Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 880: Sorry, the core era belonging to Europe is over

In response to this question, Gao Miao laughed and said, "Actually, dealing with this matter is very simple. I just need to know their purpose and our purpose."

"Our purpose is to acquire Saab, get a shell, and Saab's related research platform and industrial chain."

"Hengda and Yanjing Automobile Group hope to obtain some technologies manufactured by Saab Automobile."

"These two companies hope to obtain this technology, which is not what we need. We still need to conduct further research on the basis of Saab's existing technology."

"In addition, the goal we set in our hearts is that the acquisition of Saab cannot exceed 550 million meters."

"As long as the above conditions are met, it will be easy for the three of us to reach a consensus."

"We promise that after the acquisition of Saab, we will sell the corresponding technologies at a low price. The technologies sold are not needed by us, but are urgently needed by Yanjing Automobile Group and Hengda."

"The two group companies only need to give us a small amount of technology transfer fees."

"So based on a comprehensive calculation, Hengda and Yanjing Automobile Group only need to invest less than 100 million meters to obtain the technology they want."

"Under such circumstances, of course they are unwilling to spend 600 million to 700 million yuan to acquire a lonely European car company."

"As Saab has no acquirer, of course it cannot sit on the ground and raise the price, so it will agree to sell it at a price of 400 million meters."

"The money we spent on the acquisition of Saab, plus some patent transfer fees from Hengda and Yanjing, in fact, it only cost less than 300 million meters."

After saying this, Gao Miao looked at Chen Yan.

Chen Yan was dumbfounded and couldn't help giving Gao Miao a thumbs up.

Gao Miao sighed and said, "Do you know why Mr. Chen has been vigorously building the Xiaguo Technology Matrix Company centered on Changtian Technology for the past few years?"

"The purpose is to let Xia's technology companies work together, concentrate their scientific research strength to do big things, and stop internal friction on the same thing."

After saying this, Gao Miao couldn't help but sigh.

Because she is the person in charge of Galaxy Energy, she is paying attention to some situations of global lithium mines and nickel mines.

Just a week ago.

Two Xia country mining companies are competing for Australia's lithium mines.

Fight, sell information to each other, and drive up prices.

As a result, both companies were very embarrassed and raised the price of the mine by more than three times.

The world watched the two mining companies make a fool of themselves while Australia just laughed at pocketing the huge profits.

So this time Gao Miao's design allowed Galaxy Energy to acquire Saab Automobile at a very low price.

Saab Automotive Headquarters, Sweden, laboratory.

Saab's laboratory, and about 240 researchers.

Most of these researchers are Europeans, and a few are from the United States and other countries in Asia.

After letting them know that their company was acquired by Xiaguo Technology Company.

Everyone was in an uproar.

The academic circles in Europe and the United States are the proudest.

Therefore, most scientific researchers will choose to work in Europe or the United States after they have made achievements in their studies.

No matter how bad it is, I will choose Toyo.

Almost no one would choose to work in Xiaguo.

On the one hand, it's because I don't adapt to the way of life over there.

On the other hand, they look down on Xia Guo's academic atmosphere and scientific research environment from the bottom of their hearts.

It was expected by everyone that Saab was acquired by Xia Guo Enterprise.

It seems that Volvo was acquired by Xiaguo's Jili Automobile.

But they learned that the current parent company, Xiaguo Enterprise, actually let them all go to Xiaguo to work, which shocked and incomprehensible everyone.

The chief scientific researcher of the laboratory, Ferdos, was very puzzled and said: "When Jili Automobile bought Volvo, it also respected the Volvo team. It did not interfere with the operation of Volvo's headquarters and laboratories. It was just an investment of funds. It’s just the Volvo brand.”

"What qualifications does Xiaguo Company have for us to work in Xiaguo? Why should we go to Xiaguo to work?"

"Jili Automobile is a well-known brand in Xiaguo after all. That Suzuki company, what right does it have to ask us like this?"

What Ferdos said struck a chord with the engineers.

Everyone complained one after another: "That's right, it's a big deal, let's not do it, why should we go to Xia Guo to work!"

"Absolutely can't go to Xia Guo! The distance of tens of thousands of kilometers is far away from home!"

"Just to see how Geely treats Volvo!"

When everyone was complaining, Chen Yan just walked over.

After completing the acquisition of Saab, there are still many follow-up procedures to go through, so Chen Yan and the team continued to stay in Sweden.

The engineers speak English.

Of course Chen Yan understood.

She looked at everyone with a smile and said: "I know that everyone has some emotions in their hearts. Any job is a two-way choice."

