Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 883: Crazy slap in the face

Is coal power generation a new energy source?

If someone asks this question, whether they are people in the new energy automobile industry or passers-by, they will definitely say in unison: "Coal power generation is definitely a backward energy source. How can it be called a new energy source!"

Coal power generation has a history of hundreds of years, and it will produce a lot of pollution and carbon dioxide emissions, so it must be an outdated energy source.

But if someone asks again, is the electricity in new energy vehicles new energy?

Surely most of them will answer, yes.

See, people are such contradictions and paradoxes.

A short video appeared on the big screen at the press conference.

This is not a video shot by Changtian Technology, but a video shot by a popular science video account at station b.

Among them is a comprehensive evaluation of gasoline and coal power generation.

Taking ordinary gasoline as an example, the calorific value of gasoline is 44000kj per kilogram.

At present, the efficiency of fuel vehicle engines is between 25 and 35. If 30 is used for calculation, then each kilogram of gasoline can actually generate 13200kj of kinetic energy in the fuel vehicle engine.

The calorific value per kilogram of standard coal is 29270 kilojoules, while thermal power plants generally only have a thermal efficiency of about 3538, and the loss of electricity during transmission from the power plant to the user is generally 610.

So in fact, the efficiency of converting one kilogram of coal into electricity is only about 31 to 35.

Coupled with the fact that electricity enters the lithium battery, the actual loss of lithium battery performance.

Thank God that the electricity generated by one kilogram of coal can use 30% of the kinetic energy of new energy vehicles.

So, are new energy vehicles really new energy?

After this short video, a car from the 1950s appeared.

One or two vehicles are kerosene vehicles, with a large oil bag on the roof, all of which are kerosene.

Chen Xiao joked: "Coal is used as kerosene, and kerosene is used as an energy source to burn directly. The kinetic energy provided to the car may be higher than the kinetic energy provided by using coal to generate electricity and charging electricity into the battery."

"History always repeats itself."

The audience at the scene burst into laughter.

The representatives of new energy vehicles sitting in the front row looked very bad.

At the beginning of Changtian Technology's press conference today, it almost smashed the faces of the current global new energy vehicle brands.

It is a logical rejection of the current new energy vehicle model.

Such an opening is quite explosive.

Many anchors who were broadcasting live, this time they had a carnival.

Brother Yan said to the camera: "The opening of the Changtian Technology Cosmic Automobile Conference was so scary and exciting! Chen Xiao directly criticized the domestic new energy vehicle policy, destroying the logic of the current new energy vehicle. "

Brother Yan's live broadcast room also became lively, and the netizens fell into a frenzy.

"My God! Changtian Technology actually compares new energy vehicles with kerosene vehicles in the 1950s!"

"I personally agree with what Chen Xiao said just now. The energy of the new energy vehicles now comes from electricity, and most of the electricity is thermal power. Most of the thermal power is produced by burning coal, so Chen Xiao's Comparably error-free."

"I've always wanted to buy a new energy vehicle, but now it seems that new energy vehicles are not new energy!"

"Domestic automobile manufacturing companies hope to break down the technical barriers of fuel vehicles in Western countries and the East through the research and development of new energy vehicle technology. New energy, environmental protection, I don't understand."

"I agree with the above statement. There is a thermal power plant in my hometown. Although the environmental protection investigations have been very strict in recent years, and my hometown is also a large thermal power plant, it is polluted after all. Every time I go back, the city is gray. All kinds of harmful substances must exceed the standard, and the incidence of various cancers in our hometown is much higher than that in surrounding places every year."

Only when there is controversy can there be topics, and only when there are topics can there be traffic.

Less than an hour after the press conference started, countless media had written the bomb that Chen Xiao threw as headlines.

On Weibo, topics like #New Energy Vehicle Equal Coal Vehicle# went straight to the hot searches.

The amount of discussion on this topic soon exceeded tens of millions. Many Weibo bloggers were discussing this topic, and they quickly gained a wave of traffic.

