'understands' very well."

Wang Xiang sighed and said: "Every man is innocent, but he is guilty. Before we completely smash the pride of the United States and Europe, there will be more Xiaguo companies that will suffer unfair treatment."

Chen Xiao nodded.

In fact, the whole incident is developing.

Character companies are victims.

Of course, poor people must have something to hate.

The character company is too opportunistic, which is also the root cause of being targeted.

Chen Xiao said: "Since the character company has written us a letter and reported the situation, Changtian Technology must also take measures to cover the bottom line."

"You go back to Zhang Wen like this."

After thinking for a while, Chen Xiao came up with a plan for the character company, which can be regarded as Changtian Technology's bottom line.

After Wang Xiang got these answers, he opened his eyes wide.

March 1, 2017.

After the tk company completely angered the capital of the United States.

The deadline has also come.

tk was taken off the shelves in Quanmi.

TK's headquarters in the United States was ordered to cease operations.

But the capital of the United States obviously miscalculated its own capabilities.

In fact, the only operating systems that tk company can remove from the shelves are Android and iOS.

California airport.

Song Lian and other American executives braved the cold spring wind and boarded the special plane to Xia Guo.

After tk has been running in the United States for one year, it officially announced the termination of service on Android and iOS systems.

However, Song Lian couldn't see any sad expression on his face.

There was even a smile on his lips as he stepped onto the plane.

It's just the beginning.

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