"First of all, I want to tell you that the core era belonging to Europe is over." Chen Yanke was merciless.

As soon as these words came out, everyone at the scene was very unhappy.

Chen Yan added: "Whoever is willing to work in Xia Country, we will pay three times the current salary."

"Enjoy the medical treatment of Changtian Technology."

This is the policy given by Galaxy Energy.

It wasn't Chen Yan's own thought.

"The policy is here. If you are willing to go, you can pack your luggage. Most of Saab's experimental equipment and technical materials will go to Xiaguo."

Of course, the headquarters of the Swedish Saab company and some laboratories and factories will be preserved.

This is for Changtian Technology to prepare for entering the European market in the future.

"If you don't want to go to Xiaguo, you can go through the resignation procedures. We will give you enough compensation in accordance with the local laws of Sweden!"

Europe is very competitive right now.

Especially in the automotive industry, it is even more intense.

It is not easy for everyone to find a job.

So on the one hand, it is three times the salary, and the medical treatment of Changtian Technology.

On the other side, they pack up their things and leave.

All the people fell into silence.

Chen Yan nodded and left the laboratory.

The engineers who were still complaining just now shut up instantly.

If you go to Xiaguo, the treatment is three times that in Sweden, and the most important thing is to be able to enjoy medical treatment!

Don't talk about going to Xia Guo.

They are willing even to go to Africa.

Ferdos, who was still shouting just now, silently applied directly on the work management system that he was willing to go to Xiaguo.

The mouth is broken, but the body is honest.

After all, no one has trouble with money.

At the same time, Ma Guotao also brought good news.

Ma Guotao's judgment was not wrong.

Entering 2017, inland cities are also struggling economically.

Dangdang learned that Cangqiong Automobile, a subsidiary of Changtian Technology, wanted to invest locally.

Both Rongcheng and Zhengshi were very enthusiastic.

The conditions offered by the two sides are close to the same, and they are far superior to the conditions for expulsion from the Shanghai stock market.

For example, Rongcheng directly allocated thousands of acres of land in the eastern part of the city, adjacent to the Volkswagen Industrial Park, as the automobile industrial park of Cangqi Automobile.

At the same time, it said that the factory building will be repaired directly for you, and you only need to bring the equipment and workers over.

Moreover, Rongcheng has given Cangqi Automobile a three-year tax exemption and five-year preferential tax policy.

The purpose is to keep the sky car here.

Moreover, Rongcheng will set up a special policy team to handle all the formalities of the factory and production. The special team will help Cangqiong Auto to complete it, and there is no need for Cangqiong Auto to go through the procedures by itself.

This kind of public servant consciousness of serving at home really demonstrates serving the people.

The most important reason why the two cities are so active is that both cities are inland, and the provinces they are located in are provinces with a large population and a large labor force.

In the past, most of the factories were located in the coastal areas, Shanchuan Province and Henan Province. A large number of laborers worked in the coastal areas, which created a large amount of gdp for the coastal areas, and also caused a large loss of population.

If we can invite excellent factories and let the local labor force work and earn money at the doorstep, it will not only create local GDP and create countless jobs, but more importantly, it will allow a large number of ordinary people to live and work in peace and contentment.

In fact, this is the butterfly effect.

If ordinary people can have stable employment at home, many social problems, including left-behind children, will be resolved, and a virtuous cycle of population quality and employment will be formed.

From this point of view, the cost of building a factory building for Cangqi Automobile and providing land for free is not worth mentioning at all.

Of course, these two cities also have the meaning of gambling.

If Changtian Technology's Sky Auto was not successful, then the city's investment of hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars would have been in vain.

But they all believed in Changtian Technology.

The products developed and mass-produced by Changtian Technology are sure to be successful.

Especially Rongcheng.

They just established the Eastern New District a few years ago, and the important industrial chain is the automobile industry chain.

The big boss among them is Volkswagen, which is expanding its production in China.

Cities are also contradictory.

If Volkswagen's established car companies continue to sell well, then emerging power cars, including Cangqi Auto, will definitely be suppressed.

If emerging power cars such as Cangqi Motors can succeed, then the old brands of Volkswagen and Toyota will decline in sales after all.

This is the rebuttal between the old and the new car forces.

I still made a choice in Rongcheng.

Gao Miao also made a decisive decision and built factories in Zheng City and Rong City respectively. The total investment of the first batch was as high as 5 billion.

Follow up as the situation increases.

Ma Guotao has been very busy these days.

He needs to lead the construction of two factories and the production and placement of equipment.