These bloggers felt that they could make a living by following Changtian Technology.

The scene of the press conference.

Chen Xiao also looked sideways at the photo of the kerosene car.

The reason why he started with this short video today is actually because he has some thoughts in his heart.

Chen Xiao was reborn. Before his rebirth, the global debate on new energy vehicles had never stopped.

In the world before Chen Xiao's rebirth, new energy vehicles actually had two branches.

One is lithium battery new energy vehicle technology dominated by America and Xia, and the other is hydrogen energy technology represented by Toyo.

In all fairness, hydrogen energy technology, whether it is environmental protection requirements or energy utilization, is higher than new energy technologies based on lithium batteries.

But because this technology is only developed by Toyo, if it is successfully developed by Toyo, the initiative of new energy vehicles in the future will be firmly in Toyo's hands.

This is definitely not possible.

So you don't know if Xia Guo and Mi Guo negotiated with each other, or it was tacit understanding.

The two parties jointly brought the global new energy vehicle market to the new energy vehicle technology dominated by lithium batteries.

Let Dongyang play his own game.

Commercial technology products and pure scientific research products are not completely equivalent.

For commercial technology products, no matter how advanced your technology is, if there is no market, all your investment will be in vain.

So under such circumstances, Dongyang suddenly discovered that the entire hydrogen energy technology was only played by himself, not to mention the high cost, and there was no market yet, so he had to quickly give up the hydrogen energy technology and follow behind the United States , Made lithium battery new energy vehicles.

However, after Chen Xiao's rebirth, various countries and consumers around the world have other views on new energy vehicles based on lithium batteries.

The first is the lack of electricity.

Severe weather and unstable war factors have caused global natural gas and coal prices to soar.

This has led to prolonged power shortages in Europe, which generates electricity from natural gas and coal.

The extent of power shortage has even reached the point where the basic electricity consumption of many residents cannot be met.

Under such circumstances, a large number of new energy vehicles cannot find a place to charge, and can only be turned into a coffin box, where they cannot move.

On the contrary, fuel vehicles, which have been advocated and eliminated by Europe, have become emergency vehicles.

Under such circumstances, Europe has made a 180-degree turn. First, it gradually sidelined the Paris Climate Agreement, and then encouraged the construction of thermal power stations. When it is seriously determined, it encourages fuel vehicles to ban the sale of electric vehicles in Europe.

Not only in Europe, but also in Xia Country.

Xia is a country with a large population.

After all, in a country with a large population, the resources allocated per capita are relatively small.

The same is true in the field of electricity.

But the natural climate is unpredictable.

Occasional severe dry weather.

This led to a sudden shortage of electricity in the provinces of mountains and rivers, a major hydropower province.

There is a power shortage. In order to ensure the people's livelihood and the power supply of some key projects, there is no way but to limit the power in some commercial areas.

So in the west of Xia Kingdom, something very unbelievable happened.

Numerous new energy vehicles are crawling on the roads, new energy taxis and new energy private cars are lined up at major charging stations, waiting to be charged.

Cars EV charging queues aren't just for times of power shortage, either.

Because electric vehicles have a limited range and there is no better charging technology at the moment.

So even if some charging stations are equipped with fast charging, new energy vehicles will queue for a long time for charging in some popular tourist attractions or mature highways and cities with a relatively high number of cars.

Since then, people's attitudes towards new energy vehicles have also undergone some changes.

Relevant departments also fell into hesitation.

So before Chen Xiao was reborn, the debate on new energy vehicles still hadn't stopped.

And each country does not have a good way to solve the power problem.

At the press conference, Chen Xiao walked to the center of the stage and said: "It is true that along with the development of new energy vehicles, there are indeed some emerging fields of environmentally friendly energy industries, such as our photovoltaic industry, and our hydropower and wind power."

"However, according to the current progress and the people's demand for electricity, it will take a long time for photovoltaic power generation or hydropower to account for more than 70% of the public's electricity consumption, and the cost will be lower than that of thermal power generation. way to go.”

