Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 893: Hammer your advantageous industries (1)

The latest website: After Xia Guo joined the WTO, it opened up more and more to the outside world.

So after 2002, all major mainstream media around the world sent resident reporters to Xia Guo.

Many well-known media also set up the headquarters of the Asia-Pacific region in Xiaguo.

Therefore, after the daily sales and order quantity of Changtian Technology Cosmic Automobile came out, it immediately attracted the attention of the global media.

This sales figure shocked everyone.

Not only is the Volkswagen Lavida, which has the highest sales volume in Xiaguo, unable to reach this level of daily sales, even the Toyota Corolla, the magic car, cannot reach this level of sales when it is doing promotional activities.

But the sky car that just came out did it.

At first, the Western media didn't believe this data, but when they saw that this data was broadcast by Xia Guo TV's news network, and it took 1 minute and 30 seconds to broadcast the data, they believed it completely.

As national media, there is no need to lie about this kind of thing.

Moreover, the media also learned about the authenticity of Cangqiong's car sales through various channels.

The media were incomparably horrified.

Many media including bb and The Times of Europe immediately followed up and reported on this matter.

According to the reporting style of the Western media, on the one hand, he admits the fact of your sales volume, on the other hand, he will always think of a way to discredit the sky car and disgust the people of Xia Kingdom.

But no matter what, the sales volume of Cangqiong Automobile is there, and it will not disappear because you report it or don't report it.

Toyota's Xiaguo District Headquarters immediately obtained the sales data of Cangqiong Automobile.

Taishi Murakami, the person in charge of Xia Guo District Headquarters, saw this sales data, his face turned dark.

The target of Sky Auto's competition is not only Tesla, but also gasoline vehicles, and Toyota fuel vehicles, which are famous for their fuel efficiency.

And along with this data, is the sales data of Toyota Motor in Suzhou, Hangzhou, Shanghai and Jiangzhou during this period.

About 200,000 car sales data is 0.

This is the first time that Toyota has entered the Xiaguo market in more than 20 years.

Not only is the sales volume of more than 200,000 cars falling, but the sales of Corolla and other models with more than 100,000 are also plummeting.

If this trend continues, Toyota, which originally ranked second in the Xiaguo sales market, is second only to Volkswagen, and it is very likely that it will fall to the bottom.

In the past few years, because of the crazy pursuit of Toyota vehicles by Xia Guo users, the pride of Toyota Xia Guo has been formed.

Hot-selling models will never be sold at a reduced price.

Explosive models, absolute price increase sales.

The key is that people in the Xia Kingdom eat this.

The more you raise the price of Toyota, the more you don't sell it at a lower price, the more Xiaguo users will like it.

And Toyota has his mark at every level.

The 100,000-level Corolla, the 200,000-level Camry, the suv, and the Highlander, which is sold at a price increase of 30,000 yuan, and the off-road-level Rand Cruiser with an increase of tens of thousands or even 100,000 yuan.

Xia people also proudly uttered such a slogan: There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and there must be a Toyota car if there is a road.

Land Cruiser (Land Cruiser) was even called overbearing car more than 10 years ago.

When this kind of domineering car was advertising, it drove to the side of Lugou Bridge, and the stone lion beside the Lubu Bridge paid a salute to the domineering car.

A product of Dongyang, the lion of Marco Polo Bridge.

To say that the Orientals really don't understand the Xiaguo market, so they make such ignorant advertisements?

Quite the opposite.

The Dongyang people really know what the Xia people are thinking.

It is because he knows what you are thinking and where your sensitive points are, that's why he makes such unscrupulous propaganda.

Because they also believed that the Xia people were so forgetful, and after creating a hot spot, Domineering even sold better.

Even second-hand cars are being sold at an increased price, which is considered by many people in the auto industry to be financial products.

As for Toyota's Lexus, it is even more incredible.

Although the performance of the car is weak, it is advertised as a mature and stable technology.

Although the quantity sales are not too much, all Lexus are imported, and the profit is super high.

Only selling a little bit can make Toyota enough profit.

The Toyota cars produced in the country of Xia and the Toyota cars produced in the United States are two completely different types.

In order to save fuel and cost, the cars produced in Xiaguo can save as much material as possible. Those that can have plastic will never use steel, and those that can use one-millimeter steel plates will never use three-millimeter steel plates.

In the U.S. market or in the Japanese local market, Toyota is stacking materials, which are really durable.