It is also necessary to arrange the operation of the Ningshi factory and the production of cars.

At the same time, after Saab's team came to Xiaguo, they immediately mixed with the technical team of Xinghe Energy to jointly conquer the chassis technology of the car.

Gao Miao also made it very clear to Saab's team.

After coming to Xia Guo, everything is dominated by Xia Guo's scientific research team.

Saab's team just cooperated.

Let these European engineers put away their pride too.

In fact, there is no need for Gao Miao to emphasize so much, Ferdos and others have already seen it.

Although they do not have access to the core technology of automotive energy systems and electromechanical systems.

But just judging from some technical demonstrations and descriptions, the technical content of Cangqi Automobile has reached a new height before.

This new energy vehicle technology far surpasses the current big old Tesla of new energy vehicles, and even leaves traditional fuel vehicles far behind.

Because the Cangqi Automobile Technology Department has strict confidentiality regulations.

So Ferdos and the others could only suppress the shock in their hearts, and they were very glad that they came to Xiaguo and saw such advanced automobile technology.

If there is no confidentiality agreement.

Ferdows will now certainly tweet and Facebook what he sees, and share it with his friends and with people in the European industry.

Now Ferdos understood what Chen Yan meant when he said that the core era belonging to Europe was over.

Soon under the efforts of the technical team of Galaxy Energy Company.

KQ Motors has developed the latest smart chassis technology.

This chassis technology can make the car very stable on extremely bumpy roads.

Changtian Technology's super chip technology has made the world's most powerful car chassis a reality.

After the chassis debugging was completed, Cangqiong Motor A01 completed the last piece of the puzzle.

Changtian Technology does things very quickly.

After the car is received by the relevant department for filing, mass production will begin immediately.

Chen Xiao plans to make the sky car come out in September this year.

That is to say, the car companies in Europe and Japan have only had a good day in less than a few months.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world.

The industry has already known that Changtian Technology is going to make a car.

And I learned that Saab was acquired by a company controlled by Changtian Technology.

What's more, I learned that Changtian Technology has invested a huge amount of money to build automobile production bases in Zhengshi and Rongcheng.

Before and after, Changtian Technology has already spent billions on the automobile industry, plus some fixed assets, it is not a big problem for the total investment to exceed 10 billion.

The investment has far exceeded some domestic independent brands.

For example, Lifan Motors from a mountain city has a total market value of just over 10 billion.

People in the industry are very puzzled that Changtian Technology has spent such a crazy amount of money in the automotive industry.

After all, Changtian Technology has not built a single car, but with such a large investment, it is hard not to remind people of Mr. Jia of LeTV.

Mr. Jia spent 7 years building a car, spending close to 13 billion. Countless stars and celebrities bought shares, but he lost all his money. Let alone a car, he didn't even make a tire.

The editor-in-chief of the column of the website "Vehicle Home" saw the news of Changtian Technology's car manufacturing on the front page of the website.

On this headline news, Autohome said:

With the country's increasing subsidies for new energy technologies, many Internet companies in UU Reading have entered the car manufacturing industry. They don't have technology, but they have money. But they don't respect the law of automobile development, so the final harvest will be a lot of feathers.

This article did not mention Changtian Technology by name.

But as long as a discerning person sees it, he also knows that this is pointing to something.

After all, there have been too many new forces making cars in the past few years. In addition to Mr. Jia, Bidi, Ideal, Future, Xiaopeng and so on.

Everyone hopes to get a share of new energy vehicles.

But apart from Bidi, Ideal and Future, most of the new energy car manufacturers are just defrauding relevant subsidies from the state.

Even traditional auto companies have joined the new energy vehicle industry.

For the traditional automobile industry, the lack of new energy vehicles is just adding a motor and a battery to the body of the car.

There is no technical content at all.

Everyone joined in one after another, the biggest purpose is to get subsidies and carbon credits.

European media also paid attention to Changtian Technology.

As a powerful country and region in the production of automobiles, The Times published a comment: "Enterprises in Xia country have entered new energy vehicles one after another, posing a severe challenge to the European auto industry."

This is the first paragraph of the article.

However, in the content of the article, there are various criticisms and ridicules against new energy companies, thinking that new energy vehicles are just a toy.

In September, Shanghai Global Auto Show.

The media in the global auto industry have paid attention to Changtian Technology. This time, the global auto show is a competition between new energy vehicles and traditional fuel vehicles.

Tesla, Beedy, Future, Ideal, etc. will all participate.

Even Porsche will exhibit its latest hybrid car.

Will Changtian Technology participate?

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