"In addition, in the production process of lithium batteries, there will also be a lot of ecological pollution problems."

When Chen Xiao said this, three more videos were played on the big screen behind him.

The first video is a lithium ore mining site in Australia.

In the lithium ore mine, all the trees were cut down in the originally lush mountainous area.

The entire mountain was almost hollowed out, and it was dead silent and desolate.

All the animals and plants that used to live here have disappeared, only the roaring machines and the ores that have been mined are left.

The second video is the production workshop of lithium batteries.

Lithium batteries also produce serious pollution when they are produced or recycled.

Lithium batteries are composed of positive electrode powder, negative electrode powder, conductive agent powder, binder powder, electrolyte, organic solution and other components. The cobalt in the positive electrode powder is a toxic metal substance, and the organic dispersant is a toxic organic solvent. Liquid is the most toxic and corrosive component in lithium batteries, which has a direct impact on the human body.

The decomposition or hydrolysis products of lithium batteries are hydrofluoric acid and other fluorine-containing compounds, which are also corrosive and toxic to a certain extent, and can damage the surrounding water and soil environment.

These are some videos of regular factories producing lithium batteries.

The third video is the recycling video of lithium batteries.

Most of the production of lithium batteries are regular manufacturers, but the recycling of lithium batteries is not.

In order to save costs, many recycling plants do not have any environmental protection measures, allowing a large amount of toxic and harmful substances to be discharged into rivers and soil, causing immeasurable losses to the environment.

A line of words was printed on the big screen: "Is this new energy really protecting the environment?"

At the press conference, both the audience and the netizens watching the webcast fell silent after seeing these three videos.

Only then did everyone know that behind the glamorous new energy, there have always been so many contradictions and unresolvable problems.

on the virtual scene.

After a brief silence among the audience watching the press conference, heated discussions began.

One netizen stood up excitedly and said:

"After watching these three videos played at the press conference, I was quite touched.

My family lives in a small village in Huxi Province, where the largest industrial chain is the recycling and dismantling of power batteries. Almost every household is doing this kind of business. We locals don't even dare to eat locally grown vegetables and rice, because the land and water sources are all polluted, and the number of people who die and suffer from cancer every year is even more terrifying. "

"These power battery recycling factories in our village are all small workshops, and have formed a mature industrial chain. They recycle waste power batteries through various channels, directly dismantle waste batteries, and remove precious metals such as Cobalt and lithium are extracted for secondary sales or produced into new batteries through simple processing links, and sold directly to car factories."

"These black workshops don't consider environmental pollution and other issues at all. The damage to the ecological environment caused by this kind of dismantling is absolutely irreversible, and it may be difficult to repair for hundreds or thousands of years."

"Don't think that those large factories that recycle lithium batteries are so noble. In order to save their own costs and meet their environmental protection standards, they are very willing to buy recycled heavy metals and raw materials from those black workshops. After all The environmental costs and risks have been borne by those small workshops, and they themselves are clean."

This netizen's speech was very intense, because the beautiful mountain village he grew up in has changed beyond recognition over the past few years.

Moreover, many of his relatives also suffered from cancer because of this kind of work, and some of them even died.

Perhaps in order to prove that his statement is correct.

The netizen immediately posted photos of his hometown on Weibo and Suichat.

Black workshops that illegally disassemble lithium batteries are absolutely not allowed to exist, and they will be severely punished in law

But people often take risks for their own interests.

Moreover, this kind of collective crime from village to village really caused a headache for the relevant departments.

At the press conference, Chen Xiao said very seriously:

"Based on the above reasons, the sky car built by Changtian Technology will never use lithium batteries."

"We must find a new energy and new energy vehicles suitable for the long-term development of the country and convenient for the public."

"So we launched the Sky Car!"

At this moment, the staff drove Cangqiong A01 car from a distance.

There was an exclamation at the scene.

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