It is precisely because of this sales model and the continuous good feedback from Xiaguo consumers to Toyota that the Xiaguo market has given Toyota executives a general impression.

That is, the Xiaguo market is Kaizi, even if you feed the dung to this market, the consumers in this market will open their mouths to accept it, and shout that it is delicious!

But suddenly one day, consumers in Xiaguo actually felt that Toyota was not good?

How can this not make Toyota feel nervous.

After all, Xia Guo is one of Toyota's most profitable markets.

After Taishi Murakami learned of the sales data of Cangqiong Automobile, he immediately held a high-level meeting at Xia Gong's headquarters to discuss how to deal with it.

After a two-hour meeting, the extremely proud Murakami Taishi did not accept the fact that Toyota is likely to be at a disadvantage in future automotive technology.

Instead, he blamed the ignorance of consumers in Xiaguo for the decline in Toyota's sales in multiple markets in the past few days.

Buying blindly with your eyes closed, there is no car background, and there is no brand background of Cangqiong Automobile, which is blind to users in Xiaguo.

Therefore, when Taishi Murakami gave a report to Toyo in the name of Toyota Natsuko's headquarters, he did not think that the sales of Sky Motors on this day were a threat to Toyota.

On the contrary, they think that the consumers in Xiaguo are ignorant. After a large number of consumers use Cangqiong cars and the market tests Cangqiong cars, they will find that Toyota cars are the real fragrance.

Of course, Taishi Murakami is not a complete fool, he also sees the threat of KQ Motors to Toyota.

But the report must never be written like this. After all, it is absolutely impossible for an incompetent person to take the initiative to admit that he is incompetent.

The report was sent to Akio Toyoda.

Akio Toyoda was still very worried about the sky after watching the car conference of the sky.

But after seeing the telegram report from Xia Guo headquarters.

He also felt that it was useless to worry now.

We can only wait for the feedback from the market.

At the same time, he adopted the countermeasures of Toyota Xiaguo headquarters.

A series of Toyota propaganda reports (both positive and negative) on Xia Guo.

The positive ones are of course various soft articles about Toyota.

For example, if you drive it for 20 years, it will not break down, and you can drive it for 1,000 kilometers with one tank of gas, etc.

The negative thing is of course to create some sense of crisis for consumers.

For example, although the energy used by the KQ car is very cheap, the KQ motor circuit is not good.

If you don’t drive for tens of thousands of kilometers, there will be a major repair, which will cost tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, and the money you save on fuel will be spent on repairs.

It will also promote that Toyota will increase prices in the near future, so as to create a sense of crisis for consumers and stimulate consumers' desire to buy quickly.

Dongyang's penetration of Xiaguo is in various fields such as business culture.

After Toyota's related publicity plan came out.

The entire Xia Kingdom internet is buzzing.

Suddenly, there were many more owners of Cangqiong cars, and they complained in various ways that the motor of the Cangqiong car broke down not long after it was driven.

There is also a serious story written in the first-person mode, saying that the sky car stalled on the highway, and the bio-battery showed that the energy was full, but there was no way to start it, etc.

All kinds of essays, big and small, flooded in. Anyway, rumors don't need money.

Even if the rumor is finally refuted, then Toyota's goal has been achieved.

Not to mention, this method really works.

Those users whose budgets are not too high, only in the early 200,000s, after seeing these small essays, especially those written in the first person, their hearts began to groan.

Are they worried that the quality of the Cangqiong car will not pass the test?

After all, Changtian Technology has never had a history of making cars.

The 200,000 yuan has been spent. What should I do if I buy a car and have problems every day?

Of course, the publicity department of Changtian Technology and the Internet market public opinion monitoring department discovered these small essays that popped up out of nowhere.

Wang Xiang reported this matter to Chen Xiao, but Chen Xiao dismissed it, and didn't even have the motivation to refute the rumors.

Chen Xiao said to Wang Xiang: "If you see these small essays, you will give up buying a sky car, we would rather not have this kind of user."

The last sentence Chen Xiao said touched Wang Xiang very much, "Like other products of Changtian Technology before, Sky Motor will go abroad sooner or later. We have the strength to control the domestic public opinion environment, but we have no way Shut up the outsiders, so the attack that Cangqiong Automobile will face in the European or global auto market will be more serious in the future.”

"What should we do? The only way is to use our real strength to let consumers make the most correct judgment."

At the same time, the public also found the problem.

As Xiaguo's best-selling brand, Volkswagen's sales in mainstream markets such as the Shanghai stock market and Suzhou and Hangzhou have also declined.

The number of users in the automotive market is actually constant, and the annual growth of users is just that much.

Although a car is a consumer product, it is not a consumer product that is replaced quickly.

Most users will drive at least one car when they buy it, for five or even ten years.

So if a user buys a sky car, he will never buy a second car for a long time in the future, let alone a Toyota or Volkswagen car.

The sky car has only been on sale for a few days, and the momentum is so strong, which makes the public feel very nervous.

But VW chose to respond to the crisis the same way Toyota did, they had to wait.

Waiting for the feedback from the first batch of Sky Car users after use.

Volkswagen engineers also believe that automobiles are highly industrialized and integrated products.

It is definitely not a company that can simply make a battery and a chassis.

Therefore, they believed that even if Cangqi Automobile boasted amazingly at the press conference.

However, users will definitely encounter various problems in the actual experience process.

At that time, the user will find that I save these few gas dollars, or enjoy the so-called intelligent system, but the car I bought has a lot of problems, and it is too late to repair. It is better to buy a fuel car in a down-to-earth manner. .

Of course, the public also mobilized some power of public opinion ambushed in the country of Xia.

Cooperating with Toyota, I started to write a small composition aimed at some weaknesses of Cangqiong Automobile.

As for the foreign public opinion market, there is no need for Volkswagen and Toyota to worry about it.

Because the overseas public opinion market is naturally disgusted with Xia Guo's products.

He doesn't need your advice, he will be black without a bottom line.

Instead, at this moment.

Negotiations between Cangqi Auto and several energy companies have also encountered some troubles.

Among them, Xiaguo's domestic companies, Xiaguo Petroleum and Xiaguo Petrochemical, are very reluctant to sell energy blocks as agents.

Even though the relevant departments of the country have issued a plan to support Changtian Technology's new energy vehicles, and even have made clear requirements, these energy companies must cooperate with Changtian Technology to sell energy blocks as agents to facilitate users who buy Sky cars.

But put it in the interests of the enterprise itself.

They are very reluctant.

On the one hand, a 6-kilogram energy block can make the Sky car run 1,000 kilometers.

And a 6kg energy block costs only 30 yuan, and the profit is only 10 yuan.

This part of the profit is far worse than that of gasoline.

If in the future most of Xia Guo's cars are sky cars, all gas stations will change their banners to sell energy.

Then the profits of gas stations will definitely collapse by more than 90%.

One of the most important profits for energy companies comes from gas stations.

This result is absolutely unwilling to accept them.

The negotiations between the negotiation team sent by Changtian Technology and several domestic energy companies have reached a stalemate.

As for energy companies invested by Shell and other overseas companies, as well as local informal forces (non-state-owned local energy companies, or private gas station groups), they are even more unwilling to cooperate with Changtian Technology.

Also because of interests.

A refueling company named Luhai Petroleum, which wholesales Xiaguo Petroleum Group gasoline as a gas station, even bluntly said to the negotiator of Changtian Technology: "Let us sell your energy blocks as well." Yes, unless we are allowed to set a free price for your energy blocks, you can’t interfere with our pricing, and I can sell at least 200 yuan for 1 kg of energy blocks, so I can deduct my losses on gasoline.”

The words are rough and the rationale is not rough.

From the company's point of view, it really puts interests first.

This is understandable.

But times are changing.

Technology is advancing.

There are some backward production capacities that should be eliminated and must be eliminated.

For example, when the textile machine came out, it would definitely eliminate a large number of home textile workshops.

It is impossible for the country to directly abolish the mechanical room because the family workshop has supported many

People are in this era, and only by constantly updating themselves and keeping up with the times can they survive.

The same is true for businesses.

Chen Xiao gave orders to the negotiation team in the name of the group company.

In negotiations with energy companies, some concessions can be made.

The price of energy blocks can be sold at no higher than 7 yuan per kilogram. In addition, Changtian Technology will give certain cash subsidies to the cooperative gas stations.

Changtian Technology hopes that everyone can work together to support the country's energy strategy and the development of new energy vehicles.

Unexpectedly, when the negotiation team of Changtian Technology raised this condition, the major energy companies did not accept the offer at all, saying that they would not negotiate, purchase or sell.

This time, not only Chen Xiao was angry, but also the relevant departments of the country.

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